The nine-chapter Yunji DataCanvas AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system was officially released, opening a new era of AI intelligent computing

  Zhonghong Network, April 19  On April 18, 2024, the new product launch conference of Nine Chapters Yunji DataCanvas intelligent computing operating system was grandly held in Beijing, and the new product DATACANVAS AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system (hereinafter referred to as "AIDC OS") was officially announced. AIDC OS is based on excellent AI technical strength and AI basic software, with the innovative purpose of redefining and breaking through tradition, and with industry leadership and standard setting as the value starting point, it has become a new practical milestone for Nine Chapters Yunji DataCanvas on the strategic journey of "algorithm + computing power" integrated AI services.

  The theme of this conference is "DATACANVAS AIDC OS @FUTURE", focusing on the "nerve center" of the intelligent computing center – the intelligent computing operating system, in-depth discussion of a series of core topics in the intelligent computing industry, such as intelligent computing power, intelligent computing network, intelligent computing center solutions, and high-quality development of intelligent computing centers. Experts, domestic and foreign entrepreneurs and scholars from the political, industrial and academic circles output international forward-looking insights at this conference, and create new potential for the intelligent computing industry to accelerate global development.

  Refactoring computing, AIDC OS defines a new computing infrastructure

  At the press conference, Fang Lei, chairperson of Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Company, deeply analyzed the new direction and new opportunities of the computing world under the influence of the big model, revealed the importance and complexity of the current underlying computing revolution, and looked forward to the mutual influence and innovation space of the co-evolution of software and hardware. He pointed out that the era of software-defined computing power is coming, and the AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system will play a key role in this transformation.

  "The underlying computing revolution brought by the big model has officially arrived, and the DATACANVAS AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system will be the core driver to lead the industrial restructuring under this revolution," said Fang Lei, chairperson of Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas.

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  Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Chairperson Fang Lei

  At present, a new round of low-level computing revolution is triggered by the rise of the big model. Low-level computing has always been the result of the collaboration between software and hardware, and the close cooperation between software and hardware is particularly important, each ushering in new opportunities and challenges.

  Looking back at the evolution of the computing world, a common objective law is obvious: hardware has always evolved to meet the final computing needs, while software uses the form of an operating system as a bridge to seamlessly connect hardware and applications. In this revolution, with the continuous development of hardware technology and the intensification of the homogenization trend, the innovation space of software has become increasingly broad, and its role in the revolution has become increasingly important.

  In this context, the AIFS artificial intelligence basic software has given birth to huge development opportunities. The DATACANVAS AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system, which is based on the AIFS artificial intelligence basic software, is leading the innovation of computing power infrastructure with its unique functions and positioning.

  Unlike traditional resource management drivers that serve hardware, AIDC OS is driven by AI usage capabilities. It not only focuses on the effective management and utilization of hardware resources, but also focuses on how to better meet the core computing power needs of end users: through intelligent scheduling and optimized configuration, AIDC OS will provide users with available, easy-to-use and economical computing power.

  Therefore, AIDC OS is not only a bridge between software and hardware, but also a key force in defining computing power infrastructure in the new computing world. Its appearance will promote a leap in computing power and provide a solid support for the wide application of AI technology and large models.

  Five core values, AIDC OS helps the smart computing industry take off

  Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Co-founder and CTO Shang Mingdong officially released the DATACANVAS AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system. He introduced that the AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system is in the middle of the intelligent computing center industry ecosystem, establishing an efficient link between the underlying hardware chip and the upper large model.

  AIDC OS can coordinate large-scale GPU computing power downward to ensure that hardware resources are effectively utilized and efficiently managed; in addition, we provide a complete large-scale model toolchain upward, providing a convenient and efficient development environment for large-scale model training and inference and large-scale model applications to meet the needs of complex AI tasks.

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  Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Founder and CTO Shang Mingdong

  Directly attacking the difficulties in the management of heterogeneous computing power resources, insufficient computing power scheduling capabilities and low utilization rates, insufficient AI acceleration and optimization capabilities, and high-threshold industries for AI large-scale model training and fine-tuning, AIDC OS built five value bases in the early stage of design: farewell to "bare metal", born for AI, global acceleration and optimization, heterogeneous computing power management and scheduling, and 1 degree of computing power, and designed product functions based on this. At the press conference, Mr. Shang Mingdong started from the core value and detailed the highlights and performance advantages of AIDC OS.

  Based on the five core values, DATACANVAS AIDC OS will provide the computing power center with an efficient computing power operating system, more valuable computing power services, and more, more convenient, and more efficient computing services, and will play an increasingly important role in the computing ecosystem with the computing center as the carrier.

  Focusing on the frontier, going to AI intelligent computing green waters and green mountains

  During the press conference, Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Company signed four strategic cooperation agreements with core ecological partners at home and abroad, including Xinhua Publishing House, Shuguang Information Industry joint stock company, Huangshan Tourism Development joint stock company and Singapore technology company Krakatoa Tech. The cooperation covers empowering intelligent computing economy, vertical large-scale model construction, artificial intelligence industry basic services, intelligent computing center ecological construction, and artificial intelligence basic software ecological construction. The advantageous business scale of Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Company, including vertical large-scale models and intelligent computing centers, will be further consolidated and expanded.

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  Nine chapters Yunji DataCanvas Company and Xinhua Publishing House, Shuguang Information Industry joint stock company, Huangshan Tourism Development joint stock company and Krakatoa Tech and other core ecological partners at home and abroad officially signed four strategic cooperation agreements

  Kuang Lecheng, chairman of Xinhua Publishing House Co., Ltd., Guan Hongming, senior vice president of Shuguang Information Industry joint stock company, Tang Shinan, party committee member and senior vice president of Huangshan Tourism Development joint stock company, Jumeidi Alexander, co-founder of Krakatoa Tech and CDO, and Fang Lei, chairman of Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Company, attended the signing ceremony on behalf of all companies.

  During the same period of the conference, partner companies from the upstream and downstream of the intelligent computing industry will focus on the future development of the intelligent computing operating system and the intelligent computing industry, output the most cutting-edge innovation practices in their respective fields, and further accelerate the integration and innovation of the intelligent computing ecosystem.

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  Sun Shaoling, Deputy General Manager of China Mobile Group Cloud Capability Center

  Pointing directly at the urgent need for intelligent computing power, Sun Shaoling, deputy general manager of China Mobile Group’s Cloud Competence Center, pointed out in the keynote speech "AI + Cloud Integration, Helping High-Quality Development of Computing Power", "At present, the rapid development of AI native applications has given birth to the model innovation of AI infrastructure and service platform, and the integration of cloud + AI has become the future development direction unanimously recognized by the industry. In this change, Mobile Cloud actively builds a new generation of intelligent computing cloud operating system for intelligent computing business. By integrating large-scale and diverse intelligent computing power resources, it creates an intelligent computing network scheduling system, provides more comprehensive and efficient AI native platform service support, accelerates the rise of new quality productivity, and jointly builds a new AI ecosystem to help the transformation of AI + in thousands of industries."

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  Ming Libo, Assistant to the President of Shuguang Zhishou Information Technology Co., Ltd.

  Ming Libo, assistant to the president of Shuguang Intelligent Computing Information Technology Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech on "From Hashrate to Hashrate Grid Connection", which deeply analyzed the development trend of computing power from the three aspects of chips, applications, and computing networks. He pointed out that the status of computing power as the core productivity will not change, and the future new era of computing power networks and inclusive and efficient computing power grid integration will effectively alleviate computing power anxiety and accelerate the amplification of computing power value. Facing the future, six major fields such as computing power demand, large models, computing power applications, computing power services, computing power integration, and computing power integration are still full of opportunities and development space.

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  Xiao Chunxi, Vice President of H3C Group and General Manager of Marketing Technology Department

  Xiao Chunxi, vice president of H3C Group and general manager of the Marketing Technology Department, mentioned in "Building a Solid Foundation and Exploring the Future, H3C’s Understanding and Practice of AI Intelligent Computing Industry" that "computing power is national strength, and intelligence is the future". Artificial intelligence technology and intelligent computing centers have become the key direction of national strategy. Intelligent computing power, as the cornerstone of the AIGC industry, is growing exponentially and has also become a new type of infrastructure for cities. As a leader in digital solutions, H3C has built intelligent computing centers with governments at all levels with the innovative model of "Turing Town" to empower industrial incubation. H3C will join hands with partners to give full play to the capabilities and advantages of both parties, and jointly support the construction of intelligent computing centers for governments and enterprises at all levels to empower intelligent business transformation.

  Zhou Xiaoling, Vice President of Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Company, hosted a roundtable forum entitled "In the era of computing power economy, talk about the catalyst for the high-quality development of intelligent computing centers". Li Shihua, Governor of Huashan District, Ma’anshan City, Anhui Province, Guang Xiaoming, Deputy General Manager of Tianyi Cloud Technology Co., Ltd., Ari Sondang, General Manager of Telkomsel Network Department of Indonesian telecom operator, and Lu Yao, Assistant Professor of National University of Singapore, participated in the dialogue and contributed unique insights for the future development of the international intelligent computing industry.

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  Zhou Xiaoling, Vice President of Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Company, chaired the roundtable forum

  As an AIFS artificial intelligence basic software provider, Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas will continue to play the technical advantages of AI basic software and seize the opportunity window of the intelligent computing era. The official release of the DATACANVAS AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system marks the company’s comprehensive upgrade in integrated AI services, and the new era of AI intelligent computing has officially opened.

NetTest CMA5000 multi-layer network test platform

  In a rapidly changing environment, adaptability is the key to success. In the extremely competitive communication market, it is very important to deploy new services quickly and meet customer needs in time. NetTest is one of the few companies active in all major network technology fields. NetTest has the experience and professionals to develop test and measurement solutions, which can fully meet your current and future needs. From DWDM, SONET/SDH and Gigabit Ethernet testing to dispersion and OTDR measurement, CMA5000 is an ideal solution. In addition to unparalleled flexibility and scalability, CMA5000′ s high-performance measurement application can also install, open and archive the network more effectively, thus accelerating the deployment of new services. From physical layer, data link layer, network layer to transport layer, CMA5000 provides a real multi-layer network testing solution.

  CMA5000 is the first high-performance and scalable test and measurement solution in the industry, which can meet the demanding requirements of communication professionals, accelerate the opening of new services and reduce the overall measurement cost.

   CMA5000′ s open structure design, powerful functions and modular platform can provide the highest performance measurement application, which can help users analyze and open the network faster than competitors and start making profits earlier. In addition, the configuration flexibility and expansibility of CMA5000 enable it to be improved with the change of users’ test requirements and the constant change of telecom infrastructure technical requirements.

  I. Analysis of Physical Layer Characteristics

CMA5000 continues NetTest’s long-term leading position in the field of optical fiber and network characteristic analysis. CMA5000 OTDR application provides a dynamic range of over 50 dB, and can obtain the required OTDR test information on any link in a few seconds.

  Providing the best OTDR performance is only a good beginning. In the process of comprehensive analysis of physical layer media characteristics, the function and scalability of CMA5000 platform are particularly prominent. Combined with the best OTDR in the industry, CMA5000 can provide all the test applications needed for perfect physical medium characteristic analysis, including:

chromatic dispersion

Polarization mode dispersion

Visible fault locator


Optical return loss

Visual detection probe (for connector inspection)

Loss tester

Second, the DWDM network equipment installation

  With the beginning of network installation, the final delivery deadline is approaching day by day, and time is of the essence. During the equipment installation, CMA5000 can help you complete the task correctly once, which speeds up the deployment of the network. With the intuitive display of information including channel wavelength (or frequency) and power, OSNR and system gain slope, the application of spectral analysis (OSA) and optical channel analysis (OCA) provides accurate and efficient network channel management, power balance and adjustment.

  In addition to the industry-leading OSA and OCA performance, CMA5000 also provides a visual inspection probe (VIP) to verify the connector quality, and the optical power meter is used to measure the power of a single channel or the overall system power. When used with high power amplifiers and pump lasers, safety is the key. VIP provides a safe and reliable method for inspecting, evaluating and recording the end face condition of connectors, thus avoiding potential dangerous situations.

  Whether testing transmitter, amplifier, receiver or other optical devices, CMA5000 OSA, OCA, visual detection probe and optical power meter all provide the required performance for the rapid installation of network equipment.

Third, the network is opened

  Today’s competitive environment requires the network to provide extremely high performance and reliability, ensuring that the failure time is minimized. CMA5000 is once again your best choice for characteristic analysis and archiving under such strict performance level requirements. The application of optical transmission analysis (OTA) provides efficient and reliable testing for many parameters, including alarm and error code analysis, APS with 125 μs resolution, round-trip delay measurement with 100 ns resolution, and network availability and performance evaluation. OTA application can analyze the characteristics of PDH/T-carriers to SONET/SDH with a speed of up to 10 GB/s. In addition, OTA’s innovative fault scanning function can automatically detect problems, so as to quickly identify and correct network damage and ensure that the network meets your and your customers’ expectations.

Fourth, business deployment

  When the network construction is about to be completed, customers will be eager to deploy new services. At this time, time is of the essence. CMA5000 Gigabit Ethernet application can help you meet the challenge and ensure that key parameters including throughput, delay, frame rate, lost frames, etc. (see RFC 2544 for details) are met, thus accelerating business deployment. In addition, the measurement of error code at the frame level and the comprehensive IP statistics function enable CMA5000 to provide key layer 2 QoS information. Gigabit Ethernet test application provides the required performance for the installation, maintenance and fault location of Ethernet network based on 10/100/1000 Mbps with its unparalleled high efficiency and ease of use.

  The flexible and extensible design of CMA5000 integrated test platform integrates the best functions of each test application, which accelerates business deployment, reduces measurement costs and optimizes bandwidth.

V. Summary

  The following are just some of the tests conducted by NetTest to ensure the optimal performance of all network layers:

1 transport layer

Protocol analysis


Channel usage

Performance and load

2 Network layer

· IP QoS

· RFC-2544

· SLA verification

3 data link layer

· 10/100/1000 Ethernet

Ethernet based on SONE/ISDN


Error code


Sudden ability

Lost package

Frame loss

4 Physical layer (upper layer) DWDM and SONET/SDH


Channel signal-to-noise ratio and drift

Power measurement

Error code

Automatic protection switching

Propagation delay

5 Physical layer (lower layer) medium


· CD


End-to-end attenuation

Optical return loss

Visible fault location

Inspection of connector

Optical telephone

Optical switch

Huawei recreates the explosion car! 12-hour pre-sale order for the new M5 in Wenjie exceeded 10,000.

On April 17th, HarmonyOS Zhixing officially announced today that the new M5 in Wenjie opened for pre-sale.

And by this evening,Only 12 hours after the pre-sale, the cumulative order for the new M5 has exceeded 10,000 units.Successfully booked the identity of the explosion.

For customers who booked before the release, HarmonyOS Zhixing gave a preferential policy of 2,000 yuan to deduct 5,000 yuan from the car purchase, and gave priority to pick up the car.

Huawei recreates the explosion car! 12-hour pre-sale order for the new M5 in Wenjie exceeded 10,000.

HarmonyOS zhixing APP shows that,The configuration of the new M5 has been simplified, and three models have been introduced, namely, the extended range Max RS, the extended range Max and the pure electric Max.

The exterior color matching of Metropolitan Red and Tahiti Gray is added, and the interior color matching of amber brown is added; RS can be equipped with 20-inch RS Obsidian sports wheels and RS Black Yao Kit.

The Max version of all models started, and they are all equipped with Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, so you can experience Huawei’s strongest intelligent driving when you get started.

In the RS version, the front four-ball double wishbone suspension is added, and it is expected that the chassis and control part will be upgraded and strengthened.

Huawei recreates the explosion car! 12-hour pre-sale order for the new M5 in Wenjie exceeded 10,000.

Regarding the market performance of the new M5, Yu Chengdong said that from the current market feedback, the order volume is gratifying.

Previously, after the release of the new M7, it was a great success, and the scheduled quantity once exceeded 100,000 units. The latest new M5 is also expected to reproduce the sales myth of the new M7.

The 48-hour three-time swimming world record genius Ziegler terrorizes the world.

    Titan sports News Ten months ahead of schedule, American female long-distance swimmer kate ziegler began to build momentum for her trip to the Beijing Olympic Games next year. On October 14th, in a short-course competition in Essen, Germany, Ziegler set a new world record for the 800m freestyle just two days ago-it was the third time in a row that she broke the world record within 48 hours!

    [Breaking records becomes a common practice]

    The 19-year-old Ziegler swam 8 minutes and 8 seconds in the 800-meter freestyle on the 14th, but in the 12th, she had already achieved 8 minutes and 9 seconds and 68 seconds in the first 800 meters of the 1,500-meter race, breaking the previous 800-meter world record of 8 minutes and 11 seconds held by French player Manudou. It took Ziegler only 15 minutes, 32.90 seconds to swim the whole 1500 meters, which also broke Manudu’s world record of 15 minutes, 42.39 seconds. This is the second time that she has broken the world record of 1500 meters in nearly 10 seconds! In June this year, Ziegler broke the world record of 15 minutes, 52.10 seconds set by Janet Evans, the greatest female swimmer in American history, in 15 minutes, 42.54 seconds, and shortened the record by 9.56 seconds at one time.

    Evans, who retired 10 years ago, was also amazed at Ziegler’s achievements. The latter once sincerely praised Ziegler when he broke his world record for the first time in June this year: "1500 meters has always been my favorite. Kate broke my record at the same age as I was. It was terrible. This record often advances by 1/100th of a second, so you have to admit that she is one of the greatest athletes in the 1500m event. "

    Kate ziegler was born in Virginia, USA on June 27th, 1988, and won the 800m and 1500m gold medals in two consecutive swimming world championships in 2005 and 2007. She is also the second female swimmer to swim 16 points in the 1500m after Evans.

    Ziegler is simply a swimmer born for records-he is good at freestyle from 200 meters to 1500 meters. Since he was 15 years old, he has set new American records one after another, including American records of all ages in long-distance events, many of which are on Evans’ shoulder. What is more representative is that in February 2005, she broke the national record of 800 meters, which had been silent for 25 years, in 8 minutes 16.32 seconds, which was also the longest national record in American swimming events at that time. Now, the national records of American 500-meter freestyle, 800-meter freestyle, 1000-meter freestyle and 1500-meter freestyle have been recorded in Ziegler’s name!

    [A swimsuit makes a genius]

    In fact, kate ziegler didn’t show her talent for swimming when she was a child. Even when she was 6 years old, she started swimming training not because she was attracted by the sport, but because the uniform of a swimming team near her home was particularly beautiful, so she cried and begged her parents to buy one for herself. Ziegler recalled: "It was a blue team uniform with beautiful patterns like fireworks. I think it’s so cool. " However, her mother told her that she wouldn’t buy it for her unless she joined the swimming team. "At that time, I cried when I talked." Ziegler said with a smile, "Later, I met with the coach of the swimming team and immediately felt at home. Since then, I have been insisting on swimming down. "

    At the age of 9, Ziegler was once again stumped by swimming, because at this age, children need to change from the 25m pool to the 50m pool. "I remember crying and shouting,’ I’m not swimming! I can’t swim 50 meters.’ "Ziegler laughed and recalled," fortunately, I persisted later. Now I like swimming 1500 meters best. " She is now faster than all the female athletes in the world in this event.

    However, because there is no women’s 1500-meter swimming event in the Olympic Games, Ziegler can only lock her gold medal goal above 800 meters, which makes her feel very depressed. "I can’t understand this situation, but I can’t change it."

    In June this year, Ziegler broke the dusty record of 1500m freestyle with a time of 15 minutes 42.54 seconds, less than 10 days before her 19th birthday. Ray Benecchi, the coach who has been training Ziegler since she was 13 years old, commented on the significance of the new record: "Shortening the record by 10 seconds means shortening every 100 meters by 2/3 seconds, which is like shortening the world record of 100 meters freestyle by 0.36 seconds. Perhaps, 10 seconds is really too much! "

    However, in people’s general consciousness, including the World Championships, the champion of any competition and the world record are not as heavy as an Olympic gold medal. After the National Swimming Championships, Ziegler rested for three weeks, during which he only went into the water occasionally to keep his feeling. "My central task this year is to adjust my state for the Olympic Games. For a long time, there are many really great swimmers who swim very well in non-Olympic years, but they are not remembered because they are not achievements in the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games is a difficult challenge, and I am full of expectations for it. "

    [Homesick girls drop out of school to prepare for war]

    Ziegler defines herself as a homesick girl. "Even if our whole family is going on vacation together, I will say, I want to stay at home and sleep."

    Even though she has become one of the best swimmers in the world, before she graduated from high school in June 2006, Ziegler will still compete on behalf of her O’Connell high school swimming team. Her contract with Speedo, a swimming costume sponsor, was signed in 2013, and her salary was as high as seven figures. However, Ziegler believes that money is not what he values most. "Teammates are more important than making money. I love my alma mater and I feel very comfortable in O’Connell High School. "

    When she gave up her university scholarship to become a professional athlete in 2006, she made a homesick choice again. After visiting Georgia and Florida, she chose to stay in George Mei Sen, where she grew up. "So I can take my clothes home to wash and eat a great home-cooked meal every day. Great, I am close to home, and I can see my mother whenever I want to hug her. "

    Not only that, in George Mei Sen’s men’s and women’s swimming team, Ziegler volunteered to be an assistant coach, and sometimes he trained with the men’s 1500m swimmers.

    The reason why Ziegler temporarily gave up the university scholarship is that she had to concentrate on training one year before the Olympic Games. After the Olympic Games, she will return to school to study for a degree in psychology. "I think if I just swim every day, I will go crazy. I need to find a balance in my life. " Mother revealed that Ziegler has an innate fear of new things, which is why her mother tried every means to coax her daughter into joining the swimming team. "But Kate knows that she has enough good things, and she has enough motivation to do better!"

    [National Team: Second Home]

    Even though it is almost certain that he can represent the United States in next year’s Olympic Games, Ziegler still can’t believe this sudden happiness. "In the past, I have paid attention to the reports of great swimmers like Natalie Coughlin and Phelps. Then I found myself on their team. This is me? Why am I here?’ These people are all heroes in my mind. When someone asks me for photos, I will ask,’ What do you want my photos for? Do you know me?’ When I first joined the national team, I dare say that people didn’t know me at that time. They just saw me wearing the training uniform of the American team. "

    Usually, the famous swimming stars are concentrated in short-distance events, so Ziegler decided to take a high-profile attitude for the sake of the popularity of his long-distance events. As a long-distance runner, she often feels lonely, which is an important reason why she wants to stay with her high school teammates, and then work with her college teammates who can’t compete with her at all and train with her club teammates. She said: "The national team is like another home, just like high school in O’Connell or George Mei Sen. Everywhere I go, I try to build a small circle as warm as home."

    The uniforms of the American team are red, white and blue, and there are no fireworks-like patterns, but it doesn’t matter. Ziegler will add brilliant fireworks himself.

Editor: Lu Fangfei