The full name of the "Xihe" solar satellite is revealed: What does Hα and "Double Super" mean?

Last night, our country successfully launched the first solar exploration science and technology test satellite "Xihe" at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, marking our country’s entry into the era of "sun exploration". The full name of "Xihe" is the solar H α spectral detection and double super platform science and technology test satellite. What is H α? What does "double super" mean? What mysteries can this satellite detect about the sun? Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter interviewed Shi Wei, director of the Shanghai Planetarium Network Science Department.

The radiation that jumps from the third floor to the second floor is Hα

Hα, pronounced the "hydrogen alpha coefficient," refers to a spectral line of a hydrogen atom with a wavelength of 656.281 nanometers, which lies in the red range of visible light. What is a hydrogen atomic spectral line? According to the Bohr model of the atom, electrons do not move around the nucleus in a specific orbit within the atom, Shi Wei explained, but in an "orbit" with a quantized distribution of energy.

The so-called quantum is the inseparable smallest unit of a physical quantity. A physical quantity is quantized if it cannot be changed continuously and can only take some discrete values. It is like taking a staircase, we can only climb one step, not half. Scientists have found that many physical quantities in the microscopic world are quantized. For example, the energy of electrons in hydrogen atoms can only take one basic value – 13.6 electron volts or its 1/4, 1/9, 1/16, 1/25, etc., but not 2 times or 1/2, 1/3.

There are countless energy levels outside the nucleus of a hydrogen atom, and each energy level can be regarded as an orbital, and the energy levels are discontinuous and uneven. Although a hydrogen atom has only one electron, it can appear at any energy level and can transition between energy levels. Electrons jump from energy level "n = 3" to "n = 2", releasing light of a specific energy, which is the Hα emission line.

Electrons jump from energy level n = 3 to n = 2, releasing light of a specific energy, which is the H alpha emission line. (Source: Wikipedia)

"You can think of the orbit of an electron outside the nucleus of a hydrogen atom as the various floors of a building. The ground is the nucleus, and each floor is an energy level. From the bottom to the top, it is marked with n = 1, n = 2, n = 3, and so on." Physicists refer to the spectral lines emitted by electrons that jump from the third floor and above to the second floor as the "Balmer system" (named after the physicist John Balmer), Shi Wei said. The radiation that jumps from the third floor to the second floor is called Hα, from the fourth floor to the second floor is called Hβ, from the fifth floor to the second floor is called Hγ, and so on.

Red light H α is the brightest hydrogen spectral line in the visible spectrum. By observing this band of light, astronomers can understand the atmospheric characteristics of the solar spherical and chromospheric layers, as well as atmospheric activities such as solar prominences, and analyze the changes in atmospheric temperature, speed and other physical quantities during solar outbursts, so as to deeply study the dynamic process and physical mechanism of solar outbursts.

Full-time faces in the Hα band (Photo by Alan Friedman)

Double super platform technology has broad application prospects

The "Xihe" satellite adopts a "dual super" satellite platform design with ultra-high pointing accuracy and ultra-high stability, which greatly improves the pointing accuracy and attitude stability of the load.

In this regard, Shi Wei explained that a satellite generally consists of a platform and a load. The satellite platform is responsible for the system service and guarantee of the entire satellite, including control, propulsion, thermal control and other systems. The load is the detector that performs scientific tasks, such as CCD cameras, particle detectors, magnetometers, etc. Traditional satellite designs directly connect the load to the platform, and the directivity and stability of the load are completely realized by the platform. However, the platform is "dynamic" and the load is "static" – when the satellite is in orbit, the micro-vibration of the platform cannot be avoided, and the load needs to be accurately pointed at the target at all times, so the pointing accuracy and stability of the load are always restricted by the vibration of the platform.

In order to solve this contradiction, the satellite development team made an innovation in design, dividing the satellite platform into two cabins – the platform cabin and the payload cabin. The platform cabin contains the structure subsystem, the integrated electronic subsystem, the measurement and control subsystem, the data transmission subsystem, the power subsystem, the attitude and orbit control subsystem, the electric flotation control subsystem and the cabin connection unlocking subsystem. The payload cabin contains the structure of the payload cabin, the integrated electronics of the payload cabin and the load. The effect of "dynamic and static isolation and leader/follower coordination" is achieved by using electric flotation control between the two cabins.

Dual Supersatellite Load Design (Source: School of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Nanjing University)

Using this "airframe anti-shake" technology, the directivity and stability of the payload are improved by 1-2 orders of magnitude compared with traditional satellites, which will make the "Xihe" more accurate and stable when "taking pictures" in space, and obtain higher-quality images.

In the future, the dual super platform technology will be widely used in space missions such as high-resolution ground detailed investigation, large-scale three-dimensional mapping, and exoplanet discovery, which is expected to promote the leap-forward development of space science and technology implementation in our country.

From the Dark War to the Ming War, Xing Yue L led the "China Star" to enter the hinterland of the joint venture car market

On July 20th, Li Shufu, the chairman of Geely Holding Group, who had not participated in automobile activities for a long time, was pleasantly surprised at the listing conference of Xingyue L. He said, "I came to participate in the launch conference of Xingyue L because Xingyue L has epoch-making significance, which not only inherited the advantages of traditional automobiles, but also absorbed the highlights of new energy vehicles, opening up a new road for the transformation and upgrading of traditional automobiles."


The epoch-making Xingyue L in Li Shufu’s mouth is built on the basis of CMA architecture, and has two power combinations of 2.0TD-7DCT EVO and 2.0TD High-Tech -8AT, which match the intelligent technologies such as Geely Galaxy OS digital intelligent system, 25.6-inch AR-HUD reality augmented head-up display, and HWA expressway assisted driving, and support the global FOTA cloud upgrade. The market guidance price is 137,200-185,200.

And this Xingyue L, which sells for less than 200,000 yuan, with the blessing of leapfrog configuration, "the product value reaches 300,000, far exceeding the mainstream SUV of a strong joint venture brand, and has the strength to completely subvert the SUV market in China." Lin Jie, senior vice president of Geely Automobile Group, told Beiqing-Beijing Headline, "The target of Xingyue L is higher quality products, and our core is to compete with joint venture brands to enlarge and strengthen the overall market share of China brands."

If you want to enlarge and strengthen the overall market share of China brand, it is certainly impossible to rely solely on the flagship SUV Xingyue L. China Star, the high-end series of Geely brand CMA led by Xingyue L, was also unveiled at the meeting, and the goal of fighting for "China Automobile Value" was defined.


Three flagship standards directly hit the mainstream joint venture SUV market

"In the past, the automobile market in China was defined by joint venture brands, including the size of segmentation and many standards. The reason why Xingyue L is the flagship SUV of China Star is because it has three flagship standards: intelligence beyond time, safety beyond imagination and luxury beyond expectation. " Lin Jie said.


In terms of intelligence, Xingyue L is equipped with Geely Galaxy OS system, adopts Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip with the strongest vehicle specification, and can realize the three-screen linkage of IMAX and the four-screen linkage of 25.6-inch AR-HUD. It is equipped with HWA expressway to assist driving, and has the global FOTA capability, which is the first engine power OTA, so that fuel vehicles can realize multi-dimensional upgrade like pure trams.

In terms of safety, Xingyue L is equipped with 24 environmental safety sensing sensor elements, which has nine large-area safety, and the elk test has passed the score of 79kph, and the body posture is stable. In terms of luxury, Xingyue L adopts specially customized suede, Bose luxury customized audio, double laminated glass and ANC active noise reduction technology to comprehensively enhance the value of the whole vehicle; The whole system comes standard with Drive-E series 2.0TD engine, matching 7DCT EVO and Aisin 8AT gearbox, and its comprehensive mechanical quality far exceeds that of the same level.

Lin Jie said, "Our core is to compete with the joint venture brands and enlarge and strengthen the overall market share of China brands. Xingyue L leapfrog configuration blessing, the product value reaches 300,000, far exceeding the mainstream SUVs of strong joint venture brands such as Volkswagen Tiguan L, Honda CR-V and Toyota RAV4 Rongfang, and has the strength to completely subvert the China SUV market. "


In addition, Lin Jie revealed that "after the release of Xingyue L, the scheduled situation is the hottest this year." The pre-sale order for 48 hours has exceeded 10,000, and the accumulated order has reached nearly 30,000, among which 25% of the users are Geely’s old users. Lin Jie said, "Several of them originally considered buying a joint venture brand, but they think that there is no problem with the China brand now. As long as there are products that meet their needs, they are willing to pay for the China brand."

In the face of hot orders, Geely also has happy little troubles. Due to issues such as chips and production capacity, "delivery is indeed challenging." Lin Jie said frankly. "But one thing, no matter how nervous the chip is, the product must be built according to the explosion requirements. As long as the chip capacity is solved, the quantity can go up." Lin Jie stressed.

For users waiting for Xingyue L, Geely launched a "waiting subsidy". 3999 blind subscription users still enjoy the 50 yuan/day delayed delivery subsidy from 10 working days after paying the final payment of the car purchase, which is not repeated with the post-listing waiting subsidy. After listing, make an order under Geely’s official small program before September 1, pay 1000 yuan deposit, and enjoy 25 yuan/day waiting subsidy from the date of ordering. The time is calculated from the date of ordering by the user to the date when the dealer officially informs the user to pick up the car; Pre-sale users of 520 will also enjoy 25 yuan/day waiting allowance, which will be calculated from July 20th.

Set up "China Star" series to fight for "China automobile value"

With the listing of Xingyue L, the high-end series of Geely brand CMA has been further improved. That night, Geely Automobile announced that the high-end series of Geely brand CMA, which consists of three flagship products: Xingyue L, Xingyue S and Xingrui, was officially named "China Star", and said that "China Star" only fights for high value and is willing to fight for "China Automobile Value".


As a high-end series product of Geely brand, "China Star" has achieved all-round upgrade in the fields of architecture, vehicle building, safety, performance, intelligence, energy saving, health, user experience and user service, and challenged the high-end market with three high values to realize the popularization of high-end products.

The first to lead the era of global architecture. The release of China Star is a brand-new and advanced stage for Geely to build a car. At present, Volvo, Link and Geely CMA architecture products have been recognized by more than 1 million users around the world, which fully proves the high value brought by CMA architecture. By 2024, all products of Geely brand will fully realize the construction of cars.

Second, lead the global hybrid new energy era. Geely will continue to implement the "Blue Geely Action Plan" and lead the world in intelligent energy-saving and new energy technologies. In September this year, Geely Automobile will launch a global power brand and build a Geely GHS2.0 intelligent hybrid system, achieving 43.32% of the world’s highest thermal efficiency and more than 40% fuel saving rate. GHS2.0 dual-engine intelligent hybrid system will be first carried on China Satellite.

Third, lead the global era of 5G smart travel. It has been laid out in the fields of LEO synchronous satellite, V2X vehicle-road coordination and high-level automatic driving, and has the ability to link smart city traffic. By 2022, Geely Automobile with L4 unmanned driving and intelligent digital cockpit will serve Hangzhou Asian Games.


"It is not difficult to build a good car, but to build a car that is sold well, a car that real consumers can like, and are willing to introduce, or even buy more, must be built with heart. China Star brings together Geely’s best technology at present, which is a leapfrog promotion of Geely automobile brand and product value. China Star is constantly using high-end products and setting a new benchmark with high value. " Lin Jie said.

Regarding the expectation of "China Star", Lin Jie said that in the first half of the year, Geely CMA sold 157,448 high-end models, accounting for 25% of the total sales of Geely Automobile in the first half of the year. "For the Star Series, we hope that it will grow sturdily, step by step, at least 30% first."

Lin Jie revealed to the media that on the basis of the existing three models, the Star Series will be further improved in the future, and several products will be added later, all of which are based on CMA architecture. In addition, Geely will upgrade the services of Star Series before and after sale, and will also release the service standards of Star Series later.

In addition to the high-end star series represented by "China Star", Geely Automobile has reorganized its models into different series. The Bo series and the Emgrand series are Geely’s 3.0 boutique car series, and there will be a vibrant and young Bin series in the future. By then, Star Series, Boutique Car Series and Bin Series will bring users the product value of "good driving, good safety and good luck" with a clearer image.


The value of "three good" products reflects Geely’s brand-new brand proposition of "being great because of happiness" and brand vision of "making the world full of Geely". Lin Jie said, "‘ Happy culture ’ Is Geely’s corporate culture, ‘ Great because of happiness ’ It is the brand proposition of Geely and the unique emotional value of the brand. Insist on creating happiness and achieving greatness for every Geely user, employee and partner, and make everyone "great because of happiness". On the one hand, we must make cars for users happily, on the other hand, we must bring value to users. "

Text/Beiqing-Beijing Headline Wenchong

Editor/Wen Chong