Cumulative sales exceeded 1.11 million! Find the secret of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV’s popularity

Trainee reporter | Zhang Zhuoran

Image source | Respondents provided

Walking on the streets of Liuzhou, the unique smell of snail powder fills the air, it is difficult to say whether it is "intentional" or "careless", perhaps the city of Liuzhou has the unique personality of "Internet celebrity manufacturing machine", which can always make some seemingly niche products popular all over the country: Jin Yong praised "Liuzhou coffin, famous all over the world" in "Deer’s Cauldron"; Liuzhou golden throat treasure, is the first impression of Ronaldo after many 90s; Liuzhou street snack snail powder, in recent years, has become a phenomenon of "national cuisine"…

Wuling Hongguang MINIEV is the same. It is also a generation of "Internet celebrity" produced by Liuzhou. As of now, the cumulative sales of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV have exceeded 1.11 million, and it is popular all over the world.

Global sales champion of small pure electric vehicles

"In 2022, the cumulative sales volume of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV exceeded 554,000 units, becoming the global sales champion of small pure electric vehicles." On January 30, SAIC-GM Wuling held the Wuling Hongguang MINIEV2022 Global Sales Champion Celebration and Thanksgiving Owner Conference at Wuling Liuzhou Direct Store (Bayi Store). Cui Dongshu, Secretary General of the Passenger Federation, announced the championship transcript of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV at the event site.

This is a landmark moment. Since its launch in July 2020, as of January 29, 2023, the cumulative sales of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV have exceeded 1.11 million, won the first place in the sales of pure electric vehicles of Chinese brands for 28 consecutive months, and topped the global monthly sales champion of new energy single models for 7 times.

This "high score answer sheet" highlights the benchmark position of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV in the new energy scooter market segment. Cui Dongshu pointed out: "Wuling’s global sales record proves that China’s pure electric cars have supported the market leader, and new energy scooters have become the new mainstream of the world." At the event, SAIC GM Wuling announced that before March 31, 2023, Wuling Hongguang MINIEV will be priced at 29,800 yuan for a limited time.

Insight into users’ short-distance travel needs

"The most popular car on the road here is the Wuling Hongguang MINIEV. In some neighborhoods, eight out of ten households own this car," a local taxi driver told reporters.

At present, the Wuling Hongguang MINIEV can almost be called a city card of Liuzhou. In the city center area, this exquisite car can be seen everywhere. The municipal government even designated a parking area for the A00-class car represented by the Wuling Hongguang MINIEV on the sidewalk of the roadside, and built a "10-minute charging ecosystem", forming a local spectacle. In other cities, the place used to park bicycles and electric cars is full of Wuling Hongguang MINIEVs in Liuzhou.

"The new energy conversion rate of automobiles in Liuzhou is close to 50%, and Wuling Hongguang MINIEV has contributed greatly." The relevant person in charge told reporters.

What is the secret of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV’s hot sales? The reporter got a variety of answers from a group of car owners: "Cost-effective, cheap and high-quality." "Exquisite and compact, it is very convenient to drive and park, and it can come and go freely in the city." "Household electricity can be charged, and the charging speed is fast and the power consumption is low, which can fully meet the commuting needs in the city."

Whatever the reason, Wuling Hongguang MINIEV meets the needs of this group of users for a city scooter, which also coincides with the car consumption scene observed by Wuling. "80% of Chinese users drive less than 30 kilometers per day, and the average speed does not exceed 30 kilometers per hour. This simple short-distance travel demand faces many travel pain points such as difficult parking, high cost and insecurity in the city," said Zhang Yiqin, director of brand and public relations at SAIC-GM Wuling Wuling.

Wuling Hongguang MINIEV, which is positioned as a "people’s scooter", was born in response to the situation, with a smart body, flexible control, small battery for easy replenishment, and safety that can stand the test as the product label, bringing users the value experience of "easy to open, easy to stop, and easy to save".

Millionchaochuang, directly connecting users

Wuling Liuzhou Direct Store (Bayi Store) is located in the center of Liuzhou. In the past year, this direct-operated store has sold more than 4,000 Wuling and Baojun brand pure electric cars, making it a benchmark store for Wuling LING HOUSE.

Large floor-to-ceiling windows, various peripherals, coffee desserts, modified areas… In the Bayi store, there are only 4 cars on display, but there is an endless stream of customers entering the store.

"The meaning of LING HOUSE is different from that of traditional dealers. This is the window where we can directly connect with users," Wei Shengyun, a partner at Liuzhou New Energy Vehicle Experience Center, told reporters. "This can be a rest area for users, and it can also allow users to make tide changes and personalized DIY on vehicles. It also allows us to directly hear the voices of users and avoid the valuable opinions of users being filtered by the dealer system."

This direct user window has given SAIC-GM Wuling the confidence to defeat competitors and attack the next "1 million" sales. According to Wei Shengyun, there used to be a 4S store of the same level of competitors that opened diagonally opposite the Bayi store, but the inflow of customers and the sales volume of the store are less than one-tenth of the Bayi store. Now there are no people there.

Big data shows that among Wuling Hongguang MINIEV users, the post-90s generation accounts for more than 75% of users, and the proportion of female users is as high as 78%. "No makeup." This is the customary "habit" of many Wuling Hongguang MINIEV owners represented by "Wuling Girls". Through customization, they have turned the car into a carrier of personality and hobbies, which has also led to a change in domestic car consumption attitudes, allowing the concept of car modification to gradually penetrate from overseas to domestic.

The relevant person in charge introduced: "Wuling Hongguang MINIEV has achieved a user trend creation rate of up to 72%." With Wuling Hongguang MINIEV as the carrier, SAIC-GM Wuling plays with users to create and resonate at the same frequency, continuing to lead the trend creation and trendy makeup culture. It also cooperates with KFC, Wufangzhai, Fashion Bazaar and other young people’s favorite brands to establish multi-faceted links with consumers.

This user-created cross-border marketing is also one of the reasons why Wuling Hongguang MINIEV has sold a long rainbow all the way. If the first "million sales" cannot be separated from Wuling’s first-mover advantage in the blue ocean of the "people’s scooter" category, then a high proportion of young users, as well as the company’s strong user request insight and system power, will become the source of confidence for this car to hit the next "million sales".

"After the demand for short-distance transportation is met, the small new energy vehicle market will develop in the direction of meeting the advanced needs of user differentiation (such as large space, intelligence, personalization and other needs). SAIC-GM-Wuling will continue to put people’s needs first and market development as the guide to bring users a more diverse and personalized travel experience," said the relevant person in charge.

Tens of millions of powders and "explosive manufacturing machines", Tik Tok redefines the way for musicians to "go out of the circle"

"Be a lifetime, happy for a few days, a road is divided into two sides, whichever side you want to go. I’m not afraid if I’m not afraid. I’m a born child. It’s raining hard and the sun is shining. I just dare to work hard. "

Nostalgic songs in Minnan, sweet and clear voice, collided with a strong spark. Some fans wrote in the comments: "It’s so nice and comfortable, in a single loop." Its cover version in Minnan and the cover version in Mandarin both won 80W+ praise in Tik Tok, which indicated that this song "Born after Datian" was thoroughly sung by this sweet girl with a round face of 23 years old named Wang Yumeng. After that, "симпа" was praised by 309W, which made Wang Yumeng further out of the circle.

In the era of short video, the Internet has changed the path of traditional musicians, making this new Z-generation singer rise inexorably within half a year.How was this popular singer musician born? What kind of changes does the music industry reflect behind it?

Wang Yumeng’ s fans of the Royal Sister’ s heart Loli’ s voice broke through 10 million.How did you do that?


"Beautiful people and sweet songs" and "talented women" are part of Wang Yumeng’s labels, but they are far from the whole charm.

She hasThe soft and cute appearance of the neighbor with affinity and the recognizable voice are good at controlling the extremely different styles such as sadness, lyricism, cheerfulness and even opera cavity, and can sing eight languages such as Minnan, Russian and Cantonese.His masterpieces include The Return of the Prodigal Son, Born after Daejeon, симпа, Huo Yuanjia and so on. In addition, she can write her own lyrics and compose music. This Shandong girl, born in 1998, has become the hottest singer in online celebrity with many explosive cover songs.

Although she became famous at a young age, Wang Yumeng always maintained the habit of live interaction and comment interaction with fans. She and her fans called each other "idiots" and also drew lottery interactions, often expressing her gratitude to them.

Besides Wang Yumeng’s singing voice, there is also her who surprises the industry.It’s like sitting on a rocket.According to statistics, Wang Yumeng gained 2 million fans in 12 days, and the number of fans rose from more than 1 million to 6 million in a few months, and rose to 10 million in half a year. His influence soared rapidly and he won several hot searches in Tik Tok stations.

Singing and cuteness alone are obviously not enough to explain such achievements.The soaring fans of Wang Yumeng have something to do with the operation of Tik Tok Platform.Statistics show that 74% of Wang Yumeng’s fans are men, mostly 18-23 years old, who are concentrated in new first-tier cities. The above characteristics of fan portraits mean that they are not easy to appreciate online celebrity idols whose faces are vague, but are more likely to be attracted by individuals with distinctive personalities, which can be summarized as "starting with their looks, being loyal to their talents and being trapped in their personalities".

Tik Tok is aware of this,Combining with Wang Yumeng’s own honest and frank personality, this paper creates a set of "the contrast of the sound of Royal Sister’s heart and Lori" to strengthen its memory, recognition and love."Wang Yumeng responds to the voice query", "Wang Yumeng is so cute" and "How suitable Wang Yumeng is for Children’s Day" and other related hot searches are all centered on personal characteristics such as straightforwardness, cuteness and voice characteristics, which enhances individuality and realism. For example, in the live broadcast, "Why do you sing with your voice?" She responded, "If you don’t like listening, you can go out, and if you don’t like listening, you can row away."

Based on the perfect "short video+live broadcast" ecology, the platform consciously strengthens the linkage between talents and expands the horizontal "extension" and vertical "retention" of Wang Yumeng’s related content.For example, the live broadcast linked with Daren’s cute fart brought a hot search topic "How naive is cute fart Wang Yumeng". In addition, many accounts produced UGC content about her, which promoted the coverage of its influence to be constantly broken;

In addition, the platform always emphasizes unity in style, scene and operation.Pay attention to the consistency of people and strengthen memory. Each singing video is a close shot, sung in the same background, and most of the national songs are dressed in cheongsam and other details, which together form the "Wang Yumeng" IP.

The above methodology can undoubtedly be copied and applied to the operation of other musicians.Differentiated operation combined with personal characteristics, "short video+live broadcast" linkage, long-term creation, etc. all have considerable practical value, and the effect can be directly quantified and immediately corrected by feedback.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why a large number of amateur singers, such as Luo Xiaoan, Wang Zai Xiaoqiao and Chuanzi Suona, can rapidly grow into online celebrity here, and a large number of explosive songs can be born in Tik Tok. Under the circumstance that it is difficult for musicians to get out of the ring, many musicians have completed the rapid "cold start" and "explosive powder increase" here for several years in a row, which proves the continuous explosive power of Tik Tok.

When we look at it,Common ground of native musicians in Tik Tok.It can be seen that they are "thousands of people and thousands of faces" in image and have a clear recognition of people; Gradually grow up in the company of the audience, so it also has a deeper user emotional stickiness; At the same time, the highlight of career is mostly the explosion after long-term accumulation, which is sustainable.

Why Tik Tok has always been an "explosive manufacturing machine"And "phenomenal musicians pushing hands"?


In fact, like Wang Yumeng, there are many Tik Tok musicians with "talent+hard work" and personal characteristics. They are either good at writing or performing, constantly injecting novel ideas that break the conventional shackles into the whole music industry, and endowing explosive songs with deeper and richer connotations.

As far as explosive tracks are concerned,Some give positive energy to rap.In this summer’s hottest variety show "Brother Who Pierces the Thorns", "Flying in the Sky" exploded all over the network, and the broadcast volume of related topics in Tik Tok broke 1.02 billion, and countless people shouted "Go to the Top", and the original singer "Saddoggy" (formerly known as Hao An Jianyuan) in Tik Tok also rose rapidly. The 24-year-old boy showed his love for his hometown and his open mind that "the cover is better than the original" in an interview with Hebei Youth Daily’s Green Bean News. "I was shocked by the truth of Nathan Scott Lee’s singing, because of his performance on the spot and his stability, including his image and voice. I think all aspects are really great."

Some turn small love into great love, hitting the tears of countless people."I look up at the starry sky you have seen, and meet again after a hundred years of time and space." On the eve of the centenary of the founding of the Party, CCTV military, CCTV news, People’s Daily new media and other central media, with the tear force of the explosive song "Misplaced Time and Space" and a three-minute video clip, showed the great changes of honor and disgrace in the new China in the past 100 years and aroused patriotic resonance.

As far as the musicians out of the circle are concerned, the recent rising momentum is rapid, and the violin can be used to interpret all kinds of pop songs. Sichuan suona, a folk musical instrument, can be used to interpret the top 100 DJ electronic songs and realize the mix of traditional and modern; As well as being good at guitar, electronic organ and other musical instruments, he always plays and sings at night, bringing a "unplugged concert" to Luo Xiaoan.

As far as music theme activities are concerned, in the "Children’s Memories Killing" activity, classic songs of the 80s and 90s, such as Digital Baby, China Little Master, Young Hero Little Nezha, created a strong nostalgic atmosphere in the station, and the festive ceremony was full of sense; In the activity of "One Man, One Song Cheers for China Team", many musicians such as Dai Yutong _, Wang Xiaoshuai, and V Ye performed Olympic refueling songs in their own ways, conveying the Olympic spirit, and the emotional cohesion of music was vividly displayed here.

To sum up, with the upgrading of short video song consumption, a large number of new original songs are constantly put on every day, and users vote with their thumbs.The logic of vibrato blasting is iterating.Explosions are gradually "non-homogeneous", and it is often difficult to reproduce the myth by a single copy of the existing explosions, and more diversified styles can meet the market demand. The above-mentioned explosive songs and online celebrity musicians are related to rap, antique, classical and other genre elements; The improvement of user threshold requires stronger personal recognition and creative freshness.

With the logic iteration of explosions, Tik Tok’s corresponding music operation methods are constantly upgraded.One is to pay attention to the ecological linkage between multiple musicians, such as the linkage between Strictlyviolin Xunbo and "runaway steamed bread"; The second is that music and film ecology get through. Original music provides material for film and television "second creation", which promotes film and television announcement and UGC content output, which in turn promotes music to break the circle; The third is to launch activities at specific time nodes, lead hotspots, and continuously update themselves; The fourth is the official end, focusing on supporting waist musicians, focusing on personalization and differentiation in the whole IP training process, and the long tail effect continues to break out.

Then, behind the operational gameplay,What is the underlying logic that supports Tik Tok to become an "explosion-making machine" and a "phenomenon-level musician pusher"?

First of all,Music is the DNA since the birth of Tik Tok products, and it is an essential element in every short video.Its widely used scenes stimulate the original vitality of music, its huge daily flow pool of 600 million, and its diverse and inclusive creative atmosphere make it possible for every genre to find a bosom friend here;

Secondly,Tik Tok has built a rich and complete music ecology, with a large number of music practitioners, a wide range of application scenarios, mature rising channels and users with pan-music hobbies.According to the 2020 Tik Tok Music Ecological Data Report, the top 10 explosive songs in Tik Tok have a total broadcast volume of 94.5 billion. In the first half of 2020 alone, the number of musicians in Tik Tok increased by nearly 30,000, and it continues to maintain steady growth. In the past six months, the cumulative number of musicians in Tik Tok has exceeded 300 million, 6 musicians have exceeded 10 million, and 23 musicians have exceeded 5 million. Musicians such as Liu Yuning became popular in Tik Tok and "rose" to become stars;

Thirdly, the platform continuously strengthens its technical capabilities.Through the precise matching of big data and the decentralized algorithm mechanism, it helps waist musicians to go out of the circle.Witness the growth of non-head musicians, thus optimizing the entire creator structure;

Finally, Tik Tok alwaysInsist on supporting musicians from two dimensions: flow and income.With the daily live broadcast and online concert as the main engines to increase musicians’ income, a series of support plans such as "Sound Making Action", "Seeing Music Plan", "Tik Tok Musicians’ Hundred Million Yuan Subsidy Plan" and "Jupiter Plan" were launched to help musicians "have both the moon and the penny" and prolong their life cycle.

Thanks to the above efforts, the whole music ecology of Tik Tok has been able to grow continuously and become a "Hundred Flowers Garden" with rich categories.

Let musicians go from "being heard" to "being loved",Tik Tok Xuanfa promotes industrial change.


According to third-party data, the market size of digital music industry will exceed 74 billion yuan in 2021. Musicians are the key driving force in the development of the music industry. After realizing the huge potential of the domestic music market, many platforms have increased their layout. As a result, a series of phenomena, such as the upstream layout of the content production end, the emphasis on original copyright, the focus on the young market, and the more intense "competition" for musicians, have become a general trend in the industry. butHow to fundamentally improve the situation of musicians is still an unresolved issue.

The "2020 China Musicians Report" released by China Communication University shows that the musicians in China show the following major trends:Income increased year-on-year, but it is still low compared with developed countries.52% of musicians have no music income;Revenue from short video live broadcast platform has increased.37% of musicians have live broadcast behavior, and 62% of them have received live broadcast income;For waist and tail musicians, how to break the circle and increase income is the pain point.

Compared with other platforms, Tik Tok has the following unique advantages: other platforms either stay in the traditional stage of "listening to music" or music is separated from other content, while on Tik Tok, music is "viewable and playable", which forms a deep integration with the overall content and activates the ecological vitality of music;

In terms of the speed of powder increase, based on the daily traffic and activity advantages of the national short video application of 600 million, as well as the distribution advantages, the powder increase is obviously faster than other platforms, directly hitting the pain points mentioned above, helping musicians to burst out of the circle overnight, from "being heard" to "being loved";

In terms of gameplay, Tik Tok’s richer and more diverse gameplay brings more interesting musical creative expressions, such as national cover, fancy props or cross-dressing challenges, which inspires musicians’ creative inspiration; In terms of cash and flow support, Tik Tok became the first person in the short video industry to implement the "100 million yuan subsidy plan" for musicians, and the subsidy was even stronger.

What does the platform leave behind for the persistent cultivation of musicians? With the decline of the traditional music industry, the trend of music digitalization is unstoppable, from the explosive songs on the Spring Festival Evening to the musicians.Tik Tok constantly breaks down barriers and delivers new blood to the industry.; From "listening to music" and "watching music" to "playing music", Tik Tok has not only changed the mode of music announcement, but also gone deeper and deeper into the upstream, transforming the production mode with big data capabilities and shortening the music production cycle.Promote the rapid extension, upgrading and integration of industrial ecology to multiple fields.; When more musicians from the source of creation "make people sing songs out of the circle", the income will increase and attract more outstanding talents to enter, and it will alsoActivate the whole music industry chain and form a positive cycle.

Who is the musician who will become popular in Tik Tok next time? We will continue to pay attention.

Hot search exploded! Well-known online celebrity suddenly declared terminal cancer.


Online celebrity Ti mo Feng with millions of fans.

According to an interview,

I stopped broadcasting for half a year.

Because of thyroid cancer,

Has entered the advanced stage.

Related topics also set off a hot search in Weibo.

In order not to worry everyone, she didn’t tell her parents and fans, hoping that she would be in better health before revealing it. Because the thyroid tumor is close to the vocal cords and laryngeal nerve, her voice was hoarse after the operation, which was simply "the sky collapsed" for her. Later, after continuous efforts, her voice was restored.

On the evening of July 24th, Ti mo Feng wrote a response to this matter: "Thyroid cancer was indeed diagnosed before. The operation has been done and it was a success. Now my body has recovered, and my voice has recovered almost under my unremitting efforts! "

"Through this cancer, I want to tell everyone, especially the girls: don’t be mentally consumed, don’t squeeze negative energy into your heart, communicate with your family and friends more, and be brave to speak out and take legal weapons to protect yourself when you encounter cyber violence and slander."

Ti mo Feng, whose real name is Feng Yanan, was born in Wanzhou District, Chongqing on December 19th, 1991. She is a female singer and network anchor in China. She debuted from a live broadcast platform, and later attracted the attention of netizens because of her sweet singing voice. She once became a live broadcast sister on the platform and participated in many variety shows.

In 2017, she released her first single; In 2019, Ti mo Feng opened his own solo concert, released his own album of the same name, and then appeared in TV variety shows and parties many times. In February this year, Ti mo Feng also released a new single.

According to published data, thyroid cancer is the most common thyroid malignant tumor, including papillary carcinoma, follicular carcinoma, undifferentiated carcinoma and medullary carcinoma.

There are no obvious symptoms and signs in the early stage, and small thyroid masses are usually found by thyroid palpation and neck ultrasound examination during physical examination.

In the late stage, it may cause Horner syndrome caused by hoarseness, dysphagia, sympathetic nerve compression, pain in ears, pillows, shoulders, local lymph nodes and distant organ metastasis.

Compared with other malignant tumors, the malignant degree of thyroid cancer is relatively low, and the overall prognosis is relatively good, but its prognosis is closely related to the pathological classification of thyroid cancer. More than 90% of patients belong to papillary thyroid cancer, and their malignant degree is low. Early surgical treatment can obviously reduce the probability of recurrence and metastasis.

After hearing the news that Ti mo Feng was ill and suffering from cancer, netizens said: "Good self-cultivation, health is the most important thing", "Early recovery, happiness is the most important thing" and "Thyroid cancer is a lucky thing in misfortune".

* light up [watching] to remind people around you! Maintain a healthy lifestyle and have a regular physical examination!

Original title: "Hot search burst! Well-known online celebrity suddenly announced terminal cancer.

Read the original text

Tencent Music, whose profit increased by 36% year-on-year last year, is also worried, and the number of monthly users of its main business has decreased for several consecutive quarters.

The business map of Tencent Music has been adjusted.

On March 19th, Tencent Music released the unaudited financial performance report for the fourth quarter and the whole year as of December 31st, 2023.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the total revenue of Tencent Music was RMB 6.89 billion, down 7.2% year-on-year; The net profit was 1.41 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.9%.

In 2023, the total revenue of Tencent Music was 27.75 billion yuan, down 2.1% year-on-year; The net profit was 5.22 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 36%.

After the financial report was released, before the US stock market closed on March 19th, the share price of Tencent Music rose by 0.48%, corresponding to a market value of $17.813 billion.

In terms of business, Tencent Music is still in the process of adjusting its business structure and continues to focus on online music services. In Q4 of 2023, Tencent Music’s online music service revenue reached 5.02 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 41.1%; The income from social entertainment services and other services dropped by 51.6% year-on-year to 1.87 billion yuan. Correspondingly, in Q4 of 2023, the operating cost of Tencent Music decreased by 14.6% year-on-year to 4.25 billion yuan due to the decrease in revenue sharing cost corresponding to the decrease in social entertainment service revenue.

In the whole year of 2023, thanks to the accelerated growth of online music subscription revenue and advertising service revenue, as well as the growth of sales revenue around artists, Tencent Music’s online music service revenue was 17.33 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38.8%; As the company adjusted some live interactive functions and implemented stricter compliance procedures, the revenue from social entertainment services and other services was 10.43 billion yuan, down 34.2% year-on-year.

With the concentration of live broadcast traffic to the short video platform in the head, Tencent Music is also changing its strategy. Nowadays, online music service has become Tencent’s music business accounting for over 70%, and this proportion is increasing — — From 37.1% in Q1 in 2023 to 72.9% in Q4, and achieved good profits. Earlier, Tencent Music’s social entertainment service accounted for 70% of the company’s total revenue.

In this process, Tencent Music has tapped the paying potential of users, and both the number of paying users and the average monthly income of users of its online music service have increased. The former increased by 20.6% to 107 million in Q4, while the latter increased by 20.2% to 10.7 yuan.

In addition, Zhu Liang, CEO of Tencent Music, said at the performance meeting that Tencent Music pays more attention to the overall activity and liquidity of long audio content and the promotion of long audio content in the car market. In 2023, the long audio service achieved more than the expected results in the transformation of Tencent Music. Next, Tencent Music will continue to promote the distribution and commercial efficiency of long audio content on the entire music platform.

Cussion Pang, executive chairman of Tencent Music, said in the financial report, "2023 is a crucial year for the transformation of Tencent Music." "The strong performance of online music services not only eased the pressure on social entertainment services, but also promoted the steady increase of quarterly net profit."

However, Tencent Music, which has successfully transformed, is not without worries. On the one hand, the number of monthly active users of online music service, which has been regarded as the main business, has decreased for several consecutive quarters. In Q4 of 2023, the number of monthly active users of this service was 576 million, a year-on-year decrease of 4.2% and a quarter-on-quarter decrease of 3.03%. The number of monthly mobile users of social entertainment services also decreased by 28.8% year-on-year to 104 million.

On the other hand, although the net profit performance is good, but reducing costs and increasing efficiency has not changed its overall income decline. In 2023, the total revenue of Tencent Music decreased by 2.1% year-on-year.

Regarding the loss of Q4 users, Liang Zhu said that there are quarterly reasons, and the mobile terminal itself continues to be affected by short videos, and the traffic has the pressure of natural loss; In 2023, the promotion and marketing expenses of Tencent Music were also reduced, and the distribution channels were also reduced.

In addition, in 2023, the average monthly income of users of Tencent Music’s online music service increased, which also caused negative user feedback. The topic of "QQ music members’ price increase" was once on the hot search in Weibo. In addition, Tencent Music’s MOO Music, which focuses on young users and targets Netease Cloud Music, was shut down on December 31, 2023.

Netease Cloud Music, the main competitor of Tencent Music, released its financial report on March 1st. The latter also embarked on the road of reducing costs and increasing efficiency and adjusting its business structure, and also experienced a decline in income and an increase in profits — — In Q4 of 2023, the net income of Cloud Music was 1.986 billion yuan, down 16.4% year-on-year; Gross profit was 601 million yuan, up 42.32% year-on-year.

According to the financial report of Tencent Music, as of December 31, 2023, the total balance of cash, cash equivalents and time deposits of Tencent Music was 32.22 billion yuan. In addition, according to the $500 million share repurchase plan announced on March 21, 2023, as of December 31, 2023, Tencent Music has repurchased about 25.3 million shares of american depository receipts from the open market for $174.5 million in cash.

Wuzhou rural revitalization TV series "The Most Beautiful Time" will be released soon.

Guangxi news network-South China Morning PostNews (Reporter Zhong Liang) The 20-episode TV series "The Most Beautiful Time", which was jointly planned by Wuzhou Multi-department and Wenchuan Company, was filmed in Wuzhou and showed the new changes of Wuzhou’s local customs and rural revitalization. On March 14th, the launching ceremony and press conference were held. The play will be released in May this year, starring general directors Yi Li, Sun Jinliang and Yi Li, and many well-known actors.Union. The prototype of the main characters in the play originated from the typical characters emerging in the process of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in Wuzhou City. The lens incorporates a lot of excellent local traditional culture, local customs and natural scenery, and shows the audience the local scenery and poverty alleviation industries such as Liubao tea, ice spring soybean milk, turtle paste, sugar orange and star anise, showing the great changes in rural areas of Wuzhou, Guangxi and China.

Photo courtesy of the organizer of "The Most Beautiful Time"