The appearance of the AITO M9 was officially announced, and the new factory of Cyrus Automobile was unveiled

  The high-profile AITO asked the world M9 recently officially announced the appearance design, and many car circle media people directly called out "the era of those foreign luxury car brands pricing how they want in China is gone forever!" Although this statement sounds more modest than Yu Chengdong’s "the best SUV within 10 million" statement, but just announcing the appearance can cause so much media attention and market discussion, which also fully shows that the market is positioned as a panoramic smart flagship SUV jointly created by Cyrus Automobile and Huawei. How high attention and expectations are there, and the industry is also looking forward to whether this car can bring new changes to China’s new energy vehicle industry and even the entire automotive industry. According to official announcements, this car will be officially launched at the end of the year, and will achieve the same level of leadership in terms of platform advancement, advanced intelligent driving capabilities, and technological content.

AITO asked the world M9 appearance officially announced, Sailis car new factory unveiled the mystery _fororder_image001

  At the same time that the AITO M9 has attracted the attention of the whole industry, the Cyrus Auto Super Factory, which is about to "intelligently manufacture" this model, has also been unveiled. In the recent Chongqing news broadcast, we can also get a glimpse of its true face. It can be seen from the name that, compared with Tesla’s super factory, the local super factory built by Cyrus Auto has the ambition to lead the new transformation of China’s new energy vehicle industry. Ambition, if you have strength.

AITO asked the world M9 appearance officially announced, Sailis car new factory unveiled the mystery _fororder_image002

  It is understood that the Sailis Automobile Super Factory is a cooperation project between Sailis Automobile and Chongqing Liangjiang New District. It is driven by digitalization and intelligence, combined with big data, Internet of Things and other technologies, and uses digital twin technology to build another intelligent production base. It not only adopts advanced production processes and technical equipment in the industry, but also guarantees vehicle quality through cutting-edge technologies such as digital total quality testing, and proactively applies environmentally friendly technologies to ensure energy conservation and emission reduction throughout the production process. At present, the factory is under accelerated construction. When fully completed, it will be one of the largest intelligent manufacturing bases for new energy vehicles in the world.

AITO asked the world M9 appearance officially announced, Sailis car new factory unveiled the mystery _fororder_image003

  For a long time, as a leader in the high-end brand of new energy vehicles, Cyrus Automobile has been continuously expanding the extension of the industry model and technical level: the strong alliance with Huawei has become an industry model; the AITO series of models jointly designed and built has become the industry benchmark. The recent new M7 has only been listed for more than a month, and the big order has broken through 6W vehicles; the two smart factories built with digitalization, intelligence and the Internet of Things as the core represent the leading technical level of the current new energy vehicle industry; and the new Cyrus Automobile Super Factory that is about to be put into production is bound to lead the digital transformation of China’s new energy industry. (Photo: courtesy of Cyrus)

Tencent was deceived, why didn’t the court recognize that the "Laoganma" contract was fake?

  Zhou Qi, reporter of China Economic Weekly

  Tencent sued Laoganma incident again waves.

  On July 1, the Shuanglong Branch of the Guiyang Public Security Bureau issued a notice saying that after preliminary investigation, three suspects had pretended to be Laoganma staff to sign a cooperation agreement with Tencent in order to obtain the online game gift package code presented by Tencent in the promotion activities. The suspected crime has been criminally detained.

  Previously, in the case of Tencent v. Laoganma Service Contract Dispute, the People’s Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong ruled to seize and freeze Laoganma’s 16.24 million yuan property, which triggered heated discussions among netizens.

  Now, the announcement of the Guizhou police confirmed that Tencent was indeed "deceived". What should be done with the ruling of the Nanshan District Court? Why did the Nanshan District Court fail to identify that the contract was forged? Has Tencent really never lost a lawsuit in the Nanshan District Court?

  If the case is a criminal case, the court shall refer it to the public security organ

  The documents of China Judgment Document Network show that the plaintiff Tencent filed a property preservation application with the Shenzhen Nanshan District Court, requesting the seizure and freezing of the defendants Guiyang Nanming Laoganma Flavor Food Sales Co., Ltd. and Guiyang Nanming Laoganma Flavor Food Co., Ltd. with a value of RMB 16.24 million yuan., Xinjiang Qianhai United Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch and PICC Property Insurance Shenzhen Branch provided credit guarantee for the property insurance in this case.

  The People’s Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong held that the plaintiff’s application complied with the law, and ruled to seal up and freeze the bank deposits worth 16.24 million yuan under the names of the defendants Guiyang Nanming Laoganma Flavor Food Sales Co., Ltd., Guiyang Nanming Laoganma Flavor Food Co., Ltd., or seal up or seize other property of equivalent value.

  Zhang Zhengxin, a lawyer at Beijing Yingke (Tianjin) Law Firm, introduced that the civil ruling of the Nanshan District People’s Court ruling to preserve the property 16.24 million Laoganma Company does not mean that Tencent has won the case. Property preservation ruling and case victory are two different things. As long as the application for property preservation has a certain factual basis and provides guarantee, the court must make a timely ruling. Tencent has submitted the corresponding guarantee, and it is understandable that the Nanshan court has made a preservation ruling.

  The first paragraph of Article 100 of the Civil Procedure Law stipulates that: In cases where the execution of the judgment may be difficult or cause other damage to the party due to the actions of one of the parties or other reasons, the people’s court may, upon the application of the other party, order the party to preserve his property, order him to perform certain acts or prohibit him from performing certain acts. The third paragraph stipulates: After the people’s court accepts the application, if the situation is urgent, it must make a ruling within 48 hours; if the ruling is to take preservation measures, it shall begin to execute it immediately.

  Zhang Zhengxin believes that Tencent’s application to preserve the property of Lao Ganma worth more than 10 million yuan and the guarantee provided are urgent, so the Nanshan District People’s Court must make a timely ruling.

  So, after the Guizhou police intervened and filed an investigation, is the ruling made by the Nanshan court still valid?

  According to Zhang Zhengxin, Article 11 of the Supreme People’s Court’s Provisions on Several Issues Involving Suspicions of Economic Crimes in the Trial of Economic Dispute Cases stipulates that: If a case accepted by a people’s court as an economic dispute is not an economic dispute case and is suspected of economic crimes after trial, it shall rule to dismiss the prosecution and transfer the relevant materials to the public security organ or the procuratorial organ. "That is to say, if Laoganma successfully reports a criminal case, and the economic dispute is indeed a criminal case, the Nanshan court shall rule to reject Tencent’s lawsuit and transfer the relevant materials to the public security organ."

  "It is estimated that Tencent will withdraw the case unless there are other details in the case. Because of the criminal investigation stage, many issues are still unclear. For example, whether these three people were originally employees of Lao Ganma, and they had come to represent Lao Ganma and Tencent before. If Tencent knew that they had been deceived before, it would definitely not sue. The follow-up will definitely be from the scammers," Zhang Zhengxin told China Economic Weekly.


  Although Tencent’s winning rate is high, it has also passed through Maicheng

  Previously, because Tencent repeatedly sued and won in the Nanshan court, it was jokingly called "Nanshan Pizza Hut" by netizens.

  The China Economic Weekly reporter inquired about the China Judgment Document Network, and the results showed that among the cases officially decided by the Nanshan District Court, there were 4,533 cases related to Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd. Random browsing by China Economic Weekly found that many cases in which Tencent was the defendant, and the plaintiff eventually withdrew the case.

  For example, in the top 10 search results, eight of the defendants were Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd., and the plaintiffs all applied for withdrawal, and the court ruled that the withdrawal complied with the regulations.

  Tencent Technology, which often appears in the original/dock together with Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd., is more representative.

  According to the reporter’s incomplete statistics, China Judgment Document Network has included 61 cases in which Tencent Technology has been the original/defendant of the Nanshan District Court since 2016. Among them, Tencent Technology has been the plaintiff in 55 cases and the defendant in 6 cases. Tencent Technology has basically won the case. In addition, there are 397 rulings related to Tencent Technology in the Nanshan District Court.

  According to China Judgment Document Network, in the case where Tencent Technology and Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd. are the plaintiffs, there are many well-known companies such as Panda Entertainment, Hero Entertainment, and Ali Merchandise. Among them, Tencent and Ali have the largest number of cases over music copyright disputes, involving the largest amount. According to preliminary statistics, since 2016, Tencent Technology and Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd. have sued Ali Merchandise in Nanshan Court in no less than 18 cases, and the court has ruled that Ali Merchandise should pay compensation of not less than 2363.1 million yuan.

  However, while Tencent’s legal team is powerful, there are times when it loses out.

  In February 2019, the IT Home website published an article "Doing Social, Tencent Forced". Tencent believed that many of the contents of this article constituted slander, and then sued the Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court, requesting that IT Home publish an apology statement on its registered or operated IT Home and other media channels for 30 days, compensating Tencent for its economic losses and reasonable expenses totaling 3 million yuan.

  After losing the case by the Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court, IT Home appealed to the Shandong Provincial Higher People’s Court. The Shandong Provincial Higher People’s Court held that IT Home’s comments were based on relevant reports by authoritative media, did not fabricate or disseminate misinformation and misleading information, and only made legitimate comments on Tencent’s business practices. Although some words were too sharp, they still belonged to the scope of comments and would not mislead the public. On May 14, 2020, the Shandong Provincial Higher People’s Court finally revoked the first-instance judgment and rejected Tencent’s lawsuit.

  Regarding Tencent’s title of "Nanshan Pizza Hut", Zhang Zhengxin believes that any case has the possibility of losing, even the lawsuit filed by Tencent in the Nanshan court cannot reach 100% victory. The court must make a judgment based on facts and take the law as the criterion.

Huawei Yuntianqi deeply interprets Pangu Big Model: Let AI empower thousands of industries.

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report]For most people, AlphaGo defeated Li Shishi, the world’s top chess player, and AlphaMaster defeated Ke Jie in Go, which made us truly realize the arrival of the era of artificial intelligence. Subsequently, the market and industry were excited about it, and startups around the development and application of "artificial intelligence" emerged constantly, and traditional enterprises also entered the market one after another, using artificial intelligence technology to open up new market demand. In just a few years, people’s cognition of artificial intelligence has changed from "curiosity" to a normal attitude. It seems that the smoke brought by artificial intelligence has gradually dispersed, and the changes it has brought to society and industry will be forgotten over time.

I don’t know when it started, but we found that the recommendation of shopping websites is more and more in line with our wishes; The effect of taking pictures with mobile phones is getting better and better, and you can get satisfactory selfies without retouching; There seems to be less and less traffic jams on the roads of the Second and Third Ring Roads in Beijing during the morning rush hour. These scenes that we are used to, but secretly "get better", are inseparable from the support of artificial intelligence technology. As the saying goes, "moisten things quietly", just like most universal technologies, artificial intelligence is imperceptibly affecting our lives, and both academia and industry are stepping up research and development and layout of artificial intelligence technologies and applications.

In recent years, artificial intelligence is being favored by the market and society because of its ability to process huge, repetitive and complex data. Due to the universality of artificial intelligence technology and the diversity of realistic scenes, how to design a universal and easy-to-use artificial intelligence development model for different industries has become a hot spot in the field of artificial intelligence research and development. In the past two years, this field has attracted the layout of many internationally renowned technology companies including Microsoft, Google, Facebook, OpenAI and Huawei. In April this year, Tian Qi, the chief scientist in the field of Huawei cloud artificial intelligence, led the team to officially release the "Huawei Cloud Pangu Series AI Model".

Tian Qi, chief scientist in Huawei's cloud artificial intelligence field

According to Tian Qi, Huawei Cloud Pangu series AI big model (hereinafter referred to as Pangu big model) includes NLP (Chinese language) big model, CV (vision) big model, multi-modal big model and scientific computing big model, aiming at establishing a set of universal and easy-to-use artificial intelligence development models to empower more industries and developers and realize the industrial development of artificial intelligence. It has a strong generalization ability. By combining with industry knowledge, it can quickly adapt to different scenarios, and a small number of samples can also achieve high precision. Based on the industrialized AI development model of pre-training and downstream fine-tuning, it accelerates the application of AI industry and enables AI technology to truly empower different industries.

Recently, Tian Qi, the head of Huawei’s cloud Pangu model and the chief scientist in the field of Huawei’s cloud artificial intelligence, shared his deep thoughts on AI industrialization and the application of Pangu model with media reporters.

Launch a new model of industrialized AI development and build an AI ecosystem with partners.

Before joining Huawei, Tian Qi had been deeply involved in the AI field for many years: he graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering in Tsinghua University in 1992, graduated from Drexel University in the United States in 1996 with a master’s degree, and then went to study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States, where he studied under Professor Thomas S. Huang, an internationally renowned expert in computer vision, and received his doctorate. From 2002 to 2019, he served as assistant professor, associate professor and full professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

After joining Huawei in June 2018, Tian Qi became the chief scientist of computational vision in Huawei’s Noah’s Ark Lab. In March last year, he became the chief scientist of Huawei’s cloud artificial intelligence field. Thanks to many years of theoretical and practical research in the fields of computers and AI, Tian Qi has keenly discovered that artificial intelligence has entered a period of rapid development and prosperity driven by industry and capital, and at the same time, he has also seen various shortcomings of AI in large-scale commercialization. Among them, one of the biggest challenges of AI application is the fragmentation, customization and "workshop-style" development mode of AI application. Simply put, a scene needs to develop a model independently, and the whole process needs to be started from scratch and independently tuned. If the model can’t reach the expected goal, it will have to be reinvented, resulting in low development efficiency, and the development cycle often takes one month or even months. "Therefore, AI development urgently needs a new model to complete the transformation from workshop-based development to industrial development," Tian Qi said.

According to Tian Qi, the Huawei Cloud Pangu Model released in April this year is based on the industrialized AI development model of "pre-training+downstream fine-tuning", aiming at accelerating AI’s entry into thousands of industries and realizing inclusive AI. Pangu big model is based on big data pre-training and has strong generalization ability and small sample learning ability. This has achieved a breakthrough in performance and ease of use, that is, a model can be applied to a large number of complex industry scenarios, and a small number of samples can also achieve high accuracy.

Pangu big model is not an experimental model, but now it has landed in many industries and more than 100 scenes, including energy, retail, finance, industry, medical care, environment, logistics and so on. In the case of "Power Intelligent Inspection of State Grid Chongqing Yongchuan Power Supply Company", because most of the areas where Chongqing power grid is laid are hilly and mountainous areas, rivers and valleys, it is necessary to use unmanned aerial vehicles for intelligent inspection of power grid. Among them, the development of traditional intelligent inspection AI model of UAV faces two major challenges. One is how to label massive data efficiently; Second, there are hundreds of kinds of defects, which require dozens of AI recognition models, and the development cost is high. In order to solve the above problems, based on Pangu CV model, Huawei Cloud team used massive unlabeled power data for pre-training, and combined with an efficient development mode of fine-tuning a few labeled samples, put forward a pre-training model for the power industry, which skillfully solved the problem of data labeling. After the application of Pangu model, the efficiency of sample screening is improved by about 30 times, and the screening quality is improved by about 5 times. Taking Yongchuan as an example, 50,000 high-definition pictures are collected every day, and the manual marking time can be saved by 170 people/day. In terms of model universality, combined with the automatic data augmentation carried by Pangu and the optimization strategy of category adaptive loss function, one model can be adapted to hundreds of defects, and one model can replace more than 20 original small models in Yongchuan, greatly reducing the maintenance cost of the model, improving the average accuracy by 18.4% and reducing the development cost of the model by 90%.  

Helping the industry’s AI application ability to improve rapidly is the goal.

When talking about the position of Pangu big model technology in the same field, Tian Qi said that although many well-known overseas companies have devoted themselves to this track, Huawei Yunpangu big model still has its own unique advantages.

The first is technological innovation. Pangu NLP model uses Encoder-Decoder architecture for the first time, which takes into account the ability of NLP understanding and generation and leads the performance; The multi-task learning method is adopted to make the large model training more stable; Using Prompt-based, it has stronger ability in small sample learning. Pangu CV model has been extracted on demand for the first time in the industry, and the volume difference of the model extracted in different deployment scenarios can reach three orders of magnitude. Based on the comparative learning of sample similarity, the small sample learning ability is leading in the industry on ImageNet.

Followed by commercial verification. The technology developed by Huawei is producible and commercialized, and the Pangu model also integrates such genes. At the beginning of research and development, targeted development was carried out on scenes such as finance, intelligent customer service and intelligent investment research. "When we designed Pangu Big Model at the beginning, we hoped that it could get a better verification in some occasions, and hoped to drive a goal with commercial value." In Tian Qi’s view, the display of AI technical capabilities needs to be reflected in applications, and better empowering the industry’s AI application capabilities is the embodiment of the final results of Pangu Big Model.

Training AI with limited data is the current environment of AI industrialization.

When talking about his views on AI industrialization, Tian Qi said that the current AI industrialization field is in the early stage of industrial digitalization, and the application scenarios are very fragmented. Many scenarios still need customized development, and it is difficult to have a universal solution. In the face of such a dilemma, Pangu model has set a pre-training and fine-tuning method, so that the model can cover more scenes, and because the model is large enough, it has higher performance and stronger tolerance, that is, stronger generalization ability.

For example, in the financial field, industry experts need to spend a lot of energy every year to analyze corporate financial data and non-financial data, explore the means and motives of corporate financial fraud, identify corporate risks, and help corporate project audit. Due to the scarcity of industry experts, it is difficult to analyze the finances of thousands of companies in detail. In addition, due to the small sample size and extremely uneven distribution of data, traditional machine learning has been unable to accurately analyze the financial data and non-financial data of enterprises.

In order to improve the efficiency of industry analysis and reduce the manual workload, Pangu Model has trained a series of models for data differentiation, and then fused each model efficiently after training one by one. The trained Pangu model can identify 10+ major financial anomalies, 200+ minor abnormal signals, 6 types of fraudulent motives and 120+ fraudulent means.

Mental journey: from academia to business circles

As a typical representative of the transformation from academic circles to business circles, Tian Qi also shared his mental journey and views on AI with reporters. Before coming to Huawei, Tian Qi had taught in a university for 17 years, mainly studying large-scale image retrieval, pedestrian re-recognition, etc., and once achieved fruitful academic results: he became an Associate Editor; of many journals such as IEEE TMM, TCSVT, TNNLS, ACM TOMM, Multimedia Systems Journal, etc. He owns 6 American patents, has published more than 650 articles (including 181 IEEE/ACM journals and 191 CCF A conference articles) in top journals and conferences in computer vision and multimedia, such as IEEE TP AMI, IJCV, TIP, TMM, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV and ACMM, and has been cited by Google for more than 30,700 times, with an H index of 83. Eight papers have won the Best Paper Award or.

Tian Qi won the 2010 Google Facilities Research Award and the 2017 UTSA President’s Outstanding Research Award (one per year). In 2016, he was awarded the top 10 most influential scholars in the multimedia field and was awarded the IEEE Fellow. Later, he was selected as a national leading talent innovation project in 2018. Tian Qi is not only a chair professor or visiting professor at Tsinghua University Center for Neurocognitive Computing, Institute of Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi ‘an Jiaotong University, Nanjing University, xidian university, Dalian University of Technology, Southeast University, etc., but also a professor at the Yangtze River in the Ministry of Education, an overseas evaluation expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the China Academy of Sciences. At the end of May 2021, Tian Qi was elected as an academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences.

As a top expert in AI academia, coming to the industry has given Tian Qi more opportunities to combine theory with practice and improved his knowledge structure. In his view, although the academia and the industry are different, the "Tao" is interlinked and both are pursuing the development of science and technology, but the academia pays more attention to the pursuit of theoretical research, while the industry pursues practical application. At present, the academic circles advocate the combination of Industry-University-Research, with the purpose of promoting the common development of theory and practice, providing more practical cases for academic development and providing more theoretical guidance for industry.

editorial comment/noteSince the appearance of Alpha Go, the game of Go seems to have jumped out of the circle of simply pursuing victory and defeat, and turned to pursue the real "formal beauty" of Go; In the same way, the existence of artificial intelligence helps people get rid of monotonous and boring work and pursue their own real value; The application of Pangu model will also help enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, so that AI will benefit thousands of industries.

Tencent Music, whose profit increased by 36% year-on-year last year, is also worried, and the number of monthly users of its main business has decreased for several consecutive quarters.

The business map of Tencent Music has been adjusted.

On March 19th, Tencent Music released the unaudited financial performance report for the fourth quarter and the whole year as of December 31st, 2023.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the total revenue of Tencent Music was RMB 6.89 billion, down 7.2% year-on-year; The net profit was 1.41 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.9%.

In 2023, the total revenue of Tencent Music was 27.75 billion yuan, down 2.1% year-on-year; The net profit was 5.22 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 36%.

After the financial report was released, before the US stock market closed on March 19th, the share price of Tencent Music rose by 0.48%, corresponding to a market value of $17.813 billion.

In terms of business, Tencent Music is still in the process of adjusting its business structure and continues to focus on online music services. In Q4 of 2023, Tencent Music’s online music service revenue reached 5.02 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 41.1%; The income from social entertainment services and other services dropped by 51.6% year-on-year to 1.87 billion yuan. Correspondingly, in Q4 of 2023, the operating cost of Tencent Music decreased by 14.6% year-on-year to 4.25 billion yuan due to the decrease in revenue sharing cost corresponding to the decrease in social entertainment service revenue.

In the whole year of 2023, thanks to the accelerated growth of online music subscription revenue and advertising service revenue, as well as the growth of sales revenue around artists, Tencent Music’s online music service revenue was 17.33 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38.8%; As the company adjusted some live interactive functions and implemented stricter compliance procedures, the revenue from social entertainment services and other services was 10.43 billion yuan, down 34.2% year-on-year.

With the concentration of live broadcast traffic to the short video platform in the head, Tencent Music is also changing its strategy. Nowadays, online music service has become Tencent’s music business accounting for over 70%, and this proportion is increasing — — From 37.1% in Q1 in 2023 to 72.9% in Q4, and achieved good profits. Earlier, Tencent Music’s social entertainment service accounted for 70% of the company’s total revenue.

In this process, Tencent Music has tapped the paying potential of users, and both the number of paying users and the average monthly income of users of its online music service have increased. The former increased by 20.6% to 107 million in Q4, while the latter increased by 20.2% to 10.7 yuan.

In addition, Zhu Liang, CEO of Tencent Music, said at the performance meeting that Tencent Music pays more attention to the overall activity and liquidity of long audio content and the promotion of long audio content in the car market. In 2023, the long audio service achieved more than the expected results in the transformation of Tencent Music. Next, Tencent Music will continue to promote the distribution and commercial efficiency of long audio content on the entire music platform.

Cussion Pang, executive chairman of Tencent Music, said in the financial report, "2023 is a crucial year for the transformation of Tencent Music." "The strong performance of online music services not only eased the pressure on social entertainment services, but also promoted the steady increase of quarterly net profit."

However, Tencent Music, which has successfully transformed, is not without worries. On the one hand, the number of monthly active users of online music service, which has been regarded as the main business, has decreased for several consecutive quarters. In Q4 of 2023, the number of monthly active users of this service was 576 million, a year-on-year decrease of 4.2% and a quarter-on-quarter decrease of 3.03%. The number of monthly mobile users of social entertainment services also decreased by 28.8% year-on-year to 104 million.

On the other hand, although the net profit performance is good, but reducing costs and increasing efficiency has not changed its overall income decline. In 2023, the total revenue of Tencent Music decreased by 2.1% year-on-year.

Regarding the loss of Q4 users, Liang Zhu said that there are quarterly reasons, and the mobile terminal itself continues to be affected by short videos, and the traffic has the pressure of natural loss; In 2023, the promotion and marketing expenses of Tencent Music were also reduced, and the distribution channels were also reduced.

In addition, in 2023, the average monthly income of users of Tencent Music’s online music service increased, which also caused negative user feedback. The topic of "QQ music members’ price increase" was once on the hot search in Weibo. In addition, Tencent Music’s MOO Music, which focuses on young users and targets Netease Cloud Music, was shut down on December 31, 2023.

Netease Cloud Music, the main competitor of Tencent Music, released its financial report on March 1st. The latter also embarked on the road of reducing costs and increasing efficiency and adjusting its business structure, and also experienced a decline in income and an increase in profits — — In Q4 of 2023, the net income of Cloud Music was 1.986 billion yuan, down 16.4% year-on-year; Gross profit was 601 million yuan, up 42.32% year-on-year.

According to the financial report of Tencent Music, as of December 31, 2023, the total balance of cash, cash equivalents and time deposits of Tencent Music was 32.22 billion yuan. In addition, according to the $500 million share repurchase plan announced on March 21, 2023, as of December 31, 2023, Tencent Music has repurchased about 25.3 million shares of american depository receipts from the open market for $174.5 million in cash.

The first snow in Chengdu went online. Did it snow there?

"It’s snowing, it’s snowing, it’s big!" At 8 o’clock on the evening of January 21, Chengdu Meteorological Observatory announced that snow was falling in Sandaoyan, Longquanshan Urban Forest Park, Wenjiang Lujiatan and Huanglongxi in Pidu District of Chengdu.
One night passed, and yesterday morning, many citizens found that there was snow.
Location: Taiping Taoyuan Mountain, Tianfu New District, Sichuan
Snow is falling all over the sky. "At 8 o’clock last night, we saw it like a light snow. What a surprise!" Xiao Lu, the manager of Guiyuan & Guiyu Hidden B&B, said. One night passed, and it was really a white snow scene, which was gratifying.
Location: Yaowangtai, Taiping Town, Tianfu New District, Sichuan
The snow on the lookout platform soon accumulated a thin layer. When encountering the first snow, some netizens made a stroke on the snow and wrote down their wishes for 2024.
Location: Tiantai Mountain Scenic Area
"is like a spring gale, come up in the night, blowing open the petals of ten thousand pear trees" has a cold wind, and it has accumulated for a winter. Snow has spread all over Sandaowan, and the snow has poured down the stone. On the occasion of the twelfth lunar month, the first snow on the rooftop is online!
Location: Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park
According to netizens’ photos, the snow in Longquan Mountain on the evening of 21st was really heavy! Overnight, in Wumiao Town and Gaoming Town, the eastern new district of Chengdu, located in the hinterland of Longquan Mountain, a thin layer of white snow has been laid on the top of the mountain, trees and grass slopes. In the Danjingtai Scenic Area in the East New District of Chengdu, the "Eye of the City" has been covered with snow, and tourists can’t wait to climb the Danjingtai to overlook the magnificent scenery of hundreds of miles of snow.
Mengdingshan scenic spot
Thousands of acres of tea gardens and thousand-year-old trees "grow old overnight"
On January 21, the first snow in 2024 began in Mengding Mountain Scenic Area of Sichuan. By January 22, Mengding Mountain Scenic Area was "white-headed overnight", and thousands of acres of tea gardens and thousand-year-old trees had been replaced with silver.
3-5cm thick snow is enough for tourists to experience snowball fights, snowmen and sledding in the south, and many tourists "grow old together" in the swirl of snowflakes.
Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News reporter learned that during this period, Tiangai Temple in Mengding Mountain can also experience cooking tea around the stove and taking photos and punching cards in Hanfu. On weekends, Mengding Mountain Scenic Area also has a non-legacy exhibition of tea art and skills, as well as performances such as te amo and Hanfu dances. During the Spring Festival, Mengding Mountain Scenic Area will carry out the activity of "seeing the dragon and finding the dragon at the top of the mountain" and send new year wishes to tourists!
Mengding Mountain Scenic Area is located in Ya ‘an City, Sichuan Province. It is one of the first provincial-level scenic spots in Sichuan and a national AAAA-level scenic spot. Mengding Mountain is about 10 kilometers long and 4 kilometers wide. The top of the mountain is surrounded by five peaks, which are like lotus flowers, and the highest peak is Shangqing Peak, with an altitude of 1,456 meters. The scenic spot is composed of two main scenic spots, Mengshan Mountain and Baizhang Lake. There are many scenic spots, such as Tiangai Temple, Yongxing Temple, Baizhangguan Memorial Hall, Yinyang Stone Archway, Tea History Museum and so on. The total area of the scenic spot is 54 square kilometers and the core area is 15 square kilometers.
Mengding Mountain Scenic Area is the birthplace of world tea civilization and world tea culture. The altitude, soil and climate of Mengding Mountain are most suitable for the growth of tea. From the Zhongshan area at an altitude of about 80-1000 meters, from west to east, patches of tea gardens are piled green and green, and the green waves are surging, green and pleasant, which is spectacular. Mengding tea with a long history is called "fairy tea" and Mengding Mountain is known as "hometown of fairy tea".
The hills around Xichang are covered with snow.
"Seeing the scenery of the North overnight"
"The sun was shining the day before, and the temperature dropped by more than 10℃ overnight. It actually snowed in Xichang!" In the early morning of the 22nd, affected by cold air, Xichang City, Sichuan Province ushered in the first snow in 2024. This news even exploded the circle of friends of local people.
"The day before yesterday, the highest temperature was still more than 20℃, and it suddenly snowed today! Xichang also entered the winter overnight, and I have to wear a down jacket again! " On the morning of January 22, some citizens in Xichang City found that they were shivering when they went out, and the surrounding hills were already white. "Xichang is warmer in winter and it snows less."
"When we opened the window, everything we saw was white. Xichang overnight allowed us to see the snow country scenery in the north every year without leaving home." Ms. Li, a local citizen, said that since the early morning of the 22nd, small snowflakes began to float in some places in Xichang City, but the snowfall in the urban area was not large, and it snowed heavily in Lushan Mountain and high-altitude areas around the urban area.
The reporter learned that it also snowed in some areas near Qionghai. According to the villagers of Walnut Village, the sun was shining brightly yesterday (21st), and it was covered with snow this morning, and a layer of snow was formed in the flower beds and on the ground.
The snow in Yibin attracted the public to exclaim that the bamboo sea in southern Sichuan turned into a "cedar"
On January 22nd, it snowed in pingshan county, Xuzhou District, Xingwen County and Zhuhai Scenic Area in southern Sichuan, and even Qixing Mountain in the suburbs of Yibin was covered with snow, with snow on the roof, trees and vegetable fields, and heavy snow in some high-altitude areas such as Laojun Mountain in Pingshan, Grand Snow Mountain in Junlian and Xianfeng in Xingwen.
Because it rarely snows in Yibin, which is located in the south of Sichuan, this round of snowfall has also surprised many citizens. Many people have exposed live videos of "snowing" on social platform accounts and issued exclamations. According to the video provided by netizens, the places where it snows in Yibin include Xingwen King Mountain Scenic Area, Changning Shunan Bamboo Sea Scenic Area, Pingshan Laojun Mountain, Jinping, Ma Caoping, Qilian Snow Mountain, Xingwen Xianfeng Township, Qixing Mountain in Xuzhou District, and Foxian Mountain.
At 8: 25 a.m. on January 22, Yibin Meteorological Observatory issued a live report of heavy cooling rainfall, which showed that Yibin Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning of heavy cooling on January 19. As of 8: 00 a.m. on January 22, the daily average temperature in all districts and counties of the city had dropped by about 6℃, and the minimum temperature had dropped to 2℃.
The rainfall in Yibin is generally light rain, with moderate rain in some places and heavy rain in some places. When cold air affects it, there are 5 to 7 gusts of wind, and the great wind appears at 14.8 m/s (level 7) in Xuzhou District. (Peng Qingxia Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star Journalist Jiang Lin Jiang Long Luo Min Comprehensive Chengdu Release, Chengdu Meteorology, Sichuan Observation)