Oil price "7 times" car owners have no shortage of "fuel-saving wisdom"

   Wuyi News Network (reporter, Wu Jingyang) Affected by the rise in oil prices, the travel patterns of many car owners in our county have quietly changed, and they have come up with many fuel-saving tricks.

  Bus and electric vehicle travel

  "Xiao Li, why don’t you drive?" When he got off work at noon yesterday, Mr. Li, who was working in a public institution in the county seat, pushed a new electric car out of the door of the unit, and a colleague asked this. Faced with the doubts of his colleagues, Mr. Li said: "Now that the oil price is so high, I ride an electric car to get off work instead."

  Mr. Li lives in Xianxia’s house on South Wenquan Road, six stops away from his work. Two years ago, he bought a car for transportation, and with the rise in oil prices, he increasingly felt that it was difficult to maintain a car. After the oil price was raised again this time, he calculated an account: his car consumes about 10 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers, and the monthly fuel bill is about 50 yuan more than before. "In this way, I have to spend about 600 yuan more a year, and now I basically don’t drive for short distances," he said. The reporter learned in the interview that, like Mr. Li, many car owners often choose buses, electric vehicles and other travel.

  Reduce the burden on the trunk

  Last weekend, Mr. Wang, who worked in a company in the county development zone, gave his car’s trunk a thorough cleaning. Children’s carts, all kinds of shoes, books… "Look, these things add up to dozens of kilograms. I heard that reducing the burden on the trunk can save fuel," Mr. Wang said.

  According to Mr. Wang, after the oil price rose this time, he looked up fuel-saving tips online. "I learned from the Internet that every 45kg reduction in vehicle weight can reduce vehicle fuel consumption by up to 2%." Mr. Wang said that reducing the burden on the trunk from time to time is a good way to save fuel. At the same time, he does not fill up at one time, but adds half or two-thirds of the fuel, so that the car can be light on the road. It is understood that many veteran drivers also save fuel by not easily overtaking at high speed and avoiding congested routes.

  Change from self-driving tour to group tour

  At noon yesterday, Ms. Zhang, who lives in Qixia Garden, used her lunch break to rush to the travel agency near her unit to inquire about the travel situation of the "May Day" long-term tour.

  "Originally, we were going to go on a self-driving tour, but everyone may have changed to a group tour considering the cost issue." According to Ms. Zhang, in order to go out and take care of each other, last week, she asked college classmates to go on a self-driving tour, but very few people responded. It turned out that the students felt that the price of oil had risen, and the cost of self-driving tours was too high. According to the staff of a travel agency in the urban area, with the rise in oil prices, the cost of self-driving tours has increased, and many citizens have switched to group tours with their families.

House prices are confusing, and the "swinging family" camp is divided.

Topic: picture channel


  Although house prices have been "hitting new highs", the enthusiasm and noise of the property market have obviously cooled down, and the wait-and-see mood of buyers has been aroused unprecedentedly. Liu Yulian painted

  In late September, a series of new real estate policies were introduced, which gave a strong medicine to the property market that was boiling oil. With the introduction of regulatory combination boxing, the "swinging family" mentality of the property market began to divide. Some people took the opportunity to enter the market, some people held money and waited and saw, and some people were waiting for the house to rise. Between the games, the property market is complicated, and the trend of property prices is still confusing.

  "Group Buying Family": Re-emerging from the Jianghu

  As the weight of buyers on the balance of buying and selling began to increase, group buying that disappeared during the skyrocketing property market began to reappear.

  After the successive regulation of the New Deal, the property market not only failed to welcome the expected "Golden September and Silver 10", but entered hibernation ahead of schedule. The wait-and-see attitude of buyers has increased, the transaction volume of the property market has shrunk sharply, and the mentality of developers who can live in strange goods and hoard houses has also undergone intriguing changes. Some real estates have begun to launch hidden concessions or promotional activities, and the amount of real estate advertisements in newspapers has increased sharply.

  Correspondingly, the weight of buyers in the balance of buying and selling began to increase. When the house price soared, there was once a phenomenon that the sales office was "difficult to enter and ugly". However, since September, buyers have begun to speak boldly, and some small and medium-sized developers have extended olive branches, and "property market group buying" has reappeared.

  On November 5th, a real estate in Pukou, Jiangbei, Nanjing, launched a large-scale group purchase activity. The developer took out 85 suites and gave 100 yuan to 250 yuan/square meter discounts according to different areas and payment methods. The average selling price of these houses was therefore lowered to about 4,300 yuan/square meter. On November 10th, another large building in Jiangbei, which is more than one million square meters, organized a large-scale group purchase activity. The developer drove the group purchase car to Xinjiekou in the city center, and all the members present were given gifts and provided free afternoon dessert tasting. What’s more remarkable is that "group buying shops" have appeared for the first time in Nanjing. A project claims that as long as it becomes a member, it can enjoy a minimum discount of 1% during the subscription period, and those who successfully subscribe on the official opening day of the first phase of the shop will also enjoy other discounts.

  A developer said privately that the duration and depth of this round of regulation is still difficult to say, and the property market will enter a "frozen period" in the short term. In order to complete the sales task and withdraw funds before the end of the year, group buying and other promotional methods are still very attractive to some buyers who have rigid demand but wait-and-see psychology.

  The change in the attitude of developers has received a positive response from buyers. At the "Nanjing Owners’ Union" in xici, some netizens posted a message soliciting citizens to form a group to buy houses, and the first batch of three properties were launched. After the netizens signed up, the sponsors could talk with the developers about the preferential discounts for existing homes according to the number of people. As soon as the post was issued, it attracted more than 17,000 clicks. Hundreds of netizens signed up with the post, and some people listed their favorite real estate names, hoping that the purchase group could "negotiate" with the developers to reduce the price.

  However, more netizens hold a wait-and-see attitude. Someone posted: "The opening price of ×× real estate in August was 12,000 yuan/square meter, and now it’s on special offer, 9,088 yuan/square meter. I don’t think the developers can hold it any longer. Everyone waits for the house price to fall before buying."

  According to industry insiders, judging from the attitude of buyers and sellers on the issue of "group buying", the "tug-of-war" in the property market will continue. According to a survey of nearly 8,000 netizens on a website in Nanjing, 62.2% of the citizens said that they would not enter the market to buy a house in the near future. The latest survey of Shanghai consumers by the Applied Statistics Research Center of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics also shows that 65.9% of the respondents believe that it is not a good time to buy a house at present, and the expected index of the opportunity to buy a house in the next six months has dropped by 14.6 percentage points compared with the second quarter.

  "Contract Breakers": From Sellers to Buyers

  The mentality of buyers and sellers in the property market has changed significantly, and the protagonist of "breaking the contract" has begun to change from the seller to the buyer.

  When the house price was "sturm und drang" in July and August this year, "price jumping" became a buzzword in Shanghai’s second-hand housing market. After the buyers and sellers reached an agreement, the phenomenon that sellers unilaterally raised the price was everywhere. Many speculators in the property market are asking exorbitant prices from buyers who make inquiries. The price is not only very different from that of the intermediary company, but also they often ask for a substantial price increase for no reason after reaching an intention agreement, each time the range is as high as 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, and even the landlord jumps the price for four consecutive times in the same transaction within one month. A seller lamented: "I can sell it at random, and I don’t know how much this house should sell!" "

  Since September, the central government has continuously sent the signal of property market regulation, banks have contracted housing loans, especially second-hand housing loans, and the cumulative effect of five interest rate hikes by the central bank has gradually emerged, and the reins of soaring real estate prices have begun to tighten. The mentality of buyers and sellers has changed obviously, and the protagonist of "breaking the contract" has begun to change from the seller to the buyer.

  The reporter learned from some real estate agents in Nanjing that since October, the listed houses in the second-hand housing market have increased significantly, and the quotations have also dropped accordingly. The listed prices of individual houses have dropped by 30,000 to 50,000 yuan. "There are still some sellers who insist on the original listing price, but the psychological price has been reduced, and clearly told us that’ the price can be discussed again’." Wang Xiaojun, general manager of Nanjing Mozi Real Estate Company, said.

  Chen Wei just paid a penalty in the real estate agency. "Now the second-hand housing loans are tightening, and the most affected ones are those rooms with old age and small area in the urban area. This is a good time to find a house. It’s a fool not to take a machete out at this time. Compared with the difference of50,000 yuan, the liquidated damages at the intersection point are nothing at all. "

  According to the public notice list of check-out in November just released by Nanjing Housing Management Bureau, there are more than 80 check-outs with obvious investment color in 105 suites, and 45 check-outs have appeared in one property. Statistics of real estate online in Nanjing also show that the exchange rate of some properties is quite high. For example, the number of check-outs in Zhongtai International Plaza in the last 90 days reached 189, that in Mingfa Binjiang New Town Phase II reached 156, and that in Tianrun City reached 153.

  "housechangers": It looks beautiful.

  Second-hand housing "swap" is not only convenient, but also reasonable tax avoidance, but it is too difficult to find suitable housing.

  When the cold snap hit the property market, the second-hand housing market was the first to encounter "quick freezing"-not only the down payment ratio was high, but individual banks even stopped the second-hand mortgage completely; High transaction costs also discourage buyers, and the highest tax collection ratio in the process of buying and selling has reached 11.6% of the total price. In a depression, the "exchange of second-hand houses" attracts attention, which is not only convenient, but also reasonable tax avoidance.

  Wang Xiaojun, general manager of Nanjing Mozi Real Estate Company, said that for those "housechangers" who want to improve their living conditions or to facilitate their children’s schooling, "exchange of house property rights" can be considered. After the property of both housechangers is evaluated, the deed tax can be exempted for the equivalent part, as long as the relevant taxes and fees are paid according to the difference. The national policy supports this demand for self-occupied housing exchange, which can not only avoid the high threshold of credit, but also greatly save transaction costs.

  Although "it looks beautiful", "changing rooms" has great operational limitations, that is, the needs of both parties complement each other. There is very little chance for buyers and sellers to be "affectionate and interested". Therefore, the exchange stickers for changing rooms on the Internet are often in vain.

  Mr. Hou of Nanjing is undoubtedly lucky. He has a 75-square-meter house in Gulou District in the center of the city. Although the house was reformed in the early 1990s, similar houses are very popular in the second-hand housing market because there is a well-known primary school nearby. Because of the high floor, Mr. Hou wants to change his parents to a house with a low floor to facilitate the elderly to go out. He hit it off with Mr. Zhu, who wanted to change a good school district for his son. Zhu’s house is next to the newly-built Nanhu Park, with a good environment and on the second floor, which is most suitable for the elderly to live in.

  After intermediary evaluation, the difference between the two houses is 52,000 yuan. According to the policy of Nanjing, in order to encourage individuals to adjust their properties, only the deed tax is levied on the difference between the two properties in the process of "changing houses", while the equivalent part is tax-free. Since they are all houses for more than five years, there is no need to pay business tax, and both parties have saved more than 23,000 yuan compared with buying and selling second-hand houses.

  A person from the Property Market Department of Nanjing Real Estate Bureau said that the number of applications for "house exchange" is about 10 per month, which is basically the exchange of houses between relatives and friends, accounting for a very low proportion of the total second-hand housing sales. On the one hand, it is difficult to match the "house exchange", on the other hand, the "house exchange family" does not understand this preferential policy, which is also one of the reasons. (Reporter: Yao Yujie, Xu Shousong)

Editor: Zhu Zhen

Zhengxiang district: Intensify the efforts of fireworks and firecrackers to "crack down on illegal activities"

Hunan Daily New Hunan Client January 31 (correspondent Li Penghui) On January 29, Hengyang zhengxiang district Emergency Management Bureau received a report from the masses, reflecting that a large number of fireworks and firecrackers were stored in a private house in Qunyi Village, Yumushan Town. The emergency bureau of this area responded quickly and immediately organized the emergency office and police station in Yumushan Town to rush to the scene for verification.
Law enforcement officers counted fireworks and firecrackers in houses on the spot.
According to the information provided by the informant, law enforcement officers found that a large number of fireworks and firecrackers were stored on the second floor of the house. After on-site inventory, there were more than 570 fireworks and firecrackers in the room. Law enforcement officers took compulsory measures according to law to seal up the illegally stored fireworks and firecrackers on the spot and safely transport them to the special warehouse of Hengyang Richie Fireworks and Firecrackers Sales Co., Ltd. for storage. At present, the case is under further investigation.
It is reported that the production, management, storage and transportation of fireworks and firecrackers, black powder, pyrotechnics and fuse are prohibited in zhengxiang district. All the production, management, storage and transportation of fireworks and firecrackers in the whole region are illegal and illegal.
At the end of the year and the end of the year, zhengxiang district continued to intensify efforts to crack down on illegal production, sale, storage and transportation of fireworks and firecrackers, and resolutely safeguarded people’s lives and property. The broad masses of the people are requested to actively participate, consciously abide by relevant laws and regulations, do not illegally produce, sell, store or transport fireworks and firecrackers, actively cooperate with the "anti-illegal" action, and actively report illegal and illegal activities in production safety to relevant departments. If the report is verified, the whistleblower shall be commended or appropriately rewarded according to the Measures for Acceptance, Disposal and Reward of Safety Reports in zhengxiang district.
Reporting telephone number: 110, 12345 or 0734-8827440.