Xu Jiayin was taken compulsory measures according to law, Hengda workout progress or affected

Rumors about Xu Jiayin finally settled. On the evening of September 28, China Evergrande issued an announcement saying that the company had received a notice from relevant departments that Xu Jiayin, the executive director and chairperson of the board of directors of the company, had been taken compulsory measures according to law for suspected illegal crimes.

On the morning of the same day, China Evergrande, Hengda Automobile, and Hengda Property, three Hengda companies, announced that the company’s shares had temporarily stopped trading at 9 a.m., and the three Hengda companies had resumed trading shortly thereafter.

The three companies collectively suspended their trading, which made the market speculate that something big might happen to Evergrande. Unexpectedly, the relevant rumors about Xu Jiayin’s situation came true.

Many industry insiders believe that, as the head of Evergrande, Xu Jiayin was forced to take measures, which will affect the progress of the workout.

China Evergrande announced that Xu Jiayin, the executive director and chairperson of the board of directors of the company, has been taken compulsory measures according to law on suspicion of illegal crimes. Photo/IC photo

Lawyers say this could be just the beginning

Since September 23, news of Xu Jiayin’s situation has been circulating in the public. On September 28, China Evergrande, Evergrande Automobile and Evergrande Property suspended trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which caused many discussions.

Hengda did not respond to the reason why Xu Jiayin was taken coercive measures for suspected crimes.

Wang Yushen, director of Beijing Jinsheng Law Firm, analyzed that from the announcement, Xu Jiayin’s suspected crime has been "real" and coercive measures have been taken. This shows that the public security organs have relatively sufficient evidence of Xu Jiayin’s suspected crime, otherwise they will not take coercive measures against him.

Wang Yuchen further said that in the past, Hengda executives were investigated and now Xu Jiayin has been taken coercive measures, which all shows that Hengda has now entered a period of great crisis. Xu Jiayin’s coercive measures are probably just the beginning, and there may be a series of big moves in the future.

On the evening of September 16, the Nanshan Branch of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau announced that recently, the public security organs have taken criminal compulsory measures against Du and other suspected criminals of Evergrande Financial Wealth Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. If investors need to report the case, they can register the case.

It is understood that on August 31 this year, Hengda Wealth official Weibo announced that because the company’s asset disposal progress was less than expected and no asset disposal funds were obtained, the company was unable to carry out this month’s redemption, and subsequent redemption arrangements will be announced separately.

For the Xu Jiayin incident, in the opinion of Yan Yuejin, Chief Research Officer of E-House Research Institute, the announcement issued by Evergrande this time confirms the fact that Evergrande’s debt problem is not a simple financial and economic dispute, but involves a large financial default and illegal operation. From this perspective alone, the anti-corruption work of real estate enterprises began with the incident of Hengda’s accountability, and other real estate enterprises have no chance of getting lucky.

Evergrande workout or face variables

Xu Jiayin was forced to take measures, the ongoing Hengda workout, or face variables.

Zhang Hongwei, founder of Mirror Consulting, said that without a decision-maker, Evergrande’s workout is expected to be interrupted for a period of time, and things will be delayed. Relevant departments are expected to take measures soon, such as a large enterprise hosting Evergrande.

Wang Yuchen believes that Xu Jiayin’s coercive measures may affect Evergrande’s workout. After all, Xu Jiayin, as the chairperson of Evergrande’s board of directors, has a significant impact on Evergrande’s future direction and the future development of Evergrande.

In fact, before this, Hengda workout has seen bad news.

On September 24, China Evergrande issued an update on overseas workout information, saying that in view of the investigation of Evergrande Real Estate, the current situation cannot meet the eligibility for the issuance of new notes. This means that Evergrande’s workout may face variables.

The announcement shows that all new bills to be issued under the proposed restructuring must comply with the "Trial Measures for the Administration of Overseas Issuance of Securities and Listing of Domestic Enterprises" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the "Measures for the Administration of the Examination and Registration of Medium and Long-term Foreign Debt of Enterprises" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission according to their applicable circumstances. China Evergrande must prove that it meets the relevant requirements. In view of the above reasons, China Evergrande’s current situation cannot meet the eligibility for the issuance of new bills.

Previously on August 16, Hengda Real Estate announced in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange that it had received the "Notice of Filing" issued by the China Securities Supervision Commission, because the company was suspected of information disclosure violations, according to the "Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China" and the "Administrative Punishment Law of the People’s Republic of China" and other laws and regulations, the China Securities Supervision Commission decided to file a case against Hengda Real Estate.

The issuance of new notes is an important part of China Evergrande’s workout plan. In the March workout plan this year, Evergrande Agreement Arrangement Plan 1 stated that the agreement arrangement creditors can obtain new notes at a conversion ratio of 1:1 of their recoverable amount. The new notes have a term of 10-12 years and will be repaid over time. Under Option 2, the agreement arrangement creditors can choose to convert their recoverable amount into: 5-9 years New Notes to be issued by the company.

In addition, under the Jingcheng Arrangement, creditors will receive five new notes issued by Jingcheng with a term of 4-8 years for a total principal amount of $6.50 billion. Under the Space-based Arrangement, creditors will receive four new notes issued by Space-based with a term of 5-8 years for a total principal amount of $800 million.

In addition to the blockage of new note issuance, China Evergrande’s overseas workout-related meetings have also been postponed again. According to China Evergrande’s announcement released on September 22, China Evergrande’s sales since March 22 this year have not been as expected. Based on the current situation of China Evergrande and its consultations with its advisors and creditors, China Evergrande believes that it is necessary to re-examine the terms of the proposed restructuring to match its objective situation and creditors’ demands. Therefore, the relevant agreement and arrangement meetings on the proposed restructuring originally scheduled for September 25 and September 26 will not be held. This is the third postponement.

The market is also concerned about whether Xu Jiayin’s coercive measures will affect "Baojiaolou"? Wang Yuchen said that Evergrande has many subsidiaries all over the country, and each company is relatively independent. Therefore, for buyers who bought Hengda houses but encountered unfinished business, as well as investors who invested in Evergrande, they need to pay close attention to the next direction of Evergrande, but do not worry too much. Now that the state has taken action, and the "Baojiaolou" involving so many ordinary people, there should eventually be a corresponding solution.

Duan Wenping, reporter of Beijing News

Editor, Yang Juanjuan, Proofreader, Yang Xuli

Lawyer interprets rap, B You circle war; Jay Chou loses case against NetEase

Text/Nuocheng Game Method, Zhu Junchao, Chen Jie


"Love and Deep Space" posted a reply.

Rap Circle and B You Circle Spark Controversies

On August 26, singer Peckert released a rap video, the content of which was taken from the game "Love and Deep Space". The lyrics "diss" the Otome game, which mentions "all edging and greasy, let children who are not adults play adult games". Peckert said in the release of the song that the song is only for minors who play the game and the age review system of some unscrupulous manufacturers.

That night, the official Weibo of the "Love and Deep Space" game issued a statement, claiming: "The forensic work has been completed, and the infringement and insulting behavior of Parker, whether it is the game itself, the game characters or the players, will not be tolerated or accepted, and will be pursued to the end. See you in court."

Nuocheng comments:

When insulting or defamatory content is published against a game, the game company may take the following measures to safeguard its reputation.

First of all, game companies can choose to protect their rights through litigation, or choose non-litigation channels such as complaining to the information release platform, reporting to the Cyberspace Administration of China, and sending a letter to the infringer.

Secondly, if the company wants to take litigation measures to protect its rights, it should promptly fix the account information of the infringer, the infringing content and its release time, broadcast volume, number of comments, number of forwards, etc., as well as the messages and feedback from netizens, in order to prove the existence, scope and severity of the infringement.

Furthermore, after the infringement is discovered, a statement should be issued as soon as possible to indicate the company’s position and attitude. This can not only stop the further spread of the infringement in a timely manner, but also convey the company’s determination to safeguard its own rights and interests to the infringers and players, reduce the adverse effects caused by the infringement, and appease the players’ emotions.

Finally, sort out the corresponding evidence and file a lawsuit with the court in a timely manner to safeguard their own rights and interests. In addition, by sending letters and other means, the information release platform can be required to disclose the real-name information corresponding to the infringer’s account, so that the game company can grasp the party information required for prosecution.


Jay Chou loses the lawsuit: game lottery to give away albums

Does not constitute unfair competition

Recently, Jay Chou and Jewell Music Co., Ltd. sued Guangzhou NetEase Computer Systems Co., Ltd. and other related entities (hereinafter referred to as "NetEase") in the case of 2nd-round Moderation, upholding the original judgment of the first instance.

The case originated because in July 2022, Jay Chou released his new album "The Greatest Work" after a lapse of six years, and NetEase’s "World 3" game gave Jay Chou digital albums and concert tickets in a lottery on Weibo. Jay Chou and Jewell Music Co., Ltd. sued NetEase for unfair competition.

In December 2023, the court ruled in favor of NetEase and rejected all claims including Jewell’s 2.05 million yuan claim.

The court of first instance held that:

1. "World 3" forwards the lottery to give Jay Chou’s digital album and other activities through Weibo, which is a conventional non-profit publicity method and will not mislead the public into thinking that Jay Chou has an endorsement relationship with him;

2. Making elements of Jay Chou’s new album as game props is essentially used as a redemption certificate and restricts the participation of old players. It does not have the nature of attracting new traffic and making profits, and does not constitute unfair competition.

3. The use of Jay Chou’s name in the lottery Weibo is a fair use to indicate the source of the prize, and there is no evidence to show that it caused harm to the plaintiff. The court held that the public had sufficient judgment to distinguish such interactive marketing activities from endorsement, so the behavior of "World 3" did not constitute unfair competition.

First of all, game companies can enhance the appeal of the event by mentioning giving away celebrity albums and extracting concert tickets in user feedback activities, but they need to ensure that the content of the prize promotion is clear and does not mislead the public.

For example, in this case, "World 3" made it clear that the prize was Jay Chou’s new album, rather than making the public mistake Jay Chou for its product spokesperson.

Secondly, when designing promotional activities, it is necessary to pay attention to the purpose and nature of the activities, especially when it comes to the use of third-party intellectual property or celebrity rights, and ensure that the activities are not designed to improperly use the goodwill or influence of others to attract new users and increase profits, but only as a welfare measure to reward existing users.

For example, the risk of unfair competition can be reduced by limiting the conditions for player participation, such as in this case limiting the participation of veteran players above level 20.


Sword Art Online: Swordsman in Black,

The game company was ordered to compensate players for their losses

Recently, the Beijing Internet Court has announced ten typical cases of service protection and new quality productivity, including an infringement dispute caused by the outage of online games.

The plaintiff, Cheng XX, a player of "Sword Art Online: Swordsman in Black", has two accounts for the game and has accumulated a recharge of nearly 430,000 yuan. In October 2019, the game operator issued a game outage announcement and said that it would transfer 5% of the total historical recharge of gamers to other games as compensation.

Subsequently, Cheng Moumou sued the operator to the court for economic losses and mental damages. The defendant argued that it was not at fault for suspending the game, and had compensated the players and was not liable for infringement.

After trial, the court held that virtual property such as currency and props in the game were protected by law. The defendant unilaterally stopped the game and disposed of the player’s virtual property without the consent of the player, resulting in the loss of the player’s property. He was subjectively at fault and should bear tort liability.

However, since the game virtual property involved in the case was not an item of special personal significance for the plaintiff, and the plaintiff did not suffer serious mental damage, the court rejected his claim for compensation for mental damage.

Finally, the court decided that the defendant should compensate the plaintiff about 36,000 yuan and interest according to the way to obtain the virtual property of the game and the remaining assets in the account when the game was suspended.

This case not only makes it clear that when there is no special provision in law, the tort liability of online virtual property should also apply the principle of fault liability; at the same time, it also further refines the compensation standard for infringement of online game virtual property, providing reference for the handling of similar cases.

Specifically, according to the method of acquisition and usage, online virtual property can be divided into two categories:

The first category is recharge virtual property, that is, the unused game currency and game items that the player directly obtains or exchanges after recharging through legal tender. For such virtual property, since the player has not yet enjoyed the rewards brought by the property when he suffered a loss, the game operator is obliged to return the RMB amount corresponding to the remaining virtual property.

The second category is non-recharge virtual property, that is, virtual property obtained by players during the game, such as task rewards, level drops, etc. For such virtual property, the compensation amount for the loss of virtual property should be determined as appropriate, taking into account factors such as the source and difficulty of obtaining the property, the fun generated by players in consumption, and the length of time they enjoy services.

Game grape recruitment content editor,

Our country successfully launched Geely constellation 02 satellites

At 7:37 on February 3, 2024, Beijing time, our country used the Long March II C carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center to successfully launch the Geely Constellation 02 group of satellites, 11 satellites successfully entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success.

This mission is the 508th flight of the Long March series of carrier rockets.

Shenzhen takes the lead in legislating for autonomous driving, and Volkswagen and Bosch jointly develop L2/L3 autonomous driving technology | July Smart Driving Hot Search

Shenzhen takes the lead in legislating for autonomous driving, and Volkswagen and Bosch jointly develop L2/L3 autonomous driving technology | July Smart Driving Hot SearchShenzhen takes the lead in legislating for autonomous driving, and Volkswagen and Bosch jointly develop L2/L3 autonomous driving technology | July Smart Driving Hot Search

01 Take a macro look

# Shenzhen takes the lead in legislating for autonomous driving

On July 5, the Regulations on the Management of Intelligent Networked Vehicles in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone passed the deliberation and came into force on August 1, 2022. This is the first domestic regulation regulating intelligent networked vehicle management, which consists of nine chapters and sixty-four articles, including general rules, road testing and demonstration applications, access and registration, use management, vehicle-road collaborative infrastructure, network security and data protection, traffic accidents and violation handling, legal responsibilities and supplementary provisions. The "Regulations" is the first official management document in China to divide important issues such as the rights and responsibilities of L3 and above autopilot in detail, and it is expected that Shenzhen will continue to issue more detailed normative documents in the future.

Comments:In the history of autonomous driving in China, it is a landmark worthy of recording.

# China has completed the first phase of intelligent networked automobile standard system construction.

On July 16th, the National Automobile Standardization Technical Committee said that China has completed the construction of the first-stage intelligent networked automobile standard system, and by 2030, China will add more than 100 intelligent networked automobile standards. It is said that in the first phase of China’s intelligent networked automobile standard system, 39 related standards have been submitted for approval, and China has initially established an intelligent networked automobile standard system that can support driver assistance and low-level automatic driving. There are 19 international standards and regulations led and formulated by China.

Comments:It will provide support and guarantee for the development of intelligent networked automobile industry.

# "Research Achievements of Automotive Chip Standard System Construction" released

On July 20th, China Automotive Chip Industry Innovation Strategic Alliance released "Research Achievements of Automotive Chip Standard System Construction". At present, 15 automobile chip standards have been formulated and published, covering the general requirements, reliability, functional safety, system matching test, vehicle matching test and other fields of automobile control chips, communication chips and power semiconductors.

Comments:The Long March took the first step.

# The junction of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai will be the first to open the autopilot test road.

On July 28th, "Several Measures on Accelerating the Development of Digital Economy in the Yangtze River Delta Eco-green Integration Development Demonstration Zone" was issued, which pointed out that the junction of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang will work together to build a leading vehicle-road collaborative demonstration zone in China. It is reported that the demonstration area will enrich the open test road scenes of autonomous driving, and explore and promote the construction of open test road scenes in water town living room, Huandianshan Lake and National Intelligent Networked Automobile (Jiashan, Zhejiang) demonstration area.

Comments:Integrated development to create the growth pole of autonomous driving.

Take a look at business applications.

# Radish Run Opens the Pilot of Autopilot Commercialization in Wuhan

On July 5, Baidu Apollo announced that its self-driving travel service platform "Radish Run" started a commercial pilot in Wuhan Economic Development Zone to provide self-driving paid travel services to the public. According to the plan, the pilot service will cover 166 kilometers of roads within 30 square kilometers of the Economic Development Zone, and 63 recommended boarding points will be set up. The service time will last from 9: 00 am to 17: 00.

Comments:The scope of self-driving travel services has been further expanded.

# Beijing launches the first commercial pilot of unmanned travel in China.

On July 20th, Beijing officially opened the first domestic unmanned travel service commercialization pilot. Baidu and Xiaoma Zhixing became the first batch of licensed enterprises, and invested 30 main driving unmanned vehicles within 60 square kilometers of the core area of the Economic Development Zone to carry out normalized toll collection services.

Comments:This indicates that the domestic unmanned travel service has entered a new stage of commercialization pilot from demonstration operation.

# Feibu Technology Cheluyun Application Fully Landing in Nantong Port

On July 27th, with the approval of the coastline of the container terminal in Lvsi Qibu Port Area, the application scheme of smart port with integrated vehicle, road and cloud built by Feibu Technology for Nantong Port also passed the acceptance test recently and was officially delivered to customers. The solution includes products and services such as car-side driverless, roadside intelligent perception and cloud scheduling management.

Comments:The commercial application of the automated transport queue composed of multiple vehicles, such as automatic driving truck +IGV, has reached a new level.

Take a look at enterprise dynamics.

# Volkswagen and Bosch cooperate to develop L2/L3 autopilot technology.

On July 6th, Volkswagen and Bosch obtained permission from the German Cartel Office and began to cooperate in developing autonomous driving technology. The two sides will cooperate on L2 /L3 autonomous driving technology, and the new technology will be deployed on the vehicles of Volkswagen Group in 2023. In addition, the two sides will also develop L3-level automatic driving function based on expressway.

Comments:The combination of Bosch and Volkswagen will further enhance their competitiveness in the field of autonomous driving, and it will also promote their smooth electrification transformation.

# Mercedes-Benz and Tencent signed a memorandum of cooperation.

On July 11th, Daimler Greater China Investment Co., Ltd. signed a memorandum of cooperation with Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd. to carry out strategic cooperation in the field of high-level autonomous driving, and use cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence technologies to speed up the simulation, testing and application of Mercedes-Benz autonomous driving technology. According to reports, the cooperation will also establish a joint laboratory for autonomous driving to support the joint research and development of autonomous driving technology between Mercedes-Benz and NVIDIA in China.

Comments:Can a strong alliance occupy a place in the fierce competition in the field of autonomous driving?

# Amazon Cloud Technology expounds the automotive industry solution

On July 14th, Amazon Cloud Technology announced that it will define the digital scenes of the three major automobile industries around autonomous driving, car networking and software, and empower the digital transformation of the automobile industry. It will help car companies to build an end-to-end closed loop of autopilot data centered on the autopilot data lake, and use its infrastructure in 84 available areas in 26 regions around the world to allow car companies to build a car networking platform. It can also integrate Amazon Intelligent Personal Assistant Amazon Alexa to provide users with voice interaction in the car, and so on.

Comments:The temptation of the self-driving car industry is not small, and the leader in the cloud computing industry has also taken a share.

# BYD or self-developed smart driving chip

On July 15th, it was learned from a number of people familiar with the matter that BYD was planning to independently develop a special chip for intelligent driving. The project was led by BYD’s semiconductor team, and it has already sent a demand to the design company. At the same time, it is also recruiting a BSP(Board Support Package) technical team. If the progress is fast, it is expected that the film can be streamed at the end of the year.

Comments:Intelligence is a battleground for military strategists, and BYD’s layout comes naturally.

# Baidu Apollo RT6 released

On July 21st, Baidu released the sixth generation mass-produced unmanned vehicle-Apollo RT6. The new car has the full unmanned driving ability of complex urban roads, and the cost is 250,000 yuan. Its biggest feature lies in the forward research and development. Apollo RT6 is the first model based on Robotaxi forward design and development. According to the plan, Apollo RT6 will be the first to be put into use in radish fast running, and will be put into trial operation in small batches in the second half of 2023, operating in 65 cities in 2025 and covering 100 cities in 2030.

Comments:Positive research and development helps Baidu to make great strides in the field of autonomous driving.

# Iflytek: It has cooperated with more than 90% independent and joint venture car companies.

Recently, Iflytek said on the investor interaction platform that the company’s cooperation in automotive intelligent products has covered more than 90% of China’s mainstream independent brands and joint-venture brand car manufacturers, including BYD, Weilai, Ideality, Gaohe, Weimar, Zero Run and other new energy car manufacturers.

Comments:Iflytek’s circle of friends keeps expanding.

# Xiaoma Zhixing and Sany Heavy Truck set up a joint venture company.

On July 28th, Xiaoma Zhixing and Sany Heavy Truck announced that they would set up a joint venture company to develop, produce and sell L4 self-driving heavy truck products and jointly build a high-end self-driving heavy truck brand. The joint venture company plans to start small-scale mass production delivery in 2022. In 2024, it will further integrate Xiaoma Zhixing’s virtual driver capability, as well as Sany Heavy Truck’s drive-by-wire chassis and vehicle development capability, and mass-produce high-end self-driving heavy truck products. In a few years, the annual output is expected to exceed 10,000 vehicles.

Comments:The development of self-driving heavy trucks has reached a new level.

04 capital trends a stroke.

# Xinqing Technology completed nearly one billion yuan in Series A financing.

On July 19th, Xinqing Technology successfully completed nearly one billion yuan of Series A financing. The financing funds are planned to be used for the batch supply of existing products and the next stage of R&D and deployment of vehicle-mounted chips with high computing power. This round of financing was led by Sequoia Capital, and Neusoft Capital, Bosch’s Boyuan Capital and SMIC Juyuan participated in the investment. It is reported that this is the largest single financing in the field of automotive chip design in China in the first half of 2022.

Comments:Automotive chips are the best in the industry.

# Weilai Capital leads the unmanned sanitation company Yunchuang Zhixing Pre-A round.

On July 19th, Weilai Capital announced that it would lead the investment in the Pre-A round of financing of Yunchuangzhi, an unmanned sanitation company, which will be used for the research and development of the company’s core technology, the large-scale mass production and the wider commercial deployment. Founded in March 2021, Yunchuang Zhixing is an autonomous driving company focusing on the sanitation industry and is committed to creating an overall solution for unmanned sanitation operations.

Comments:Subdivide the track or take the lead in breaking the bottleneck of large-scale application in the industry.

# Yuntu Semiconductor completed hundreds of millions of A+ rounds of financing.

On July 29th, Yuntu Semiconductor announced the completion of several hundred million yuan A+ round financing. Xiaomi Investment and Lianxin Capital continued to increase, and new institutions such as Jinbang Capital, BAIC Investment, Core Kinetic Energy, Huitianfu and Yongxin Capital increased their investment. It is reported that this round of financing funds will be mainly used for the research and development of next-generation products and the mass production and sales of L and M series chips.

Comments:The strength of the seed player of the car gauge chip should not be underestimated.

05 talk about personnel changes

# Tucson Future Co-founder Huang Zezhen resigned

On July 5, according to media reports, Huang Zehua, the future co-founder and vice president of engineering of Tucson, left his post in October 2021 and will start a business in the field of trucks. According to Tianyan’s enterprise information, in April this year, Huang Zehua established a company called "Zero One Smart Card". According to industry insiders, the direction of Zero One Smart Card is to provide truck hardware for autonomous driving software companies and become the "Wei Xiaoli" in the domestic truck industry.

Comments:The smart truck industry needs new forces to stir the pool water.

# Chen Yilun, Chief Architect of Huawei Car BU, resigned.

On July 13th, according to media reports, Chen Yilunbo, CTO of Huawei’s autonomous driving system and chief scientist of Car BU, recently left his post to join Dr. Zhang Yaqin of Tsinghua and Tsinghua University Intelligent Industry Research Institute (AIR) as the chief expert in the direction of intelligent robots. Chen Yilun led the full-stack research and development of Huawei’s first-generation autopilot system from 0 to 1.

Comments:The result of Huawei’s organizational structure adjustment.

# Former UBS Group AG executive Hou Yanzhen became CFO of Heduo Technology.

On July 18th, Heduo Technology announced that Hou Yankun, the former Asian vice chairman and managing director of UBS Group AG Global Investment Banking Department, was appointed as the company’s chief financial officer, in charge of the company’s capital operation, finance and strategy-related work. According to the data, Hou Yankun has worked in many internationally renowned financial institutions such as Swiss Bank, Nomura International and Lehman Brothers, and has nearly 20 years of experience in securities research and investment and financing in the automotive and machinery industries. He has led a team to complete domestic and foreign capital market financing projects such as LI, Weilai Automobile, BYD, Geely, Volvo, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Junsheng Electronics.

Comments:With the participation of financial background executives, the operation of Heduo Technology Capital may be smoother.

# Lenovo Group intensively recruits automotive R&D talents.

Recently, Lenovo Group began to intensively recruit automotive R&D talents through official channels. Lenovo’s open positions include autopilot engineering director, in-vehicle infotainment system director, senior hardware/software manager, etc. In addition, LR VC Lab related positions have been opened. Earlier, Yang Yuanqing, chairman of Lenovo Group, said in an interview that Lenovo was determined not to build cars, but to put limited energy and resources on a clear track.

Comments:No cars, but layout.

Listen to international news.

# Volkswagen will support the "pay on demand" mode of autonomous driving.

On July 10th, Dirk Hilgenberg, CEO of Cariad, a software division of Volkswagen Group, said that Volkswagen will provide a pay-as-you-go mode in the autopilot function, which means that the Volkswagen autopilot assistance system will support the option of paying by mileage in the future. However, he did not disclose the charging standard.

Comments:Volkswagen uses autonomous driving to develop new profit points.

# GM and Ford apply for the deployment of self-driving cars without steering wheel

On July 21st, General Motors and Ford Motor Company applied to the American automobile safety regulatory agency for exemption, allowing the deployment of a certain number of self-driving cars without artificial control devices such as steering wheel and brake pedal. Both automakers hope to deploy as many as 2,500 cars for carpooling and distribution services every year, which is the maximum number allowed by law.

Comments:The form of self-driving cars is evolving to imagination.

#Cruise will launch a self-driving taxi service in Dubai

On July 24th, Cruise has tried to launch a self-driving taxi service in Dubai. According to the Dubai Road and Transportation Authority (RTA), Cruise has sent two Chevrolet Bolt electric cars equipped with autonomous driving systems to Dubai just a few weeks after it officially launched its commercial driverless business in San Francisco, and started to draw a map of the city, in order to prepare for the official launch of autonomous driving commercial services in the local area in 2023.

Comments:The agreement with Dubai marks Cruise’s major expansion plan.

Explore 07 cutting-edge technology

# Tesla will demonstrate Steam integration next month.

On July 16, Tesla CEO Musk said in response to a netizen’s question about Tesla games, "We have made progress in Steam integration and may give a demonstration next month." On February 23 this year, in response to a question from a Twitter user, Musk said that Tesla was studying transplanting Steam games (in batches) into the car.

Comments:In-car entertainment, a valuable gold mine, is being developed.

# Apple applied for a patent for professional mixed reality headphones.

On July 18th, Apple applied for a new patent: a patent for professional mixed reality headphones for self-driving cars without windows. Windows are originally unsafe, which will increase the cost. By providing a virtual view of the real environment or the simulated environment, the VR system can reduce or eliminate the need for windows for self-driving cars, thus allowing the windows of vehicles to be smaller, or directly canceling the windows, thus making self-driving cars safer, smaller and cheaper.

Comments:Virtual reality technology may change the structure of self-driving vehicles.

# Sony will develop new autopilot sensors

On July 19th, Sony Group announced that it will develop a new self-driving sensor, which will reduce the power consumption by 70% and increase the driving range of electric vehicles (EVs). The sensor will be manufactured by Sony Semiconductor Solutions and paired with new software developed by the startup Tier IV. The two companies hope to achieve L4 technology by 2030, allowing cars to drive automatically under certain conditions.

Comments:Sony black technology may make the driving range no longer anxious.

Sports lottery star appeared at Zhucheng New Year Festival.

On January 29th, Zhucheng Square, the main venue of 2024 Guizhou New Year New Year New Year Festival, kicked off. People came to buy new year’s goods in an endless stream, and there was a strong "fireworks" everywhere, full of flavor.
2024 Spring Festival Sports Lottery Event Site.
According to reports, the organizers of this year’s New Year Festival, Guizhou Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Development and Reform Commission and Guiyang Municipal People’s Government, have carefully planned four exhibitions of "Precious New Year Exhibition, Imported Commodities Exhibition, Automobile Home Exhibition and Commodities Exhibition in Counterpart Cooperation Areas", and are committed to building the New Year Festival into a comprehensive brand event integrating display, communication, sales and entertainment. Among them, as a new friend this year, the sports lottery booth at the New Year Festival attracted many citizens to stop and experience.
2024 Spring Festival Sports Lottery Event Site.
The sports lottery booth has the elements of the Year of the Dragon and various ways of playing, which makes people overwhelmed. For a time, this "special new year’s goods" made people crowded around the sports lottery booth and passed on the good luck of the New Year to everyone. "I didn’t expect that this year’s New Year’s Festival can also scrape the sports lottery. It’s a surprise. I hope sports lottery can bring blessings and bring wealth!" Ms. Wang said happily.
2024 Spring Festival Sports Lottery Event Site.
In addition to gaining good fortune and fortune, we can win small gifts by answering questions in the on-site sports lottery and paying attention to the "Guizhou Sports Lottery Service Number", so that the on-site citizens can feel the public welfare power of China Sports Lottery.
2024 Spring Festival Sports Lottery Event Site.
In the next step, Guizhou Provincial Sports Lottery Management Center will further enhance the awareness and brand image of sports lottery among the masses by carrying out sports lottery publicity activities, and will deeply root in the people’s hearts the issue purpose of "from the people, use it for the people". (Text/Liu Lihua Figure/Ren Zhenyu)