Cumulative sales exceeded 1.11 million! Find the secret of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV’s popularity

Trainee reporter | Zhang Zhuoran

Image source | Respondents provided

Walking on the streets of Liuzhou, the unique smell of snail powder fills the air, it is difficult to say whether it is "intentional" or "careless", perhaps the city of Liuzhou has the unique personality of "Internet celebrity manufacturing machine", which can always make some seemingly niche products popular all over the country: Jin Yong praised "Liuzhou coffin, famous all over the world" in "Deer’s Cauldron"; Liuzhou golden throat treasure, is the first impression of Ronaldo after many 90s; Liuzhou street snack snail powder, in recent years, has become a phenomenon of "national cuisine"…

Wuling Hongguang MINIEV is the same. It is also a generation of "Internet celebrity" produced by Liuzhou. As of now, the cumulative sales of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV have exceeded 1.11 million, and it is popular all over the world.

Global sales champion of small pure electric vehicles

"In 2022, the cumulative sales volume of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV exceeded 554,000 units, becoming the global sales champion of small pure electric vehicles." On January 30, SAIC-GM Wuling held the Wuling Hongguang MINIEV2022 Global Sales Champion Celebration and Thanksgiving Owner Conference at Wuling Liuzhou Direct Store (Bayi Store). Cui Dongshu, Secretary General of the Passenger Federation, announced the championship transcript of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV at the event site.

This is a landmark moment. Since its launch in July 2020, as of January 29, 2023, the cumulative sales of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV have exceeded 1.11 million, won the first place in the sales of pure electric vehicles of Chinese brands for 28 consecutive months, and topped the global monthly sales champion of new energy single models for 7 times.

This "high score answer sheet" highlights the benchmark position of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV in the new energy scooter market segment. Cui Dongshu pointed out: "Wuling’s global sales record proves that China’s pure electric cars have supported the market leader, and new energy scooters have become the new mainstream of the world." At the event, SAIC GM Wuling announced that before March 31, 2023, Wuling Hongguang MINIEV will be priced at 29,800 yuan for a limited time.

Insight into users’ short-distance travel needs

"The most popular car on the road here is the Wuling Hongguang MINIEV. In some neighborhoods, eight out of ten households own this car," a local taxi driver told reporters.

At present, the Wuling Hongguang MINIEV can almost be called a city card of Liuzhou. In the city center area, this exquisite car can be seen everywhere. The municipal government even designated a parking area for the A00-class car represented by the Wuling Hongguang MINIEV on the sidewalk of the roadside, and built a "10-minute charging ecosystem", forming a local spectacle. In other cities, the place used to park bicycles and electric cars is full of Wuling Hongguang MINIEVs in Liuzhou.

"The new energy conversion rate of automobiles in Liuzhou is close to 50%, and Wuling Hongguang MINIEV has contributed greatly." The relevant person in charge told reporters.

What is the secret of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV’s hot sales? The reporter got a variety of answers from a group of car owners: "Cost-effective, cheap and high-quality." "Exquisite and compact, it is very convenient to drive and park, and it can come and go freely in the city." "Household electricity can be charged, and the charging speed is fast and the power consumption is low, which can fully meet the commuting needs in the city."

Whatever the reason, Wuling Hongguang MINIEV meets the needs of this group of users for a city scooter, which also coincides with the car consumption scene observed by Wuling. "80% of Chinese users drive less than 30 kilometers per day, and the average speed does not exceed 30 kilometers per hour. This simple short-distance travel demand faces many travel pain points such as difficult parking, high cost and insecurity in the city," said Zhang Yiqin, director of brand and public relations at SAIC-GM Wuling Wuling.

Wuling Hongguang MINIEV, which is positioned as a "people’s scooter", was born in response to the situation, with a smart body, flexible control, small battery for easy replenishment, and safety that can stand the test as the product label, bringing users the value experience of "easy to open, easy to stop, and easy to save".

Millionchaochuang, directly connecting users

Wuling Liuzhou Direct Store (Bayi Store) is located in the center of Liuzhou. In the past year, this direct-operated store has sold more than 4,000 Wuling and Baojun brand pure electric cars, making it a benchmark store for Wuling LING HOUSE.

Large floor-to-ceiling windows, various peripherals, coffee desserts, modified areas… In the Bayi store, there are only 4 cars on display, but there is an endless stream of customers entering the store.

"The meaning of LING HOUSE is different from that of traditional dealers. This is the window where we can directly connect with users," Wei Shengyun, a partner at Liuzhou New Energy Vehicle Experience Center, told reporters. "This can be a rest area for users, and it can also allow users to make tide changes and personalized DIY on vehicles. It also allows us to directly hear the voices of users and avoid the valuable opinions of users being filtered by the dealer system."

This direct user window has given SAIC-GM Wuling the confidence to defeat competitors and attack the next "1 million" sales. According to Wei Shengyun, there used to be a 4S store of the same level of competitors that opened diagonally opposite the Bayi store, but the inflow of customers and the sales volume of the store are less than one-tenth of the Bayi store. Now there are no people there.

Big data shows that among Wuling Hongguang MINIEV users, the post-90s generation accounts for more than 75% of users, and the proportion of female users is as high as 78%. "No makeup." This is the customary "habit" of many Wuling Hongguang MINIEV owners represented by "Wuling Girls". Through customization, they have turned the car into a carrier of personality and hobbies, which has also led to a change in domestic car consumption attitudes, allowing the concept of car modification to gradually penetrate from overseas to domestic.

The relevant person in charge introduced: "Wuling Hongguang MINIEV has achieved a user trend creation rate of up to 72%." With Wuling Hongguang MINIEV as the carrier, SAIC-GM Wuling plays with users to create and resonate at the same frequency, continuing to lead the trend creation and trendy makeup culture. It also cooperates with KFC, Wufangzhai, Fashion Bazaar and other young people’s favorite brands to establish multi-faceted links with consumers.

This user-created cross-border marketing is also one of the reasons why Wuling Hongguang MINIEV has sold a long rainbow all the way. If the first "million sales" cannot be separated from Wuling’s first-mover advantage in the blue ocean of the "people’s scooter" category, then a high proportion of young users, as well as the company’s strong user request insight and system power, will become the source of confidence for this car to hit the next "million sales".

"After the demand for short-distance transportation is met, the small new energy vehicle market will develop in the direction of meeting the advanced needs of user differentiation (such as large space, intelligence, personalization and other needs). SAIC-GM-Wuling will continue to put people’s needs first and market development as the guide to bring users a more diverse and personalized travel experience," said the relevant person in charge.

The premiere of "The Whole City Alert", Guo Fucheng is not afraid of death and has no guard against love

Zhang Jingchu was "shown love" by Wu Jing at the scene, saying that the audience should laugh

        In "The Whole City Alert", Zhang Jingchu and Wu Jing play a couple. In the play, the two call each other "old man" and "old lady". However, at the previous movie viewing, every line between Wu Jing and Zhang Jingchu will cause laughter from the audience. When questioned, Zhang Jingchu responded that the love drama between the two is easy, and the laughing scene may also be appropriate. Although Wu Jing said that he had not seen the whole film, he praised Zhang Jingchu, "Her role in the play is the image of the perfect wife in my mind, which is very good." But in life, Wu Jing said that Zhang Jingchu’s schedule was too full, and he didn’t have time to interact too much, and he looked regretful.

        At the premiere, Wu Jing also specially prepared a gift for Zhang Jingchu, "There are mosquitoes in summer, I will give you mosquito repellent water to prevent heatstroke, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, if you are thirsty, drink mineral water!" The packaging of these three kinds of water also had the words "I Love You" written on it, so "thoughtful" made Zhang Jingchu very embarrassed, and also gave him the dipping water he prepared. Wu Jing, who received the gift, was overjoyed, "I saw it, and this package also has’ILove You ‘on it, which makes my heart flutter." Saying that, Wu Jing also made a knee kneel, but was helpless to be interrupted. When interviewed by the media, Zhang Jingchu also "complained" about Wu Jing, "Why didn’t you kneel down just now, then I would really marry you!" Wu Jing asked in disbelief: "Really?" Zhang Jingchu refused to answer clearly.

China Star Group lost HK$ 94.101 million to its mother in fiscal year 2022, a year-on-year decrease of 39.87%.

  On March 31st, China Star Group, a Hong Kong stock company, released its annual report for fiscal year 2022. From January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, the company realized an operating income of HK$ 3,879,000, a year-on-year increase of 4.36%, a net loss attributable to the parent company of HK$ 94,101,000, a year-on-year decrease of 39.87%, and a basic earnings per share of HK$ -0.04.  

  China Star Group Limited is an investment holding company. The company’s branches include: the hotel and gambling service business division, which is engaged in providing hotel services, food and beverage business services, gambling business services and gambling promotion services at Lan Kwai Fong Hotel in Macau; Gambling promotion business division, which is engaged in the business of investing in the profits collected from gambling promotion business; Film-related business division, engaged in the production and distribution of films and TV series, film investment and other film-related services, such as: artist management; Property development business division, engaged in the investment and development of properties located in Hong Kong and Macao; North-South Bank operates a business division, which is engaged in selling Chinese medicine and other pharmaceutical products, health care products, ginseng and seafood products to wholesalers and retailers, as well as providing clinical services of Chinese medicine.

Note: Operating income = turnover+other income-taxes and surcharges; Net profit attributable to mother = net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company-net profit attributable to other equity holders of the Company in the current period.

(Source: () iFinD)

The police brushed Tik Tok to break the gambling case.

  (Reporter Zhu Jianyong) In late February, the police of Qianjin Police Station in Nanxun, Zhejiang Province saw six men playing poker on the Tik Tok APP. Unexpectedly, it was this short video that made the police crack a gambling case in the form of "Liuhe". The players didn’t know that the video was shot by friends around them and sent to Tik Tok.

  At present, the persons involved have been punished according to law, and the case is being further processed.

  One day in late February, when Zhou Moumou, a policeman on vacation, swiped Tik Tok with his mobile phone, a push video caught his attention. This is the vibrato video released by Yao Moumou, a former drug addict.

  In the video, six men are playing cards and giving money. The police immediately judged that the six people were gambling by playing poker.

  "Tik Tok has a function that will automatically push friends’ videos according to the phone address book. I accidentally brushed this gambling video. Later, when I saw it, the push actually came from Yao Moumou in my mobile phone. This Yao Moumou, a local, has a criminal record, so the contact information has been kept in my mobile phone address book. " Zhou Moumou, a policeman handling the case, said.

  The police quickly locked in the video shooter Yao Moumou, and after many inquiries, after knowing the identities of some of them, on March 1, they summoned two gamblers in the video, Zhang Mochao and Wu Mou Kai. In the face of the video and gambling facts, the two confessed to the illegal facts suspected of gambling after they arrived at the case.

  It turned out that in late January, six gamblers had nothing to do, so they agreed to play "Liuhe" with playing cards in the office upstairs of a KTV in Nanxun, and the bet was 50 yuan to 150 yuan.

  "I was drunk, so I sat on the sofa next to them and watched them play cards. I thought it was quite fun, so I took a video and posted it on Tik Tok. " Video shooter Yao Moumou said, "I was seen by the police unexpectedly."

  Yao Moumou, who filmed the video at that time, was not among the six gamblers, and the six gamblers didn’t know that their gambling video had been filmed by Yao Moumou and put in Tik Tok to "show off". It was not until the moment when they were summoned by the police that they knew that their good friends had "betrayed" themselves.

  At present, the people involved have been punished according to law.

Zhengxiang district: Intensify the efforts of fireworks and firecrackers to "crack down on illegal activities"

Hunan Daily New Hunan Client January 31 (correspondent Li Penghui) On January 29, Hengyang zhengxiang district Emergency Management Bureau received a report from the masses, reflecting that a large number of fireworks and firecrackers were stored in a private house in Qunyi Village, Yumushan Town. The emergency bureau of this area responded quickly and immediately organized the emergency office and police station in Yumushan Town to rush to the scene for verification.
Law enforcement officers counted fireworks and firecrackers in houses on the spot.
According to the information provided by the informant, law enforcement officers found that a large number of fireworks and firecrackers were stored on the second floor of the house. After on-site inventory, there were more than 570 fireworks and firecrackers in the room. Law enforcement officers took compulsory measures according to law to seal up the illegally stored fireworks and firecrackers on the spot and safely transport them to the special warehouse of Hengyang Richie Fireworks and Firecrackers Sales Co., Ltd. for storage. At present, the case is under further investigation.
It is reported that the production, management, storage and transportation of fireworks and firecrackers, black powder, pyrotechnics and fuse are prohibited in zhengxiang district. All the production, management, storage and transportation of fireworks and firecrackers in the whole region are illegal and illegal.
At the end of the year and the end of the year, zhengxiang district continued to intensify efforts to crack down on illegal production, sale, storage and transportation of fireworks and firecrackers, and resolutely safeguarded people’s lives and property. The broad masses of the people are requested to actively participate, consciously abide by relevant laws and regulations, do not illegally produce, sell, store or transport fireworks and firecrackers, actively cooperate with the "anti-illegal" action, and actively report illegal and illegal activities in production safety to relevant departments. If the report is verified, the whistleblower shall be commended or appropriately rewarded according to the Measures for Acceptance, Disposal and Reward of Safety Reports in zhengxiang district.
Reporting telephone number: 110, 12345 or 0734-8827440.

Close-up: A special reunion dinner

  Xinhuanet Wuhan, February 6 (Reporter Wan Houde, Xiong Jinchao) On February 6, the Lunar New Year’s Eve, Wang Xungao, who lives in Donghu Street Village, Wulijie Sub-district Office, Jiangxia District, Wuhan, began to set up their own reunion dinner. Different from the past, this year’s reunion dinner, the family is eating in the office of the village Committee.

  A rare snowstorm for many years turned the original adobe house of Lao Wang’s family into a dangerous house, and the village Committee office became the "new home" for the family to reunite this year.

  Although not at home, Lao Wang’s family didn’t lack anything for the New Year. The government sent solatium from 500 yuan before the New Year. Considering the practical difficulties of his family’s relocation and resettlement, the government also sent cotton-padded quilts and other daily necessities, together with the unified distribution of fish, meat, rice, noodles, oil and other daily necessities, all of which made Lao Wang’s family feel warm and practical.

  When the reporter came to his temporary home, he saw that Lao Wang’s family were busy, preparing the most abundant dinner of the year, and they were happy. "I have never seen such heavy snow or such a cold winter, but my heart is particularly warm." Wang Xungao, who is in his fifties, said, "Thanks to the government, the village committee and the governments at all levels for their care." What moved Lao Wang’s family even more was that it was New Year’s Eve, and the civil affairs cadres were still worried about his family’s life, so they made a special trip to see what difficulties he still had.

  Although the Chinese New Year’s Eve has been listed as a national statutory holiday, there are still hundreds of civil affairs cadres in Wuhan who give up the opportunity to reunite with their families and go deep into the homes of needy families to visit and sympathize with the affected farmers to see if they are short of materials for the holiday and have any unresolved difficulties.

  Wang Xungao’s family is just one of thousands of families affected by snow in Wuhan. Ma Lixi, director of the Disaster Relief Department of Wuhan Civil Affairs Bureau, said that this year, Wuhan suffered a rare rain, snow and freezing disaster, and there were more than 1,800 households with housing difficulties and more than 3,500 people in the city due to the disaster.

  In order to make every citizen have a happy and festive New Year, Wuhan has adopted the method of decentralized transfer and resettlement. Some have mobilized them to visit relatives and friends, and some have used welfare homes and government offices to centrally resettle the victims. For the relocated victims, the Wuhan Municipal Government has decided to give them a living allowance of 20 days according to the standard of 20 yuan per person per day, and a maintenance allowance of 3,000 yuan per collapsed and damaged 576 houses of 282 families according to the standard of 1000 yuan, so as to ensure that the victims can live a happy and peaceful Spring Festival.

  With the setting off of 50,000 firecrackers, the large village committee office was full of festive atmosphere. The Lao Wang family sat around the table, and a family of three had a reunion dinner with more than ten dishes.

  This New Year’s Eve dinner, though somewhat different, is exceptionally warm and peaceful.

Editor: Li Erqing