Drop 120,000! Cadillac XT5 new listing "no ink", only sold 279,900

Source: Spy Finance (ID: Spy Finance)

Just now, Cadillac officially released the news of "new XT5 pre-sale", but I didn’t expect the price to be a "Wang fried"!

The SAIC-GM Cadillac has temporarily launched three models for the "new XT5", and the official price guidance is 399,900 yuan deluxe version, 419,900 yuan distinguished version and 459,900 yuan platinum version.

But here’s the thing.The three "new XT5" models are all four-wheel drive models, with a hummingbird chassis as standard. According to its official words, "entry is luxury".

Remember when Cadillac introduced the CT5 midsize sedan,Once shouted a "no rear drive, no luxury" brand slogan, now it has become "door is luxury".

It can be seen that SAIC GM is also "shopping". In addition to the high configuration and the usual material kindness, the key is to cast the price "trump card", these three four-wheel drive models have dropped by 120,000 yuan, and the entry-level luxury version directly into the 280,000 yuan or less.

Compared with the old XT5, the new XT5’s appearance and interior style are basically replaced by the family style of Cadillac’s flagship sedan CT6, but from the feedback of public opinion, this set of appearance is somewhat "not very compatible" on the flagship sedan, plus the back, sales are very poor.

However, this set of appearance and interior is used on the XT5, and with the addition of a longer and wider body size, it looks very imposing and domineering. The interior is also a large screen, creating a very good sense of technological luxury.

For example, the new XT5 car is 4888mm long, 75mm longer than the old model; the car is 1957mm wide, 54mm wider than the old model; the car is 1694mm high, 12mm higher than the old model. It looks obviously taller and more powerful than the old model.

But looking at it the other way around, the new XT5 weighs 1960khg, the same as the old four-wheel drive version, but the fuel consumption is 8.23L/100km, which is much higher than the old four-wheel drive 7.97L/100km.

If you don’t care about the extra fuel consumption, can you buy the new XT5 with your eyes closed? In the medium-sized SUV of the fuel car, you want both luxury brand and affordable price, or four-wheel drive, the new XT5 is really cost-effective.

Exclusive interview with Shu Qi: drinking, acting, drinking, crazy, breaking up and not eating back grass

Introduction:Dressed in a meat pink dress that day, she jumped into the interview room and saw that the author was moving the chair, and the person wearing big high heels rushed over to help move it together in person, without the slightest bit of celebrity air. Then Shu Qi accepted an exclusive interview with [Movie Network], she often danced, just like a little girl who had not grown up. (Photo/Yang Nan, Text/Yang Yaru)

Exclusive interview with Liu Weiqiang: I want to move the audience and convey a spirit

Shu Qi drinks real wine and acts "Drunk Crazy" Hysteria, heart attack  

    In the movie, Shu Qi plays a Hong Kong girl who has a difficult fate and goes north to search for gold. She has changed her previous reserved and restrained performance mode to become a hysterical and yelling crazy woman. Shu Qi said that in order to perform realistically and naturally, she often drinks real wine and goes "crazy". This "crazy" performance style was once too much for her, and Shu Qi frowned and said that she almost had a heart attack because of it.

    Movie Network: Did you cooperate with the director again this time because he was moved by the script?

    Shu Qi:To be honest, I wasn’t moved by the script at the time, but when the director told me the story, I was moved. Because when I was in Liu Weiqiang’s movies, he came to me and told me stories, and then I was okay.

    Movie Network: In the past, we saw that Shu Qi’s performances were relatively subtle. This time, he often yelled hysterically. Why did he make such a change?

    Shu Qi:Liu Weiqiang asked for it (laughs)! Because he wants to achieve that outgoing mood, (my character) is also a Hong Kong woman. Hong Kong girls are relatively tough and strong, and they will not ask others for anything. They can arrange everything by themselves. But when she is drunk, she will lose her mind, so the whole person will "bang" vent, so she cries and makes trouble, and everything she does is to vent for her usual life.

    Movie Network: It is said that you often drank alcohol while filming this drama. Is it because you can’t rely solely on acting to achieve the effect?

    Shu Qi:No. Because drinkers have a drunken state, they have a drunken form, which is different from when we are sober. Like when I wear high heels when I am sober, I will be very careful and try not to limp myself, but when I am drunk, I don’t know when I am limp. If I act when I am sober, I will know that I have to limp when I walk here. This is not real, so I will drink two glasses. Then all your body and emotions are combined to make a real drunk woman crazy.

     Movie Network: How does it feel to film hysterically?

    Shu Qi:Tired, really tired. I feel that being angry is a very tiring thing in itself. I had a scene where my face was red and my neck was thick. The radio said that he could hear my heartbeat. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack at that time.

    Movie Network: The characters in the movie are all relatively dramatic. Do you have that feeling?

    Shu Qi:I don’t think this movie is dramatic. For example, you will have sick parents in your body, or you will be wandering around at work, or you will be cheated of money, or you have a younger brother who can’t work, and the whole family needs you to support it. In fact, this movie is taking a realistic route. I also asked the director before, how could it be possible for a girl’s parents to kick her out and live on their own, but the character was still kicked out after paying for the house. But the director said that there is such a thing in Hong Kong, and then someone raised his hand silently. The movie may sometimes reflect the reality of society or be dark, so that everyone can understand.

Never eat back grass in life Two people must have love in their hearts together

    "If I decide to leave this man in real life, I will definitely not come back!" Shu Qi said that unlike her role in the movie, her personality is even more stubborn, and once she breaks up, she will never go back. For love, Shu Qi has her own unique understanding. She feels that if two people want to be together, no matter what happens, they will keep that love in their hearts.

    Movie Network: You play the role of Peiru began to give up, but finally went back to find, real life will you eat back grass?

    Shu Qi:In real life, if I meet Fang Zhendong (Liu Ye), I probably won’t leave. I will definitely choose to be with him and live with him. But if I decide to leave this man in real life, I will definitely not come back.

    Movie Network: You have a monologue in the film, "People always want to have a lot of choices around them, and sometimes they get lost, and they are not sure which one is the right one…" Do you have this feeling in real life?

    Shu Qi:I think many people are like this, seeking direction in love.

    Movie Network: Do you yearn for the kind of love that never leaves in the movie?

    Shu Qi:We held a charity conference in Hong Kong two days ago. When I first saw the "father of optical fiber" Kao Kun (a brain degenerative patient) and his wife, I was very touched. His wife was very gentle, attentive and caring to him, and all her actions were full of love. So when the two of us are together, no matter what happens, we must keep love in our hearts.

    Movie Network: In real life, would you write love letters like a character in a play?

    Shu Qi:I don’t think it’s necessarily a love letter, but I will write a card on my good friend’s birthday. If you keep it, it will taste very good. Instead of opening the computer and seeing it, it feels cold. When I was a child, I often wrote letters, diaries, and cards. I also wrote cards to give.

Joking andPeng Yuyantie the knot The new film will challenge perverted women

    As one of them, Shu Qi’s relationship has not been settled. A few days ago, there were rumors that she was in love with Peng Yuyan, who was 6 years younger, and the two also successfully computed a sweet sibling love. In this regard, Shu Qi responded positively, denied the relationship, and admitted that the two were just friends.
Shu Qi, who has been very productive in film recently, revealed that she is currently filming a fashion film in which she once again "transforms" into a new image and challenges perverted women. Shu Qi said that the character is very ugly inside.

    Movie Network: Would you envy seeing your sister Tao Lin Xilei get married?

    Shu Qi:Of course. This is inevitable, especially when you see your good sister get married, you will definitely be envious.

    Movie Network: There have been rumors recently that you are with Peng Yuyan?

   Shu Qi:Yes, we also went to the Maldives to get married before, and we will probably release this news online later. Haha, I’m kidding! In fact, I helped him (Peng Yuyan) shoot a MV before, and we were very familiar at that time. He is a very hard-working actor and singer, and he is a good friend. In fact, there are many friends in that meal, but the media likes to pick (the two of us), so I can’t help it (Shu Qi shrugged).

    Movie Network: What kind of role is the new play currently being filmed?

    Shu Qi:I’m working on a very challenging film, a fashion film, and it’s my first time working with a director I don’t know. This film is very challenging for me, it’s a perverted character, there is something about the dark side of people’s hearts, and the character is still in the secrecy stage, but she’s ugly. Now I want to try something that I haven’t acted in before.

NetTest CMA5000 multi-layer network test platform

  In a rapidly changing environment, adaptability is the key to success. In the extremely competitive communication market, it is very important to deploy new services quickly and meet customer needs in time. NetTest is one of the few companies active in all major network technology fields. NetTest has the experience and professionals to develop test and measurement solutions, which can fully meet your current and future needs. From DWDM, SONET/SDH and Gigabit Ethernet testing to dispersion and OTDR measurement, CMA5000 is an ideal solution. In addition to unparalleled flexibility and scalability, CMA5000′ s high-performance measurement application can also install, open and archive the network more effectively, thus accelerating the deployment of new services. From physical layer, data link layer, network layer to transport layer, CMA5000 provides a real multi-layer network testing solution.

  CMA5000 is the first high-performance and scalable test and measurement solution in the industry, which can meet the demanding requirements of communication professionals, accelerate the opening of new services and reduce the overall measurement cost.

   CMA5000′ s open structure design, powerful functions and modular platform can provide the highest performance measurement application, which can help users analyze and open the network faster than competitors and start making profits earlier. In addition, the configuration flexibility and expansibility of CMA5000 enable it to be improved with the change of users’ test requirements and the constant change of telecom infrastructure technical requirements.

  I. Analysis of Physical Layer Characteristics

CMA5000 continues NetTest’s long-term leading position in the field of optical fiber and network characteristic analysis. CMA5000 OTDR application provides a dynamic range of over 50 dB, and can obtain the required OTDR test information on any link in a few seconds.

  Providing the best OTDR performance is only a good beginning. In the process of comprehensive analysis of physical layer media characteristics, the function and scalability of CMA5000 platform are particularly prominent. Combined with the best OTDR in the industry, CMA5000 can provide all the test applications needed for perfect physical medium characteristic analysis, including:

chromatic dispersion

Polarization mode dispersion

Visible fault locator


Optical return loss

Visual detection probe (for connector inspection)

Loss tester

Second, the DWDM network equipment installation

  With the beginning of network installation, the final delivery deadline is approaching day by day, and time is of the essence. During the equipment installation, CMA5000 can help you complete the task correctly once, which speeds up the deployment of the network. With the intuitive display of information including channel wavelength (or frequency) and power, OSNR and system gain slope, the application of spectral analysis (OSA) and optical channel analysis (OCA) provides accurate and efficient network channel management, power balance and adjustment.

  In addition to the industry-leading OSA and OCA performance, CMA5000 also provides a visual inspection probe (VIP) to verify the connector quality, and the optical power meter is used to measure the power of a single channel or the overall system power. When used with high power amplifiers and pump lasers, safety is the key. VIP provides a safe and reliable method for inspecting, evaluating and recording the end face condition of connectors, thus avoiding potential dangerous situations.

  Whether testing transmitter, amplifier, receiver or other optical devices, CMA5000 OSA, OCA, visual detection probe and optical power meter all provide the required performance for the rapid installation of network equipment.

Third, the network is opened

  Today’s competitive environment requires the network to provide extremely high performance and reliability, ensuring that the failure time is minimized. CMA5000 is once again your best choice for characteristic analysis and archiving under such strict performance level requirements. The application of optical transmission analysis (OTA) provides efficient and reliable testing for many parameters, including alarm and error code analysis, APS with 125 μs resolution, round-trip delay measurement with 100 ns resolution, and network availability and performance evaluation. OTA application can analyze the characteristics of PDH/T-carriers to SONET/SDH with a speed of up to 10 GB/s. In addition, OTA’s innovative fault scanning function can automatically detect problems, so as to quickly identify and correct network damage and ensure that the network meets your and your customers’ expectations.

Fourth, business deployment

  When the network construction is about to be completed, customers will be eager to deploy new services. At this time, time is of the essence. CMA5000 Gigabit Ethernet application can help you meet the challenge and ensure that key parameters including throughput, delay, frame rate, lost frames, etc. (see RFC 2544 for details) are met, thus accelerating business deployment. In addition, the measurement of error code at the frame level and the comprehensive IP statistics function enable CMA5000 to provide key layer 2 QoS information. Gigabit Ethernet test application provides the required performance for the installation, maintenance and fault location of Ethernet network based on 10/100/1000 Mbps with its unparalleled high efficiency and ease of use.

  The flexible and extensible design of CMA5000 integrated test platform integrates the best functions of each test application, which accelerates business deployment, reduces measurement costs and optimizes bandwidth.

V. Summary

  The following are just some of the tests conducted by NetTest to ensure the optimal performance of all network layers:

1 transport layer

Protocol analysis


Channel usage

Performance and load

2 Network layer

· IP QoS

· RFC-2544

· SLA verification

3 data link layer

· 10/100/1000 Ethernet

Ethernet based on SONE/ISDN


Error code


Sudden ability

Lost package

Frame loss

4 Physical layer (upper layer) DWDM and SONET/SDH


Channel signal-to-noise ratio and drift

Power measurement

Error code

Automatic protection switching

Propagation delay

5 Physical layer (lower layer) medium


· CD


End-to-end attenuation

Optical return loss

Visible fault location

Inspection of connector

Optical telephone

Optical switch

It’s only 20 days from registration to the release of a new car. Is Zhiji a hasty debut or ready to go?

On January 13th, 2021, Zhiji Automobile held a global brand launch conference in Shanghai, China, CES, Las Vegas, and London, England, and its two concept cars also appeared together with the brand strategy.

What is the background of Zhiji automobile?

Zhiji Automobile was established on December 25th, 2020. It is a brand-new user-oriented automobile science and technology company jointly built by SAIC, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba Group. Its brand positioning is high-end intelligent pure electric vehicle brand.

Adhering to the brand proposition of "I am self-guided", Zhiji Automobile will coexist with users in the great era of artificial intelligence, define what smart auto time should look like, and achieve "the realization of travel change in the intelligent era".

What is the meaning of Zhiji’s name?

The Chinese name of the brand "Zhiji" is taken from "Knowing everything around, but Dao Ji is the world" in The Book of Changes. It is intended to consider everything with wisdom, diligently explore, define, create and realize the smart travel driven by the times and needed by users. The English brand name "IM" means Intelligence in Motion, which is a rational reflection on the evolution direction of smart cars.

The design of brand Logo is composed of 0 and 1, which contains digital passwords from 0 to 1. The expression is concise and can change endlessly to create a new world.

Where does "intelligence" come from?

A new generation of domain fusion central computing digital architecture, integrating IPD intelligent driving center, ICC intelligent computing center, ICM intelligent cockpit center and IMATE intelligent partner four domain controllers; And truly realize the whole vehicle OTA, which can combine the vehicle perception and analysis ability, optimize the control strategy and program according to the real-time scene and push and update it immediately, providing a complete and real-time deep intelligent experience.

Unbounded interactive IMOS operating systemThe 39-inch Incell, which can perform intelligent split-screen lifting according to the usage scene, runs through the big screen. With the help of intelligent unbounded OS, it can realize a smooth unbounded multi-screen interactive experience, support multi-screen display and be freely customized.

Carlog, a super vehicle-mounted intelligent camera system, with three super wide-angle cameras with a total of 150 million pixels, supports 180 distortion-free super wide-angle, 4K high-definition video shooting, super night scene, high dynamic range, time-lapse photography, slow-motion photography and other modes, and can be edited and shared to social platforms with one click, creating a super social sharing experience for users that everything can be shared instantly.

Intelligent automatic drivingThe hardware part is equipped with 15 high-definition visual cameras, 5 millimeter-wave radars and 12 ultrasonic radars, and matched with NVIDIA Xavier chip, which realizes urban intelligent navigation+high-speed intelligent navigation+centimeter-level high-precision fixed-point automatic parking. It also supports the upgrade capability of NVIDIA Orin X and three laser radars, and realizes "full scene, most continuous and zero takeover" automatic driving with the permission of national laws and regulations and the further liberalization of high-precision maps.

Smart lighting system DLP+ISCThe intelligent lighting system consisting of 2.6 million pixels DLP and 5,000 LED ISC can identify the road narrowing condition and automatically trigger the width-indicating carpet in advance; It can also track the eyeball direction with the help of the camera in the car and control the direction in which the headlights illuminate the driver.

Intelligent pure electric car

At the brand launch site, Zhiji Automobile made its debut in the world with two new mass-produced stereotypes of IM Zhiji brand-smart pure electric car and smart pure electric SUV.

The front face of Zhiji Automobile’s first car is designed with a closed middle net, and the headlights are very sharp and look very futuristic.

The taillights are designed through, and there is also a smart lighting system inside the taillights, which can display customized content. The new car is positioned as a pure electric luxury B-class car with body sizes of 5000, 1960 and 1485 mm..

In the car, a large number of solid wood decorative boards and semi-aniline calfskin from Bavaria, Germany were used in Como Lake area, Italy, at 45 north latitude. It is also equipped with a large-size integrated floating display screen that can be lifted and lowered, and adopts intelligent voice control+screen touch of the whole vehicle. There are more intelligent configurations that have been mentioned in the previous section and will not be described here.

The new car will provide 93kWh and 115kWh battery packs, of which 115kWh has a cruising range of 1000km;; The power adopts the layout of front and rear double motors, the comprehensive power reaches 400kW, the comprehensive torque reaches 700Nm, and the acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h takes only 3.9 seconds.

The all-aluminum chassis is equipped with a front double wishbone and a rear five-bar suspension, a brake-by-wire system and an AKC rear wheel steering system, as well as a CDC intelligent electronic control suspension system, and is operated by Williams, an international professional chassis adjustment team from F1 Team.

The new car will be booked globally during the Shanghai Auto Show in April 2021, listed at the end of 2021 and delivered to the owners in 2022.

Intelligent pure electric SUV

Zhiji’s first SUV body applied more curves, and the design was softer than the first car. The front face is equipped with a closed air intake grille, and the sharp split headlights make the front face still look very sporty. The shape of the tail is full of layers, with a through taillight design, and the shapes at both ends of the bumper echo the front of the car.

The new car will be officially launched in 2022. At present, the official interior official map and other information of the new car have not been disclosed, and we continue to pay attention.

Write it at the end

How to keep running and stand out from the fierce competition in the increasingly fierce environment of new car-making enterprises requires capital, high-tech intelligence and car-making experience. With Alibaba’s research in intelligent systems, SAIC’s years of experience in building cars, and the strong financial strength of both parties, coupled with the support of Pudong New Area, Zhiji Automobile can be said to have stood on the shoulders of giants since its birth.

Of course, Zhiji Auto has not lived up to expectations. As soon as it debuted, it has released core technologies such as intelligent digital architecture, intelligent unbounded OS, intelligent interactive sharing, intelligent autonomous driving, and intelligent three-electricity technology. Everything is well prepared. The strength of travel change in the intelligent era is there, but whether it can be successful depends on what kind of answer will be given on the price when the first model is pre-sold and listed.

The sales volume of M5 in the world soared 160 times! In the top 10, Huawei said it would become a global high-end brand in three years.

On January 11th, the Association announced the retail sales in December 2022.Ranking express, each bigCar dealerThe annual sales in 2022 were released together.

In the new energy vehicle sector,In 2022, the cumulative sales volume of the M5 was 56,855, which was 16,052% higher than that of last year!

Wenjie M5 also entered the top 10 of the new energy SUV sales list in 2022, ranking ninth., which surpassed Nezha U, ID.4 CROZZ, Lingpao C11, Weilai ES6, Ideal L9 and other popular models, and set a record for the fastest growth of new brands of smart electric vehicle track.

The sales volume of M5 in the world soared 160 times! In the top 10, Huawei said it would become a global high-end brand in three years.

In fact,AITOFrom August to December last year, almost every month, the delivery of the industry broke through 10,000, and November was the only one that did not break through 10,000, with a delivery volume of 8,260 vehicles. This was because of the epidemic situation and tight supply chain, which brought great impact to the planned delivery.

As managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG and CEO of BU, a smart car solution, Yu Chengdong himself has strongly recommended the AITO model for many times.

Previously, Huawei’s Wang Lianjun once said that in the past, the automobile industry accumulated lean manufacturing and supply chain system capabilities, but in the future, software-defined automobiles will be the end of the automobile industry. Huawei’s goal is to build AITO into a global high-end intelligent electric brand within three years.


Ant Manor March 6 Answer: Thousands of miles of warblers sing green and reflect the red water village, which season does the mountain fruit wine flag wind describe?

Hello, everyone, Xiaobian brings you a list of answers to the chicken questions on March 6, 2024 in Alipay. I believe many friends know that there is a charity activity to feed chickens in the ant manor in Alipay. Players can get chicken feed by answering questions. What is the answer for the ant manor on March 6, 2024? Let’s have a look together.

Ant Manor March 6 Answer: Thousands of miles of warblers sing green and reflect the red water village, which season does the mountain fruit wine flag wind describe?

2024 Alipay March 6 Chicken Answer Today’s Answer List

Question 1: What season is the scenery described in the poem "Thousands of miles of yings singing green and reflecting red, and the wind of water village, mountain country and wine flag"

A, spring b, summer


Ant Manor March 6 Answer: Thousands of miles of warblers sing green and reflect the red water village, which season does the mountain fruit wine flag wind describe?

Question 2: Kitchen tips: Will stainless steel kitchenware rust?

A, yes, it will rust. B, No, it won’t rust.

Answer:Yes, it will rust, too.

Ant Manor March 6 Answer: Thousands of miles of warblers sing green and reflect the red water village, which season does the mountain fruit wine flag wind describe?

The above is a list of the answers to today’s questions on March 6, 2024 Alipay brought to you by Xiaobian. I hope I can help you answer the questions smoothly. For more real-time information, Xiaobian will update it for you in time.

Close-up: A special reunion dinner

  Xinhuanet Wuhan, February 6 (Reporter Wan Houde, Xiong Jinchao) On February 6, the Lunar New Year’s Eve, Wang Xungao, who lives in Donghu Street Village, Wulijie Sub-district Office, Jiangxia District, Wuhan, began to set up their own reunion dinner. Different from the past, this year’s reunion dinner, the family is eating in the office of the village Committee.

  A rare snowstorm for many years turned the original adobe house of Lao Wang’s family into a dangerous house, and the village Committee office became the "new home" for the family to reunite this year.

  Although not at home, Lao Wang’s family didn’t lack anything for the New Year. The government sent solatium from 500 yuan before the New Year. Considering the practical difficulties of his family’s relocation and resettlement, the government also sent cotton-padded quilts and other daily necessities, together with the unified distribution of fish, meat, rice, noodles, oil and other daily necessities, all of which made Lao Wang’s family feel warm and practical.

  When the reporter came to his temporary home, he saw that Lao Wang’s family were busy, preparing the most abundant dinner of the year, and they were happy. "I have never seen such heavy snow or such a cold winter, but my heart is particularly warm." Wang Xungao, who is in his fifties, said, "Thanks to the government, the village committee and the governments at all levels for their care." What moved Lao Wang’s family even more was that it was New Year’s Eve, and the civil affairs cadres were still worried about his family’s life, so they made a special trip to see what difficulties he still had.

  Although the Chinese New Year’s Eve has been listed as a national statutory holiday, there are still hundreds of civil affairs cadres in Wuhan who give up the opportunity to reunite with their families and go deep into the homes of needy families to visit and sympathize with the affected farmers to see if they are short of materials for the holiday and have any unresolved difficulties.

  Wang Xungao’s family is just one of thousands of families affected by snow in Wuhan. Ma Lixi, director of the Disaster Relief Department of Wuhan Civil Affairs Bureau, said that this year, Wuhan suffered a rare rain, snow and freezing disaster, and there were more than 1,800 households with housing difficulties and more than 3,500 people in the city due to the disaster.

  In order to make every citizen have a happy and festive New Year, Wuhan has adopted the method of decentralized transfer and resettlement. Some have mobilized them to visit relatives and friends, and some have used welfare homes and government offices to centrally resettle the victims. For the relocated victims, the Wuhan Municipal Government has decided to give them a living allowance of 20 days according to the standard of 20 yuan per person per day, and a maintenance allowance of 3,000 yuan per collapsed and damaged 576 houses of 282 families according to the standard of 1000 yuan, so as to ensure that the victims can live a happy and peaceful Spring Festival.

  With the setting off of 50,000 firecrackers, the large village committee office was full of festive atmosphere. The Lao Wang family sat around the table, and a family of three had a reunion dinner with more than ten dishes.

  This New Year’s Eve dinner, though somewhat different, is exceptionally warm and peaceful.

Editor: Li Erqing