Oil price "7 times" car owners have no shortage of "fuel-saving wisdom"

   Wuyi News Network (reporter, Wu Jingyang) Affected by the rise in oil prices, the travel patterns of many car owners in our county have quietly changed, and they have come up with many fuel-saving tricks.

  Bus and electric vehicle travel

  "Xiao Li, why don’t you drive?" When he got off work at noon yesterday, Mr. Li, who was working in a public institution in the county seat, pushed a new electric car out of the door of the unit, and a colleague asked this. Faced with the doubts of his colleagues, Mr. Li said: "Now that the oil price is so high, I ride an electric car to get off work instead."

  Mr. Li lives in Xianxia’s house on South Wenquan Road, six stops away from his work. Two years ago, he bought a car for transportation, and with the rise in oil prices, he increasingly felt that it was difficult to maintain a car. After the oil price was raised again this time, he calculated an account: his car consumes about 10 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers, and the monthly fuel bill is about 50 yuan more than before. "In this way, I have to spend about 600 yuan more a year, and now I basically don’t drive for short distances," he said. The reporter learned in the interview that, like Mr. Li, many car owners often choose buses, electric vehicles and other travel.

  Reduce the burden on the trunk

  Last weekend, Mr. Wang, who worked in a company in the county development zone, gave his car’s trunk a thorough cleaning. Children’s carts, all kinds of shoes, books… "Look, these things add up to dozens of kilograms. I heard that reducing the burden on the trunk can save fuel," Mr. Wang said.

  According to Mr. Wang, after the oil price rose this time, he looked up fuel-saving tips online. "I learned from the Internet that every 45kg reduction in vehicle weight can reduce vehicle fuel consumption by up to 2%." Mr. Wang said that reducing the burden on the trunk from time to time is a good way to save fuel. At the same time, he does not fill up at one time, but adds half or two-thirds of the fuel, so that the car can be light on the road. It is understood that many veteran drivers also save fuel by not easily overtaking at high speed and avoiding congested routes.

  Change from self-driving tour to group tour

  At noon yesterday, Ms. Zhang, who lives in Qixia Garden, used her lunch break to rush to the travel agency near her unit to inquire about the travel situation of the "May Day" long-term tour.

  "Originally, we were going to go on a self-driving tour, but everyone may have changed to a group tour considering the cost issue." According to Ms. Zhang, in order to go out and take care of each other, last week, she asked college classmates to go on a self-driving tour, but very few people responded. It turned out that the students felt that the price of oil had risen, and the cost of self-driving tours was too high. According to the staff of a travel agency in the urban area, with the rise in oil prices, the cost of self-driving tours has increased, and many citizens have switched to group tours with their families.

Ruizhong Insurance × NIO jointly held the event "Looking for Ruizhong’s destined people"

At the beginning of mid-summer, Hefei Shannan Vertical Shadow Park ushered in a unique event. Ruizhong Insurance joined hands with NIO to jointly launch the "Search for Ruizhong’s Destined People" action, inviting elites and participants from all walks of life to enter NIO’s Hefei factory and Hefei Shannan Vertical Shadow Park. "Come with you, everyone enjoys beauty", orchestrated a series of brand experience day activities, allowing each participant to deeply explore the perfect integration of financial culture and innovative technology.

This event specially invited new and old customers of Swiss Public Insurance’s "digital edge", "namesake edge" and "guardian edge" to participate in this meaningful event. The "Finance and Law" forum held on the spot, with senior lawyers in-depth interpretation of economic tools, provided participants with professional legal perspectives. At the same time, financial experts answered questions on insurance trust and shared new strategies and models of wealth management and inheritance in the context of continued downward interest rates.

Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, our country’s new energy vehicle industry has been strongly promoted. NIO, as a leader in the new energy vehicle industry, has been committed to building high-end intelligent electric vehicles since its establishment in November 2014, and provides excellent user experience to provide users with a pleasant lifestyle. This coincides with the brand slogan of Ruizhong Insurance "Ruizhe Lifetime, Everyone Enjoy Beauty". The cooperation between Ruizhong Insurance and NIO this time is not only a positive response to the national strategy, but also an important measure to integrate into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

In June 2024, Swiss Public Insurance celebrates the first year of Swiss Public Insurance. During this special period, the company announced that it will launch a "Search for Swiss Fate" campaign to celebrate this iconic year. The campaign will run from June to September and cover the whole country.

It is understood that the "Finding Ruizhong’s Destined People" activity aims to deepen the connection between Ruizhong Insurance and customers, and through a series of interactive sessions, find those who are destined to match the company’s brand philosophy. Participants only need mobile phone numbers, ID numbers, etc. to contain specific numbers, or their names contain words related to Ruizhong Insurance’s brand slogan "Ruizhe Lifetime, Everyone Enjoy Beauty", or the items around them are linked to the company’s product name to have the opportunity to become "Destined People".

As part of the event, the lucky lucky ones will receive a series of special experiences, including a visit to the headquarters of Ruizhong Insurance, experience the culture of the capital, and have the opportunity to receive "exclusive" certificates of fate and exquisite merchandise gifts. This is not only a grateful feedback to the lucky ones, but also an opportunity to deeply understand the spirit of the Ruizhong Insurance brand.

Through this event, Ruizhong Insurance demonstrated its commitment to customer care and its determination to continuously innovate and enhance the customer experience. The industry generally expects this event to further deepen the connection between the company and its customers and provide participants with an unforgettable experience.

Ruizhong Life Insurance Shaanxi Branch

Lei Jun: Xiaomi SU7 positioning C-class high-performance car pricing is "really a bit expensive"

Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference will be held at 2 pm on December 28th. Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi, answered some questions that netizens are most concerned about today.

Wandering stars

Xiaomi’s first car was named SU7, and Lei Jun said that SU is the abbreviation of Speed Ultra. As for how to pronounce it, Xiaomi has also discussed it seriously. In the end, everyone thinks that it is still called "Su Qi", just like calling a friend’s name. In addition, Xiaomi SU7 is positioned as a "C-class high-performance eco-technology car". As for why he made a car, Lei Jun will introduce it in detail at the press conference. The press conference will start at 2 pm, which is estimated to be about 3 hours.

Wandering stars

Lei Jun also said that Xiaomi SU7 has no accurate benchmarking vehicle, and it is in the trial production and climbing stage, and it will take several months for it to be officially listed. In terms of pricing, Xiaomi SU7 is "indeed a little expensive", but "reasonably expensive".

The well-known online celebrity anchor blew himself up with cancer, so be wary of these five situations.

Original Health 160 Shenzhen

Did everyone brush the hot search for the advanced thyroid cancer in Ti mo Feng a few days ago? She disappeared for half a year to have an operation, and now she has recovered.

Just when Xiaobian saw this hot search, I couldn’t help but feel awkward. Thyroid cancer? Isn’t it TOP1 in the list of new malignant tumors in Shenzhen in 2022, which was released not long ago?

This can’t be a good science popularization while it’s hot, and give our workers in Shenzhen a "shot in the arm"!

Let’s talk about the thyroid gland first. It is the largest endocrine gland in the human body, that is, the reddish-brown gland under the thyroid cartilage of our neck and on both sides of the organ, which looks like a butterfly.

Thyroxine secreted by it can regulate body metabolism, growth rate, sensitivity to other hormones, etc., and its range of action is almost all over the body. It is one of the most important hormones in the human body.

If thyroxine is too high, it will increase the load of various organs of the body, and there will be symptoms similar to fear of heat, persistent irritability, and rapid heartbeat. Moreover, in the state of eating a lot, the body shape will still not increase or even decrease.

On the other hand, if thyroxine is too low, the metabolic efficiency of the body will also decrease, and then there will be cold, fatigue, obesity, edema, constipation and so on.

Whether it is too high or too low, this unbalanced state has deviated from health. Ignoring it will easily lead to other problems in the body, and the worst situation in everyone’s cognition is thyroid cancer.

It is actually a relatively complicated process from physical problems to the development of thyroid cancer, and there are many closely related factors.

First of all, genetic factors are hard to avoid. If the immediate family members have thyroid diseases, the chances of the offspring getting sick will be three times higher than other people.

Take the past data of medullary thyroid cancer as an example, 5%-10% of patients have obvious family genetic history.

From the external factors, exposure to radiation as a child, long-term exposure to high pressure and tension, iodine deficiency and excessive intake of iodine are the major causes of thyroid cancer.

Our thyroid gland is sensitive to ionizing radiation, so interventional doctors will wear lead clothes and scarves to protect their trunks when working in a radiation environment.

In childhood, I received CT and X-ray radiation, and when I was not as strong as an adult, I was exposed to radiation, which would also cause some irritation to the thyroid gland.

It is also often heard that iodine deficiency will lead to "big neck disease", and goiter caused by iodine deficiency naturally has more obvious cancer risk than normal thyroid.

Coupled with the increasing social pressure, many people are basically in a state of nervous tension and emotional depression for a long time, which will easily lead to endocrine disorders in the long run and become a fuse for thyroid nodules and cancer.

At this point, many people "talk about the color change of nodules", but will thyroid nodules become fatal after they become thyroid cancer?

That may not be true.

Nowadays, science and technology are more and more developed, and the detection methods are more advanced and accurate. There is also a certain probability that the number of people diagnosed will increase on a large scale because of this.

Contrary to the rising speed of diagnosis, it is the development speed of thyroid cancer, which can be called tortoise speed.

The survival rate of patients with thyroid cancer is also much higher. The 5-year survival rate is basically at least 90%, and there are not a few people who have survived for 20 or 30 years. According to the doctor’s diagnosis, there is no big difference between their lives and ordinary people.

Apart from some genetic factors such as low immunity and hard resistance, many patients with thyroid cancer are not paid attention to at the initial stage of the disease, and only then will malignant factors lurk in the body waiting for the outbreak.

Take thyroid nodules as an example, the probability of benign is as high as 95%, and the size of the nodules is not necessarily proportional to the probability of canceration. The key point is whether the nodules are malignant or not, and whether they are properly intervened in time.

Xiaobian also sorted out some points that need attention. If the following results appear in everyone’s color ultrasound report, remember to focus on it:

① The thyroid border is unclear.

Tuyuan network

Illegitimate thyroid is a kind of nodule, which can indicate that the nodule is relatively active, but it is not necessarily equivalent to malignant nodule, and it needs to be judged according to further examination.

② Calcification of thyroid nodules

Tuyuan network

The report suggests that if the nodule presents sand-like calcification, it is also necessary to be alert to whether it is malignant, because about 80% of malignant tumors have calcification, which is a very important indicator.

③ Cystic solid nodules

Tuyuan network

Generally speaking, larger cystic-solid nodules need to be treated by surgery to avoid further oppression and malignant transformation, while smaller ones do not need surgical treatment, and most of them are benign.

In addition, many people are curious why this "lazy cancer" always targets women, and the incidence rate is three times that of men.

This is because female estrogen can affect the growth of thyroid nodules, and on this basis, some nodules become malignant and develop into thyroid cancer, so the large base leads to an overwhelming quantitative difference, which is not as mysterious as rumors.

Through the previous explanation, we can find that thyroid problems do not necessarily turn into cancer, and the cure and survival rate of cancer are relatively high, but we still have to pay attention to health.

Therefore, when other thyroid problems occur in the early stage, early treatment can kill thyroid cancer in the cradle to a great extent.

If you find these signs in your body, you should be alert:

Of course, these symptoms do not directly point to the thyroid problem, but when the thyroid is in a temper, there will be some corresponding symptoms. What we can do is to strengthen our body and take precautions every day.

① Preliminary registration inspection

If you have doubts about your thyroid health, you can go to departments such as endocrinology and thyroid, and you can also consult in detail if you need a doctor’s check and report analysis, so you don’t have to guess at random.

Click on the picture below to make an appointment with a famous doctor.


Click on the picture below to make an appointment with a famous doctor.


② Blood test

Blood sampling can help you understand the relevant indicators, such as three basic examinations and five examinations. The more items, the more comprehensive. If it is only a basic health screening, it is enough to choose three items.

③ Color Doppler ultrasound examination

If you want to confirm whether there are thyroid nodules, color Doppler ultrasound examination is the most intuitive and clear, and the size and echo can be known at a glance.

4 It is best to develop regular living habits every day, try to maintain a happy mood or learn to solve it, and properly supplement/avoid foods rich in iodine according to the system.

That’s the end of today’s popular science. In short, whether it’s hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, nodules or canceration, seeking help from regular hospital doctors and cooperating with treatment is the fastest way to embrace health.

The facts also show that most patients are relatively optimistic. If they are sick, they must first maintain a positive attitude for treatment, and then they should eat and drink, and don’t take things to heart. If you are unhappy and don’t understand, just come to the comment area to chat with Xiaobian.


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It will last for another week! Jiande people should be careful when they go out. There is news from the long-lost sunshine …

It was rainy on the 24th.

Wet and cold.

It’s really uncomfortable


Jiande is finally out of the sun!

Source: Nan Mu does not eat onions, ginger and garlic

Since entering the late period,

The weather continues to rain and snow.

The temperature is also falling.

When will this cold weather end?

Judging from the latest situation

This wave of rain has not been completely "finished"

Cold air supplements the south

Next week

Rainy+wet and cold continuous online

The rain has rested today.

The temperature has picked up.

Rain began to come back after midnight.

There was light rain during the day on the 26th.

There is sleet in the mountains.

On the 27th, the weather improved slightly, from cloudy to cloudy.

The temperature rose slightly during the day.

From 28th to 29th, the vortex moved eastward.

There will be obvious precipitation process.

Source: Captain Mr.Q

The maximum temperature will gradually rise to around 11℃ next week.

The cold body feeling will be slightly relieved.

But on the whole, we should keep warm.

Warm up and slack off, warm and pull over.

Little friends will continue to endure.

Source: Nan Mu does not eat onions, ginger and garlic

The good news is.

As soon as March arrives

It’s rainy and ready to "call it a day"

There is still a light rain dragging its tail on March 1.

The weather improved on 2-3 days.

Especially on the 3rd.

The long-lost sunshine will finally show up generously.

Stay tuned.

A week’s weather

February 26; There is light rain in the daytime, sleet in some mountainous areas and cloudy at night; 1~3℃

February 27; It is cloudy to cloudy during the day and cloudy with light rain at night; 1~9℃

February 28; There is moderate to heavy rain in the shade; 4~7℃

February 29; There is moderate rain in the shade; 5~8℃

March 1; Light rain turns cloudy; 4~6℃

March 2; Cloudy; 0~11℃

Xiaobu warm reminder

The weather has changed a lot recently.

Everyone should add clothes in time.

Prepare rain gear before going out.

The rainy weather continues.

Road icing may also occur on some roads.

Pay attention to traffic safety when going out.

Data from/Municipal Meteorological Bureau and China Weather.

Original title: "It will last for another week! Jiande people should be careful when they go out. There is news from the long-lost sunshine … "

Read the original text

In 2023, the national sales of lottery tickets reached 579.696 billion yuan, and Guangdong’s annual sales exceeded 60 billion yuan, ranking first in the country.

Information Times (Reporter Hu Changwei) According to the announcement data released by the Ministry of Finance on January 30, in 2023, the country sold a total of 579.696 billion yuan of lottery tickets, an increase of 155.044 billion yuan or 36.5%. Among them, welfare lottery sales were 194.441 billion yuan, up 31.3% year-on-year, and sports lottery sales were 385.255 billion yuan, up 39.3% year-on-year. In 2023, Guangdong sold a total of 60.575 billion yuan of lottery tickets, a year-on-year increase of 36.9%, and the annual lottery sales continued to rank first in the country.

Comparison of lottery sales between 2023 and 2022.

Annual sales increased by 155 billion year-on-year.

According to the data released by the Ministry of Finance, in December 2023, a total of 53.284 billion yuan of lottery tickets were sold nationwide, a year-on-year decrease of 8.565 billion yuan or 13.8%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 17.476 billion yuan, an increase of 5.646 billion yuan, an increase of 47.7%; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 35.808 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.211 billion yuan or 28.4%. Mainly due to the higher base of factors driven by the football World Cup in the same period last year.

From January to December, 2023, a total of 579.696 billion yuan of lottery tickets were sold nationwide, an increase of 155.044 billion yuan or 36.5%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 194.441 billion yuan, an increase of 46.311 billion yuan, an increase of 31.3%; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 385.255 billion yuan, an increase of 108.733 billion yuan or 39.3%.

Instant lottery tickets have doubled.

The announcement data also shows that in December 2023, the sales of lottery digital lottery tickets was 16.952 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 29.3%; The sales of quiz lottery tickets was 22.431 billion yuan, down 47.8% year-on-year; The sales of instant lottery tickets reached 10.224 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 214.4%; Keno lottery sales reached 3.676 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 47.3%. In December, the sales volume of digital lottery, quiz, instant lottery and Keno lottery respectively accounted for 31.8%, 42.1%, 19.2% and 6.9% of the total lottery sales, and the sales volume of video lottery was 140,000 yuan, an increase of 120,000 yuan year-on-year.

From January to December, 2023, the sales of digital lottery tickets reached 176.803 billion yuan, an increase of 21.385 billion yuan or 13.8%. The sales of quiz lottery tickets was 246.476 billion yuan, an increase of 65.550 billion yuan or 36.2% year-on-year; The sales of instant lottery tickets reached 119.021 billion yuan, an increase of 59.574 billion yuan or 100.2%. The sales of Keno lottery tickets reached 37.394 billion yuan, up 8.534 billion yuan or 29.6% year-on-year. From January to December, the lottery sales of digital lottery, quiz lottery, instant lottery and Keno lottery accounted for 30.5%, 42.5%, 20.5% and 6.5% of the total lottery sales respectively. Video lottery sales reached 1.53 million yuan, up 930,000 yuan year-on-year.

Guangdong’s annual sales exceed 60.5 billion yuan.

In December, 2023, compared with the same period of last year, the lottery sales in various provinces in China were mixed, among which Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing and Xinjiang increased a lot, increasing by 231 million yuan, 191 million yuan, 163 million yuan and 138 million yuan respectively. Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, and Sichuan saw a large decline, with a year-on-year decrease of 1.722 billion yuan, 1.106 billion yuan, 735 million yuan, and 659 million yuan respectively.

From January to December, 2023, compared with the same period of last year, lottery sales in all provinces in China increased, among which Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shandong increased more, increasing by 16.321 billion yuan, 12.946 billion yuan, 12.442 billion yuan and 10.832 billion yuan respectively.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Finance, Guangdong sold a total of 60.575 billion yuan of lottery tickets in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 36.9%, and the annual sales of lottery tickets continued to rank first in the country. Among them, the annual sales volume of Guangdong sports lottery reached 38.905 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 44.2%; The annual sales volume of welfare lottery reached 21.669 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.4%; The annual sales volume of two major color varieties in Guangdong ranks first in the same industry in China.

The latest data announcement of the Ministry of Finance also requires that lottery institutions at all levels should closely track and analyze new situations and new problems, effectively strengthen lottery issuance and sales, and ensure the smooth operation of the market. Financial departments at all levels should further strengthen lottery supervision, actively create a good external environment, maintain market order, and promote the sustained and healthy development of lottery.