BYD Han OTA upgrade and optimization to improve vehicle performance and user experience.

Before BYD Han, China brand had a good sales performance in the middle and low-grade SUV market, but it was facing a huge crisis in other market segments. Especially in the mid-to-high-end car market with a price of more than 200,000, the product supply capacity of China brand is seriously out of line with the purchasing power of consumers. When BBA sells more than 10,000 models with a price of more than 300,000 per month, China brand has little power to cope. Fortunately, the sales volume listed in July 2020 steadily broke through 10,000, and it became the exception.
get away
, Audi 6L, the only product that achieves a stable monthly sales volume of over 10,000. It is said that since its listing, BYD Han’s cumulative sales volume has exceeded 92,000 vehicles, and it continues to lead the medium and large-scale market of China brands. On the first anniversary of listing, in order to meet the diversified needs of users, BYD Han also launched a new OTA upgrade package.

As an intelligent new energy flagship car that can be upgraded by OTA, BYD Han has been upgraded many times since its listing. However, on the evening of July 19th, the OTA upgrade of BYD Han’s first anniversary will be pushed one after another, which is also the 15th OTA upgrade of Han. Many new online functions are very interesting, such as HUAWEI HiCar, RPA’s automatic parking assistance function outside the car, and rhythmic music atmosphere lights, which can bring users a smarter and more interesting travel experience.

In order to adapt to the multi-scene parking environment, BYD Han introduced the RPA automatic parking assistance function on the basis of visual integration of automatic parking assistance system, which can help users solve the parking problems in different scenes, so as to achieve automatic parking of vehicles inside and outside the car, making parking easier and easier to operate. After all, in some extreme cases, people can better avoid risks by parking outside the car, making parking safer and ensuring the safety of users and vehicles.

With the continuous development of science and technology, the DiLink 3.0 intelligent networking system carried by BYD Han is also very user-friendly. Empowered by digital technology, DiLink 3.0 intelligent networking system has brought more intelligent human-computer interaction experience, and through continuous OTA upgrade, it has created a more "know you" intelligent cockpit. This time, BYD Han’s new HUAWEI HiCar can also realize the intelligent interconnection of people, cars and homes. Through the connection between mobile devices and cars, mobile phone applications and services can be extended to the Internet, and the mobile phone can be controlled by the car, including cool dog music, Himalayan, Alipay and other mainstream applications. In order to provide users with both auditory and visual enjoyment, BYD Han’s OTA upgrade adds rhythmic music atmosphere lights, which adds more driving pleasure and a sense of driving ceremony to car life.

All in all, BYD Han not only has the advantages of products, but also leads the industry in its persistence in technology research and development. This time, BYD Han launched the OTA upgrade package, which added a number of intelligent new functions, which not only enriched the car life of the majority of car owners, but also saved a lot of trouble for car owners when using vehicles to travel.

There are 7 people in the queue of 20 people hired by Chengdu online celebrity Cake Shop.

  There is an online buzzword: I have walked the longest road, which is your routine. Now, it may have to be changed to: "The longest queue I have ever stood in is all for child care."

  Especially in some tea shops, doughnut shops, Guo Kui shops and other snack bars, and even at the door of hot pot restaurants, it is often seen that there are many people waiting in line at any time, and some even have 40-50 people waiting in line. "The line is too long, and the road can’t be lined up!" People can’t help but sprout. Are these people in line really queuing? Or a fake queue?

  Even at noon when the outdoor temperature is 39℃, there is always a long queue in front of a snack bar named "Beef Youmo" in Dakejia Lane, Chunxi Business Circle, Chengdu. From July 10 to July 12, Huaxi Dushi Bao-cover journalists chose the methods of on-site squatting, shooting videos and unannounced visits, trying to expose the truth behind them.

  doubtful point

  The average taste of beef oil is 7 people, and each time they buy one, they queue up repeatedly.

  During the summer vacation, Mr. Chen from Guangdong took his children and his family of three to Chengdu to play. When passing Dakejia Lane in Chunxi Road business circle, he was attracted by a queue of more than 30 meters long in front of a snack bar named "Beef Youmo", and intuitively judged that the cakes in this store should be very delicious.

  Walking into this small shop of about 10 square meters, two or three employees are busy in the shop. On the wall, there are all kinds of flavors of beef oil (similar to Guo Kui but with more fillings), and the prices are all in 10 yuan. If it weren’t for the long queue, this old-fashioned shop would be unremarkable at all.

  At noon, the outdoor temperature is close to 40℃. Mr. Chen asked his wife and children to wait on the bench and queue up by themselves.

  The reporter estimated that it was Mr. Chen’s turn to buy from 12: 50 until 1: 30. "It tastes just so-so. I don’t think it’s worth waiting in such a long line to buy food."

  "There are still few people now, and there are more people on weekends or holidays." A man in white short sleeves shouted hard. "Bake now and sell now, come on, let’s take advantage of the fact that there are fewer people in the queue now … …” When people come in line, the lead conductor will quickly step forward, collect money, and then give customers bags to wait in line.

  From July 10th to 11th, from 12 noon to 17: 00, reporters were on the scene for two days. There are at least 12 people in the queue, and more than 20 people, most of whom are tourists with foreign accents.

  In the tens of meters long queue, there are also some tourists who give up queuing and leave halfway. However, during the four or five hours of squatting, the reporter found a strange phenomenon: at least seven people were waiting in line from 1 o’clock until the reporter left. These include three women traveling together, a man and a woman traveling together and two separate men. Different from other tourists, these seven people appear to be with an easy grace, unhurried, and some of them are either playing mobile phones or whispering to each other, talking and laughing. The reporter roughly estimated that the seven people had lined up at least four or five times in the whole afternoon, and even seven or eight times.

  Their behavior and trajectory are also surprisingly consistent: queuing and buying only one. After buying it, they didn’t eat it directly, but left slowly in the direction of a large supermarket nearby. After about 10 minutes, these people returned to the queue. Then, the beef oil in their hands disappeared. The reporter noticed that these seven people will not appear in the team at the same time. Generally, three or four people will line up at a time and repeat the cycle.


  Two days before and after, four people all lined up to buy cakes and went to the same place.

  The behavior of these people is full of doubts. If you buy beef oil, why not buy enough at once, but go to the queue four or five times and buy only one at a time? They left with beef oil and returned in just 10 minutes. Did they eat the food or where did they go? With these doubts, all the reporters continued to observe at the door of the store, and the other reporters followed the footsteps of these people all the way to see where they went.

  Time: 12 noon on July 10th — twenty past five p.m.

  The reporter first noticed four people. A man in grey short sleeves, jeans and khaki sandals. At 13: 59, he appeared in the queue, holding a paper bag in his right hand. In front of him, a trio of women appeared together, in which a tall woman wore a flowered skirt, a short-haired woman wore denim shorts and white short sleeves, and another middle-aged woman wore green short sleeves, which was very conspicuous.

  About 20 minutes later, each of the three young women left with a beef oil, passed by the door of a large shopping mall nearby, and then entered the first city, passing through a 1-meter-wide passage next to the entrance of the parking lot of Kejia Building at No.48 Zhengkejia Lane, and then entered a small door. In less than 10 minutes, three people came out of this door empty-handed. Subsequently, the gray short-sleeved man also entered this small door. After more than 10 minutes, they appeared in the queue again.

  From 12 noon to 5: 20 pm, the reporter found that there were at least seven people who participated in the queue for three times, most of them were gray short-sleeved men and trio, and they went back and forth at least four or five times. When the queue was the largest, there were 20 people in the queue, 7 of whom were "old faces".

  Time: 1: 00 noon on July 11th — 4 p.m.

  At 1 pm on July 11, the reporter went to the scene for investigation again. As the day before, there was still a long queue here. The clerk in white short sleeves who is in charge of collecting money and directing the queue is still the same shouting words.

  Soon, the reporter found that several people who appeared the day before appeared again. In the women’s trio, the flowered skirt was replaced by a yellow striped skirt, the short-haired woman with denim shorts, and the white short sleeves were replaced by blue short sleeves, while the middle-aged woman with green short sleeves wore white short sleeves. A men’s gray short sleeves turned into dark shirts. Since 2 o’clock, these four people have walked back and forth three or four times along the route of the previous day.

  Different from the day before, the reporter noticed that several new faces appeared. After combing the two-day investigation, nearly 10 "customers" in this store are suspected of being childcare.

  Starting from the bottom

  A special company organizes fake queues for 10 times a day with a monthly salary of 1,500 yuan.

  What is the identity of these childcare, and where did they come from? In order to solve these puzzles, the reporter immediately contacted the clerk in charge of collecting money and directing the queue on the grounds of part-time job. At the scene, the clerk refused at first, saying that they didn’t need to recruit part-time jobs. It may be considered that there are too many people on the scene, and then he asked reporters to add WeChat communication first.

  Looking through his circle of friends, in the past year, almost all of them have shown off small videos and photos of long queues in the store. For example, on July 5, he proudly said in the video: More than 30 people lined up in the rain on rainy days, too many people! For example, on May 5, there was a long queue of nearly forty or fifty people in the video. He said, "The queue is too long, and the road can’t be lined up!"

  The reporter repeatedly asked the clerk to directly recruit himself for a part-time job, but he was rejected.

  He said that all the people in the queue are sent by intermediary companies every day, and the store can’t directly recruit people. He added that there is a group of intermediary companies with more than 200 people who signed up at 6 o’clock the day before and only recruited the top 20 people.

  He further explained that if he really wants to do it, he can take the reporter to see the boss of a part-time company and then enter his group. "You can ask him to arrange it for you every day."

  In fact, it’s not just queuing that involves fraud. At first, the shop assistant asked the reporter about his height, and said that if the height and other conditions were good, singers who participated in some activities could "lip-synch".

  The survey found that these intermediary companies are very mature. On the one hand, by recruiting a large number of part-time staff, and then "selling" in batches. Some stores that need "child care", the intermediary company is responsible for sending a batch of "child care" every day, and the price ranges from tens to hundreds of yuan. After the role "playing" is completed, we can pay the fee quickly by means of WeChat transfer, and the intermediary earns the difference for a living.

  Vertical depth

  Consumers Association, lawyers say: This is consumer fraud!

  Lawyer Chen Fengfeng of Sichuan Yingji Law Firm believes that operators hire people to queue up, which means that operators use asymmetric transaction information to artificially create the phenomenon of people queuing, create an illusion that products are popular with the public and business is prosperous, and use people’s curiosity and conformity psychology to gain good reputation and benefits. Legally speaking, this is a kind of consumer fraud, that is, by covering up the real situation of commodity sales, the operator deceives consumers to mistakenly trust the quality of the commodity and consume it.

  The reporter called the industrial and commercial complaint 12315 consumer hotline to reflect, and the staff said: it is fraudulent for snack bars to hire people to queue up to induce consumers to consume. The public should actively report such things, and whether the snack bar behavior involves illegality needs further verification.

This Italian children’s choir is hard to get a ticket every year. How will they appear in Shanghai this year?

The Italian Antoniano Chorus ("An Tuan" for short) is no stranger to many audiences in China. Every New Year, the choir’s New Year concert in Shanghai has become a regular program for many parent-child families, and it is not difficult for parents of all walks of life to "grab tickets". Because every time, the tickets for the New Year concert will be sold out within 1 minute. This record has been maintained for many years.
Since its first performance in China in 2016, the troupe has held a New Year Chorus Concert at Shanghai Children’s Art Theater (SAIC Roewe Children’s Cultural Center) for five consecutive years. When the epidemic struck this year, foreign performing groups could not come to China. The organizer, Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, made a decision to continue to hold the Anzhuan New Year Concert in 2021 and put it on in a "cross-time" way.
This concert tried a brand-new stage technology, using high-definition video and holographic technology to realize the interaction between Italy and China. An Tuan will sing in Italy and interact with the China Sisters from a distance. There will be six concerts from December 31st to January 3rd. The concert on New Year’s Day will be broadcast live through Youku platform.
Liang Xiaoxia, general manager of Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, revealed that this New Year concert "through time and space" is the most difficult concert they have had in the five years since they introduced the troupe. In addition to the great technical difficulties, including the time difference and different ideas between China and Italy. However, because the Italian security corps is located in a high-risk area, it has also overcome various difficulties in rehearsal and filming. Mr. Cavalli Giampaolo, artistic director of ANTuan, said that it was the most difficult but also the warmest New Year concert that ANTuan had completed in the past 57 years.
Liang Xiaoxia said that the reason why we insisted on presenting the New Year’s Concert in this way this year was that we hoped to satisfy the thoughts of the Shanghai audience; Second, I hope that through this concert that spans time and space, there will be a warm connection between China and the international children. Just like the theme of this year’s New Year concert: "2021, More Love".
Affected by the epidemic, the real person did not come to the New Year concert to be put on hold.Every year, New Year’s Eve is celebrated with the songs of the troupe, which has become a fixed project for many China audiences to welcome the new year. This year, an Tuan can’t come to China, and there is no live concert. What should we do?
Finally, after consulting with Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, the troupe decided to present the New Year concert in this special period with high-definition video.
However, can the audience’s expectations be met by playing HD video alone, and how can the audience who go into the theater to listen to the concert have a unique live experience? After discussion, the Chinese and Italian teams finally decided to use holographic technology.
Holographic technology used to be used in concerts and other large-scale activities, but it is the first time in the world to be used in concerts, especially children’s chorus concerts. For this reason, the organizer invited the best professional technical team in China, used the world’s most advanced cable-stayed film projection technology, and equipped the top dance equipment in the industry to achieve the best imaging effect in the industry at present.
It is envisaged that the three tracks of the concert will be presented by holographic projection technology. On the stage, the pre-recorded singing video of the troupe will be presented by holographic technology, while the China Sisters Hydrangea Choir of the troupe will perform live, so the two choirs will present the effect of "singing on the same stage", and there will be an interactive experience of live performance and virtual imaging.
In the past, holographic film technology was mostly in the form of "single person and single film", but this time, the Chinese and Italian teams must solve the problem of presenting dozens of choir children on the same film at the same time. Not only that, but also will interact with the security group at the scene. The number of people, the complexity of design, the difficulty of shooting and the difficulty of the later stage are unprecedented for the technical team.
In order to solve this series of problems, the domestic technical team has produced a shooting guide with dozens of pages for ANTuan, explaining each shot, each angle and each group of protagonists in detail.
Because this is the first time that an Tuan has challenged holographic technology, the effect of the first shooting is not satisfactory. The teams in China and Italy overcame the time difference and communicated remotely all night. Finally, gather all the children in the choir again and shoot again.
Although there are great challenges and difficulties, Liang Xiaoxia said, "The impact of the epidemic has prevented the troupe from coming to the scene to perform, but at the same time, this situation has also made us think, open up more imagination and see if we can use scientific and technological means to make the performance team who can’t come to the scene personally bring a good stage experience to the audience."
Liang Xiaoxia said that the application of holographic technology in the New Year concert is also an attempt by Shanghai Children’s Art Theater to perform on the stage at present and in the post-epidemic era, which can provide reference and inspiration for the future.
Serious risk escalation of epidemic situation, bumpy recording and difficult transmissionFor the Italian Chorus Antoniano, the experience of this New Year concert is unprecedented.
Lombardia, where the choir is located, is listed as a high-risk area of red epidemic by the Italian government, and Italy is one of the countries with the worst epidemic in Europe. This year, almost all performances of the choir were suspended, including the children’s chorus gold medal competition that the choir participates in every year, which was also announced to be postponed until next year.
At the same time, due to the epidemic situation, the Italian national television team, which recorded the concert for ANTuan in previous years, was unable to assist in the filming this year, and the staff of the technical department of ANTuan made up the seats one by one at the first time, which solved the shooting problem.
However, the local government does not allow many people to enter the studio for recording. To this end, the security group specially applied to the Italian government, and after more than two months of examination and approval, it finally obtained special approval. Therefore, during the Italian epidemic, ANTuan became the only organization that was able to carry out multi-person shed recording.
During each rehearsal and recording, the local government will also appoint two health supervisors to be full-time inspectors at the scene.
The problems encountered in shooting are also continuous. Because there are 40 members in the official performance, according to the requirements of Italian epidemic prevention and control, only half of them can now enter the studio for recording. At the same time, when rehearsing and recording, each child should be separated by a safe distance of at least 1 meter. As a result, during the video recording in the studio, the children no longer stood on the chorus table, but stood on 23 little red dot landmarks which had been strictly measured.
In order to present the best visual effect, the troupe shot every song in the concert from multiple positions and angles, and it took a long time to shoot the material of 18 songs. But at the same time, how to "send" the massive materials of the whole New Year concert to China at the fastest speed has become another difficult problem under special conditions this year.
After numerous international discussions and various schemes, there are only one or two days left before the concert starts. Liang Xiaoxia and her team are still making various adjustments across the time difference every day, striving to make the concert present the best effect. In Italy, all the children and the conductor of the troupe are full of expectations for this unprecedented concert.
"So many times, the children didn’t complain, because the children themselves are very curious and looking forward to it. They will ask, can holographic technology really send us to China? What will we look like on China’s screen? "
Liang Xiaoxia said that since she introduced AnTuan five years ago, this children’s choir has been regarded as the most healing and joyful choir. Therefore, I hope that in this special New Year, more audiences can enjoy and share the warmth and healing brought by the concert.
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

When you get rich, you don’t forget that the villagers in Zhongjiang, a neighboring village, set a table to entertain the villagers to have a "reunion dinner"

  On February 14th, the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, Hanlingou, Qunli Village, Lianhe Town, Zhongjiang County, was particularly lively. More than 260 villagers had a dam feast together on the newly-built social road. The whole village was full of 24 dining tables, and Tan Lichun, a villager of this village, invited them to have a group dinner.

  Tan Lichun is the chairman of Jiangsu Xinhongtai Electromechanical Co., Ltd., and his tenacious will and hard-working spirit have been honed from a poor life. After graduating from technical secondary school, he was assigned to an enterprise to repair aircraft engines. After two years of work, he resigned and went to work in Guangdong. However, the road to success was not smooth. After half a year, I returned to Deyang to work because I felt that there was no future. With his own skills and hard-working spirit, Tan Lichun won the position of an engineer in a home appliance enterprise and began to contact mechanical and electrical enterprises all over the country. After accumulating various experiences, he resigned again and went to Jiangsu to start a business.

  "In 2006, I established the first Hongtai electromechanical company. The road to entrepreneurship is full of hardships, but it is also very lucky. After 12 years of hard work, the enterprise is now on the right track … "Tan Lichun tells the story of starting a business.

  After starting a successful business, he always cares about the development of his hometown and the life of the villagers, and returns to his hometown every year. When he sees that the village road that he often passes through when he was young has not been fundamentally changed, his heart is extremely restless. In 2017, when he learned that Murakami planned to build roads, but there was still a funding gap, he generously donated 100,000 yuan. "In the second half of 2017, due to the rising price of road building materials and insufficient planned funds, he decided to pay for the gap. Now that the road has been repaired, Boss Tan plans to invest 100,000 yuan to install 50 solar street lamps … "Li Fuxiao interjected.

  When Tan Lichun went home for the Spring Festival this time, he learned that there was still a funding gap in the construction of village roads, so he decided to pay for it again, and at the same time he was going to pay for the installation of solar street lamps. In order to repay the villagers, on the 29th of New Year’s Day, he invited a chef and put on a dam feast to celebrate the New Year with the villagers.

  "In the past, we only had dirt roads from Hanlingou to the town and neighboring villages. Since the village roads hardened, it has facilitated life and production, and agricultural and sideline products can also be shipped out." Villager Zhang Hai said happily. "Now, the car can drive to the door, and I am no longer afraid of muddy roads in rainy days. Thanks to Tan Lichun, who is a native of our village, it is really hard to get’ rich and never forget my hometown’." Villager Tan Wen praised Tan Lichun’s actions.

  "The mountains and rivers in my hometown and my fellow villagers raised me, and I am very proud to be able to do something for the people in my hometown today!" Tan Lichun admits that the idea of doing something for his hometown has a long history. This is just a token of gratitude to his hometown. Facing the praise of the villagers, he feels that he can do something for his hometown. "I have suffered from it since I was a child. At that time, the neighbors often helped me. Now that I am rich, I should care more about the development of my hometown. It is also appropriate to do something for the villagers."

  Copyright statement: If copyright issues are involved, please contact this website with the ownership certificate.

Source: Sichuan Online