Changan Automobile in the first half of the incremental difficult to increase profits, independent new energy brand sales accounted for only 20%, Avita half a year to sell less than 30,000

Recently, Changan Automobile (000625.SZ) has been moving frequently. After the dark blue G318 was launched in June, it has launched new products non-stop. The official account of Deep Blue Automobile said that the dark blue S07 was officially launched on July 25. Recently, Changan Qiyuan E07 has also been officially launched. It has opened blind ordering and plans to be officially launched within the year.

Securities Star noticed that the cumulative sales of Changan Automobile hit a new high in the first half of this year, of which the independent brand new energy increased by nearly 70% to 299,100 units year-on-year. But this is not without hidden worries. Since the "Shangri-La" plan was announced in 2017, Changan Automobile has been accelerating the pace of new energy transformation, planning to bid farewell to traditional fuel vehicles in 2025. But at present, fuel vehicles are still the keynote of Changan Automobile to maintain the market, and the sales of independent brand new energy only account for 20% of the total sales. Among the three independent new energy brands, Avita ranked last, with sales of only 29,000 units in half a year. In the face of the slow transformation, Changan Automobile has stepped up its offensive of new energy products.

Although the total sales are good, but the performance of Changan Automobile is disappointed. The company expects that the net profit attributable to the parent in the first half of this year will drop by 67.33%. What is puzzling is that the net profit after deducting non-profit in the same period last year in the performance forecast shows that it is 1.242 billion yuan, which is 267 million yuan less than the data reported in last year’s interim report. According to the data reported in last year’s interim report, the net profit of Changan Automobile after deducting non-profit in the first half of this year has declined properly.

The pace of transformation is slow

According to the data, Changan Automobile’s main business covers the R & D, manufacturing and sales of complete vehicles, as well as the R & D and production of engines. The company actively develops intelligent networked new energy vehicles, and builds five independent automobile brands: Avita, Deep Blue Automobile, Changan Qiyuan, Changan Attractive Force, and Changan Kacheng to promote the electrification transformation of independent brands. At the same time, it produces and sells joint venture brand models through joint ventures Changan Ford and Changan Mazda.

In order to better adapt to the wave of new energy, Changan Automobile announced the launch of the "Shangri-La" plan in October 2017, that is, to complete the creation of three new energy special platforms in 2020; to completely stop the sale of traditional fuel vehicles in 2025, to achieve the electrification of the whole spectrum of products, and to invest 100 billion yuan in the entire new energy vehicle field. With the acceleration of transformation, Changan Automobile has now deployed three smart electric brands: Avita, Deep Blue Automobile, and Changan Qiyuan.

In the first half of this year, Changan Automobile handed over a bright sales report card. The company’s cumulative sales in the first half of the year were 1.3341 million vehicles, an increase of 9.74% year-on-year, a new high in seven years. Among them, the cumulative sales of self-owned brand new energy in the first half of the year were 299,100 vehicles, an increase of 69.87% year-on-year.

Securities Star noticed that Changan Automobile has been developing in the field of fuel vehicles for many years, and its models are mainly fuel vehicles, and new energy vehicles have not yet formed a strong influence. According to the plan, Changan Automobile will stop selling traditional fuel vehicles next year, but the current sales of its own brand new energy account for only 22%. It can be seen that in the nearly 7 years since the "Shangri-La" plan was proposed, the development of new energy of Changan Automobile has been rather slow.

In terms of sub-brands, Changan Qiyuan delivered 73,000 vehicles in the first half of this year, Avita delivered 29,000 vehicles, and the delivery volume of dark blue vehicles increased by 96% year-on-year to 83,900 vehicles.

Avita and dark blue cars are brands built to cater to the mid-to-high-end market, but they are not as good as expected in terms of sales. In 2023, dark blue car sales will be 137,000. This year’s sales target is 280,000 domestic sales, and the global sword is 450,000. Looking at China alone, dark blue cars will double sales this year. But it has only completed about 30%, and about 33,000 cars will be sold every month in the second half of the year to complete the task.

Securities Star noticed that there were three products on sale before the dark blue car, namely the dark blue G318, the dark blue SL03 and the dark blue S7, of which the dark blue G318 was just listed in June this year. This also means that the sales responsibility for the first five months of this year is the dark blue SL03 and the dark blue S7. It is not easy to hit the annual target with only two products.

On the other hand, Avita’s sales performance has not been very good since it was delivered in December 2022. Although the sales volume in the first half of the year exceeded that of the whole of last year, the half-year completion rate was about one-third of the annual sales target, and it was also at the end of a number of new power brands.

Faced with the slow pace of transformation, Changan Automobile has started a new round of product offensive. Earlier this year, Changan Automobile declared a number of new models to MIIT in one go, of which Changan exclusive 6 models. Judging from the product launch in the second half of the year, in addition to the dark blue S07, which was officially launched on July 25, the dark blue car will launch L07 in September, and the S05 will also be launched this year. In addition, Changan Qiyuan will launch Changan Qiyuan E07 in addition to the current A05, A07, and Q05; in the second half of the year, Avita will fully enter the range extension field, and then Avita 07 will be launched, as well as a new sedan product.

Past data has changed, and sales in other sectors account for nearly 30%

2024 semi-annual performance forecast shows that Changan Automobile is expected to achieve a net profit of 2.50 billion yuan – 3.20 billion yuan in the first half of the year, a decrease of 58.19% – 67.33%; the corresponding net profit after deduction 800 million yuan – 1.50 billion yuan, an increase of -35.58% to 20.79%.

For the sharp decline in performance, Changan Automobile said that the main reason is that in 2023 Quarter 1 acquired Deep Blue Automotive Technology Co., Ltd., the original holding of its equity was re-measured at fair value to confirm non-recurring profit and loss of 5.02 billion yuan. It is reported that in 2023 Quarter 1, Changan Automobile spent 1.332 billion yuan to acquire a total of 10.34% equity of Deep Blue Automobile from Changxin Fund and Undertaking Fund, and the shareholding ratio of Deep Blue Automobile became 51%, thus forming a controlling stake.

Securities Star noted that in the first half of last year, Changan Automobile’s net profit and net profit after deducting non-profit were 7.653 billion yuan and 1.509 billion yuan respectively. The net profit after deducting non-profit shown in the performance forecast was 1.242 billion yuan, with a difference of 267 million yuan in the middle. Changan Automobile did not explain the reasons for the change in the data in the performance forecast, nor did it correct it in the previous announcement. If the data is reported in the first half of last year, Changan Automobile’s net profit after deducting non-profit in the first half of this year fell by 0.6% -46.99% year-on-year.

Due to the increase in income and decrease in profits of Changan Automobile in the first quarter of this year, the overall profit performance in the first half of the year was dragged down. The current revenue was 37.02 billion yuan, an increase of 7.14% year-on-year; the corresponding net profit attributable to the parent was 1.158 billion yuan, a decrease of 83.39%.

Fortunately, the performance has improved in the second quarter. The net profit of the parent is expected to be 13.4 to 2.04 billion yuan, an increase from the same month; the net profit after deducting non-profit is expected to be 6.9 to 1.39 billion yuan, an increase from the same month. Changan Automobile said that it is mainly due to the upward trend of the company’s brand, the optimization of product structure, and the stability of its own brand profitability; The profitability of the joint venture business has gradually improved.

In the field of joint venture brands, Changan Ford and Changan Mazda sold 19,500 and 5,500 vehicles respectively in June, both of which decreased year-on-year. However, the cumulative sales in the first half of the year still achieved growth, of which Changan Ford sold 111,600 vehicles and Changan Mazda 36,800 vehicles, an increase of 13.36% and 14.44% year-on-year respectively. During the same period, the sales of independent brands 1.1213 million vehicles, an increase of 9.88% year-on-year.

Securities Star noticed that the current support for the overall sales volume of Changan Automobile, in addition to Chongqing Changan, which accounts for the largest proportion, is the second largest other sector.

The June production and sales express shows that 375,000 of the cumulative sales of over 1.30 million vehicles in Changan Automobile came from other sectors, accounting for 28.11%, an increase of 0.48 percentage points from 27.63% in the same period last year.

It is reported that other segments of Changan Automobile include sub-segments of joint ventures such as Changan Leapfrog and Jiangling Investment. The main products of Changan Leapfrog are light trucks, minibuses, special vehicles and new energy vehicles. In addition to a few minibuses, more are freight vehicles.

In contrast, SAIC Motor Group (600104.SH), its cumulative sales volume in the first half of the year was 1.827 million, and the sales volume of other sectors was 16,800, accounting for 0.92%; GAC Group (601238.SH) sold 863,000 vehicles in the first half of the year, and other sectors recorded sales volume of 3897 vehicles, accounting for only 0.45% in the group.

The national industrial Internet platform empowers Deepin to launch in Nanjing, and Caos helps build a data space ecological chain

On May 10-11, supported by the Information Technology Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Industrial Internet Platform Empowering Deepin Bank (inaugural event · Nanjing) conference was held in Jiangning, sponsored by the China Institute of Information and Communications Technology and the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology. The conference focused on the theme of "platform empower, work together for a win-win situation". Han Xia, chief engineer of MIIT, attended the forum and delivered speeches. Representatives of local industry and information technology authorities, subordinate institutions, industry experts, and leading enterprises attended the meeting.

CAOS COSMOPlat was invited to attend the conference as a key domestic industrial Internet platform. Xie Haiqin, deputy general manager of Haier CAOS IoT Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., attended the launch ceremony and congratulated the launch of the "Industrial Data Space · Ecological Chain" partner plan. Hu Jin, deputy general manager of Haier Digital Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech entitled "From the Integration of the Two Networks to Promote the High-Quality Development of Enterprises", and had in-depth dialogues with platform enterprises and industry users to explore the strategy of deeply empowering the Industrial Internet.

Work together for a win-win situation to build an industrial data space ecological chain

Data is the lifeblood of the Industrial Internet, and the industrial data space is the infrastructure for data to flow across organizations. MIIT also made it clear in the new three-year action plan that it supports enterprises, institutions, industrial organizations, etc. to establish industrial data spaces in key industries. By 2023, promote the Industrial Internet data sharing initiative and explore the establishment of industrial data spaces in no less than three key industries.

In this context, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology has joined forces with more than 30 enterprises and universities to jointly create industrial data trusted sharing technology architecture standards and solutions, and took this conference as an opportunity to officially release the "Industrial Data Space · Ecological Chain" partner plan to build a solid foundation for enterprise digital transformation.

As a co-sponsor of the "Industrial Data Space · Ecological Chain" partnership program, COSMOPlat will work with various partners to continuously improve the industrial data space technology solution and productization, cooperate to promote the application of industrial data space in more scenarios, and at the same time, also face practical work needs, explore a variety of industrial data space business models for sharing, trading, and equivalent exchange.

In fact, as early as in cooperation with the European Cloud and Data Association (Gaia-X), COSMOPlat complemented the implementation architecture and best practices of data sovereignty through mass customization models, and began to explore the establishment, formation, implementation and growth of digital ecosystems, to promote the cross-industry and cross-field transnational application of digital space, and further enhance the international voice over Chinese enterprises in the field of industrial Internet.

Deeply cultivating the Yangtze River Delta, deeply empowering across industries and regions

The construction of the data space ecological chain is an innovative exploration of production factors and business models in the Internet of Things era, especially in the face of differentiated user requests and experiences in different scenarios, enterprises need to change the traditional model, with the help of the Internet, big data, etc. to achieve from production to consumption to consumption to production.

As the relevant person in charge of COSMOPlat mentioned at the forum, the integration of consumer Internet and industrial Internet is the second half of the spiral integration of the Internet economy and the real economy, and it is also the inevitable development of the economy. Among them, the consumer Internet is the demand side, the industrial Internet is the supply side, and the mass customization model is the link between the two networks.

Based on the exploration of the mass customization model centered on user experience, COSMOPlat is based on the pain points of the industry and provides a full-process empower solution for the digital transformation of enterprises. It not only empowers across industries, but also builds 15 industry ecosystems such as molds and chemicals. Through cross-regional deep empower, it has realized the replication and promotion of empower results in 7 regions across the country and 20 countries around the world.

In the practice of empowering the Yangtze River Delta region, COSMOPlat has undertaken the national intelligent manufacturing strategy, from the Loki G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor to taking root in Shanghai and deepening the industry, from the implementation of regional layout of "one core and two wings" to the coordinated development of "three provinces and one city", and has always been steady and steady.

Today, COSMOPlat has provided innovative practices and empowered landing for many industries in the Yangtze River Delta region, such as medical and health care, automobile manufacturing, heavy industry machinery, etc., covering a number of key tasks such as logo analysis construction, advantageous platform construction, and industrial ecological cultivation in the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, driving the rapid development of the "engine" of the Yangtze River Delta.

In the future, COSMOPlat will continue to deeply cultivate the practice of cross-industry and cross-regional empowering the industrial Internet platform, solidly promote the construction of industrial data space and the landing of scene applications, empower the depth of the platform, and help enterprises strengthen the comprehensive competitiveness based on the industrial Internet, thereby enhancing the level and strength of intelligent manufacturing in our country.

Does BYD Han ev need to install chassis guard?

BYD Han EV is an electric car, so it doesn’t need chassis guard.

Chassis guard is a device used to protect the bottom of the vehicle, and the battery pack of electric vehicles is usually located at the bottom of the vehicle, so installing chassis guard may cause damage to the battery pack.

In addition, the chassis guard will also affect the aerodynamic design of the vehicle and reduce the cruising range of the vehicle. Therefore, it is not recommended to install chassis guards.

For BYD Han EV owners, in order to protect the battery pack, you can choose to install a battery guard. The battery guard can completely surround the battery, reducing the risk of battery bumping.

However, it should be noted that the installation of battery guard may affect the heat dissipation effect of the battery, thus affecting the performance and cruising range of the vehicle.

Therefore, before installing the battery guard, it is recommended to consult the advice of professional technicians.

Are they all called DHT? Comparative Analysis of Blending Technology between Chery Kunpeng and Great Wall Lemon

[EV Vision Technology Comparison] Nowadays, when vehicle electrification has become the mainstream of development, diesel locomotives seem to gradually withdraw from the rhythm of the historical stage. However, the reality proves that the models with internal combustion engines will not disappear for a long time to come, but will have certain advantages in some aspects. However, this species that does not suffer from "mileage anxiety" will make car owners suffer from another disease-"fuel consumption anxiety". Therefore, on the issue of how to treat it, plug-in hybrid models have become this good medicine.

Before, we made a comparison between BYD DM-i and Great Wall Lemon DHT (extended reading: BYD DM-i or Great Wall Lemon DHT, who represents the peak of domestic hybrid technology? ), which proves that domestic hybrid technology is gradually rising and has the strength to compete with foreign hybrid technology. Of course, this technical field in China is more than these two. Looking at the industry, basically most OEMs have started to develop their own latest hybrid technology, and among them, Chery’s Kunpeng DHT has become another new hot spot after the first two. If you look closely, you may find that compared with the hybrid technology of the Great Wall, the word DHT appears behind Chery’s technology. What is the difference between it and lemon DHT?

What does DHT mean?

If you answer what is the most obvious difference between Kun Peng DHT and lemon DHT, there is actually a difference in word meaning.

The DHT of great wall lemon is calledDedicated Hybrid Technology, the Chinese translation isSpecial technology for hybrid power, is a complete hybrid technical scheme, including engine, transmission, drive axle, battery and other components.

DHT of Great Wall Lemon

Chery Kunpeng’s DHT is calledDedicated Hybrid Transmission, that isSpecial gearbox for hybrid powerBased on the traditional fuel vehicle gearbox, some electrified components are added to realize hybrid power technology.

DHT of Chery Kunpeng

So it can be seen that there are some differences in the technical route between the two. Please look down.

Comparison of hybrid architectures

Dual-motor+engine combination may be the trend of hybrid technology development now. Take DHT of Great Wall Lemon as an example, it is a powerful three-engine/four-engine power system composed of a 1.5L/1.5T hybrid special engine, a highly integrated dual-motor hybrid gearbox and a 135kW three-in-one two-gear electric drive rear axle. Under this system, three different specifications of power (PHEV/HEV) assemblies suitable for Class A, Class B and Class C have been successively introduced. In addition, under the PHEV architecture, there is also a "1.5T +DHT130+P4" four-wheel drive powertrain, which corresponds to different levels of products to meet the diversified choices of users.

Specifically, the lemon hybrid DHT consists of a high-efficiency hybrid special engine, a highly integrated dual-motor hybrid gearbox and a 135kW three-in-one two-speed electric drive rear axle, forming a powerful three-engine/four-engine power system, which brings super power. The maximum power of HEV two-drive system is 180kW, and the total power of PHEV two-drive system can reach 240kW. The front and rear axle motors with PHEV+P4 structure can output power at the same time, and the maximum system total power can reach 320kW. The intelligent four-wheel drive system of this architecture has strong climbing ability, such as achieving 60%-65% maximum climbing degree when dry asphalt pavement and 15%-18% maximum climbing degree when snow.

High fuel efficiency hybrid special engine

In terms of transmission, Great Wall Lemon DHT is similar to Honda i-MMD, except that it has two gears when the engine is driven, while the latter has only one gear when the engine is driven. By selecting the gear, it can give full play to the performance advantages of the engine. The system also adopts dual-motor series-parallel topology, which can realize EV, series connection, parallel connection, energy recovery and other working modes, and achieve a perfect balance between power and fuel consumption in various driving scenarios. As for the battery, the Great Wall Lemon DHT architecture is equipped with the world’s largest capacity and high-efficiency hybrid battery, which has the highest performance in the industry with a pure battery life of 200km. With CTP(Cell to Pack) technology, the energy density of the battery pack reaches 160Wh/kg, and it supports 11kW AC slow charging and DC fast charging.

High integration hybrid DHT transmission

Although there is not much information about Chery Kunpeng DHT, we can still see the clue from the known information.

From this exploded view, we can roughly see the structure of the whole system. Chery Kunpeng DHT also uses the combination of engine and dual motors, but here I want to knock on a blackboard to draw a key point. Different from the mainstream development, Kunpeng DHT is the only hybrid architecture driven by dual motors in China brand at present. An output mode mainly driven by electricity can be provided. In this hybrid system, the motor bears the main driving responsibility, and the engine can supply energy for the power battery under low load conditions. Therefore, two relatively low-power drive motors are equipped with FIO fixed-point injection oil-cooled motor technology and TEM dual-motor power distribution technology developed by Chery, in order to replace the effect of a single high-power drive motor.

In terms of data, the maximum power output torque of Kunpeng DHT can reach 510N·m, and the whole box torque density is 35 N m/kg, which can match large and medium-sized cars and SUV models, and can realize nine high-efficiency working modes such as single/double motor drive, extended range, parallel connection, direct engine drive, single/double motor braking energy recovery and driving/parking charging. Kun Peng DHT adopts TEM ultra-efficient dual-motor power distribution technology, which can choose the best electric drive source and gear according to the load size to improve the driving efficiency, thus creating a smooth driving experience and more efficient power distribution. The maximum transmission efficiency is more than 97.6%, the average efficiency of electric drive in NEDC working condition is more than 90%, the peak efficiency of flat wire motor is more than 97%, the power is 6.0kW/kg, and the fuel saving rate in low power mode is more than 50%.

In addition, Kunpeng DHT has 11 combined gears (seemingly the largest in the world? )。 However, it should be noted here that the gear position of Kunpeng DHT is not limited to these 11 combinations. Due to the existence of dual motors and the provision of a 3-speed transmission device in the engine direct drive mode. You know, most of the mainstream technologies now adopt a direct clutch structure, that is, the generator can directly drive the wheels. However, when they are all direct-drive output, they all have only one gear, which limits the highest efficiency working range (the difference between ordinary bicycles and variable-speed bicycles), so Kunpeng DHT is equipped with three gears on the engine to broaden the engine driving performance. First of all, the first speed ratio is relatively large, which is mainly used for starting and accelerating. The third speed ratio is very small, mainly to ensure low engine speed, low fuel consumption and noise reduction when driving at high speed. Among them, the second speed ratio mainly takes into account the shift of the first gear and the third gear to ensure the smoothness of the shift, and at the same time takes into account the fuel consumption at the middle and low speeds.

It is worth mentioning that these permutations and combinations can achieve dozens of gear combinations, but the manufacturer has chosen 11 most suitable gears. In different working scenarios, the built-in control system of Kunpeng DHT calculates the optimal working gear in real time, and cooperates with Chery’s FIO fixed-point injection oil-cooled motor technology, TEM ultra-efficient dual-motor power distribution technology and ultra-smooth TSD dual-shaft drive design to achieve the balance of power, ride comfort and economy.

Comparison of working principles

There are four working modes of Great Wall Lemon DHT, including pure electric drive mode, series mode, first gear direct drive mode (low speed cruise), first gear direct drive mode (performance direct drive), second gear direct drive mode (high speed cruise) and energy recovery mode.

The important core of overall fuel saving is to make the engine work in an efficient working point area. When driving at low speed in general urban areas, lemon DHT will switch between EV mode and series mode, and maintain the engine in the most efficient area. When driving in suburbs and viaducts, the series mode will still be adopted at medium and low speed, but at medium and high speed, the engine will start to intervene, and when encountering heavy load demand, the engine+parallel drive mode will be adopted, which not only maintains high efficiency, but also provides sufficient response for power. Finally, at high speed, the engine direct-drive working point will directly fall in the high-efficiency area, or when the power is enough, EV battery life will be adopted to reduce fuel consumption.

As can be seen from the published data, the working mode of Chery Kunpeng DHT can be said to be another way.

First of all, the front part will be equipped with a small displacement (1.5T) inverted engine. Why did you choose this engine type? First of all, the intake manifold of the inverted engine is shorter, and the air intake is more direct and smooth. In addition, the air does not need to be heated above the engine to reduce the air density and oxygen content, so the engine burns more fully, the thermal efficiency is higher than that of the upright engine, and the fuel consumption is correspondingly reduced. In addition, this engine has a relatively compact volume to reduce the cabin space and lay the foundation for weight reduction because the intake manifold and exhaust manifold do not need to be wound up and down from the engine for half a turn.

The dual-motor part of the predecessor is composed of two low-power driving motors. Why choose two low-power drive motors but not one high-power motor directly? The reason for this is that if a high-power motor is used, the efficiency of the motor will be greatly reduced at first when it starts at low speed and runs at high speed, and when it enters the power loss state, the engine will start to intervene in power generation, and the fuel consumption will inevitably increase. Therefore, using two low-power motors can make the whole hybrid system work in a high-efficiency area with the same comprehensive performance. After that, it is combined with the previously mentioned Kunpeng DHT gearbox to achieve the purpose of fuel saving. In addition, after adopting the dual-motor scheme in manufacturing cost, the dependence on high-precision gears is relatively reduced. After all, this aspect can only rely on imports for the time being.

Who are the models under DHT technology?

WEY macchiato

On April 15th this year, Great Wall Motor conducted an online lemon hybrid DHT vehicle test, which was the first time to be tested with a real vehicle. The tested model was WEY Macchiato, which will be listed soon. This model is equipped with the latest lemon hybrid DHT technology of the Great Wall, and is also equipped with the combined configuration of 1.5L Atkinson cycle engine and motor. The maximum horsepower of the engine is 102kW, the maximum power of the motor is 154kW, and the combined maximum power is 190kW. It is worth mentioning that the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is only 4.7L and the maximum cruising range can reach 1100km. The subsequent PHEV plug-in hybrid vehicle has a pure electric cruising range of 110km.


Tiggo 8 PLUS PHEV is Chery’s first model equipped with DHT hybrid system, which adopts a three-motor four-wheel drive hybrid system with 1.5T turbocharged engine+front double motor+rear single motor. Among them, the maximum power of the engine is 125kW, the peak torque is 252N·m, the official 0-100km/h acceleration is only 4.9 seconds, and the comprehensive fuel consumption is only 1.3L/100km.

EV vision view:Although the published information is very limited, through the comparison of these two technologies, we can see that their innovation in hybrid technology is enough to compete with hybrid power enterprises, which not only opens the door to the development of domestic hybrid technology, but also makes China brand occupy a place in the world. At present, the latest "Roadmap 2.0 for Energy-saving and New Energy Vehicles" issued by China Automotive Engineering Society clearly puts forward that traditional vehicles should be fully "mixed" in the next 15 years. By 2035, among the non-new energy vehicles that still occupy half of the market, hybrid power will become the leading force. Therefore, the automobile industry has developed in parallel with many technical routes. In order to realize the low-carbon of energy-saving vehicles, the automobile factory must establish a new hybrid technical route. Therefore, both Kunpeng DHT and Lemon DHT will become the new trump cards representing the development of hybrid technology in China. In the future, EV Vision will dynamically evaluate two vehicles based on its own hybrid technology, so stay tuned!

Regulations implemented, headquarters settled, supply and demand released! "City of Intelligent Driving" adds a strong engine today.

Today (December 1st) is the first day of the official implementation of the Regulations on Promoting the Development of Smart Car Networking in Suzhou (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). The publicity meeting of the Regulations and the matchmaking meeting of the smart car networking industry chain were held in Xiangcheng. Hou Xueyuan, Chairman of the Legal Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress; Xu Meijian, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, Yu Haiming, secretary of the Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and Chen Xuezhen, director of the Legal Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress; Shen Zhidong, secretary of the District Party Committee, Qu Lingni, director of the Standing Committee of the District People’s Congress, and Gu Jianming, deputy secretary of the District Party Committee, attended the event.

Hou Xueyuan fully affirmed Xiangcheng’s achievements in the development of smart car networking industry in recent years. He said that as the core area of Suzhou’s smart car networking industry, Xiangcheng District seized the opportunity and planned ahead, and built the whole industry chain ecology of automobiles with smart cars, basic support and information interaction as the core, and constantly accelerated the construction of a "smart driving city" with global openness and full chain development. In the next step, it is hoped that Xiangcheng District will actively implement the requirements of relevant provincial and municipal laws and regulations, and make new breakthroughs in promoting coordinated industrial development, improving industrial development ecology, strengthening infrastructure construction, and continuously broadening application scenarios, so as to better promote the strong industrial chain to supplement the chain and extend the chain, and contribute to Xiangcheng’s efforts to build Jiangsu into a national leading demonstration zone for high-quality development of smart car networking industry.

Xu Meijian said that the healthy development of the industry cannot be separated from the solid guarantee of the rule of law. The promulgation and implementation of the "Regulations" will provide more solid guarantee and support for Suzhou and Xiangcheng to build an innovative cluster of intelligent vehicle networking industry with high quality, improve the level of intelligent transportation and ensure road traffic safety, and better promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry. Xu Meijian has also opened up ideas and pointed out the direction for Xiangcheng to promote the development of smart car networking industry with high quality from three aspects: strengthening the docking between enterprises, strengthening the docking between enterprises and governments, and strengthening the docking between government departments.

At the scene, Xiangcheng District implemented the implementation rules and work plan of the Regulations, covering seven implementation rules and detailed work plans, including "Several Support Policies for Suzhou High-speed Railway New Town on Further Promoting the High-quality Development of Intelligent Networked Automobile Industry (Trial)". As the main position for the development of smart car networking industry in the whole city, Suzhou High-speed Railway New City will further focus on three aspects: R&D, mass production support, commercial operation support and financial support, lead the industry to upgrade and make due contributions to the development of smart car networking industry in the whole city.

A series of events were also held at the scene.

Wonderful and dry goods full ceremony

Seventy Suzhou intelligent networked vehicle licenses, including Robotaxi, Robobus demonstration operation license, low-speed vehicle demonstration operation license and heavy truck unmanned test license, were issued, and more self-driving vehicles were "certified to work".

Wuxi Xinwu District, Suzhou Wujiang District, Wuzhong District, Xiangcheng District, and High-tech Zone jointly released the topic of tackling key problems in the party building of the intelligent car networking industrial corridor around Taihu Lake, and integrated the coordinated development of the intelligent car networking industry in the Yangtze River Delta region to a new level.

Twenty-eight unmanned express delivery lines have been officially launched, which will add new scenery to "Digital Xiangcheng", better serve the needs of residents, and explore the way for the smooth implementation of the "Suzhou City Travel Service and Logistics Autopilot Application" project.

Robotaxi waiting room of Suzhou high-speed rail new city was officially opened. The waiting room is located in the open space on the east side of the South Square of Suzhou North Railway Station, and will provide short-distance and intelligent travel services for Suzhou passengers with the help of smart transportation such as Robotaxi.

Guangyu morgan stanley capital international Intelligent Technology, an enterprise specializing in intelligent networked auto parts and intelligent networked industry application solutions, will set its national headquarters in Suzhou High-speed Railway New Town, which will give full play to its advantages and add a strong engine to the development of local industries.

The first "Pilot Cup" Open Data Challenge for Smart Car Networking set up two major tracks, namely, "Perception and Identification" and "Application and Innovation", which attracted 148 teams to sign up. After the competition, the first, second and third prizes stood out and were awarded today.

In order to promote the outstanding enterprises in the region to accelerate the realization of complementary advantages and strong alliances, Xiangcheng established a district-level supply and demand docking exchange and cooperation platform, and collected the supply and demand list of enterprises in a targeted manner. In the supply-demand docking exchange of the smart car networking industry, the "two lists" of smart car networking enterprises and manufacturing enterprises in Xiangcheng District on the demand and supply of smart car networking were officially released.

Zhang Lei, CEO of Zaihe Automobile Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Mei Jiawei, vice president of products of Tanwei Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Xian Yao, general manager of marketing department of Suzhou Oufeiguang Technology Co., Ltd., Qinling, manager of intelligent promotion department of Jiangsu Xin ‘an Electric Appliances, and other business representatives spoke successively, with their own needs to develop, seek cooperation and win-win, so as to better empower enterprises for high-quality development in the next stage.

Responsible persons of relevant provincial and municipal departments, Sun Yan, member of the Standing Committee of Wuzhong District Committee and Minister of Organization Department, Lv Jianlin, member of the Party Working Committee of Suzhou High-tech Zone and Minister of Organization Department, Ruan Jie, Deputy Minister of Organization Department of Wuxi High-tech Zone, and Sun Feng, Executive Deputy Minister of Organization Department of Wujiang District Committee; Representatives of some enterprises and financial investment institutions; District leaders Zhan Lijian, Liang Zheyi, Xing Peng, and principal leaders of various localities and departments attended the event.

Produced by Xiangcheng Rong Media Center

Source: Xiangcheng District Committee Office, District People’s Congress Office, District Committee Organization Department, District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Suzhou High-speed Railway New Town.

Written by Li Yuanyuan.

Photography: Song Weiting

Original title: "Regulations implementation, headquarters settlement, supply and demand release! "Smart Driving City" adds a strong engine today.

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Interview: Traditional science fiction is hard to find a way out —— Interview with China science fiction writer Liu Cixin

  Xinhua News Agency, Helsinki, August 15thInterview: Traditional science fiction is hard to find a way out — — Interview with China science fiction writer Liu Cixin

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Yuzhi Natalie

  Liu Cixin, a China science fiction writer, was twice nominated for Hugo Award, the highest honor of science fiction in the world, and won the Hugo Award for Best Novel once for his series of three-body works. However, he thinks that his style is out of date and the world sci-fi trend is taking on another look.

  Different from the traditional science fiction represented by Liu Cixin, the series of American fantasy novel fire and ice, which has been selling well in recent years, has adopted the creative technique of "weak fantasy". "It is called ‘ Weak fantasy ’ It is because the fantasy factors in the works are not obvious, and the use of supernatural forces is very restrained. " Liu Cixin said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency in Helsinki, Finland.

  Judging from the Hugo Award finalists in recent years, many sci-fi and fantasy novels in the United States are now more concerned about practical issues, such as racial discrimination, gender discrimination, the impact of artificial intelligence on society, the impact of biology on social ethics, etc., and have adopted different narrative structures and writing styles around these themes.

  Of course, there are still some sci-fi novels that adhere to the traditional style, such as the American series "The Vast Sky: Leviathan Awakening". "Unfortunately, this work has neither won the nebula award nor the Hugo award. This year, it won the Hugo award for best short play, but it was not the original novel, but the adapted TV series." Liu Cixin told reporters.

  Liu Cixin believes that the reason for this situation is that today, with the high development of science, science and technology have penetrated into all aspects of people’s daily life, and science is increasingly lacking in mystery in readers’ minds. "This is the most fatal blow to science fiction literature creation today, and there is almost no way out."

  In order to save science fiction, Americans tried various efforts as early as the 1970s, hoping to make science fiction works far away from science and make them more literary, from describing outer space to describing people’s hearts, from describing aliens to describing the relationship between different races and sexes. For example, The Obelisk Gate won the Hugo Award for Best Novel on August 11th. Although the work is set on a mysterious planet, much of it is actually about class oppression on the earth.

  "They are working hard in this direction, trying to increase the audience and influence of science fiction, but now it seems that they have not succeeded." Liu Cixin said. In his memory, the golden age of science fiction is full of vigor. Writers are all young people in their twenties, and readers are also young people. "You look at how old are the sci-fi fans at the sci-fi conference now? What hope does a literature have when all it attracts are elderly people with big bellies? "

  Liu Cixin seems to be somewhat helpless about the fact that all kinds of fantasy novels at home and abroad have been adapted into movies and TV series, while traditional science fiction works are almost neglected. He said that the law of film communication is much more complicated than literature and novels, and it is more difficult to make a film than to write a novel.

  At present, several works of Liu Cixin, including Three-body, have been authorized to make films, but he has not shown strong confidence in the final effect of these films. He said: "American science fiction movies and science fiction novels have developed for almost a century. We have only been three or four years, and it is not realistic to make such a good movie. Movies and novels are two different ways of expression. When shooting, there are trade-offs. It is normal for readers to be less satisfied with the film than with the original. "