Fei Yuqing and Jay Chou’s "Thousands of Miles Away" are combined to recreate the classic golden songs of the year

Chinese New Song

  On the evening of the 21st, the second recording of "China’s New Song" "The Five Powerful Battle" took place, and Jay Chou’s "Strongest Team on the Surface" stood on the arena. The younger brother Fei Yuqing served as the mentor, which was also the first time that Jay Chou and Fei Yuqing had combined in a mainland variety show since their cooperation with "Thousand Miles Away" in 2006. The two will also recreate the classic golden songs of that year at the "New Song" recording site.

  "Internet celebrity" Fei Yuqing: Music is lubricant, jokes are MSG

  Fei Yuqing, wearing a khaki suit, appeared at the "New Songs" conference this afternoon as the mentor of Jay Chou’s "Strongest Team on the Surface". As soon as he appeared, he was good at lively atmosphere, and the conference was full of laughter. The mentor Jay praised again and again: "You are the Internet celebrity of that era!"

  Following their collaboration with 2006’s hit "A Thousand Miles Away", the two dedicated their debut on a mainland variety show to "New Songs of China". Fei Yuqing said: "For the first time, I will dedicate it to’New Songs’, I will give classic cooperation, and I will dedicate it to New Songs". And Jay said that he "looks forward to my brother telling a lot of classic jokes in the show". Regarding the reporter’s request for "a live chorus song" at the press conference, Fei Yuqing subtly "declined": "Now the chorus is too dry, there is no music substrate, and there is a little bit of lubrication." In the face of the reporters’ laughter, he said innocently: "Where did you think? If there is music, there will be lubrication."

  "The atmosphere of the fight between Wang Feng and his team was too serious, and it was all me telling jokes. When I went to my own team, I was afraid that I would be nervous, so I relied on my brother to tell a little’funny joke ‘to adjust the atmosphere." In this regard, Fei Yuqing said helplessly: "The joke is a little out of ammunition," "The joke can’t be too heavy, it can’t be too light; it’s too light, it’s boring, it’s too heavy… So there are really few jokes that can pass safely between these two boundaries and make everyone laugh happily." However, Fei Yuqing, the younger brother, is also "not stingy" about sharing his jokes: "I have set up a’radar ‘for everyone, and I often go to the website to search for jokes. As long as there is a suitable one, I will share it with everyone." "When I go to the bathroom later, I will think about it carefully.

  The little brother’s on-site "testimonials" made Jay couldn’t help but tease him: "Internet celebrities are very popular now, and you are the Internet celebrity of that era!" Fei Yuqing, who was labeled "Internet celebrity", said: "Jokes make everyone happy, artists, bring some joy, don’t be so serious."

  Jay "Daddy" is full of temperament and takes care of the students in every way

  After a period of teaching and singing, the "strongest team on the surface" will determine the top five. Jay’s mentor, who had just been promoted to Daddy, took care of and helped the students in almost all aspects during the preparation of the battle, bringing the style of "Daddy".

  As a creative talent, Jay added Super Mario to the arrangement of students last year to amaze many audiences. This year, Jay put his hand forward again and made adaptations of some classic old songs, especially Fei Yuqing’s classic songs, which made the little brother who had seen the rehearsal yesterday "a great blessing". Fei Yuqing said that "listening to some old songs may not feel the same as you young people listening to them", but Jay made some old songs "so new", and he "doesn’t sound conflicted at all". This is Jay’s "delicate place".

  In addition to musical help, Jay took great care of the students’ lives. Previously, during the blind selection stage, the sister was worried that the student Bao Shiyu would join the Jay team, and Jay Chou would take her to play games all night, but Bao Shiyu still joined the "strongest team on the surface". In fact, not only did Jay not forget his promise, saying that he "kept his word" and asked for the student’s game account the night before the battle, but also considering the student’s preparation status, "Because I usually play games until very late in the morning, I don’t want the game last night to affect her game today." "I got her game account in the middle of the night last night, and we can play together after the competition today."

  After the recording of this game, there will definitely be five students who will leave "New Song". Jay also thought a lot about them after being torn, "I don’t want them to feel eliminated and it’s over." During the rehearsal, Jay had already given each student a big gift bag including hats, clothes, etc. In today’s team battle, Jay carefully prepared another big gift for the students who are about to leave, including records and audio players. Jay smiled apologetically and said: "Because the students are going to be eliminated, I’m a little sorry, so I left a little thought for them to send gifts." When Fei Yuqing heard this, he said that he didn’t bring any gifts, "I’m really sorry". Mr. Jaylen said "the little brother can bring classic jokes".

Pull the goods for the plane with an unmanned vehicle! The performance soared 10 times. Wu Gansha’s Yushi Technology this year.

Pull the goods for the plane with an unmanned vehicle! The performance soared 10 times. Wu Gansha's Yushi Technology this year.

In the field of domestic autonomous driving, Yushi Technology, co-founded by Wu Gansha, former president of Intel China Research Institute, has to be mentioned.

However, due to shifting the focus of their work, Yushi Technology and Wu Gansha themselves have greatly reduced the frequency of speaking out since the middle of last year, which means "retiring from the rivers and lakes" and is slightly mysterious.

A few days ago, with the launch of GTIC 2018 Global Smart Car Supply Chain Innovation Summit, Chedong went to the Beijing office of Yushi Technology to have another in-depth dialogue with Wu Gansha, the guest of this summit, and learned about the breakthroughs made by Yushi Technology in technology research and development and commercialization during the dormant year:

Including the deployment of unmanned electric logistics trailers at the top three international airports in the world, the deployment of unmanned feeder vehicles in Zhejiang and Nanjing, the joint research and development of automatic parking service technology with domestic top automakers and time-sharing leasing enterprises, and the cooperation with passenger car enterprises to develop L2.5/L3 autonomous driving technology.

Wu Gansha even told the car that it has achieved a 10-fold increase in the number of customers, the number of contracts, the contract amount and the number of vehicles equipped with the automatic driving system, and the results are gratifying.

"Retirement" Achievement: Finalizing Master Plan

"The first year of entrepreneurship is blowing outside, the second year is blowing inside, and the third year is blowing again." As for the reasons for keeping a low profile in recent years, Wu Gansha explained this.

In his view, the first year of starting a business is nothing more than looking for someone to find money, the second year is to find business cooperation with customers, and the focus of the third year is on the one hand to cash the blown cows, and on the other hand, the rapid growth of the company needs "calcium supplementation", especially in refined management and cultural construction.

Wu Gansha told Che that during the "silence" of Yushi Technology, the team completed a very important thing, that is, finalized the Master Plan—— of Yushi Technology-the company’s overall development plan for the next five to ten years. It is understood that the plan is divided into three parts:

First of all, in the field of commercial vehicles and special vehicles, we should try to find a direction that is suitable for autonomous driving technology and can bring high profits at the same time, so as to accumulate research and development data and build corporate image while earning income.

Secondly, after the technology has been developed to a certain extent, we will start to cooperate with passenger car manufacturers to mass-produce and deploy parking service and L2/L3 autonomous driving technologies.

With the gradual increase of deployed vehicles, Yushi will be able to accumulate more data to improve the mass-produced autonomous driving technology, and at the same time, it will start the "shadow mode", that is, collect the road condition data of mass-produced vehicles through the sensors of existing vehicles, and train the decision-making algorithm of L4/L5 autonomous driving technology on the on-board computing platform.

Finally, Yushi Technology hopes to deploy an autopilot system with "shadow mode" on 10 million production vehicles in the future, so as to ensure that each iteration of L4/5 autopilot algorithm can complete tens of billions of kilometers of real vehicle verification within one month. Finally, mass production of L4/5 autonomous driving technology will be realized around 2025.

In addition to making a grand, even slightly exaggerated Master Plan, Yushi Technology is also recruiting a lot of people to ensure the realization of the above plan.

Wu Gansha told Che Dongxi that Yushi Technology currently has three R&D bases in Fangshan, Haidian, Beijing and Jiading, Shanghai, and its research engineering team is close to hundreds of people.

Pull the goods for the plane with an unmanned vehicle! The performance soared 10 times. Wu Gansha's Yushi Technology this year.

▲ Some members of the dominant team

In addition, Yushi Technology also has a trial production, testing and application innovation center in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, which is engaged in batch modification of self-driving vehicles, production and testing of low-speed vehicles, and has offices in Liuzhou and Shenzhen to carry out trial operation and joint research and development with partners.

Business progress: achieve four tenfold growth in one year.

Master Plan of Yushi is ambitious, but it is a plan after all. Cars are actually more concerned about what practical achievements Yushi Technology has made in the past year.

"10 times." Wu Gansha said with a smile, "and it is still four times 10 times."

He told Chedong that during the year from August 2017 to August 2018, Yushi Technology has achieved a 10-fold increase in four key indicators: the number of customers, the number of contracts, the contract amount and the number of vehicles equipped with Yushi automatic driving system. At present, it has more than 20 customers, of which about 80% are car companies, covering independent, joint venture and foreign-funded brand manufacturers, as well as passenger cars and commercial vehicles.

"This year, it is obvious that there are more customers of joint venture and foreign car companies," Wu Gansha explained. "The self-driving technology developed abroad may not be able to adapt to the complicated domestic road conditions, and the internationally accepted data governance regulations do not allow data to be sent abroad, so joint venture and foreign car companies also need local research and development and local partners."

Wu Gansha also showed the car a video of a specific project at the scene.

One of them is in the top three international airports in the world, and Yushi Technology has deployed several self-developed unmanned electric logistics trailers. These vehicles are parked next to the plane, and after the luggage and other goods on the plane are unloaded, this unmanned vehicle drags the goods to the unloading area.

The video shows that this special vehicle can still run normally in heavy rain, and its automatic driving system can stop immediately to avoid collision when it recognizes the mineral water bottle and silk scarf that the tester suddenly throws into the middle of the road.

Wu Gansha told the car that because there is no cover and air conditioning, the drivers of airport special vehicles work in harsh conditions such as high and low temperature and loud noise from taking off and landing all the year round. Therefore, although the subsidy is high, they still can’t keep people, which has become a headache for airport operators.

Unmanned vehicles do not have these problems, so they received a positive response from the airport. After rigorous technical tests, the two sides quickly reached a commercial cooperation.

Most importantly, the project is not used for demonstration purposes. The data and operational experience accumulated by Yushi can not only continuously improve its driverless technology, but also deploy more unmanned vehicles at the airport to achieve benign development. Wu Gansha predicts that the project will start unmanned operation without on-board safety personnel within half a year. And this is the first step of Master Plan of Yushi Technology.

Technical progress: automatic parking service and L2.5 go first.

In the field of passenger cars, Yushi is currently promoting commercial landing mainly around AVP and L2+ autonomous driving technology.

In addition to the above-mentioned airport video, Wu Gansha also showed Che Dongxi his technology Demo of developing AVP(Automated Valet Parking) automatic parking service for an independent passenger car brand.

In the video, a passenger car equipped with AVP technology drives to the door of an underground garage, and then the human driver gets off, and the vehicle drives into the basement to find the designated parking space and back into place. When the driver needs to drive, operate on the mobile APP, and the vehicle will drive on the road from the garage by itself.

It is understood that the AVP system of Yushi can be realized only by low-cost sensors such as cameras and ultrasonic radars, and its products have two modes:

1. For the parking spaces in fixed parking lots, vehicles can remember the corresponding routes by learning the driving of human drivers, so that the automatic parking service can be completed without relying on high-precision maps.

2. For parking spaces in unfamiliar parking lots, vehicles can find designated parking spaces or random empty parking spaces by themselves with the support of limited high-precision maps, and complete parking.

Wu Gansha told the car that this AVP system is being jointly developed with the OEM, and it is expected to cooperate with the OEM or the head time-sharing company to achieve scale deployment before the end of this year.

In addition to AVP system, another major layout of Yushi in the field of passenger cars revolves around L2+ autopilot technology, which is called L2.5 and L2.8 autopilot technology within Yushi.

Its L2.5-level technology can be simply understood as an upgraded version of Tesla Autopilot system. On structured roads such as expressways, vehicles can not only control their own speed and keep driving in a single lane, but also realize safe and automatic lane change.

The main body of L2.8 technology is the same as L2.5 technology, and the core is to increase the function of up and down ramps. According to Wu Gansha, the L2.8 technology of Yushi Technology should realize the automatic driving function of toll station-toll station, that is, consumers can give it to vehicles to drive when they drive to the toll station, and then they will be driven by humans after arriving at the destination toll station.

Of course, because this technical positioning is still below L3 level, human drivers still need to monitor the road conditions and be ready to take over at all times during driving, which is similar to the general Super Cruise positioning.

Wu Gansha revealed that this set of L2+ autopilot technology has basically matured, and is currently communicating with the OEM. It is expected that the SOP will be mass-produced as soon as 2020–this is the second step of the Master Plan.

Shadow mode: speeding up unmanned research and development

In the Master Plan, the shadow mode mentioned above plays a very important role, which is an important step to complete the research and development, data accumulation and verification of L4 autonomous driving technology.

After the above video demonstrating AVP automatic parking service technology, Wu Gansha also showed the progress of L4-class automatic driving technology.

In the video, the above-mentioned automatic parking service vehicle switches to L4 automatic driving mode after driving out of the parking lot, and automatically drives to the exit of the park. After the identification crossbar is lifted, it drives into the open road for testing.

In this process, the car has experienced many scenes such as crossroads/traffic lights, roundabout, tunnels, cities and highways, and it has successfully completed the driving task even in the face of complicated road conditions such as motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles, pedestrians and courier brothers.

According to Wu Gansha, this open road is an intelligent networked vehicle open test section that cooperates with the high-end manufacturing base in Fangshan District. It has long been a routine operation to conduct driverless testing on this section, and it has also experienced the test of bad weather such as heavy rain and severe winter. At present, Yushi is actively cooperating with OEMs to apply for road test licenses in Beijing, Shanghai and Jiashan, Zhejiang.

Open the trunk and there is only a clean "small box" in the car. This is the car brain independently developed by Yushi, which is equipped with two sets of algorithms, one is the above-mentioned automatic parking service system, and the other is the L4-level automatic driving which is still in iteration.

When the vehicle equipped with the car brain is driven by human beings, the algorithm of L4-level automatic driving technology verifies the algorithm by sharing data with the sensor under the condition of ensuring privacy, thus realizing the shadow mode.

Wu Gansha revealed that the car brain is fully developed in accordance with the car regulations, supporting a variety of chip mix and match schemes such as GPU, ASIC or FPGA. At present, the OEM is progressing smoothly.

Future play: positioning Tier 0.5

The entrepreneurial wave of autonomous driving technology has been rising for several years. Emerging companies and technology companies have two main directions in business models. First, unmanned taxis or unmanned car routes represented by industry leader Google Waymo also include startups such as Uber, Didi, Roadstar.ai

Another group of companies hope to provide auto-driving solutions with integrated software and hardware for mass production and loading, similar to what Tier1 does in the automobile industry.

Pull the goods for the plane with an unmanned vehicle! The performance soared 10 times. Wu Gansha's Yushi Technology this year.

▲ Yushi employees debug vehicles.

In the view of the first type of companies, technology companies have the problems of lack of experience and high threshold when they cut into the automobile industry. Therefore, it is better to cooperate with companies in the automobile industry to make unmanned vehicles and directly engage in the operation of unmanned car rental. The second kind of companies think that software technology is the weakness of the automobile industry companies and they have the ability to become the new Tier1.

Wu Gansha positioned Yu Shi’s choice of science and technology in the latter.

"Rand data shows that autonomous driving technology needs to run to 11 billion miles to prove statistically that it is safer than human drivers. If you want to run so many journeys, you need more vehicles equipped with shadow mode to run data." Regarding the reason for choosing the second route, Wu Gansha explained this.

At the same time, he also believes that the automatic driving system needs to be iteratively upgraded, which is different from the traditional one-off automobile parts. Therefore, Yushi defines its relationship with automobile enterprises as Tier0.5, that is, from the beginning, it will carry out joint research and development and joint data operation with automobile enterprises, instead of providing independent research and development parts systems to automobile enterprises like the traditional Tier1 and then matching them with the vehicles of the automobile factory.

At present, Yushi Technology has carried out joint research and development with many domestic automobile manufacturers, and its micro-circulation unmanned minibus and bus jointly developed with a head bus manufacturer will also be unveiled soon.

Conclusion: Autopilot veteran speeds up again.

Founded in early 2016 and headed by Wu Gansha, former president of Intel China Research Institute, Yushi Technology is regarded as one of the earliest self-driving startups in China. After intensive exposure at the beginning of its establishment, Yushi Technology began to fall into silence in the second half of 2017, even giving people the illusion that the company has fallen behind.

However, after two hours of in-depth communication with Wu Gansha, Che Dongxi clearly realized that Yushi Technology, a veteran autopilot, had not fallen behind, but had more achievements, which were illustrated by winning dozens of customers, deploying special unmanned vehicles at the top three international airports in the world, and developing L2+ autopilot technology and automatic parking service system for mass production.

With the determination of Master Plan for the next five years by Yushi Technology, the forward speed of this veteran will be further accelerated.

Sanya Extreme Krypton 007 Hot Promotion! The special price is 229,900, so act quickly.

In [car home Sanya Preferential Promotion Channel], we now bring you preferential information about a model that has attracted much attention. This model is currently being promoted in Sanya, with a maximum discount of 10,000 yuan! The minimum starting price is 229,900 yuan, and you can get a higher discount by clicking "Check the car price" in the quotation form. As a high-profile new energy vehicle, Krypton 007 not only has excellent performance, but also has a fashionable appearance and comfortable interior. Come and learn about Krypton 007 in this offer and start your driving journey!


The design of Krypton 007 is unique and exquisite. The front face is streamlined, and the air intake grille is closed. The overall style is fashionable and atmospheric. The upper part of the car body is decorated with a large area of chrome plating, with unique lines and smooth body curves, creating a strong sense of movement and futurity. At the same time, Krypton 007 also has a unique door design, which adopts a symmetrical double-door design to increase the visual impact of the whole vehicle. The lines on the side of the car body are smooth, and the lines on the roof are tilted backwards, creating a sporty car body posture. The overall style of Krypton 007 is very fashionable, which shows the brand’s personality and charm and leaves a deep impression on people.


Extreme Krypton 007 is a stylish and dynamic medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4865*1900*1450mm and a wheelbase of 2928mm, which provides sufficient internal space and comfort. The body lines are smooth, and the side lines are simple and full of tension, which shows the sense of strength and movement of the vehicle. The front tread is 1635mm, the rear tread is 1650mm, and the front and rear tyre size are both 245/45 R19, which makes the vehicle perform well in handling and stability. The rim design of Krypton 007 is unique, and the fashionable multi-spoke design is adopted, which makes its overall appearance more exquisite. Whether driving in the city or traveling long distances, Krypton 007 can bring drivers a comfortable and stable driving experience.


The interior design of Krypton 007 pays great attention to comfort and technology. The steering wheel is made of leather, which supports electric up-and-down and forward-and-backward adjustment, so that the driver can adjust the position of the steering wheel according to his own needs. The central control screen has a size of 15.05 inches and is equipped with multimedia system, navigation, telephone and air conditioning voice recognition control system, so that drivers can operate the vehicle more conveniently. In addition, the car is also equipped with two front and two rear USB/Type-C interfaces, as well as the wireless charging function of the front mobile phone, which is convenient for drivers and passengers to use their mobile phones. The seat is made of imitation leather or genuine leather. Both the main driver and the co-pilot seat have the functions of heating, ventilation and massage, and also support the memory function of the electric seat. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats can also be put down in proportion, so that passengers can get a more comfortable experience in the car. Generally speaking, the interior design of Krypton 007 is excellent, providing drivers and passengers with a variety of practical functions and comfortable experiences.

Krypton 007 is equipped with a high-performance engine with a maximum power of 310kW and a maximum torque of 440 N m. This engine can provide strong power output for the vehicle, so that the driver can feel excellent acceleration performance and handling performance during driving. Whether it is daily commuting or long-distance travel, Krypton 007 can easily cope with all kinds of road conditions and driving needs. At the same time, the engine also adopts advanced fuel injection technology, which can achieve higher fuel economy and lower emission level, providing a good guarantee for environmental protection travel.

In the communication with the owner of car home, we learned that he liked the interior of Krypton 007 very much, especially the design of the steering wheel impressed him deeply. Different from other vehicles, the steering wheel of Krypton 007 adopts oval design, which is very beautiful and gives people a unique feeling. In addition, the big screen is also one of his favorites, which is very smooth to use. Fur-turning decoration near the roof and door handle also makes him feel very advanced. The black sports seat is not only outstanding in appearance, but also first-class in comfort. Regarding the price, he said that the exquisite feeling of this car is much higher than BBA, and the price is much cheaper than BBA. In the interior design of Krypton 007, we can see the pursuit of details by Krypton brand, which is why car owners love the interior of this car so much.

Regulations implemented, headquarters settled, supply and demand released! "City of Intelligent Driving" adds a strong engine today.

Today (December 1st) is the first day of the official implementation of the Regulations on Promoting the Development of Smart Car Networking in Suzhou (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). The publicity meeting of the Regulations and the matchmaking meeting of the smart car networking industry chain were held in Xiangcheng. Hou Xueyuan, Chairman of the Legal Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress; Xu Meijian, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, Yu Haiming, secretary of the Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and Chen Xuezhen, director of the Legal Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress; Shen Zhidong, secretary of the District Party Committee, Qu Lingni, director of the Standing Committee of the District People’s Congress, and Gu Jianming, deputy secretary of the District Party Committee, attended the event.

Hou Xueyuan fully affirmed Xiangcheng’s achievements in the development of smart car networking industry in recent years. He said that as the core area of Suzhou’s smart car networking industry, Xiangcheng District seized the opportunity and planned ahead, and built the whole industry chain ecology of automobiles with smart cars, basic support and information interaction as the core, and constantly accelerated the construction of a "smart driving city" with global openness and full chain development. In the next step, it is hoped that Xiangcheng District will actively implement the requirements of relevant provincial and municipal laws and regulations, and make new breakthroughs in promoting coordinated industrial development, improving industrial development ecology, strengthening infrastructure construction, and continuously broadening application scenarios, so as to better promote the strong industrial chain to supplement the chain and extend the chain, and contribute to Xiangcheng’s efforts to build Jiangsu into a national leading demonstration zone for high-quality development of smart car networking industry.

Xu Meijian said that the healthy development of the industry cannot be separated from the solid guarantee of the rule of law. The promulgation and implementation of the "Regulations" will provide more solid guarantee and support for Suzhou and Xiangcheng to build an innovative cluster of intelligent vehicle networking industry with high quality, improve the level of intelligent transportation and ensure road traffic safety, and better promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry. Xu Meijian has also opened up ideas and pointed out the direction for Xiangcheng to promote the development of smart car networking industry with high quality from three aspects: strengthening the docking between enterprises, strengthening the docking between enterprises and governments, and strengthening the docking between government departments.

At the scene, Xiangcheng District implemented the implementation rules and work plan of the Regulations, covering seven implementation rules and detailed work plans, including "Several Support Policies for Suzhou High-speed Railway New Town on Further Promoting the High-quality Development of Intelligent Networked Automobile Industry (Trial)". As the main position for the development of smart car networking industry in the whole city, Suzhou High-speed Railway New City will further focus on three aspects: R&D, mass production support, commercial operation support and financial support, lead the industry to upgrade and make due contributions to the development of smart car networking industry in the whole city.

A series of events were also held at the scene.

Wonderful and dry goods full ceremony

Seventy Suzhou intelligent networked vehicle licenses, including Robotaxi, Robobus demonstration operation license, low-speed vehicle demonstration operation license and heavy truck unmanned test license, were issued, and more self-driving vehicles were "certified to work".

Wuxi Xinwu District, Suzhou Wujiang District, Wuzhong District, Xiangcheng District, and High-tech Zone jointly released the topic of tackling key problems in the party building of the intelligent car networking industrial corridor around Taihu Lake, and integrated the coordinated development of the intelligent car networking industry in the Yangtze River Delta region to a new level.

Twenty-eight unmanned express delivery lines have been officially launched, which will add new scenery to "Digital Xiangcheng", better serve the needs of residents, and explore the way for the smooth implementation of the "Suzhou City Travel Service and Logistics Autopilot Application" project.

Robotaxi waiting room of Suzhou high-speed rail new city was officially opened. The waiting room is located in the open space on the east side of the South Square of Suzhou North Railway Station, and will provide short-distance and intelligent travel services for Suzhou passengers with the help of smart transportation such as Robotaxi.

Guangyu morgan stanley capital international Intelligent Technology, an enterprise specializing in intelligent networked auto parts and intelligent networked industry application solutions, will set its national headquarters in Suzhou High-speed Railway New Town, which will give full play to its advantages and add a strong engine to the development of local industries.

The first "Pilot Cup" Open Data Challenge for Smart Car Networking set up two major tracks, namely, "Perception and Identification" and "Application and Innovation", which attracted 148 teams to sign up. After the competition, the first, second and third prizes stood out and were awarded today.

In order to promote the outstanding enterprises in the region to accelerate the realization of complementary advantages and strong alliances, Xiangcheng established a district-level supply and demand docking exchange and cooperation platform, and collected the supply and demand list of enterprises in a targeted manner. In the supply-demand docking exchange of the smart car networking industry, the "two lists" of smart car networking enterprises and manufacturing enterprises in Xiangcheng District on the demand and supply of smart car networking were officially released.

Zhang Lei, CEO of Zaihe Automobile Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Mei Jiawei, vice president of products of Tanwei Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Xian Yao, general manager of marketing department of Suzhou Oufeiguang Technology Co., Ltd., Qinling, manager of intelligent promotion department of Jiangsu Xin ‘an Electric Appliances, and other business representatives spoke successively, with their own needs to develop, seek cooperation and win-win, so as to better empower enterprises for high-quality development in the next stage.

Responsible persons of relevant provincial and municipal departments, Sun Yan, member of the Standing Committee of Wuzhong District Committee and Minister of Organization Department, Lv Jianlin, member of the Party Working Committee of Suzhou High-tech Zone and Minister of Organization Department, Ruan Jie, Deputy Minister of Organization Department of Wuxi High-tech Zone, and Sun Feng, Executive Deputy Minister of Organization Department of Wujiang District Committee; Representatives of some enterprises and financial investment institutions; District leaders Zhan Lijian, Liang Zheyi, Xing Peng, and principal leaders of various localities and departments attended the event.

Produced by Xiangcheng Rong Media Center

Source: Xiangcheng District Committee Office, District People’s Congress Office, District Committee Organization Department, District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Suzhou High-speed Railway New Town.

Written by Li Yuanyuan.

Photography: Song Weiting

Original title: "Regulations implementation, headquarters settlement, supply and demand release! "Smart Driving City" adds a strong engine today.

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Blessed-take stock of healthy living in 2019

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  Doctors do live broadcast to popularize health knowledge, it is more convenient to see a doctor with online service, the national fitness method is more fashionable, and food safety is effectively guaranteed … … In the coming year of 2019, everyone is more concerned about their healthy life, and all sectors of society provide more convenience through various channels to protect their health.

  On the road to a well-off society for all, the health of all is the cornerstone. When you are in good health, if you eat well, the happiness index of our people will naturally go up.

  Take multiple measures simultaneously:

  Ensure the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the people

  Pesticide residues, excessive heavy metals, illegal addition, waste oil … … These food safety problems have always been a big problem for the people.

  On December 1 this year, the newly revised Regulations on the Implementation of the Food Safety Law was officially implemented, adhering to the "four strictest" requirements, supplementing the shortcomings and strong and weak items on the basis of the Food Safety Law, and governing the country with good laws to protect the people’s "safety on the tip of the tongue". It also puts forward specific requirements for catering service providers, unit canteens, and third-party platform providers of online food transactions.

  At the same time, this year’s joint action to rectify food safety issues has also achieved new results. The market supervision departments took joint actions to focus on people’s worries, anxieties and troubles, and launched a concentrated crackdown on such key issues as "production and operation without permission, excessive use of food additives, illegal addition of non-edible substances in food, operation of meat without quarantine or unqualified quarantine, and production and operation of cottage food".

  The food safety situation is improving, but it is impossible to solve the food safety problem in one battle. Strengthening food safety is related to the health and life safety of more than 1.3 billion people in China. Under the new situation, the people have many new expectations. To ensure the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the people, we must make persistent efforts to make the work more detailed and practical.

  Scientific diet:

  Life is more "nutritious"

  This year, the topic of avocado import suddenly caught fire. This ugly fruit doesn’t taste like fruit. In 2010, China’s import volume was less than 2 tons, but it increased by more than 16,000 times in a few years.

  Why? From the health label. Rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber and potassium, avocado has become a healthy food favored by many people who pay attention to scientific diet.

  Around us, there are probably always a few friends who care about weight and relatives who care about food. They are "drifting away" from carbohydrates and "at odds" with high sugar and high oil. At the same time, they believe that a healthy diet does not mean being "hungry". Therefore, foods such as avocado and quinoa have sprung up and become synonymous with healthy eating.

  It can be said that more and more people are willing to move closer to science and balance in diet, and begin to emphasize limiting salt and reducing oil, nutritious diet, fine and coarse collocation and scientific cooking in order to forge a better self.

  Everyone is so concerned about the scientific diet, in the final analysis, it is because of "warehouse storage". Statistics show that the per capita consumption of rations in China has decreased by 40% compared with more than 30 years ago, the consumption of meat, eggs and milk has tripled, and the consumption of edible vegetable oil has nearly tripled. This means that people eat less than half a steamed bread, but their lives are more "nutritious".

  Health science:

  Not only is it right, it’s also interesting.

  With the development of economy and society, Chinese people have a strong demand for health knowledge. At the same time, with the promotion and encouragement of national policies, with the rise of new communication means such as two micro-terminals and short video platforms, health science popularization has embarked on the fast lane.

  As the main force of popular science, the productivity of popular science among doctors has been greatly released, from the spontaneous action of doctors in the past to the conscious action required by the state.

  In the process, some doctors became online celebrity. Someone said: "In the traditional way, even a famous doctor can’t build 100,000 trusted patient relationships in his life. Now, it can be quickly established through a new communication platform. "

  The new means of communication requires doctors to be more flexible when doing popular science, not to follow the book, but also to meet people’s diverse needs. Talking about the principle of disease, clarifying the misunderstanding of weight loss and judging the nutritional status of children … … In a relaxed atmosphere, health knowledge is heard and the effect is naturally good.

  In this way, the most authoritative doctor, the most extensive platform and the most suitable form, together with the three, have formed a new pattern of trinity health communication. The number of beneficiaries should be calculated in tens of millions.

  Health rumors:

  Multi-parties join hands to form a rumor.

  In the past, the field of health care was the hardest hit by rumors. What to drink mung bean soup to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, smoke vinegar in the house to prevent colds, and "Cancer Prevention Institute" published the list of anticancer vegetables & HELIP; … Our common people have not seen this kind of health-preserving theory at ordinary times, and some people have suffered greatly from it. Therefore, health rumors are most hated by people.

  With the improvement of public health literacy, the use of modern means of communication, the admission of more professionals and the rapid response of relevant functional departments, the market for health rumors is getting smaller and smaller, and they are often attacked by everyone as soon as they show signs of widespread spread.

  Not long ago, a limited liability company in Xi ‘an "Drinking Wind and Bigu Chinese Culture Communication" claimed that it could achieve health-preserving purposes such as losing weight, reducing age and treating stomach diseases by not eating, and also received government subsidies, which caused public doubts. In this regard, the local industrial and commercial administration department quickly set up an investigation team to investigate the company according to the law. As a result, the company closed down and the subsidy was cancelled.

  According to media reports, a doctor in Shanghai chatted with netizens in the webcast room, and answered questions from treatment to health care, and gained tens of thousands of praises in just one hour. Between a break and a stand, the regular army occupied the main position of health care. Is there room for rumors?

  Smart medical care:

  It is more convenient to save a long queue to see a doctor.

  In Beijing, patients can make an appointment to register in 27 municipal hospitals such as Peking University Cancer Hospital and Tiantan Hospital through the "Beijing Medical Link" WeChat WeChat official account.

  In Shanghai, patients can make one-click APPointments for all tertiary hospitals and some secondary hospitals in the city on the "Shanghai Health Cloud" app, and at the same time use big data application technology to manage their own health records.

  In Wuhan, the "Future Hospital" jointly built by central hospital of wuhan and Ali Health and Alipay was unveiled. Through cooperation in financial payment system, medical insurance mobile payment function and other related fields, "Future Hospital" can provide patients with various services such as appointment registration and remote video follow-up.

  At present, with the help of Internet technology, smart hospitals have emerged. When the patient logs in online and goes to the hospital, he can get the number, pay the fee and get the test results on the self-service equipment, which saves a lot of time in line and greatly improves the medical experience.

  In June this year, the 5G commercial license was officially issued, and it has been applied in some places: network information transmission, ultra-high-definition video technology, etc. are applied to ultrasound, endoscope and surgical robot; Accelerate the integration of big data and artificial intelligence technology with CT, mr system and fundus camera & HELIP; … 5G is and will continue to play an important role in resolving the imbalance of medical resources and greatly expanding the space and content of medical and health services.

  Online sports:

  It’s not bad to spend less money on fitness

  A few years ago, the Ministry of Sports monitored the fitness exercise of the domestic sports population, and the results showed that the two groups were big and the middle was small, that is to say, the proportion of children and the elderly was high, while the young and middle-aged groups were low.

  Nowadays, the situation has changed, and data show that 26-mdash; The proportion of people in the 30-year-old age group who often participate in fitness activities exceeds 40%, which shows that the young and middle-aged groups have "moved"! On the one hand, the improvement of this situation is inseparable from people’s pursuit of health, on the other hand, it is also related to the promotion of endless fitness and sports applications.

  Some white-collar workers are under great work pressure. They usually sit for a whole day, but they want to exercise, but they are hard to get away from work and can’t find a suitable fitness venue in their spare time. At this time, a simple and suitable mobile phone fitness software will come in handy. Open the software after work and follow the video to exercise. This "online gym" is flexible, not limited by the venue, and can be practiced at home and in the office, with good results. The cost is also low, at least it is much more cost-effective than spending thousands of dollars to get a fitness card, and the result is that you can’t go several times.

  Nowadays, more and more scientific and technological means are applied to the health industry. Fancy sports software tailors exercise plans for bodybuilders, teaches fitness skills through videos and other means, and more bodybuilders share fitness experience with participants online. To some extent, this has alleviated the practical difficulties of young and middle-aged people in fitness and provided convenience for them to participate in fitness.

  Prevention and control of myopia:

  Let the children see the blue sky.

  Electronic homework needs to be reported for no more than 20 minutes, using APP to arrange homework is regarded as a teaching accident, and the time for learning to use electronic products is controlled within 30 minutes every day … … Since the beginning of this year, all localities have taken effective measures to prevent myopia among teenagers, so that this health problem, which is of great concern to thousands of families, has been actively dealt with.

  In April this year, National Health Commission held a press conference to introduce the survey results of myopia among children and adolescents in 2018. The overall myopia rate was 53.6%, including 14.5% for 6-year-old children, 36% for primary school students, 71.6% for junior high school students and 81% for senior high school students. The task of myopia prevention and control is arduous.

  Of course, myopia is not a matter of a day or two, but with the rapid popularization of various electronic products and mobile terminals, children’s vision health is facing new threats: some children are addicted to playing mobile games, and their spare time is almost inseparable from mobile phones; Some teachers rely heavily on tablet computers to assign homework, making it the carrier of "sea tactics"; Some campuses promote information construction, and as a result, even the original extracurricular practice can not be separated from the display screen … …

  At present, the prevention and control of juvenile myopia has risen to the height of national strategy, which is not only a health problem, but also affects the national economy and people’s livelihood and national security. Ophthalmologists reminded that the most important way to prevent myopia is to encourage children to go outdoors, embrace nature, and let their eyes see green trees and blue sky. Therefore, some places are exploring how to set aside more time for outdoor activities for children under the increasingly heavy academic burden. (Reporter Xiong Jian)

Shiyan issued a "reunion dinner" consumption reminder! Pay attention to these details.

The Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon is approaching, and the New Year of the League is just around the corner. In order to ensure the food safety of the general public and have a healthy, peaceful and safe festival, on January 19th, Shiyan Market Supervision Bureau reminded the catering service units and consumers to keep in mind the food safety.

Reminder to catering service units

Standardize the processing operation.Operate with a valid Food Business License. Buy ingredients from formal channels to ensure that the ingredients are fresh and traceable. Separate raw and cooked processed foods, and cook them thoroughly to prevent cross-contamination. Do a good job in disinfection and cleaning of tableware and disposal of kitchen waste. It is strictly forbidden to process, sell and sell foods that do not meet the food safety requirements, such as corruption, deterioration and expiration, and shall not be overloaded.

Strict management personnel.Employees should obtain health certificates before taking up their posts, strictly follow the daily morning check-up system, carry out pre-job health check-up and body temperature monitoring, and employees with fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, pharyngeal inflammation and skin wounds or infections should leave their posts immediately. Employees should pay attention to personal hygiene, wear clean work clothes and masks, enter the food operation area after strict cleaning and disinfection of their hands, and their hair should not be exposed during operation, and they should not leave long nails, paint nail polish or wear accessories.

Strict procurement inspection.Clear the person responsible for purchasing and acceptance, and truthfully record the product name, specification, quantity, production batch number, shelf life, supplier name and contact information, purchase date and other information. When purchasing fresh meat and meat products, you should carefully check whether the supplier’s license is complete, whether there is a meat inspection and quarantine certificate, and whether the outer packaging and labeling of prepackaged meat products meet the requirements.

Manage in good faith according to law.It is strictly forbidden to operate ingredients with unknown sources; It is forbidden to purchase, store and use nitrite; It is strictly forbidden to purchase and use the meat of livestock and animals and their products that have died of illness, poisoning or unknown cause of death; It is forbidden to purchase, store and use wild animals and their products; It is strictly forbidden to process and sell illegal fishing catches and aquatic products of unknown origin; It is strictly forbidden to raise and slaughter livestock and animals on the spot in catering service places; It is forbidden to purchase, process and supply toxic, harmful and spoiled food; Illegal addition of non-edible substances and abuse of food additives are strictly prohibited.

Strict distribution management.Collective dining distribution units, central kitchens and online ordering, etc., advocate "non-contact" distribution and promote the use of "food safety seal". Clean and disinfect the distribution sites, delivery boxes, delivery vehicles, food containers and their packaging, and tightly package and seal the catering food to ensure that the food distribution process is not polluted.

Strictly mark the price clearly.Clearly mark the service items, service contents, prices or valuation methods in a conspicuous way. Do not sell goods or provide services at a higher price than the marked price, and do not charge any unspecified fees; When carrying out promotional activities, the information of the activities shall be fully, truly, accurately, clearly and conspicuously marked, and false or misleading pricing methods shall not be used to mislead relevant operators and consumers and infringe on consumers’ rights and interests.

Reminder to consumers

Prefer qualified merchants to eat.When dining out or ordering food, you should choose a catering unit with legal and valid Food Business License, quantitative evaluation grades of A and B, and good sanitary conditions. Do not order take-away food of unknown origin. When ordering a large number of meals as a group meal, you should order from a unit with the qualification of group meal distribution.

Homemade dishes to prevent safety risks.Homemade dishes for family dinners and gatherings should ensure that perishable food raw materials and cooked food products can be stored under refrigerated conditions; The prepared meals should be eaten within 2 hours after completion, and should not be stored at room temperature for a long time; Don’t abuse food additives when making food.

Pay attention to safety and nutrition when choosing ingredients.Do not eat foods of unknown origin and foods that have deteriorated, have incomplete packaging labels or have exceeded the shelf life; Do not eat illegal food, eat little or no raw aquatic products, and be careful to eat high-risk foods such as cold meat and cold dishes, green beans and wild mushrooms; Try not to choose foods that are not often eaten or allergic, especially for people who are pregnant and weak; Eat more light and healthy foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits rich in cellulose and vitamins, do not overeat, mix meat and vegetables, and have a balanced diet.

Advocate frugal and civilized consumption fashion.During the Spring Festival dinner, we should establish a correct concept of consumption, order food according to needs, consume in a civilized and rational way, advocate the use of public chopsticks and spoons or separate meals, and eat in a civilized way, so as not to waste, compare with others and show off, and resolutely put an end to "waste on the tip of the tongue".

Rationally safeguard one’s own rights and interests according to law.Dining consumption should take the initiative to ask for bills and vouchers and keep them properly. If you feel unwell after eating food, you should immediately stop eating suspicious food, seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and keep suspicious food samples, consumption vouchers, medical records and other relevant evidence. In the event of a consumer dispute, you can negotiate with the merchant in time; If negotiation fails, consumers can log on to the national 12315 platform (website:http://www.12315.cn/), 12315 mobile APP, 12315 WeChat applet, 315 reconciliation platform applet or call 12315 and 12345 to make a complaint or report.


When you get rich, you don’t forget that the villagers in Zhongjiang, a neighboring village, set a table to entertain the villagers to have a "reunion dinner"

  On February 14th, the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, Hanlingou, Qunli Village, Lianhe Town, Zhongjiang County, was particularly lively. More than 260 villagers had a dam feast together on the newly-built social road. The whole village was full of 24 dining tables, and Tan Lichun, a villager of this village, invited them to have a group dinner.

  Tan Lichun is the chairman of Jiangsu Xinhongtai Electromechanical Co., Ltd., and his tenacious will and hard-working spirit have been honed from a poor life. After graduating from technical secondary school, he was assigned to an enterprise to repair aircraft engines. After two years of work, he resigned and went to work in Guangdong. However, the road to success was not smooth. After half a year, I returned to Deyang to work because I felt that there was no future. With his own skills and hard-working spirit, Tan Lichun won the position of an engineer in a home appliance enterprise and began to contact mechanical and electrical enterprises all over the country. After accumulating various experiences, he resigned again and went to Jiangsu to start a business.

  "In 2006, I established the first Hongtai electromechanical company. The road to entrepreneurship is full of hardships, but it is also very lucky. After 12 years of hard work, the enterprise is now on the right track … "Tan Lichun tells the story of starting a business.

  After starting a successful business, he always cares about the development of his hometown and the life of the villagers, and returns to his hometown every year. When he sees that the village road that he often passes through when he was young has not been fundamentally changed, his heart is extremely restless. In 2017, when he learned that Murakami planned to build roads, but there was still a funding gap, he generously donated 100,000 yuan. "In the second half of 2017, due to the rising price of road building materials and insufficient planned funds, he decided to pay for the gap. Now that the road has been repaired, Boss Tan plans to invest 100,000 yuan to install 50 solar street lamps … "Li Fuxiao interjected.

  When Tan Lichun went home for the Spring Festival this time, he learned that there was still a funding gap in the construction of village roads, so he decided to pay for it again, and at the same time he was going to pay for the installation of solar street lamps. In order to repay the villagers, on the 29th of New Year’s Day, he invited a chef and put on a dam feast to celebrate the New Year with the villagers.

  "In the past, we only had dirt roads from Hanlingou to the town and neighboring villages. Since the village roads hardened, it has facilitated life and production, and agricultural and sideline products can also be shipped out." Villager Zhang Hai said happily. "Now, the car can drive to the door, and I am no longer afraid of muddy roads in rainy days. Thanks to Tan Lichun, who is a native of our village, it is really hard to get’ rich and never forget my hometown’." Villager Tan Wen praised Tan Lichun’s actions.

  "The mountains and rivers in my hometown and my fellow villagers raised me, and I am very proud to be able to do something for the people in my hometown today!" Tan Lichun admits that the idea of doing something for his hometown has a long history. This is just a token of gratitude to his hometown. Facing the praise of the villagers, he feels that he can do something for his hometown. "I have suffered from it since I was a child. At that time, the neighbors often helped me. Now that I am rich, I should care more about the development of my hometown. It is also appropriate to do something for the villagers."

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Source: Sichuan Online