Hubei cities and counties: Intercity shuttles, buses, and taxis begin operations

  According to the latest notice of the provincial COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control headquarters, low and medium-risk areas in the province are allowed to gradually resume public transportation travel. From March 13 to 14, the reporter visited and found that Xianning, Yichang and other places have gradually resumed public transportation such as passenger lines, buses, and taxis under the premise of strictly doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control.

  Xianning 2 places to carry out "point-to-point" transportation

  Escort migrant workers back to work

  On the morning of March 14, a bus was parked at the entrance of the city terminal in Tongcheng County, Xianning City. After the staff took the temperature one by one, 43 people boarded the bus. According to the introduction, these people are all migrant workers who returned to Yiwu, Zhejiang Province. Under the organization of local transportation, human resources and social security departments, they took a special car to return to Yiwu.

  The relevant person in charge of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Tongcheng County said that the county is a large labor export county. In order to help migrant workers who are stranded at home and hold the Hubei health code "green code" return to work as soon as possible, the government department has adopted a "point-to-point" "one-stop" delivery service under the premise of ensuring that the epidemic prevention and control measures are in place. This is the first batch of escorts, and then a unified health review will be carried out to prepare relevant travel documents for the returning migrant workers, and the travel of personnel will be organized in batches.

Migrant workers in Tongcheng County take their temperature before boarding the car

  According to the relevant person of Tongcheng County Chengfa Public Transport Group, in order to ensure safety, the full load rate of the bus does not exceed 50%, the passengers are scattered and the vehicles are fully disinfected. All personnel must wear masks throughout the process.

  Coincidentally, Xianning Chibi City Passenger Station has opened a "point-to-point" bus from Chibi to Yueyang, with a single fare of 40 yuan.

  According to the relevant person of Chibi City Transportation Management Bureau, as a low-risk area, Chibi is also a large county (city) exporting labor services, and most people work and do business in Guangdong and Zhejiang; considering the problem of insufficient transportation capacity, after communicating with Yueyang, Hunan, from March 13, the bureau will send migrant workers who hold Hubei health code "green code" to Yueyang High-speed Railway Station in batches, where they will transfer to high-speed rail for travel.

  It is reported that the county has put in 17 buses and disinfected them strictly according to regulations. The last row of seats is set up as a temporary isolation area, and the full load rate is controlled within 50%. Each passenger takes the temperature before entering the station and wears a mask throughout the process. At present, the county has transported more than 200 migrant workers to Yueyang High-speed Railway Station "point-to-point".

  In addition, Qianjiang City has also adopted the form of chartered buses, transporting 72 migrant workers "point-to-point".

  Hubei has gradually resumed public transportation in many places

  At 15:00 on March 13, four buses departed from Yichang Bus Passenger Transport Center Station at the same time, and were sent to Xingshan, Zigui, Yidu and Wufeng respectively. This was the first batch of intercity buses that Yichang Transportation Group had opened after gradually resuming traffic operations.

  On March 14, some taxis in Yichang were put into operation, and the number of people going out gradually increased. On the same day, approved by the Yichang epidemic prevention and control headquarters,Yichang City has resumed intercity shuttles from the urban area to eight counties and cities.

Yichang passenger station

  Wang Yanbing, general manager of the Road Passenger Transport Division of Yichang Transportation Group, introduced that on the 13th, 9 intercity shuttles were sent from Yichang City to 4 counties and cities; on the 14th, 48 intercity shuttles were sent, with an average of 6 trips per county and city (3 trips each), and a total of about 2,000 passengers were sent. The company expects that the number of intercity trips will increase to 60 on the 15th.

  Wan Pingyuan, the head of the road detachment of the city’s transportation bureau, said that Yichang City is gradually restoring the city-to-county intercity shuttle bus. At present, the number of vehicles in operation is about 20% of the usual. Passengers make reservations on the "Yichang Delivery Passenger Transport" WeChat official account, buy tickets with real names, and scan the code to verify boarding. After boarding the bus, they sit apart and wear masks throughout the process. Vehicles are not allowed to drop off passengers on the expressway. However, the intercity shuttle bus is only allowed to flow from the urban area of Yichang City to the urban area of each county, and between counties and cities.

Yichang passenger station

  In addition, all counties and urban areas in Yichang have gradually resumed urban and rural shuttles (buses) and village buses, but the number is significantly reduced than usual. On the first day of operation, there were not many passengers.

  In terms of buses and taxis, as of 15:00 on March 14, Xiangyang, Huangshi, Shiyan, Xiantao, Qianjiang and other places have gradually resumed bus operations, and a total of 132 bus lines have been restored, including 47 in Shiyan, 39 in Xiangyang, and 21 in Daye. Yichang, Shiyan, Qianjiang and other places have gradually resumed taxi operations, operating more than 2,700 vehicles.

  The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Transportation Department said that at present, all localities have formulated a plan to gradually resume public transportation travel. In the next few days, in addition to Wuhan, more cities and counties will gradually resume public transportation travel, and there will be more "point-to-point" and "one-stop" vehicles to escort migrant workers back to work.

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  Wuhan: Customized bus transfers for returning personnel

  On March 14, it was learned from Wuhan Public Transport Group Economic Development Company that according to the "Reply on Matters Related to Supporting the Resumption of Work and Production of Employees in Wuhan Development Zone (Hannan District) " of the Wuhan Municipal Headquarters’s Transportation Security and Environmental Remediation Group, on the same day, the company organized the first batch of 23 special buses and 23 drivers for the "customized special car" commuting rehearsal for units and enterprises in the two administrative areas of the Economic Development Zone (Hannan District) and Hanyang District. From March 16, it will officially provide orderly and smooth commuting services for the return of some enterprises.

  The company designs the travel routes and stops required for the next day according to the specifications one day in advance. If each line has 10 people, a special car can be reserved successfully, and the upper limit of each car is 50% of the limited number of passengers. The vehicle dispatcher of the bus company reasonably arranges the special car to wait for passengers at the designated station according to the number of reservations and the appointment time. During the commute, the company assigns volunteers to accompany the car to verify the identity and health status of the passengers. Customized services not only eliminate the process of getting on and off the bus halfway through, but also ensure that the people in the car are fixed and single, and realize that the stop of the commuter special car and the start of the shift time are "customizable".

  The first batch of 23 commuter cars resumed work strictly according to the requirements. The 23 drivers are mainly personnel who have served medical care and supermarket commuter lines in the early stage. Through the "actual combat against the epidemic" in the past few days, they have rich experience in vehicle disinfection, passenger identity investigation, and their own health conditions. Drivers participating in the operation sign a "Safety Commitment" and complete physical and mental condition tests before leaving the car. During the operation, the vehicles are required to be "disinfected one after another". Drivers wear their own protective equipment strictly, ensure that the car is fully ventilated during driving, and arrange seats for passengers at a safe distance to ensure the safety of the car environment and ride to the greatest extent.

You are reading: What is the free order? What is the beginning and end of the free order SMS event?

Is it true that is free of charge? On June 21, many people ordered takeout at, and after that, they received free of charge text messages. Everyone wants to know why? For details, please refer to the introduction brought by the PConline editor below to understand the details of this free of charge text message incident. If you have also received such text messages, then quickly read the instructions below.

The beginning and end of the free SMS event

On the morning of June 21, a large number of netizens reported receiving the free order notice. The free order amount ranged from a dozen yuan to hundreds of yuan, and the order amount was directly returned to the platform wallet, which can be used again.

Some netizens speculated that it was an operation error that received the official free-order notice, and some netizens speculated that this was a platform activity, and consumers who met certain conditions received free-order.

Judging from the free-order text messages posted by netizens, the official wrote in the content: The takeaway order you just placed, has given you a free order, and the free-order amount has been transferred back to your App wallet account balance, please check it. Nothing else, I just hope you are happy! "

Before the deadline, officials did not respond to the matter. Judging from the official free-order notice, there may not be a bug, but it should be an activity launched by, but the specific free-order rules are currently unknown.

In addition, some netizens said: This is a mysterious free-order activity, it seems that there is 1 minute free-order every hour, and the specific time is not clear. "

Not long ago, Alibaba announced the results of the fourth quarter of fiscal 2022 and the financial year. Data show that as of the end of March 2022, the annual active consumers of Ali’s life service sector reached 376 million, with a net increase of 64 million year-on-year, and the number of local living orders increased by more than 25% in the fiscal year. This fiscal quarter combines performance growth and efficiency improvement

In the quarter ended March 31, 2022, non-meal orders recorded strong growth, the overall transaction volume of the platform grew steadily, and unit, operating, and efficiency continued to improve year-on-year.

Did you use the App for free today?

There are 7 people in the queue of 20 people hired by Chengdu online celebrity Cake Shop.

  There is an online buzzword: I have walked the longest road, which is your routine. Now, it may have to be changed to: "The longest queue I have ever stood in is all for child care."

  Especially in some tea shops, doughnut shops, Guo Kui shops and other snack bars, and even at the door of hot pot restaurants, it is often seen that there are many people waiting in line at any time, and some even have 40-50 people waiting in line. "The line is too long, and the road can’t be lined up!" People can’t help but sprout. Are these people in line really queuing? Or a fake queue?

  Even at noon when the outdoor temperature is 39℃, there is always a long queue in front of a snack bar named "Beef Youmo" in Dakejia Lane, Chunxi Business Circle, Chengdu. From July 10 to July 12, Huaxi Dushi Bao-cover journalists chose the methods of on-site squatting, shooting videos and unannounced visits, trying to expose the truth behind them.

  doubtful point

  The average taste of beef oil is 7 people, and each time they buy one, they queue up repeatedly.

  During the summer vacation, Mr. Chen from Guangdong took his children and his family of three to Chengdu to play. When passing Dakejia Lane in Chunxi Road business circle, he was attracted by a queue of more than 30 meters long in front of a snack bar named "Beef Youmo", and intuitively judged that the cakes in this store should be very delicious.

  Walking into this small shop of about 10 square meters, two or three employees are busy in the shop. On the wall, there are all kinds of flavors of beef oil (similar to Guo Kui but with more fillings), and the prices are all in 10 yuan. If it weren’t for the long queue, this old-fashioned shop would be unremarkable at all.

  At noon, the outdoor temperature is close to 40℃. Mr. Chen asked his wife and children to wait on the bench and queue up by themselves.

  The reporter estimated that it was Mr. Chen’s turn to buy from 12: 50 until 1: 30. "It tastes just so-so. I don’t think it’s worth waiting in such a long line to buy food."

  "There are still few people now, and there are more people on weekends or holidays." A man in white short sleeves shouted hard. "Bake now and sell now, come on, let’s take advantage of the fact that there are fewer people in the queue now … …” When people come in line, the lead conductor will quickly step forward, collect money, and then give customers bags to wait in line.

  From July 10th to 11th, from 12 noon to 17: 00, reporters were on the scene for two days. There are at least 12 people in the queue, and more than 20 people, most of whom are tourists with foreign accents.

  In the tens of meters long queue, there are also some tourists who give up queuing and leave halfway. However, during the four or five hours of squatting, the reporter found a strange phenomenon: at least seven people were waiting in line from 1 o’clock until the reporter left. These include three women traveling together, a man and a woman traveling together and two separate men. Different from other tourists, these seven people appear to be with an easy grace, unhurried, and some of them are either playing mobile phones or whispering to each other, talking and laughing. The reporter roughly estimated that the seven people had lined up at least four or five times in the whole afternoon, and even seven or eight times.

  Their behavior and trajectory are also surprisingly consistent: queuing and buying only one. After buying it, they didn’t eat it directly, but left slowly in the direction of a large supermarket nearby. After about 10 minutes, these people returned to the queue. Then, the beef oil in their hands disappeared. The reporter noticed that these seven people will not appear in the team at the same time. Generally, three or four people will line up at a time and repeat the cycle.


  Two days before and after, four people all lined up to buy cakes and went to the same place.

  The behavior of these people is full of doubts. If you buy beef oil, why not buy enough at once, but go to the queue four or five times and buy only one at a time? They left with beef oil and returned in just 10 minutes. Did they eat the food or where did they go? With these doubts, all the reporters continued to observe at the door of the store, and the other reporters followed the footsteps of these people all the way to see where they went.

  Time: 12 noon on July 10th — twenty past five p.m.

  The reporter first noticed four people. A man in grey short sleeves, jeans and khaki sandals. At 13: 59, he appeared in the queue, holding a paper bag in his right hand. In front of him, a trio of women appeared together, in which a tall woman wore a flowered skirt, a short-haired woman wore denim shorts and white short sleeves, and another middle-aged woman wore green short sleeves, which was very conspicuous.

  About 20 minutes later, each of the three young women left with a beef oil, passed by the door of a large shopping mall nearby, and then entered the first city, passing through a 1-meter-wide passage next to the entrance of the parking lot of Kejia Building at No.48 Zhengkejia Lane, and then entered a small door. In less than 10 minutes, three people came out of this door empty-handed. Subsequently, the gray short-sleeved man also entered this small door. After more than 10 minutes, they appeared in the queue again.

  From 12 noon to 5: 20 pm, the reporter found that there were at least seven people who participated in the queue for three times, most of them were gray short-sleeved men and trio, and they went back and forth at least four or five times. When the queue was the largest, there were 20 people in the queue, 7 of whom were "old faces".

  Time: 1: 00 noon on July 11th — 4 p.m.

  At 1 pm on July 11, the reporter went to the scene for investigation again. As the day before, there was still a long queue here. The clerk in white short sleeves who is in charge of collecting money and directing the queue is still the same shouting words.

  Soon, the reporter found that several people who appeared the day before appeared again. In the women’s trio, the flowered skirt was replaced by a yellow striped skirt, the short-haired woman with denim shorts, and the white short sleeves were replaced by blue short sleeves, while the middle-aged woman with green short sleeves wore white short sleeves. A men’s gray short sleeves turned into dark shirts. Since 2 o’clock, these four people have walked back and forth three or four times along the route of the previous day.

  Different from the day before, the reporter noticed that several new faces appeared. After combing the two-day investigation, nearly 10 "customers" in this store are suspected of being childcare.

  Starting from the bottom

  A special company organizes fake queues for 10 times a day with a monthly salary of 1,500 yuan.

  What is the identity of these childcare, and where did they come from? In order to solve these puzzles, the reporter immediately contacted the clerk in charge of collecting money and directing the queue on the grounds of part-time job. At the scene, the clerk refused at first, saying that they didn’t need to recruit part-time jobs. It may be considered that there are too many people on the scene, and then he asked reporters to add WeChat communication first.

  Looking through his circle of friends, in the past year, almost all of them have shown off small videos and photos of long queues in the store. For example, on July 5, he proudly said in the video: More than 30 people lined up in the rain on rainy days, too many people! For example, on May 5, there was a long queue of nearly forty or fifty people in the video. He said, "The queue is too long, and the road can’t be lined up!"

  The reporter repeatedly asked the clerk to directly recruit himself for a part-time job, but he was rejected.

  He said that all the people in the queue are sent by intermediary companies every day, and the store can’t directly recruit people. He added that there is a group of intermediary companies with more than 200 people who signed up at 6 o’clock the day before and only recruited the top 20 people.

  He further explained that if he really wants to do it, he can take the reporter to see the boss of a part-time company and then enter his group. "You can ask him to arrange it for you every day."

  In fact, it’s not just queuing that involves fraud. At first, the shop assistant asked the reporter about his height, and said that if the height and other conditions were good, singers who participated in some activities could "lip-synch".

  The survey found that these intermediary companies are very mature. On the one hand, by recruiting a large number of part-time staff, and then "selling" in batches. Some stores that need "child care", the intermediary company is responsible for sending a batch of "child care" every day, and the price ranges from tens to hundreds of yuan. After the role "playing" is completed, we can pay the fee quickly by means of WeChat transfer, and the intermediary earns the difference for a living.

  Vertical depth

  Consumers Association, lawyers say: This is consumer fraud!

  Lawyer Chen Fengfeng of Sichuan Yingji Law Firm believes that operators hire people to queue up, which means that operators use asymmetric transaction information to artificially create the phenomenon of people queuing, create an illusion that products are popular with the public and business is prosperous, and use people’s curiosity and conformity psychology to gain good reputation and benefits. Legally speaking, this is a kind of consumer fraud, that is, by covering up the real situation of commodity sales, the operator deceives consumers to mistakenly trust the quality of the commodity and consume it.

  The reporter called the industrial and commercial complaint 12315 consumer hotline to reflect, and the staff said: it is fraudulent for snack bars to hire people to queue up to induce consumers to consume. The public should actively report such things, and whether the snack bar behavior involves illegality needs further verification.