Why are young people willing to pay for the concert turning into a large KTV?

    Interactive singing may become more and more audience-led in the future, but true singing remains the prerequisite for interactive singing.

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  The performance market in 2023 is exploding, and many city weekends are "contracted" by concerts. Concerts bloom, and fans don’t play according to the routine, creating many new "ways to play".

  For example, "You don’t need to sing in person to hold a concert, fans sing for idols". Recently, singer Wu Bai has frequently been on the hot search for fans "singing on his behalf", and has been made numerous "terriers" by netizens. Even if he responds "This is not true, I have sung", it seems that no one cares except him – after all, after the concert, the audience’s singing is still enduring. It seems that Wu Bai himself does not need to appear. As long as the venue is packed and the performance date is announced, fans can successfully hold a "Wu Bai concert without Wu Bai".

  Expressing love and support for singers through enthusiastic chorus has become more and more violent. In Miriam Yeung’s MY TREE OF LIVE world tour this year, whether it is the main songs such as "It’s a pity that I am an Aquarius" and "Small Town Events", or non-main songs such as "Kappa" and "Fireworks", can trigger a chorus; in the national tour of Mao Buyi’s "Guide to Young Birds", old songs and new songs such as "Ordinary Day", "Midsummer" and "City Evening" have all won the audience’s chorus.

  From singing to singing, the audience and the performers have a stronger and stronger sense of interaction. In addition, writing what you want to say to the singer on the hand banner, creating a "sea of stars", and performing a song with the singer have also become highly accepted "concert rituals".

  In 2023, people will not just "watch the concert", but "participate in the concert" at a deeper level and with more interactive fun.

  From listening to songs to chorus, the key words are "expression" and "resonance"

  Li Meng, a post-90s girl who works in the operation of an internet company, has been listening to concerts since she was a third-year-old. At first, she liked to sit quietly and listen. "The first time I listened to a concert was also the first time I saw my favorite singer in person, so I didn’t want the singer’s voice to be disturbed, even my own." Now she prefers to participate in the chorus, "which gives me a sense of participation, and I feel happy between singing and jumping."

  Zhou Zhou, a bank clerk, went to a concert with friends during November 11. "My seat was next to the free ticket area, where most of the audience were not enthusiastic and sat quietly without a chorus." She said the whole concert was cold, which made the impression not good. But Zhou Zhou understood the behavior: "Everyone feels and expresses differently, and whether to sing or not is a personal choice."

  For the chorus, Liu Jiayue expressed his disapproval. At one concert, the audience next to her sang for a night, and her voice was loud and out of tune. Liu Jiayue sighed: "I didn’t hear the singer’s voice at all, and I felt that the tickets were bought for nothing."

  Ding Zigao, producer of Miriam Yeung’s MY TREE OF LIVE world tour and founder of Zhengxiang Culture and Entertainment Co., Ltd., believes that in the atmosphere of pop music culture, it is a common phenomenon for listeners to interact with singing. "Many pop music creations come from life, and it is easy to resonate, resulting in the phenomenon of chorus and follow-up." Ding Zigao said that Miriam Yeung’s songs connect the youth and memories of listeners. When the music that accompanied her growth plays again, scene after scene of memories will come flooding in.

  Li Sirui, CEO of Elephant Music Group and producer of Wang Sulong’s 2023 "Party of the Century" tour, believes that the popularity of social media has made the audience’s perspective an integral part of the concert, with strong interactivity and more follow-up singing.

  "Only after the audience has really listened to the song many times can they be able to sing along; only when the audience really resonates will they come to the concert site to sing along." Xin Zhiyu, the general manager of the Wohahaowa Music Business Center, the producer of Mao Buyi’s concert, analyzed that both ability and choice are achieved, and the audience can sing along. "For some young people, chorus is actually a kind of emotional relief." Xin Zhiyu believes that many of Mao Buyi’s songs are the emotional observation of ordinary people, which has an advantage in this regard.

  In many concerts, the audience chorus usually only exists during a few songs, while in Wubai concerts, the chorus lasts almost the whole time. Li Shan, an associate professor at the School of Music of Capital Normal University, believes that this is special and is the result of a combination of factors: Wubai is a creative pop singer with a wide audience and a large fan base, which provides a population base for the chorus; pop music itself is closer to the public, and it is easier for the audience to sing; and in the era when Wubai became famous, the Internet was not developed, and the number of singers that the public could reach was limited, so the popular singers had a greater influence. Now that young people have more diverse entertainment methods, it is difficult for the audience to like a singer to achieve the effect of analogy with Wubai.

  Hand banners, posters, sea of stars… make the concert full of ritual

  From singing to singing, the audience and the performers had a stronger and stronger sense of interaction. In terms of interaction methods, some people also made hand banners and wrote the words they wanted to express to the singer; some people wore specific costumes and accessories to interact with the singer… The communication modes between the two sides were also more diverse.

  Shan Xiaotao, a girl from Northeast China, has attended two concerts this year. Before each performance, she will specially buy clothes and glow sticks of matching colors, think about her hairstyle in advance, and make an appointment with old friends to meet. Before entering, create a sense of ceremony.

  Liu Jiayue will also make posters in advance, writing the songs she wants to listen to, hoping to interact with the singers during the song ordering process. She specifically mentioned that there is a tacit agreement between her favorite singers and fans: stand up to listen to fast songs, sit down to enjoy slow songs, and when it comes to a specific song, turn on the phone light and swing it. "Everyone uses the lights to create a sea of stars together, and just seeing this scene makes me feel healed."

  Li Yi, a Mao Buyi fan, said that every time she listens to Mao Buyi’s concert, she seeks a sense of "hard empathy for migrant workers", "healing by his music", and a sense of "understanding". She loves the chat sessions between Mao Buyi’s concerts and the atmosphere of his conversations with fans. Before each concert, Li Yi will carefully "review" his "time nodes and moods" that he has liked Mao Buyi over the years, and then look forward to "marking a new scale."

  Ding Zigao believes that today’s audiences have a stronger desire to get up close and personal with the performers. "In fact, this was the case in the past, but because the technology is more mature now, the effect is more obvious." For example, the audience will make their own hand banners or raise the title of the song they want to hear to attract the attention of the performers. At the same time, the audience’s requirements for the overall appearance of the concert have also increased. "In addition to feeling the performance of the singer, they will also appreciate the stage art, clothing styling, video, sound effects, etc."

  According to Xin Zhiyu’s observation, the current audience’s requirements for viewing experience and viewing experience are getting higher and higher, and the tolerance of organizers is decreasing. Xin Zhiyu admitted that the audience experience is the first priority in the ranking of concert value. Before the performance, his team will conduct a comprehensive investigation of the venue, such as whether the temperature of the air conditioner is suitable and whether the field of vision is blocked.

  "Listening to music, feeling the atmosphere and releasing pressure are the main needs of the audience to watch concerts." In Li Shan’s opinion, compared with more than a decade ago, young people today are more courageous and more willing to express themselves, so there will be phenomena such as chorus and wearing specific clothes to watch concerts. "This sense of ritual does not only exist in concerts, but also appears in various activities such as football games. This is a respect for the event."

  True singing is the prerequisite for interactive singing, and music is still the foundation of performance

  As the audience’s demand for concert experiences increases and the desire for interaction becomes stronger, performers and organizers are exploring new performance models.

  Mr. Xin said that "national character" and "warm emotions" were two of Mao’s characteristics. "We hope this is a pure concert that can bring a good listening experience to the audience." Based on this concept, the team designed the performance. For example, in the interactive song ordering process, Mao is not easy to choose songs to sing according to the color ratio of the live glow stick; on the day of the 520 performance, a limited playlist is used.

  Li Sirui said that Wang Sulong’s concert held this year has set up more interactive parts: preparing Easter eggs at the clock in and outside the venue; calling on the audience to bring their own dolls to the scene; when singing "Good Times", Wang Sulong will stop to perform a sitcom, and the plot of each scene is different.

  Li Sirui believes that the essence of a concert is to sing live and listen to live, on this basis to meet the emotional needs of fans to see the singer in person, while allowing the stage to more fully display the music and satisfy the audience’s freshness. With the diversification of entertainment forms, how to make the visual effect more shocking, the stage presentation more rich, and the interactive form more participatory, these are all added to the carrier of the concert.

  Li Shan said that although music is not easy to improvise, interactive singing may become more and more audience-led in the future. At the same time, true singing is still the premise of interactive singing, which puts higher requirements on the ability of singers.

  Ding Zigao believes that concerts are not just entertainment, but also the performers’ interpretation of music. Songs are the core, and at the same time, the coordination of stage art, styling and other aspects is required to present the whole music story to the audience. Miriam Yeung’s MY TREE OF LIVE world tour concert at Encore added chat and blind box selection to bring a different experience to the audience. After the performance, the team will also collect audience feedback through social platforms to modify and adjust the tour.

  (At the request of the interviewee, Li Meng, Zhou Zhou, Liu Jiayue, Li Yi and Shan Xiaotao are all pseudonyms)

The full name of the "Xihe" solar satellite is revealed: What does Hα and "Double Super" mean?

Last night, our country successfully launched the first solar exploration science and technology test satellite "Xihe" at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, marking our country’s entry into the era of "sun exploration". The full name of "Xihe" is the solar H α spectral detection and double super platform science and technology test satellite. What is H α? What does "double super" mean? What mysteries can this satellite detect about the sun? Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter interviewed Shi Wei, director of the Shanghai Planetarium Network Science Department.

The radiation that jumps from the third floor to the second floor is Hα

Hα, pronounced the "hydrogen alpha coefficient," refers to a spectral line of a hydrogen atom with a wavelength of 656.281 nanometers, which lies in the red range of visible light. What is a hydrogen atomic spectral line? According to the Bohr model of the atom, electrons do not move around the nucleus in a specific orbit within the atom, Shi Wei explained, but in an "orbit" with a quantized distribution of energy.

The so-called quantum is the inseparable smallest unit of a physical quantity. A physical quantity is quantized if it cannot be changed continuously and can only take some discrete values. It is like taking a staircase, we can only climb one step, not half. Scientists have found that many physical quantities in the microscopic world are quantized. For example, the energy of electrons in hydrogen atoms can only take one basic value – 13.6 electron volts or its 1/4, 1/9, 1/16, 1/25, etc., but not 2 times or 1/2, 1/3.

There are countless energy levels outside the nucleus of a hydrogen atom, and each energy level can be regarded as an orbital, and the energy levels are discontinuous and uneven. Although a hydrogen atom has only one electron, it can appear at any energy level and can transition between energy levels. Electrons jump from energy level "n = 3" to "n = 2", releasing light of a specific energy, which is the Hα emission line.

Electrons jump from energy level n = 3 to n = 2, releasing light of a specific energy, which is the H alpha emission line. (Source: Wikipedia)

"You can think of the orbit of an electron outside the nucleus of a hydrogen atom as the various floors of a building. The ground is the nucleus, and each floor is an energy level. From the bottom to the top, it is marked with n = 1, n = 2, n = 3, and so on." Physicists refer to the spectral lines emitted by electrons that jump from the third floor and above to the second floor as the "Balmer system" (named after the physicist John Balmer), Shi Wei said. The radiation that jumps from the third floor to the second floor is called Hα, from the fourth floor to the second floor is called Hβ, from the fifth floor to the second floor is called Hγ, and so on.

Red light H α is the brightest hydrogen spectral line in the visible spectrum. By observing this band of light, astronomers can understand the atmospheric characteristics of the solar spherical and chromospheric layers, as well as atmospheric activities such as solar prominences, and analyze the changes in atmospheric temperature, speed and other physical quantities during solar outbursts, so as to deeply study the dynamic process and physical mechanism of solar outbursts.

Full-time faces in the Hα band (Photo by Alan Friedman)

Double super platform technology has broad application prospects

The "Xihe" satellite adopts a "dual super" satellite platform design with ultra-high pointing accuracy and ultra-high stability, which greatly improves the pointing accuracy and attitude stability of the load.

In this regard, Shi Wei explained that a satellite generally consists of a platform and a load. The satellite platform is responsible for the system service and guarantee of the entire satellite, including control, propulsion, thermal control and other systems. The load is the detector that performs scientific tasks, such as CCD cameras, particle detectors, magnetometers, etc. Traditional satellite designs directly connect the load to the platform, and the directivity and stability of the load are completely realized by the platform. However, the platform is "dynamic" and the load is "static" – when the satellite is in orbit, the micro-vibration of the platform cannot be avoided, and the load needs to be accurately pointed at the target at all times, so the pointing accuracy and stability of the load are always restricted by the vibration of the platform.

In order to solve this contradiction, the satellite development team made an innovation in design, dividing the satellite platform into two cabins – the platform cabin and the payload cabin. The platform cabin contains the structure subsystem, the integrated electronic subsystem, the measurement and control subsystem, the data transmission subsystem, the power subsystem, the attitude and orbit control subsystem, the electric flotation control subsystem and the cabin connection unlocking subsystem. The payload cabin contains the structure of the payload cabin, the integrated electronics of the payload cabin and the load. The effect of "dynamic and static isolation and leader/follower coordination" is achieved by using electric flotation control between the two cabins.

Dual Supersatellite Load Design (Source: School of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Nanjing University)

Using this "airframe anti-shake" technology, the directivity and stability of the payload are improved by 1-2 orders of magnitude compared with traditional satellites, which will make the "Xihe" more accurate and stable when "taking pictures" in space, and obtain higher-quality images.

In the future, the dual super platform technology will be widely used in space missions such as high-resolution ground detailed investigation, large-scale three-dimensional mapping, and exoplanet discovery, which is expected to promote the leap-forward development of space science and technology implementation in our country.

Introduction to Car GPS Navigation System

  Modern people are no longer familiar with GPS. Although the GPS system was originally established for military purposes, it has soon been greatly developed in civilian use. Many people may have only heard of GPS for in-car navigation, but they have not practiced it. The future of GPS automotive applications seems to be limitless, and the dreams brought by technological progress are also endless. GPS automotive systems provide a new, instantly knowable address for every piece of land on the earth’s surface – a new international standard for location and distance.
  Before understanding the vehicle GPS, you should know the structure of the vehicle GPS navigation and the difference from the vehicle tracking system. The current vehicle GPS system end point is usually composed of GPS module, wireless communication module, alarm control module, voice control module, display module and vehicle PC and other parts:
  1. GPS module: a small device installed on a vehicle that is part of a GPS vehicle unit and is used to receive information transmitted by satellites.
  2. Wireless communication module: Usually, car radiotelephones, radio stations or mobile data end points (MDT) are used to complete information exchange functions.
  3. Alarm control module: sends an alarm signal to the monitoring center network to report abnormal vehicle information.
  4. Voice control module: Complete voice control and service functions.
  5. Display module: used to display video image information such as location and road conditions, optional LCD, CRT or TV display.
  6. On-board PC: Integrate and process various functional modules, cooperate with corresponding software, and complete designated functions, such as data processing, calculating the longitude, latitude, altitude, speed, and time of the location.
  Due to the particularity of the use environment, the on-board PC as the core of the system must be small in size, high in integration, low in power consumption, strong in processing power, and simple and convenient in operation. At present, more on-board PCs use embedded operating systems, such as Windows CE and embedded LINUX. According to the requirements of frequent vehicle use and the complexity of the road, it must be highly reliable, scalable and compatible.
  GPS vehicle application systems are generally divided into two categories: vehicle tracking systems and vehicle navigation systems. They are very different in function, one is used for vehicle anti-theft, and the other is used for vehicle autonomous navigation. Since "only accept, do not transmit" signals is a major feature of GPS receiving systems, GPS tracking systems for anti-theft are to use communication networks and government supporting systems to provide GPS vehicle anti-theft devices with a solution that charges for use. The vehicle navigation device accepts satellite signals and cooperates with electronic map data to grasp its own position and destination in a timely manner. The mode of autonomous navigation does not charge any usage fees, and users can selectively purchase map data according to their own needs.
  GPS technology uses GPS satellite signals to receive, and can receive data parameters sent by satellites 24 hours a day without interruption to settle the received three-dimensional position, three-dimensional direction, motion speed and time information. The car navigator uses satellite signals and electronic map data to grasp its own position and destination in a timely manner. The autonomous navigation mode does not charge any usage fees, and users can choose to buy map data according to their own needs. When the user installs the car GPS, no matter which city, town or suburb the user is in, we can find a restaurant or the nearest gas station in an instant.
  As far as our country is concerned, a group of GPS professional players has quietly emerged. Most of them are outdoor sports and car off-road enthusiasts. These users can also learn the direction of the vehicle through the on-board GPS, which can replace the traditional altimeter and display information such as altitude. Through the acceptance calculation of satellite signals by GPS, the specific speed of driving can be measured. For those who love outdoor sports, car off-road enthusiasts, GPS makes them no longer troubled by losing their way, because GPS navigators can let drivers know the driving road. GPS navigators also provide full voice prompts, so that drivers can achieve the whole process of navigation without observing the display interface, making driving safer and more comfortable.
  However, due to the fact that GPS vehicle navigation systems have just started in the Chinese market, the market atmosphere is not as mature as GPS vehicle tracking systems, but no one denies that this burgeoning market has unlimited potential for appreciation. With the development of China’s automotive industry and the gradual maturation of the automotive electronics market, consumers are increasingly seeking convenience and practicality. According to this trend, some well-known domestic automobile manufacturers, such as FAW, FAW, Shanghai Volkswagen and GM, have plans and actions to use GPS navigation systems as standard equipment in luxury cars or ordinary cars.
  1. Navigation function
  After the user marks two points arbitrarily on the vehicle GPS navigation system, the navigation system will automatically design the best route for the owner according to the current location. In addition, it also has a modification function. If the user accidentally misses the intersection and does not take the best route recommended by the vehicle GPS navigation system, and the vehicle position deviates from the best route trajectory by more than 200 meters, the vehicle GPS navigation system will re-design a route back to the main route for the user according to the new location of the vehicle, or design an optimal route for the user from the sexual position to the destination.
  2. Switch to the voice prompt function
  As long as the vehicle encounters an intersection or turn in front, the on-board GPS voice system prompts the user to turn and other voice prompts. This can avoid detours for the owner. It can provide full voice prompts, and the driver can realize the whole process of navigation without observing the display interface, making driving safer and more comfortable
  3. Add points of interest function
  Since most cities in our country are in the construction stage, new buildings may appear anytime and anywhere, so the update of electronic maps has become a concern for many consumers. Therefore, if you encounter some target points that are not on the electronic map, as long as you are interested or think it is necessary, you can add the point or new route to the map. These new points of interest, like any original point on the map, can be applied to functions such as electronic map viewing.
  Step 4 Positioning
  GPS can accurately determine its location by receiving satellite signals, with a position error of less than 10 meters. If the machine has a map, it can mark the corresponding position on the map with a mark. At the same time, GPS can also replace the traditional compass to display directions, replace the traditional altimeter, and display altitude and other information.
  5. Speed measurement
  Through the GPS reception calculation of satellite signals, the specific speed of driving can be calculated, which is much more accurate than a general odometer.
  Step 6 Show track
  If you go to an unfamiliar place and someone leads the way, what should you do when you come back? Don’t worry, GPS has a track recording function that can record the route your vehicle has traveled, with an accuracy of less than 10 meters, and even display the difference between the two lanes. When you come back, the user can activate its return function and let it lead you home smoothly along the route you came from.

Zhang Ziyi scolded him angrily. Wu Jing Hu Ge was furious on the spot. Why did "shooting on behalf of" black products continue to be banned?

Author | Sandy

"Do not advocate, do not advocate, do not encourage."

On August 30, Ni Ni’s studio used "three nos" when explaining the incident of "being hit by a substitute". This also represents the attitude of most stars that "substitute" is inconvenient but helpless.

Afterwards, Zhang Ziyi sent a Weibo to angrily denounce the surrogate auction, and "surrogate auction" was once again on the hot search. Many celebrities who had suffered from surrogate auction also expressed their disgust with the act of surrogate auction.

"Daipai" is a person who makes money by selling celebrity photos to fans or by rubbing celebrity traffic. It is a complete black product derived from the fan economy.


Nowadays, professional "surrogate photography" was becoming more and more arrogant. Long guns and short cannons surrounded the stars to shoot randomly, and some even wanted to put the camera on the stars’ faces, which caused great trouble to the stars. Moreover, surrogate photography venues were no longer limited to airports, but also large red carpets, film festivals, concerts, hotels, program recording sites, and other places where celebrities frequented.

Celebrities are annoying, but "shooting on behalf of" is unscrupulous

Unlike fans, when taking photos, they often don’t care whether the star cares, whether the public order allows it, whether it will affect passers-by, etc., but only press the shutter frantically towards the star’s face.

In addition to Ni Ni, there are many more celebrities who are deeply troubled by airport photography.

From October to December 2019, Xiao Zhan’s boarding was blocked many times due to the interference of "shooting on behalf of", and even caused flight delays. Xiao Zhan Studio stated its position, "does not support or advocate any form of pick-up and drop-off behavior". Xiao Zhan Global Support Association also responded positively, but the number of people "surrounding" Xiao Zhan at the airport has not decreased.

In December last year, Wu Jing was surrounded by many photographers and broadcasters at the airport. Because these people almost hit the child, he scolded in person: "Look at the child there, see? You are really not good, what should you do if you hit the child!"


Hu Ge also scolded the filming at the airport due to the same situation, "Say it again, don’t shoot, shoot again!"


Zheng Shuang was frantically chased by the surrogate, Angelababy fans were slapped on behalf of others, and Wang Chenyi’s Weibo reprimanded the surrogate "not because you want to take pictures, the whole world has to make way for you". Hu Yanbin also said, "Don’t do any surrogate photography, if you really like it, come by yourself."

According to CCTV coverage, only the T3 terminal of the Capital Airport, there were 20 recorded fan police reports in 2017, and the number of fans was more than 50; from January to July 2018, there were 7 recorded fan police reports, and on April 20 this year, because more than a dozen stars passed through Shanghai, the glass of Hongqiao Airport was crushed by fans.

The fan economy has spawned too many new professions. Like illegitimate people, professional auction also has a relatively complete set of workflows and industrial chains.


Search for "shooting on behalf of" on Weibo, Taobao and other platforms, and you can find many people who provide such services, indicate the resident area, note the lens model, and the price can also be negotiated.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, airport photographers usually pass through security by purchasing air tickets, take photos, and then refund the tickets before leaving the airport. The pictures obtained by shooting will be priced at tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan according to the star’s coffee position and the quality of the pictures. The price of pictures with clear pictures and good content will naturally be higher.

The purpose of shooting on behalf of the buyer is also different. Some are "on the way" to shoot on behalf of the buyer, while others make money by selling photos to fans, picture websites, etc.


Where is the legal boundary of "surrogate auction"?

Wang, a lawyer at the National Consulting Law Firm, told Maoyingtv: "If a covered bridge is blocked for taking photos, airport management personnel should take measures to stop the photo-taking, eliminate the nuisance and maintain normal public order. If you do not obey or do this repeatedly, you are suspected of disturbing public order and violating the relevant provisions of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Punishments for Public Security, which can be handed over to the public security organs. If the airport strengthens management of this behavior, flight delays can be avoided."


Without buying and selling, there is no surrogate auction. Surrogate auction itself is a natural market behavior. If it is not for the frequent hot searches that disrupt public order, it is difficult to say that it is illegal, because whether it is illegal requires the parties to protect their rights and collect evidence. Therefore, the core of curbing surrogate auction is the star himself.


In this regard, lawyer Wang of Guozi Law Firm replied: "If a star clearly refuses to shoot, but is still photographed and profits are made, the photographer may be involved in infringing the star’s portrait rights, reputation rights, etc. The star can sue for compensation or ask for a reasonable profit share."


An employee at a celebrity’s studio told maoyingtv: "Stars basically don’t sue for filming on their behalf, because the cost of rights protection is too high. Some people mind but no one is so serious."


As a public figure, you shoot me but I’m a scissor hand, which means I don’t mind you taking pictures. If you sell my beautiful photos for money, I don’t care if I’m in a good mood, but let me know that the price is too high, I may be jealous and ask you for money. Once you pick a photo of me that is particularly ugly and make a profit, it makes me very uncomfortable for others to joke, and I may sue you for infringing my portrait rights, reputation rights, etc., and you have to compensate me for the money you make from selling photos.


On the one hand, the cost of rights protection is high, and on the other hand, it is difficult to get ahead with guns, "Yama is good to see little ghosts and difficult to deal with." So we see that celebrities basically choose to issue Weibo condemnation or berate the surrogate when the shooting happens, and no one uses legal weapons to protect themselves, and the relevant departments will naturally not file a case.

Celebrities under the black production

Some people berate, some acquiesce, some cooperate


The prosperity of surrogate photography may be related to the ecosystem of the fan circle that has been formed for a long time. Except for a few official occasions, the number of times that celebrities and fans meet is not very large. If a star enters the group to shoot, the cycle of fans missing will be longer. Therefore, the front-line pictures released from time to time are very much needed in the fan circle.


The airport is an active front for the "station sisters" and "station brothers". They carry professional cameras, record the figure of Idol, and post refined pictures on social media to attract fans and support Idol.


The station sisters can’t guarantee all the airport shooting of Aidou, and the new profession of surrogate photography was born under this situation. The station sisters have materials to support the operation of the station, and the surrogate photographer can also get paid, "the supply and demand relationship is stable".


For celebrities, the airport is also a good place to "do business". The number of airport pickups is a direct reflection of a star’s popularity. When popular stars are struggling with fans to pick up the plane, there are also some stars who are not very popular who ask "professional fans" to pick up the plane, creating a false prosperity scene.


In addition, celebrity endorsement products need to be exposed, whether it is Yang Mi, the queen of airport delivery, or Ouyang Nana, the walking "Converse girl", airport delivery is also a reflection of star popularity in commercial value.


A senior Weibo entertainment company who did not want to be named toldCat Shadow Entertainment (ID: maoyingtv): "It is true that surrogate photography in public places does more harm than good. Some celebrities choose to speak out, and some choose to be silent and low-key, but there is also a trend that celebrities and surrogate photography cooperate with each other and get what they need. Some celebrity agents or assistants have the contact information of surrogate photography or are familiar with them, and they will also use these surrogate photography for other exposure purposes. For example: communicate with the surrogate in advance to find points, remind the star of the position, dress and posture, and ensure the beauty of the photo. It is definitely not as simple as imagined."

Sometimes, the staff around the star also need to have a good relationship with the photographer, so that the photos can be selected and then circulated, and the star can get positive publicity or sell goods for their respective brands. "Ugly photos" that are not related may be sold to illegitimate fans or even black fans for profit.

A new means of short video drainage and monetization?

What is unexpected is that the generation of celebrities has spread from the rice circle and become a means for some short video users to attract and monetize.

"Finance and Economics World Weekly" mentioned that in an article titled "Ten Thousands of Big Coffee Teach You How to Drainage and Monetization", the author said that the best way is to shoot on behalf of celebrities, one is low cost and high attention; the second is that celebrities are public figures, and they generally have hats and glasses when traveling, which reduces the probability of infringement; the third is that the video is original, easy to be recommended and popular.


The station sisters want to convey more timely and fresh materials, the stars need to operate normally, and the ordinary people want to drain and cash out, etc. These are the reasons why the airport shooting still thrives despite the ban of popular stars, studios, and fan official support associations.


Although as early as July 2018, the Civil Aviation Administration of China issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Fan Pick-up and Drop-off Phenomenon", it mentioned that phenomena such as "fan follow-up" and "fan pick-up and drop-off causing flight delays" should affect normal work and public security order, and strengthen management.


Regarding public order, some relevant departments can solve it by increasing the security of public places, but as long as the interests are still there, the problem of shooting chaos will not be eradicated. For bad shooting behavior, I hope that the injured stars can take the initiative to stand up and use legal means to protect their rights.



Huawei applied for registration of multiple AITO trademarks, trademark protection or creating ecology?

  Blue Whale Auto reporter learned from Tianyancha that within the month, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huawei") applied for registration of pharmaceutical products and daily chemical products.AITO trademarks and other categories, goods/services include massage equipment, wearable medical biometric data monitor, electric massage gun, cleaning agent for automobile, wax for automobile, etc.

  Although there are no projects directly related to vehicle production, Huawei’s move has once again triggered a heated discussion on its "car-making action".

  At the 100,000th off-line ceremony of AITO on May 27th, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG and CEO of BU, a smart car solution, once again responded to the question "Does Huawei make cars?" Everyone said that Huawei doesn’t make cars, but the accurate explanation is that Huawei doesn’t make cars alone. How can we do it without making cars? How can you survive without building a car? You must build a car! However, Huawei does not build cars alone, but builds cars with car companies, builds good cars and builds the best cars. "

  From the name change storm of "HUAWEI asking the world" in March to the subsequent statement of "not building cars alone", the relationship between Huawei and AITO asking the world has attracted more and more attention. In the process of building AITO asking the world brand in cooperation with Huawei,Has the role changed?

  Huawei recently registered several AITO trademarks.

  The reporter inquired from Tianyancha and China Trademark Network that as early as December 2021, before the release of the AITO brand, a company named Zhengde Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhengde Electronics) took the lead in applying for registration of multi-category AITO trademarks, among which the most important 12 categories of trademarks covered vehicles, land, air and sea carriers (but because the tire group trademark was applied by other companies, Zhengde Electronics did not apply for production at that time) The company was founded on March 2, 2021, as if to apply for a trademark.

  Subsequently, Zhengde Electronics successively transferred 12 kinds of AITO trademarks to Chongqing Haokang Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chongqing Haokang) and 7 kinds and 9 kinds of trademarks to Beijing Ruide Kaizhuo Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Ruide Kaizhuo), whose goods/services covered exchange development.Air filters for automobile engines, automobile oil pumps, interactive touch-screen terminals, navigation instruments for vehicles (onboard computers), automobile audio equipment, car televisions, etc. On July 5 and December 9, 2022, Zhengde Electronics applied for 12 categories of AITO trademark groups of tires twice, and it is still waiting for substantive examination.

  According to Tianyancha, Chongqing Haokang is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Chongqing Xiaokang Holdings Co., Ltd., and the actual controller is Zhang Xinghai, the chairman of the group; Zhengde Electronics and Ruide Kaizhuo have no more information at present. However, as the agency of the above-mentioned trademarks is Huajin United Patent and Trademark Agency Co., Ltd., the agency of Huawei’s HarmonyOS trademark, some insiders speculate that it is Huawei behind Zhengde Electronics and Ruide Kaizhuo, but there is still no information to prove the relevance of the three.

  In order to better protect their trademark rights, trademark holders generally avoid trademark infringement through cross-category registration, approximate registration and sub-brand registration. However, compared with the frequent actions of Zhengde Electronics and Ruide Kaizhuo, Chongqing Haokang is not active in the process of protecting trademarks. Only four pieces of registration information of AITO trademarks can be found on China Trademark Network, while Zhengde Electronics and Ruide Kaizhuo have 25 pieces and 273 pieces of registration information respectively.

  Since March, 2022, AITO brand has successively launched three models, namely, the M5, M7 and M5 EV, with the words "the model of the car" printed on the back of the car body. Correspondingly, the trademark of Wenjie currently belongs to Beijing Yongan Shida Science and Trade Co., Ltd., which has had many trademark transfer businesses with Huawei-related enterprises.

Image source: screenshot of China Trademark Network

  The reporter also noticed that during the month, Huawei also applied for dozens of 12 kinds of trademarks, including Lanjie, Tongjie, Tengjie, Xuanjie, HarmonyOS Jiejie, Kunlin and Lunyu.

  In short, 12 categories of AITO trademarks belong to Huawei, and Huawei is actively acquiring other categories of AITO trademarks.

  How to define the right to use a trademark under the ecological environment?

  On March 8 this year, AITO Automobile used the words "HUAWEI asks the world" on its social media platform for the first time, which gained great attention from both inside and outside the industry.

  "Huawei provides core software and hardware technologies such as electrification and intelligent parts, and helps car companies sell good cars through product definition, user experience, quality control, channel retail and brand marketing, helping car companies achieve commercial success while driving Huawei intelligence.Large-scale sales. Although HUAWEI replied that "Huawei asks the world" is a brand of Huawei eco-car and a brand-new business model initiated by Huawei, it has not stopped speculation about "Huawei makes cars".

  On March 31st, Huawei announced the auto business decision signed by Ren Zhengfei himself.The announcement puts strict requirements on the body logo, emphasizing that Huawei /HUAWEI cannot be used in vehicle publicity. At the financial report conference held on the same day, Huawei once again responded that in order to avoid being misunderstood by the outside world as "Huawei makes cars", today Huawei internally issued the "Resolution on Huawei not making cars". The business model and cooperation strategy of the eco-car will not change. Xu Zhijun, Huawei’s rotating chairman, said that it is strictly forbidden for Huawei brands to appear in front of any automobile brands, and materials in flagship stores and retail stores will be cleaned up.

  At present, there are three main modes of cooperation between Huawei and car companies: one is the component mode of selling standardized products; The second is the Huawei Inside mode (referred to as "HI mode") that provides full-stack smart car solutions; Third, deeply participate in product and vehicle design, and provide intelligent selection mode of sales network channels.

  At the high-level forum of China Electric Vehicle committee of 100 Forum (2023) held on April 1, Yu Chengdong once said that the current series of models of the world are produced by Cyrus, and Chery, BAIC and JAC will also produce Huawei’s complete solution models soon. "If they all adopt different brands, it will be very troublesome to separate retail marketing, so it is necessary to implement the ecological alliance of the world."

  He further explained that in the future, there will be no conflict between the models launched by several partners under the intelligent selection mode, and they will still work together to build an ecological alliance, make full use of the production capacity resources of the car factory and jointly build competitiveness.

  In response to the question of trademark use rights in the world, Xia Hailong, a lawyer from Shanghai Shenlun Law Firm, told the Blue Whale Automobile reporter that there are generally two types of changes in trademark use rights. One kind is transfer, for example, the trademark of A is completely transferred to B, and then the trademark will be held by B, and A can’t use it. There is also authorization, which is a very extensive way. For example, A authorizes B to use this trademark in certain regions, certain commodities and within a certain period of time. Under the authorization mode, A can still use its own trademark, and A can also authorize multiple subjects such as BCD to use it at the same time.

  "As long as Huawei has obtained the trademark right or the right to use it, it can use the trademark within the scope of trademark registration or authorization." Lawyer Xia Hailong said.

Lantern Festival │ Oriental Aesthetics of Chinese Romance

[Our Festival Lantern Festival]

Yuan is the beginning. Night is night.

On February 15th, 2022,The first full moon in the lunar calendar.

Yuan midnight snack, Lantern Festival.

This romantic traditional festival in China, you just think it is the end of the Chinese New Year and the day when people taste Yuanxiao. Can you remember that it is the traditional Valentine’s Day in China, a typical Chinese romantic and heartbreaking oriental aesthetics?

Visit the temple fair with lanterns.

Suddenly looking back, the man was in the dim light.

Once again, spring returns. On the evening of January, the flower market lights like day.

After beginning of spring’s Lantern Festival, it was warm and cold, and the flowers were not in bloom. Colorful lanterns give the Lantern Festival a spring-like splendor.

The moon is high in the sky, and there are thousands of lanterns on the ground. In ancient times, girls who stayed indoors on weekdays went out to enjoy lanterns and visit temple fairs on the Lantern Festival. Lantern Festival creates an opportunity for the implicit China ancients to express their feelings, which is the romance of China people, and describes their love beautifully and tactfully.

With the development of the times and the change of years, today’s young people don’t need festivals like Lantern Festival to get married. The Lantern Festival, as a Chinese Valentine’s Day, has gradually faded away, while the romantic stories of China’s ancient people have remained in the poems that have been told through the ages.


The custom of eating Lantern Festival has been inherited to this day, and it is also the deepest memory of Lantern Festival engraved in the bones of China people. "There is a full moon in the sky, human reunion, and glutinous rice balls in a bowl", and glutinous rice balls (Yuanxiao) have placed China people’s good wishes for the new year. In addition to eating Yuanxiao, there are customs such as solve riddles on the lanterns, fireworks and lion dance in the traditional Lantern Festival. Very lively, prosperous and beautiful.

Yuan midnight snack, Lantern Festival.

The custom of festivals makes people reproduce the romance of the ancients.

No matter where you are, no matter when you are,

Pass on these traditions,

To continue the exquisite and charming China aesthetics in China traditional culture.

Recommended viewing

Contributed by: Long Mengyi of Lancang County Rong Media Center Fan Li Zhao Mengyun.

Editor: Xu Qian

Editor: Xie Mengyi

Supervision and examination: Liu Jianghui


"Chinese Zodiac" Exposes Thrilling Warning that Jackie Chan will take the old man and stop making action movies.

Liao Fan

"Big Brother" Jackie Chan

Group photo

[Click to watch the high-definition atlas of "Chinese Zodiac" dinner]

     Movie network news(Photo/Cannes Film Festival Report Group) On May 18th, French time, Jackie Chan’s new film Zodiac, which was directed and performed by himself, exposed its first trailer in Cannes. Jackie Chan and starring Kwone Sang Woo, Liao Fan, Yao Xingtong, Liu Chengjun, Zhang Lanxin and Laure Weissbecker gathered at the press conference. The 58-year-old Jackie Chan said that he really didn’t want to make any more violent movies. If Fang Zuming redoubled his efforts, he might become his successor. The film is scheduled to be released on December 20th.

Jackie Chan is old enough to stop making action movies and is eager to become an Asian Robert De Niro.

    As early as the shooting of "Zodiac", it was reported that Jackie Chan would stop making action movies after filming this play. On the same day, Jackie Chan confirmed this statement. "I can still move now, so I took this play, but I can’t move this year. I don’t know if I can move next year. I have to think about my family." But Jackie Chan also said that he would not give up action movies completely. "There may be some less intense action movies next, but maybe I will play a hero like Batman."

    Jackie Chan said that he wanted to prove that he was not only a good martial arts star, but also a good actor. "That’s why I acted in a work like this, but there are still many people who want to see me show my fists and feet, so I promised them to make another action movie." Jackie Chan said that he wanted to be the Robert De Niro of Asia and a real acting school.

More live pictures on the next page

In 2023, the national sales of lottery tickets reached 579.696 billion yuan, and Guangdong’s annual sales exceeded 60 billion yuan, ranking first in the country.

Information Times (Reporter Hu Changwei) According to the announcement data released by the Ministry of Finance on January 30, in 2023, the country sold a total of 579.696 billion yuan of lottery tickets, an increase of 155.044 billion yuan or 36.5%. Among them, welfare lottery sales were 194.441 billion yuan, up 31.3% year-on-year, and sports lottery sales were 385.255 billion yuan, up 39.3% year-on-year. In 2023, Guangdong sold a total of 60.575 billion yuan of lottery tickets, a year-on-year increase of 36.9%, and the annual lottery sales continued to rank first in the country.

Comparison of lottery sales between 2023 and 2022.

Annual sales increased by 155 billion year-on-year.

According to the data released by the Ministry of Finance, in December 2023, a total of 53.284 billion yuan of lottery tickets were sold nationwide, a year-on-year decrease of 8.565 billion yuan or 13.8%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 17.476 billion yuan, an increase of 5.646 billion yuan, an increase of 47.7%; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 35.808 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.211 billion yuan or 28.4%. Mainly due to the higher base of factors driven by the football World Cup in the same period last year.

From January to December, 2023, a total of 579.696 billion yuan of lottery tickets were sold nationwide, an increase of 155.044 billion yuan or 36.5%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 194.441 billion yuan, an increase of 46.311 billion yuan, an increase of 31.3%; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 385.255 billion yuan, an increase of 108.733 billion yuan or 39.3%.

Instant lottery tickets have doubled.

The announcement data also shows that in December 2023, the sales of lottery digital lottery tickets was 16.952 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 29.3%; The sales of quiz lottery tickets was 22.431 billion yuan, down 47.8% year-on-year; The sales of instant lottery tickets reached 10.224 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 214.4%; Keno lottery sales reached 3.676 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 47.3%. In December, the sales volume of digital lottery, quiz, instant lottery and Keno lottery respectively accounted for 31.8%, 42.1%, 19.2% and 6.9% of the total lottery sales, and the sales volume of video lottery was 140,000 yuan, an increase of 120,000 yuan year-on-year.

From January to December, 2023, the sales of digital lottery tickets reached 176.803 billion yuan, an increase of 21.385 billion yuan or 13.8%. The sales of quiz lottery tickets was 246.476 billion yuan, an increase of 65.550 billion yuan or 36.2% year-on-year; The sales of instant lottery tickets reached 119.021 billion yuan, an increase of 59.574 billion yuan or 100.2%. The sales of Keno lottery tickets reached 37.394 billion yuan, up 8.534 billion yuan or 29.6% year-on-year. From January to December, the lottery sales of digital lottery, quiz lottery, instant lottery and Keno lottery accounted for 30.5%, 42.5%, 20.5% and 6.5% of the total lottery sales respectively. Video lottery sales reached 1.53 million yuan, up 930,000 yuan year-on-year.

Guangdong’s annual sales exceed 60.5 billion yuan.

In December, 2023, compared with the same period of last year, the lottery sales in various provinces in China were mixed, among which Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing and Xinjiang increased a lot, increasing by 231 million yuan, 191 million yuan, 163 million yuan and 138 million yuan respectively. Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, and Sichuan saw a large decline, with a year-on-year decrease of 1.722 billion yuan, 1.106 billion yuan, 735 million yuan, and 659 million yuan respectively.

From January to December, 2023, compared with the same period of last year, lottery sales in all provinces in China increased, among which Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shandong increased more, increasing by 16.321 billion yuan, 12.946 billion yuan, 12.442 billion yuan and 10.832 billion yuan respectively.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Finance, Guangdong sold a total of 60.575 billion yuan of lottery tickets in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 36.9%, and the annual sales of lottery tickets continued to rank first in the country. Among them, the annual sales volume of Guangdong sports lottery reached 38.905 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 44.2%; The annual sales volume of welfare lottery reached 21.669 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.4%; The annual sales volume of two major color varieties in Guangdong ranks first in the same industry in China.

The latest data announcement of the Ministry of Finance also requires that lottery institutions at all levels should closely track and analyze new situations and new problems, effectively strengthen lottery issuance and sales, and ensure the smooth operation of the market. Financial departments at all levels should further strengthen lottery supervision, actively create a good external environment, maintain market order, and promote the sustained and healthy development of lottery.