Liu Yifei’s precocious photos were exposed, claiming to have a dual personality (Photos)

    Liu Yifei

    But in her early twenties, Liu Yifei has entered Hollywood and become one of the most high-profile new generations in the movie industry. Liu Yifei is both precocious and childish, she said, because I have a two-sided personality.

    Liu Yifei sat upright in front of the mirror, ready to freshen up. Yifei’s mother sat in the corner of the room, chatting with us casually. She didn’t ask us nervously, or keep staring at us with great enthusiasm, but she was able to detect Yifei’s needs at any time.

    I had forgotten that Yifei was far away from everyone’s topic and told a joke. All of a sudden, I saw Yifei’s mother and her manager smile at each other and say, "Don’t worry," and then turn to explain to us that when Sissi (Liu Yifei’s nickname) started to skin, it meant that she had relaxed.

    In fact, she is not as "cold" as everyone thinks, she is just slow to heat up.

    As a representative of the new generation, Liu Yifei’s journey has been a bit dramatic. Growing up in a single-parent family, her mother was Liu Xiaoli, a national first-class dancer. She went to the United States at the age of 10, and at the age of 14 or 5, with her mother’s encouragement, she went back to Beijing to apply for the film academy. She was admitted to the exam. The problem was that she couldn’t study in the first semester. First of all, she just came back not long ago, and before she even adjusted the time difference, she was asked to act in "Golden Dust Family". It was filmed for two months, and it was completed on August 25th, her birthday. Then "Tianlong Eight" also asked her to audition, and it was filmed for another half a year. Before she really understood what acting was all about, she had already become the heroine. Following that, although the works were not prolific, they all maintained a certain quality. The TV series "The Legend of Immortals and Swords", "The Condor Hero"… The movie "Love in May", "Like You Like Me", and even "King of Kung Fu", which was released some time ago and allowed her to officially enter Hollywood… At this time, Liu Yifei was only in her early twenties.

Lawyer interprets rap, B You circle war; Jay Chou loses case against NetEase

Text/Nuocheng Game Method, Zhu Junchao, Chen Jie


"Love and Deep Space" posted a reply.

Rap Circle and B You Circle Spark Controversies

On August 26, singer Peckert released a rap video, the content of which was taken from the game "Love and Deep Space". The lyrics "diss" the Otome game, which mentions "all edging and greasy, let children who are not adults play adult games". Peckert said in the release of the song that the song is only for minors who play the game and the age review system of some unscrupulous manufacturers.

That night, the official Weibo of the "Love and Deep Space" game issued a statement, claiming: "The forensic work has been completed, and the infringement and insulting behavior of Parker, whether it is the game itself, the game characters or the players, will not be tolerated or accepted, and will be pursued to the end. See you in court."

Nuocheng comments:

When insulting or defamatory content is published against a game, the game company may take the following measures to safeguard its reputation.

First of all, game companies can choose to protect their rights through litigation, or choose non-litigation channels such as complaining to the information release platform, reporting to the Cyberspace Administration of China, and sending a letter to the infringer.

Secondly, if the company wants to take litigation measures to protect its rights, it should promptly fix the account information of the infringer, the infringing content and its release time, broadcast volume, number of comments, number of forwards, etc., as well as the messages and feedback from netizens, in order to prove the existence, scope and severity of the infringement.

Furthermore, after the infringement is discovered, a statement should be issued as soon as possible to indicate the company’s position and attitude. This can not only stop the further spread of the infringement in a timely manner, but also convey the company’s determination to safeguard its own rights and interests to the infringers and players, reduce the adverse effects caused by the infringement, and appease the players’ emotions.

Finally, sort out the corresponding evidence and file a lawsuit with the court in a timely manner to safeguard their own rights and interests. In addition, by sending letters and other means, the information release platform can be required to disclose the real-name information corresponding to the infringer’s account, so that the game company can grasp the party information required for prosecution.


Jay Chou loses the lawsuit: game lottery to give away albums

Does not constitute unfair competition

Recently, Jay Chou and Jewell Music Co., Ltd. sued Guangzhou NetEase Computer Systems Co., Ltd. and other related entities (hereinafter referred to as "NetEase") in the case of 2nd-round Moderation, upholding the original judgment of the first instance.

The case originated because in July 2022, Jay Chou released his new album "The Greatest Work" after a lapse of six years, and NetEase’s "World 3" game gave Jay Chou digital albums and concert tickets in a lottery on Weibo. Jay Chou and Jewell Music Co., Ltd. sued NetEase for unfair competition.

In December 2023, the court ruled in favor of NetEase and rejected all claims including Jewell’s 2.05 million yuan claim.

The court of first instance held that:

1. "World 3" forwards the lottery to give Jay Chou’s digital album and other activities through Weibo, which is a conventional non-profit publicity method and will not mislead the public into thinking that Jay Chou has an endorsement relationship with him;

2. Making elements of Jay Chou’s new album as game props is essentially used as a redemption certificate and restricts the participation of old players. It does not have the nature of attracting new traffic and making profits, and does not constitute unfair competition.

3. The use of Jay Chou’s name in the lottery Weibo is a fair use to indicate the source of the prize, and there is no evidence to show that it caused harm to the plaintiff. The court held that the public had sufficient judgment to distinguish such interactive marketing activities from endorsement, so the behavior of "World 3" did not constitute unfair competition.

First of all, game companies can enhance the appeal of the event by mentioning giving away celebrity albums and extracting concert tickets in user feedback activities, but they need to ensure that the content of the prize promotion is clear and does not mislead the public.

For example, in this case, "World 3" made it clear that the prize was Jay Chou’s new album, rather than making the public mistake Jay Chou for its product spokesperson.

Secondly, when designing promotional activities, it is necessary to pay attention to the purpose and nature of the activities, especially when it comes to the use of third-party intellectual property or celebrity rights, and ensure that the activities are not designed to improperly use the goodwill or influence of others to attract new users and increase profits, but only as a welfare measure to reward existing users.

For example, the risk of unfair competition can be reduced by limiting the conditions for player participation, such as in this case limiting the participation of veteran players above level 20.


Sword Art Online: Swordsman in Black,

The game company was ordered to compensate players for their losses

Recently, the Beijing Internet Court has announced ten typical cases of service protection and new quality productivity, including an infringement dispute caused by the outage of online games.

The plaintiff, Cheng XX, a player of "Sword Art Online: Swordsman in Black", has two accounts for the game and has accumulated a recharge of nearly 430,000 yuan. In October 2019, the game operator issued a game outage announcement and said that it would transfer 5% of the total historical recharge of gamers to other games as compensation.

Subsequently, Cheng Moumou sued the operator to the court for economic losses and mental damages. The defendant argued that it was not at fault for suspending the game, and had compensated the players and was not liable for infringement.

After trial, the court held that virtual property such as currency and props in the game were protected by law. The defendant unilaterally stopped the game and disposed of the player’s virtual property without the consent of the player, resulting in the loss of the player’s property. He was subjectively at fault and should bear tort liability.

However, since the game virtual property involved in the case was not an item of special personal significance for the plaintiff, and the plaintiff did not suffer serious mental damage, the court rejected his claim for compensation for mental damage.

Finally, the court decided that the defendant should compensate the plaintiff about 36,000 yuan and interest according to the way to obtain the virtual property of the game and the remaining assets in the account when the game was suspended.

This case not only makes it clear that when there is no special provision in law, the tort liability of online virtual property should also apply the principle of fault liability; at the same time, it also further refines the compensation standard for infringement of online game virtual property, providing reference for the handling of similar cases.

Specifically, according to the method of acquisition and usage, online virtual property can be divided into two categories:

The first category is recharge virtual property, that is, the unused game currency and game items that the player directly obtains or exchanges after recharging through legal tender. For such virtual property, since the player has not yet enjoyed the rewards brought by the property when he suffered a loss, the game operator is obliged to return the RMB amount corresponding to the remaining virtual property.

The second category is non-recharge virtual property, that is, virtual property obtained by players during the game, such as task rewards, level drops, etc. For such virtual property, the compensation amount for the loss of virtual property should be determined as appropriate, taking into account factors such as the source and difficulty of obtaining the property, the fun generated by players in consumption, and the length of time they enjoy services.

Game grape recruitment content editor,

Should the taxi concession system be broken?

  Should the taxi concession system be broken?

  – Implications from the development of the US taxi control system

  Authors: Xu Kangming, Su Kui

  In the early 1970s, an anti-government control ideology arose in the United States, which is very similar to some domestic ideological trends today. It believes that government control "rarely does the right thing" and relying on market mechanisms "rarely does the wrong thing". As a model of a free economy, the government restricts the freedom of access to certain industries and does not allow market competition mechanisms to determine prices. The core guiding ideology of deregulation holds that government pricing and industry access systems will inevitably lead to waste of resources and inefficient services, and even belong to administrative monopolies. At the same time, it restricts the choice of service types and price systems for transportation service recipients. Even though some scholars originally suggested that it was the late 19th and early 20th centuries that market failures gave rise to government access and price controls on the transportation service industry, under the strong impetus of this trend of thought, the United States began to partially or fully deregulate many transportation service industries, involving most transportation modes such as aviation, road passenger and freight, rail transportation, and intercity passenger transportation. The taxi deregulation movement experiment was also launched in this wave of free economy.

  First, the North American taxi deregulation test failed to meet expectations

  The confluence of political forces out of dissatisfaction with traditional taxi services and "theorists" out of their adherence to the fundamentals of market economy forcibly promoted this deregulation action. In the urban taxi industry, a cycle from regulation to deregulation and back to regulation was dramatically performed. American cities have imposed access and price controls on the taxi industry since the 1920s. Half a century later, more than 20 cities, most of which are in the so-called sunshine zone, that is, cities with rapid economic development, have completely or partially lifted such controls. However, due to the unsatisfactory effect of deregulation, almost all of these cities have resumed access and price controls for the taxi industry.

  Opponents of taxi regulation argue that the free market allocates resources most efficiently and offers taxi passengers the best mix of prices and services. Therefore, encouraging competition and innovative services is the main purpose of liberalizing taxi market access. Proponents argue that free market access promotes higher service quality and lower prices, and facilitates innovative services. This view was crucial to deregulating the taxi industry. In 1965-1983, 18 cities in the United States and Canada scrapped taxi access mechanisms in order to encourage competition and encourage innovation.

  At that time, some scholars and experts did not agree that the taxi industry could adopt the principle of free market, believing that the many advantages of the taxi industry brought by relying on market forces would fail in an imperfect market environment, and regulation was a necessary means to correct the market failure. The main views of these scholars are: (1) Taxi is not a general commodity, taxi is a supplement to public transportation, and it is an important public service, especially for some cities with underdeveloped public transportation, and for some special groups (such as the elderly, the disabled, and outsiders) It is an irreplaceable basic service. ( 2) Passenger transportation is an extremely sensitive industry to safety, and regulation is conducive to the implementation of many measures to provide safe travel for passengers; (3) Regulation is conducive to fair and legal competition, such as some urban taxi markets are controlled by evil forces; (4) Regulation is conducive to the implementation of the cross-subsidy mechanism, and taxis under the control mechanism implement the same rate in the entire region to form a cross-subsidy mechanism, that is, peak income subsidizes flat peak, and high-density area income subsidizes low-density areas. If there is no such regulation, the service level of flat peak and low-density areas will decrease significantly, or even not be effectively served; (5) Asymmetric information leads to market failure, and regulation is to solve the information asymmetry existing in the taxi industry, which causes consumers to be disadvantaged; (6) Taxi is a random consumption It is difficult to survive the fittest through market forces. Regulation can reduce vicious competition. Free access will attract a large number of operators and individual operators to enter the market, ultimately leading to excessive supply of transportation capacity and affecting service quality.

  When the rental control system was relaxed, the number of taxis in these cities in the United States and Canada was oversupplied, and the revenue per driver was greatly reduced after the oversupply. Some cities were unable to maintain minimum income requirements and updated vehicle requirements. Those cities with a relatively large proportion of roadside tenancy quickly resumed the control system in the mid-to-late 1980s. Some cities had more roadside tenancy stations. Due to the oversupply of taxis, the waiting time for taxis was too long, which not only reduced their income, but also affected the efficiency of taxi turnover. Another layer of pressure on the taxi surplus is the price. Drivers constantly demand price increases, pick passengers, refuse to take short trips, "detour", and reduce the quality of taxis. All kinds of bad habits are even more and more serious.

  Fourteen cities, including Boston, Baltimore, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Seattle, regained their taxi number control systems, which basically ended the original 18 cities’ attempts to abandon the taxi number control system. Facts and actions once again confirmed the necessity of reasonable taxi control. The remaining cities that persisted for a period of time also partially reapplied the taxi control idea. And even though Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, which claims not to carry out quantity control, has suffered from excessive quantity, although many attempts to refer to New York’s management of operating rights have failed to control the quantity, Washington has in fact not issued new cards since 2010. In 2014, it was once again proposed to control the current number by 2016, so as to actually implement the management of the number of taxis, but it is a more flexible control mechanism than New York.

  The problem with taxi services is that they are not well regulated

  The taxi quantity control system is an important measure to ensure the stable development of taxis based on the characteristics of taxi services. However, if the establishment of a dynamic coordination mechanism for quantity, service quality, price, and driver income is ignored in the implementation process, the taxi market is also prone to various criticisms. The specific manifestations are: (1) quantity shortage, if the adjustment time interval in the quantity adjustment mechanism is too long, taxis are prone to form a shortage of supply and eventually form a regional or peak period taxi hailing difficulties; (2) hindering adjustment, if the market price of taxi operating licenses is too high, it is easy to form interest groups, and interest groups often try to prevent or delay the adjustment of quantity, or try to reduce the number of new taxis; (3) regional differences, quantity control can easily cause taxi services to be concentrated in areas with high demand for taxis, such as downtown commercial Areas with high demand for taxi travel, such as districts, cultural and entertainment areas, and hotels, will have insufficient taxi supply to low-income areas and suburban areas; (4) It is not easy to adjust prices, and the control mechanism often makes it difficult to adjust taxi prices. The taxi price adjustment mechanism requires a hearing to adjust prices. City governments often postpone taxi price adjustments as much as possible. Cities often do not adjust taxi prices for a long time until the price contradiction intensifies before starting to adjust prices. (5) Labor conflicts. Taxi control mechanisms can cause labor conflicts between some drivers without taxi operating licenses and the owners of operating licenses, because these drivers must pay the fee for using the license. When the overall economic situation or taxi market demand is not ideal, economic disputes are prone to occur.

  The current concession system implemented by "cruise taxis" in China. In 2002, the Ministry of Construction’s "Opinions on Accelerating the Market Process of Municipal Public Utilities" defined the municipal public utilities concession system as "in the municipal public utilities industry, the government grants enterprises the right to operate a certain municipal public product or service within a certain period of time and scope, that is, the concession right." Under what circumstances can the government implement concessions to a municipal public utilities industry? The answer is simple. It must be conducive to the realization of public interests and prevent operators from obtaining the privilege of monopolizing profits. The characteristics of taxi services are that individual citizens and outsiders have very weak service quality monitoring and bargaining power, while taxis are necessary and encouraged to develop travel tools. At the same time, by setting prices, the characteristics of weak bargaining power of individual consumers can be avoided. Whether the service characteristics of taxis are corporate operations or individual carriers, in the end, each rental service demand needs to be completed independently by a practitioner, and the demand is 24/7, regardless of frost, rain, day and night, the demand will exist, and the income of taxi practitioners must be guaranteed before someone is willing to provide services around the clock. Under the premise of taxi price limitation, in order to ensure that taxi practitioners and taxi operators have reasonable income and profits, a reasonable total control must be implemented on the number of taxis in a designated service area.

  As mentioned above, after the taxi market adopts concessions, if the lack of dynamic quantity control mechanism will cause the contradiction of taxi difficulty, if the lack of dynamic price control mechanism, it will cause the contradiction between taxi driver income and labor, if the lack of service quality control will cause the taxi service level is low. The current domestic taxi market has many problems and needs to be improved and improved, but it is undeniable that in the context of inflation in the past ten years, taxi prices have remained low for a long time (some cities have not even adjusted prices for 18 years), and many governments have hardly dared to get involved in taxi price adjustment. In recent years, due to factors such as oil prices, labor costs, traffic congestion, and labor conflicts, taxi prices have had to be adjusted in small strides. Taxi as a public service has basically maintained a stable, low-cost, and reliable transportation service. This is due to the hard work of employees and the government’s price control. Some current reports and commentaries demonize the taxi industry, arguing that it is unfair and rational to break the taxi concession system, and ignoring the valuable experience gained from international reform practices.

  III. The Internet promotes the further improvement of taxi control

  Finally, looking at the current regulatory status of taxi concessions in the United States, after the Internet companies Uber and Lyft launched Internet rental services and profitable ride-sharing platforms, has the United States called for and is breaking the taxi concession mechanism? The answer is no! Although all parts of the United States are setting various conditions through legislation to regulate Internet taxi-hailing software companies to engage in Internet rental services for cruise taxis and rental taxis, as well as gradually standardizing profitable ride-sharing platforms that are in conflict with traditional taxi operations, the United States has not called for breaking the taxi concession mechanism. Of course, many cities have also reviewed the impact of the Internet on traditional taxis when formulating Internet rental control regulations, and optimized the control system (such as requiring drivers to use taxi-hailing software compulsively, improving the price mechanism, reducing license fees, etc.). Uber Uber has expanded to more than 250 cities around the world under the impetus of capital forces, and these cities have not proposed to break the taxi concession mechanism. And some cities that were not regulated in the past are still joining the ranks of regulation.

  At the moment when the characteristics of taxi services have not fundamentally changed, a taxi concession mechanism is necessary. In the Internet age, especially when taxi-hailing software companies have absolutely occupied the online leasing market under the impetus of capital power, whether a taxi concession mechanism is still necessary, the answer is necessary. This is the guarantee mechanism to maintain that citizens can continue to enjoy low-priced, stable and fair passenger transportation services. However, the right to operate a taxi under the concession mechanism should not become a hotbed of rights and capital rent-seeking, and the right to operate a taxi should not be alienated into an investment asset and usurp monopoly income. This needs to be reformed and improved. In addition, to alleviate the problems of difficulty in taxi hailing, poor service, and single form, it is necessary to improve the control mechanism, rationally locate the function of taxis, dynamically evaluate the number and price of taxis, increase the number of cruising taxis in a timely manner, and vigorously develop legal rental and ride-sharing. The impact on the Internet should also be continuously observed. Only changes in the service characteristics of taxis can determine the reform of the control method. The sticks of the media, experts, and misguided citizens are in the wrong place. (Xu Kangming, Su Kui)

Does BYD Han ev need to install chassis guard?

BYD Han EV is an electric car, so it doesn’t need chassis guard.

Chassis guard is a device used to protect the bottom of the vehicle, and the battery pack of electric vehicles is usually located at the bottom of the vehicle, so installing chassis guard may cause damage to the battery pack.

In addition, the chassis guard will also affect the aerodynamic design of the vehicle and reduce the cruising range of the vehicle. Therefore, it is not recommended to install chassis guards.

For BYD Han EV owners, in order to protect the battery pack, you can choose to install a battery guard. The battery guard can completely surround the battery, reducing the risk of battery bumping.

However, it should be noted that the installation of battery guard may affect the heat dissipation effect of the battery, thus affecting the performance and cruising range of the vehicle.

Therefore, before installing the battery guard, it is recommended to consult the advice of professional technicians.

What is the change in the countdown market when the illegal "old scooter" is banned?

  Countdown to the violation of the "old scooter"

  Some merchants use the "new national standard" and "playing cards" to fool people.

  Electric tricycle is often called "old scooter". Recently, the news that the illegal "old scooter" will not be allowed to drive on the road or park in public places next year has attracted special attention. This incident originated from the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Illegal Electric Three-and Four-Wheelers jointly issued by various departments in 2021, which stipulated that a three-year transition period should be set for illegal electric three-and four-wheelers purchased before the promulgation of the Notice. On January 1, 2024, after the expiration of the transition period, law enforcement departments will strictly investigate and deal with relevant vehicles that violate the rules.

  The illegal "old scooter" is forbidden to stop and enter the countdown. What changes have taken place in the market? The reporter’s unannounced visit found that the sales of electric three-and four-wheeled vehicles have been very hot recently. Take the fully encapsulated new car as an example, the price generally exceeds 10,000 yuan, and the "agency fee" of about 2,000 yuan will be added to buy a new car. The reason why these cars are expensive is that they are all "new national standard" cars, which are legal vehicles and will not be checked on the road. In this regard, some citizens are very confused. In the 12345 hotline, the number of inquiries about the purchase of electric tricycles and driving on the road has also surged recently. Can an electric tricycle be bought now? Are all the "new GB" cars really legal vehicles? On the issues of public concern, the reporter asked the traffic control department for verification.

  On Xinhua South Road in Tongzhou District, various types of electric tricycles are for sale by the roadside.

  There are many electric tricycles parked on Xincheng South Street in Tongzhou District, and most of them have already hung the "Jing B" number plate.


  More and more old people use the "Jing B" number plate.

  On the afternoon of April 11th, the reporter passed by the road around wanda plaza, Tongzhou District, just in time for the children to leave school. All kinds of electric three-and four-wheeled vehicles kept passing by, and many vehicles were very similar in appearance to motor vehicles, with notes such as "for personal use" and "picking up children" posted on the windows. Through the window, it is not difficult to find that the drivers of vehicles are mainly elderly people. The reporter also found that the location of these vehicles’ hanging number plates has changed from the factory billboards or auspicious figures in the past to the "Jing B" number plate of motorcycles today.

  In front of a primary school, while parents were waiting for their children to leave school, the reporter interviewed a number of electric tricycle owners. Tian Laobo’s car is hung with the "Jing B" number plate. This car was recently bought by him, and it cost 16,000 yuan, and another 1,500 yuan was spent on the card. "Very expensive!" The old man frowned as he spoke. He said that in order to pick up and drop off the children, it is a once-and-for-all way to spend more money on a car that the traffic police don’t check.

  The reporter asked how to "once and for all"? The old man explained that when buying a car, the merchant told him that the traffic control department strictly investigated the "old scooter", so that kind of car could not be sold or on the road. Now the store is not selling the old scooter, but a three-wheeled motorcycle. Whether it is charged or burned with oil, it is a motorcycle. If you buy this car, the traffic police will not check it again. "Said this car is normal, in a directory, belong to ‘ New national standard ’ , not affected by the three-year transition period, just run. "

  Under the guidance of many parents, the reporter came to Xinhua South Road nearby, and there are many electric car shops on the west side of the road. The electric tricycles to be sold occupy the sidewalk in front of the store, which is dazzling. Many customers who are ready to buy a car are listening to the merchants’ "interpretation" of the laws and regulations on car purchase and driving.

  Merchants said that according to the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Illegal Electric Three-and Four-Wheelers, by the end of this year, all "old scooters" can no longer be sold or on the road. The car they are selling now is licensed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, but the car type is defined as a three-wheeled motorcycle, so it is necessary to get the "Beijing B" number plate. This kind of car can be bought with confidence and is not affected by the three-year transition period. "Because the vehicle has to enter the catalogue of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, it will cost a lot of money, so the car is expensive now. You spend thousands of dollars riding an illegal car, and it is thousands of dollars after being detained by the traffic police. It is better to buy a traffic police in one step and not check it. "

  Don’t you need to take a motor vehicle driver’s license to drive a motorcycle with "Jing B" number plate on the road? Faced with the reporter’s question, the merchant hesitated for a long time and replied that according to the current laws and regulations, only the "Beijing B" number plate is required for vehicles, and the driver is not required to hold a motor vehicle driver’s license. As for whether the traffic police will check it after the transition period expires, it has not yet been decided.


  All kinds of gimmicks make it difficult to tell the truth from the false.

  The reporter’s visit found that in many urban areas, merchants have different interpretations of the policies and regulations of electric three-wheeled vehicles. In addition to the "new national standard" that is strongly advocated, "licensing" has become a big gimmick.

  When visiting a number of electric car shops in West Building Materials City, Changping District, the merchants asked the reporter whether his ID card belonged to Changping District or Haidian District. The merchant explained that it is necessary to recognize the ID card to apply for the "Jing B" number plate now. The West Road of Building Materials City is at the junction of Changping District and Haidian District, but the rules for licensing in the two regions are different. If Changping District is shown on the ID card, the "Jing B" number plate can be handled directly, but if it is Haidian District, it is counted as within the six districts of the city and cannot be handled. "If you are from Haidian, we can do it for you and find a Gong Hu in the outer suburbs, but the handling fee will be more expensive, and you have to add 1,700 yuan."

  In the past week, the reporter made unannounced visits to a number of electric car dealers in many regions. The opinions of the merchants mainly focused on the following points: First, the "old scooter" will no longer be allowed to go on the road in the future, and the "new national standard" car is a three-wheeled motorcycle, which can replace the old scooter. Second, the "new national standard" car belongs to a motor vehicle, and it needs to be on the "Beijing B" number plate, which can be handled by itself or through "licensing". Third, drivers are not required to hold motor vehicle driving licenses, which are not within the scope of strict investigation by the traffic control department and are not affected by the three-year transition period.

  The reporter inquired about the relevant policies and found that these conclusions given by the merchants were full of doubts. While avoiding talking about many core requirements issued by the government, many laws and regulations were re-grafted out of context, and a large number of concepts were completely confused.

  Question 1

  Are all "old scooters" banned at the end of the year?

  Liu Jian, deputy squadron leader of the Motor Vehicle Management Squadron of the Vehicle Administration Office, told the reporter that the term "old scooter" is a concept hyped by businesses, which generally refers to electric three-and four-wheeled vehicles. There is no iterative or mutual elimination relationship between the two. In the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Illegal Electric Three-and Four-Wheelers", the handling methods for the sale and riding of illegal electric three-and four-wheelers have been clarified. The merchant said, "All ‘ Elderly scooter ’ It is not accurate to say that you will not be allowed to go on the road in the future. There are compliance and non-compliance among electric three-and four-wheeled vehicles. Among them, when the compliant vehicles leave the factory, they should obtain the factory qualification certificate of the whole motor vehicle, and at the same time, they should be included in the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products, which is also referred to as the "Announcement Catalogue" for merchants. At present, there are more than 900 models and more than 170 brands of related vehicles involved. For compliant vehicles, there is no "new national standard", and the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products has always existed and is constantly updated.

  Hou Fei, chief of the Ping An Office, said that according to the requirements of the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Illegal Electric Three-and Four-Wheelers, from January 1 next year, illegal electric three-and four-wheelers will be completely banned from the road in Beijing. At this stage, for the management of these vehicles, the traffic control department mainly investigates drivers’ illegal driving behaviors such as running lights and retrograde. Now the compliant vehicles being sold by merchants are actually not unrestricted. The driving range allowed by compliant electric tricycles is outside the Sixth Ring Road in Beijing. In the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Three-wheeled Motorcycles and Disabled Wheelchairs issued in 2010, it is clearly stipulated that three-wheeled motorcycles are prohibited from driving on the roads within the Sixth Ring Road (inclusive) of this city. The so-called compliant electric four-wheeled vehicles are actually regarded as electric vehicles, and the relevant requirements refer to the relevant management measures for new energy vehicles.

  Question 2

  Just license the vehicle, don’t you need the driver’s license?

  "Just now we have talked about the difference between an electric tricycle and a four-wheeled vehicle." Liu Jian said that electric tricycles belong to three-wheeled motorcycles and need to be equipped with motorcycle number plates, while electric four-wheeled vehicles need to be equipped with special number plates for new energy vehicles since they are regarded as electric vehicles.

  "The need for a motor vehicle driver’s license has nothing to do with the transition period." Wen Wei, a policeman from the Optimization Section of the Order Department, told reporters that it is also wrong for merchants to say that they only need to be licensed without holding a motor vehicle driver’s license. As long as you are driving a motor vehicle on the road, the driver should hold the corresponding motor vehicle driver’s license. Even if you are riding an electric tricycle, driving without a motor vehicle driver’s license is also an unlicensed driving behavior.

  Question 3

  Why are businesses misleading consumers repeatedly prohibited?

  In the verification of the traffic control department, the reporter found that the driving requirements for electric three-wheeled vehicles also include many aspects, such as the requirements for drivers and their age, that is, those over 18 and under 60, and those over 70 need to downgrade their motor vehicle driving licenses. The purpose of all kinds of requirements is to protect the driving safety of drivers and maintain the traffic order in this city. However, why do businesses now dare to mislead consumers with laws and regulations?

  Under the surface, there are still many details worthy of further refinement by relevant departments. Previously, when this newspaper conducted a series of surveys on the scooter for the elderly, it was very common for businesses to sell electric three-and four-wheeled vehicles to the elderly without motor vehicle driving licenses. Compared with the process of buying a car, because the driver’s license information needs to be provided when shaking the number, the probability of the driver driving without a license after buying a car is greatly reduced. When buying an electric three-wheeled vehicle, who will supervise whether the car buyer has a driver’s license? In the process of vehicle inspection, it is not mandatory for me to be present or provide identification of the vehicle owner. From this point of view, there is still room for further improvement in many links in the whole process.


  How to choose a compliant electric tricycle?

  Recently, the people who are very concerned about the purchase and riding regulations of electric three-wheeled vehicles are parents of students. Since April 14th, many parents have reported that some kindergartens and primary schools have started to count how many children go to and from school by electric tricycle. Many parents ask, when buying an electric tricycle, how can you know whether the car you bought is compliant or not?

  The traffic control department suggested that the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products is an important basis, and the brands and models of compliant vehicles can be compared with the relevant information in the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. However, the reporter found that the information that can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is displayed in batches, not a summary table. For example, at present, the 370th batch is being publicized. In the form, all kinds of vehicles are mixed together, and there are dozens of types such as motorcycles, wreckers and caravans. It is not convenient to find the corresponding batch and then pick out the corresponding vehicle type. Although there is a query function at the top of the form, it is necessary to provide all kinds of information such as enterprise name, product trademark, product name and product model, which is difficult for the elderly to query.

  After further verification with the traffic control department, in addition to referring to the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products, there is another simple way, that is, to check the ex-factory certificate of the vehicle from the seller during the car purchase process. This certificate of conformity is like the "identity card" of a compliant vehicle, and its content corresponds to the registration information of the vehicle in the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products.

  In addition to compliance with cars, people should also be "compliant". Electric tricycles belong to three-wheeled motorcycles, and motorcycles are divided into ordinary motorcycles and mopeds. To apply for ordinary motorcycle driving qualification, you need to meet the requirements of over 18 years old and under 60 years old, while to apply for moped driving qualification, you can be over 18 years old. If you are over 70 years old, you are not allowed to drive ordinary motorcycles, and you should be downgraded to moped, that is, "F".

  It should be noted that the difference between ordinary and mopeds is not judged only by the size and weight of the vehicle. According to the standard, motorcycles with a speed of more than 50 km/h, a displacement of more than 50cc and a total rated power of motors of more than 4 kW are recognized as ordinary motorcycles. In the process of buying a car, consumers can consult the merchants for detailed vehicle parameters.

  In addition, compliant electric four-wheeled vehicles are small and micro passenger vehicles, and the vehicle classification belongs to pure electric vehicles among new energy vehicles. The requirements for licensing, purchase and driving on the road refer to the relevant management measures for new energy vehicles.

Adjust integrated PC version of Google Play game to unlock more cross-device marketing opportunities.

Play Install Referrer API makes cross-platform game distribution and monitoring easier and more efficient.

March 13th, 2024, Beijing–Adjust, a leading monitoring and data analysis company, today announced the integration of Google Play games for PC, which not only created a precedent in the industry, but also became a key milestone in empowering game application developers, marketers and studios, and made the launching and monitoring of cross-platform marketing promotion activities easier, smoother and more efficient. By adding the Google Play Install Referrer API, Adjust can directly attribute the installation to PC-side promotion activities, strengthen the monitoring ability of PC| host, help application developers better grasp the channel performance, and find the channel that can attract the most application users from Google Play Store.

For a long time, the development and performance monitoring of cross-platform games are quite difficult and require a lot of resources. Now, relying on the PC version of Google Play game, Android game developers can publish Android applications on the computer webpage, providing players with a more immersive and smoother cross-platform game experience. But how can we carry out efficient monitoring on the PC side? Adjust this new integration is the long-awaited answer for marketers.

"Cross-device game is not only a function that players dream of, but also a channel for users with unlimited potential. Its rise has brought huge opportunities to mobile game developers." Dr. Gijsbert Pols, Director of Adjust Internet TV and New Channels, said, "After Adjust Android SDK integrates Google Play Install Referrer API, developers can better adjust their marketing strategies and broaden their application coverage."

In a recent questionnaire survey, as many as 71% of American respondents said that if their favorite mobile games were transplanted to PC or host platform, they would be willing to download or buy them. It can be seen that the demand of players for cross-platform game functions is getting stronger and stronger, and this demand also promotes Adjust to make unremitting efforts to continuously develop innovative and easy-to-use solutions.

The direct integration of Adjust and the PC version of Google Play game Play Install Referrer API opens up more growth opportunities for game application developers, marketers and studios, which can provide seamless cross-platform game experience and efficient monitoring, and promote the continuous growth of ROI.

Relying on Adjust’s powerful PC | host monitoring solution, marketers can carry out efficient and effective cross-platform monitoring, fully cover players and expand the game efficiently. By evaluating the actual influence of PC and host platform marketing activities, marketers can expand new channels, optimize ROI, and make the most of every penny of the budget.

"Today’s consumers are willing to interact with advertisements and will play our games on various platforms such as PC and mobile. Therefore, we also need attribution service providers that can cross devices and platforms. " Robert Zhao, head of data analysis and marketing of Take Two Interactive Software, Inc, said, "Adjust supports multi-platform monitoring, has powerful reporting functions and innovative monitoring tools for PC version of Google Play games, which enables us to streamline the management of promotion activities and monitor the game LTV confidently and accurately no matter which platform we face."

Introduction to Adjust

Adjust, a subsidiary of AppLovin, aims to help mass applications achieve multi-platform monitoring and business growth from mobile to connected TV, and is trusted by global marketers. Whether it is a fast-growing digital brand or an entity company in the field of testing water applications, Adjust can escort its application marketing journey. Adjust’s powerful monitoring and data analysis suite can gain insight into marketing performance, draw key insights and provide a variety of necessary tools to help marketers achieve excellent marketing results.

Disclaimer: This article is reprinted by our website, aiming to provide readers with more news information. The contents involved do not constitute investment and consumption suggestions, and are for readers’ reference only.

[Editor: Zhong Jingwen]

The 48-hour three-time swimming world record genius Ziegler terrorizes the world.

    Titan sports News Ten months ahead of schedule, American female long-distance swimmer kate ziegler began to build momentum for her trip to the Beijing Olympic Games next year. On October 14th, in a short-course competition in Essen, Germany, Ziegler set a new world record for the 800m freestyle just two days ago-it was the third time in a row that she broke the world record within 48 hours!

    [Breaking records becomes a common practice]

    The 19-year-old Ziegler swam 8 minutes and 8 seconds in the 800-meter freestyle on the 14th, but in the 12th, she had already achieved 8 minutes and 9 seconds and 68 seconds in the first 800 meters of the 1,500-meter race, breaking the previous 800-meter world record of 8 minutes and 11 seconds held by French player Manudou. It took Ziegler only 15 minutes, 32.90 seconds to swim the whole 1500 meters, which also broke Manudu’s world record of 15 minutes, 42.39 seconds. This is the second time that she has broken the world record of 1500 meters in nearly 10 seconds! In June this year, Ziegler broke the world record of 15 minutes, 52.10 seconds set by Janet Evans, the greatest female swimmer in American history, in 15 minutes, 42.54 seconds, and shortened the record by 9.56 seconds at one time.

    Evans, who retired 10 years ago, was also amazed at Ziegler’s achievements. The latter once sincerely praised Ziegler when he broke his world record for the first time in June this year: "1500 meters has always been my favorite. Kate broke my record at the same age as I was. It was terrible. This record often advances by 1/100th of a second, so you have to admit that she is one of the greatest athletes in the 1500m event. "

    Kate ziegler was born in Virginia, USA on June 27th, 1988, and won the 800m and 1500m gold medals in two consecutive swimming world championships in 2005 and 2007. She is also the second female swimmer to swim 16 points in the 1500m after Evans.

    Ziegler is simply a swimmer born for records-he is good at freestyle from 200 meters to 1500 meters. Since he was 15 years old, he has set new American records one after another, including American records of all ages in long-distance events, many of which are on Evans’ shoulder. What is more representative is that in February 2005, she broke the national record of 800 meters, which had been silent for 25 years, in 8 minutes 16.32 seconds, which was also the longest national record in American swimming events at that time. Now, the national records of American 500-meter freestyle, 800-meter freestyle, 1000-meter freestyle and 1500-meter freestyle have been recorded in Ziegler’s name!

    [A swimsuit makes a genius]

    In fact, kate ziegler didn’t show her talent for swimming when she was a child. Even when she was 6 years old, she started swimming training not because she was attracted by the sport, but because the uniform of a swimming team near her home was particularly beautiful, so she cried and begged her parents to buy one for herself. Ziegler recalled: "It was a blue team uniform with beautiful patterns like fireworks. I think it’s so cool. " However, her mother told her that she wouldn’t buy it for her unless she joined the swimming team. "At that time, I cried when I talked." Ziegler said with a smile, "Later, I met with the coach of the swimming team and immediately felt at home. Since then, I have been insisting on swimming down. "

    At the age of 9, Ziegler was once again stumped by swimming, because at this age, children need to change from the 25m pool to the 50m pool. "I remember crying and shouting,’ I’m not swimming! I can’t swim 50 meters.’ "Ziegler laughed and recalled," fortunately, I persisted later. Now I like swimming 1500 meters best. " She is now faster than all the female athletes in the world in this event.

    However, because there is no women’s 1500-meter swimming event in the Olympic Games, Ziegler can only lock her gold medal goal above 800 meters, which makes her feel very depressed. "I can’t understand this situation, but I can’t change it."

    In June this year, Ziegler broke the dusty record of 1500m freestyle with a time of 15 minutes 42.54 seconds, less than 10 days before her 19th birthday. Ray Benecchi, the coach who has been training Ziegler since she was 13 years old, commented on the significance of the new record: "Shortening the record by 10 seconds means shortening every 100 meters by 2/3 seconds, which is like shortening the world record of 100 meters freestyle by 0.36 seconds. Perhaps, 10 seconds is really too much! "

    However, in people’s general consciousness, including the World Championships, the champion of any competition and the world record are not as heavy as an Olympic gold medal. After the National Swimming Championships, Ziegler rested for three weeks, during which he only went into the water occasionally to keep his feeling. "My central task this year is to adjust my state for the Olympic Games. For a long time, there are many really great swimmers who swim very well in non-Olympic years, but they are not remembered because they are not achievements in the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games is a difficult challenge, and I am full of expectations for it. "

    [Homesick girls drop out of school to prepare for war]

    Ziegler defines herself as a homesick girl. "Even if our whole family is going on vacation together, I will say, I want to stay at home and sleep."

    Even though she has become one of the best swimmers in the world, before she graduated from high school in June 2006, Ziegler will still compete on behalf of her O’Connell high school swimming team. Her contract with Speedo, a swimming costume sponsor, was signed in 2013, and her salary was as high as seven figures. However, Ziegler believes that money is not what he values most. "Teammates are more important than making money. I love my alma mater and I feel very comfortable in O’Connell High School. "

    When she gave up her university scholarship to become a professional athlete in 2006, she made a homesick choice again. After visiting Georgia and Florida, she chose to stay in George Mei Sen, where she grew up. "So I can take my clothes home to wash and eat a great home-cooked meal every day. Great, I am close to home, and I can see my mother whenever I want to hug her. "

    Not only that, in George Mei Sen’s men’s and women’s swimming team, Ziegler volunteered to be an assistant coach, and sometimes he trained with the men’s 1500m swimmers.

    The reason why Ziegler temporarily gave up the university scholarship is that she had to concentrate on training one year before the Olympic Games. After the Olympic Games, she will return to school to study for a degree in psychology. "I think if I just swim every day, I will go crazy. I need to find a balance in my life. " Mother revealed that Ziegler has an innate fear of new things, which is why her mother tried every means to coax her daughter into joining the swimming team. "But Kate knows that she has enough good things, and she has enough motivation to do better!"

    [National Team: Second Home]

    Even though it is almost certain that he can represent the United States in next year’s Olympic Games, Ziegler still can’t believe this sudden happiness. "In the past, I have paid attention to the reports of great swimmers like Natalie Coughlin and Phelps. Then I found myself on their team. This is me? Why am I here?’ These people are all heroes in my mind. When someone asks me for photos, I will ask,’ What do you want my photos for? Do you know me?’ When I first joined the national team, I dare say that people didn’t know me at that time. They just saw me wearing the training uniform of the American team. "

    Usually, the famous swimming stars are concentrated in short-distance events, so Ziegler decided to take a high-profile attitude for the sake of the popularity of his long-distance events. As a long-distance runner, she often feels lonely, which is an important reason why she wants to stay with her high school teammates, and then work with her college teammates who can’t compete with her at all and train with her club teammates. She said: "The national team is like another home, just like high school in O’Connell or George Mei Sen. Everywhere I go, I try to build a small circle as warm as home."

    The uniforms of the American team are red, white and blue, and there are no fireworks-like patterns, but it doesn’t matter. Ziegler will add brilliant fireworks himself.

Editor: Lu Fangfei