Yang Chuantang: We will comprehensively deepen the reform of taxis and encourage new business models such as online car-hailing

  The Press Center of the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress held a press conference at 10:00 on Monday, March 14 in the Multifunction Hall of the Media Center. Yang Chuantang, Minister of Transport, Liu Xiaoming, Director of the Transportation Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, and Guo Jifu, Director of the Beijing Transportation Development Research Center, were invited to answer questions from Chinese and foreign reporters on "deepening the reform and development of taxis."

(Two Sessions · Rui's Perspective) (1) Transportation Minister Yang Chuantang and others answered reporters' questions on "deepening the reform and development of taxis"

  On March 14, the Press Center of the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress held a press conference and invited Yang Chuantang, Minister of Transport, Liu Xiaoming, Director of the Transport Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, and Guo Jifu, Director of the Beijing Transportation Development Research Center, to answer questions from Chinese and foreign reporters on "deepening the reform and development of taxis." This is Yang Chuantang’s briefing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin

  The first financial reporter:The recent rise of ride-hailing has greatly changed the way people get around, but we have also heard a lot of complaints from the taxi and private car industries. May I ask Minister Yang, have you taken into account and taken into account the interests of all parties when formulating these two documents? Is there any deeper background for formulating these two documents?

  Yang Chuantang:Thank you for your question. The reform and development of taxis is related to the travel of the people and the overall situation of social stability. The Ministry of Transport has always attached great importance to this work. Since 2008, the Ministry of Transport has assumed the responsibility of guiding the taxi industry, and has been working hard to promote the reform of the taxi industry. It has successively issued a number of regulations and issued a number of documents. Especially in response to the new situation and new problems brought about by the rise of online car-hailing, in accordance with the overall deployment of the country’s comprehensive deepening reform, the Ministry of Transport carried out surveys and studies in July 2014, and in November 2014 officially expressed its attitude of encouraging and inclusive innovation in the development of online car-hailing.

  In January 2015, our ministry officially established a reform working group, and together with relevant departments, we began to study the policies for deepening the reform of the taxi industry and standardizing the development of online car-hailing. We embarked on a top-level design and fully launched the reform work of the industry. We conducted special surveys in 21 different types of cities and studied the laws, regulations and management policies of taxis in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Singapore and other countries, as well as in Hong Kong and Taiwan. We also held more than 50 seminars, demonstrations and consultations of different scopes and levels. We widely listened to the opinions of all parties and repeatedly conducted research and demonstration.

  The relevant departments of the central government and the State Council have also participated in the drafting and revision of the taxi reform document throughout the process. In late June 2015, the Ministry of Transport held a special symposium on deepening the reform of the taxi industry. On July 20, a demonstration meeting on deepening the reform of the taxi industry was held, and the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Further Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" were formed. The exposure draft of these two documents has been open to the public for one month since October 10 last year. The reason why this opportunity was chosen for reform is to take into account the interests of the people, that is, to adhere to the people-oriented, that is, to take the passenger as the center. This is the starting point and the end point of this reform.

  The direction of reform has two aspects: first, to improve the service level of traditional taxis and better meet the needs of the people to travel. In the 1990s, our country’s taxis experienced rapid development and played an extremely important and positive role in alleviating travel difficulties. The majority of business operators and taxi drivers have made positive contributions and become a business card of the city, which should be fully recognized. With the passage of time, there have also been many new situations and problems. In some cities, it is difficult to take a taxi, the quality of industry services is not high, and the people’s multi-level travel needs cannot be effectively met. At the same time, the problem of industry instability is sometimes more prominent. These all urgently need to reform the taxi management system and mechanism to improve and improve the service level.

  The second is to encourage the innovation and standardized development of new business forms of online car-hailing, which is also to better meet the needs of the people. In recent years, the rise of new business forms such as online car-hailing has indeed brought new experiences to passengers, but also led to the intertwining of old and new contradictions, the collision of interests, and even caused a series of industry problems. In the process of development, outstanding problems in the safety protection of passengers and fair competition in the market need to be solved urgently. While encouraging innovation, we must seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and standardize its development. The General Secretary of the Supreme Leader pointed out that the people’s yearning for a better life is our goal. The people’s expectations and voices for improving travel needs are the direction of our work. We must make this the focus of our work and step up the reform of the taxi industry to better serve the people’s transportation.

  The comprehensive deepening of taxi reform this time involves a wide range of areas and the public is very concerned about it. In the process of promoting reform, we have earnestly implemented the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, taking innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing as the development concept, and taking the "Internet +" action plan as an opportunity, adhering to the reform principles of people-oriented, encouraging innovation, overall consideration, and legal norms, and have studied and formulated relevant specific content around this principle. At the same time, we also promote the idea of stock reform and market segmentation to improve transportation services by increments, especially through "taxi + Internet" to promote the improvement and improvement of traditional taxi services and achieve transformation and upgrading; through "Internet + taxi" to build a diverse and differentiated taxi service system, promote the classification management and dislocation of new and old business formats, and gradually integrate development.

  The main content of this reform is reflected in the two documents exposure draft. For the entire taxi industry, there are mainly six aspects: First, it is necessary to clarify the positioning. Taxi is an integral part of the urban comprehensive transportation system and a supplement to urban public transportation. It provides personalized transportation services for the public. Priority should be given to the development of public transportation and the appropriate development of taxis. Second, it is necessary to establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for the scale of transportation capacity, adjust the scale of transportation capacity in a timely manner, and solve the contradiction between supply and demand. Third, it is necessary to reform the management of operating rights, implement restrictions on the period of operation rights and free use, and shall not speculate and transfer without authorization. Fourth, it is necessary to build a diversified service system including cruise taxis and booking taxis to meet the travel needs of the people at different levels. Fifth, reform the system of molecular money, from the past government regulation to equal consultation between enterprises or industry associations and drivers or trade unions, and encourage and use the technology of the Internet to build a reasonable distribution mechanism for the interests of enterprises and drivers. Sixth, we must improve the price formation mechanism and give full play to the leverage role of freight rates in regulating market supply and demand.

  In response to the management of online car-hailing, the Interim Measures mainly clarify the core content of four aspects: First, clarify the positioning of development. In accordance with the high-quality and differentiated business principles, develop online car-hailing in an orderly manner. Second, under the current legal framework, license management is implemented for online car-hailing operators, drivers and vehicles. Third, standardize the business behavior of online car-hailing. Fourth, establish a multi-departmental joint supervision mechanism to strengthen supervision during and after the event.

There are 7 people in the queue of 20 people hired by Chengdu online celebrity Cake Shop.

  There is an online buzzword: I have walked the longest road, which is your routine. Now, it may have to be changed to: "The longest queue I have ever stood in is all for child care."

  Especially in some tea shops, doughnut shops, Guo Kui shops and other snack bars, and even at the door of hot pot restaurants, it is often seen that there are many people waiting in line at any time, and some even have 40-50 people waiting in line. "The line is too long, and the road can’t be lined up!" People can’t help but sprout. Are these people in line really queuing? Or a fake queue?

  Even at noon when the outdoor temperature is 39℃, there is always a long queue in front of a snack bar named "Beef Youmo" in Dakejia Lane, Chunxi Business Circle, Chengdu. From July 10 to July 12, Huaxi Dushi Bao-cover journalists chose the methods of on-site squatting, shooting videos and unannounced visits, trying to expose the truth behind them.

  doubtful point

  The average taste of beef oil is 7 people, and each time they buy one, they queue up repeatedly.

  During the summer vacation, Mr. Chen from Guangdong took his children and his family of three to Chengdu to play. When passing Dakejia Lane in Chunxi Road business circle, he was attracted by a queue of more than 30 meters long in front of a snack bar named "Beef Youmo", and intuitively judged that the cakes in this store should be very delicious.

  Walking into this small shop of about 10 square meters, two or three employees are busy in the shop. On the wall, there are all kinds of flavors of beef oil (similar to Guo Kui but with more fillings), and the prices are all in 10 yuan. If it weren’t for the long queue, this old-fashioned shop would be unremarkable at all.

  At noon, the outdoor temperature is close to 40℃. Mr. Chen asked his wife and children to wait on the bench and queue up by themselves.

  The reporter estimated that it was Mr. Chen’s turn to buy from 12: 50 until 1: 30. "It tastes just so-so. I don’t think it’s worth waiting in such a long line to buy food."

  "There are still few people now, and there are more people on weekends or holidays." A man in white short sleeves shouted hard. "Bake now and sell now, come on, let’s take advantage of the fact that there are fewer people in the queue now … …” When people come in line, the lead conductor will quickly step forward, collect money, and then give customers bags to wait in line.

  From July 10th to 11th, from 12 noon to 17: 00, reporters were on the scene for two days. There are at least 12 people in the queue, and more than 20 people, most of whom are tourists with foreign accents.

  In the tens of meters long queue, there are also some tourists who give up queuing and leave halfway. However, during the four or five hours of squatting, the reporter found a strange phenomenon: at least seven people were waiting in line from 1 o’clock until the reporter left. These include three women traveling together, a man and a woman traveling together and two separate men. Different from other tourists, these seven people appear to be with an easy grace, unhurried, and some of them are either playing mobile phones or whispering to each other, talking and laughing. The reporter roughly estimated that the seven people had lined up at least four or five times in the whole afternoon, and even seven or eight times.

  Their behavior and trajectory are also surprisingly consistent: queuing and buying only one. After buying it, they didn’t eat it directly, but left slowly in the direction of a large supermarket nearby. After about 10 minutes, these people returned to the queue. Then, the beef oil in their hands disappeared. The reporter noticed that these seven people will not appear in the team at the same time. Generally, three or four people will line up at a time and repeat the cycle.


  Two days before and after, four people all lined up to buy cakes and went to the same place.

  The behavior of these people is full of doubts. If you buy beef oil, why not buy enough at once, but go to the queue four or five times and buy only one at a time? They left with beef oil and returned in just 10 minutes. Did they eat the food or where did they go? With these doubts, all the reporters continued to observe at the door of the store, and the other reporters followed the footsteps of these people all the way to see where they went.

  Time: 12 noon on July 10th — twenty past five p.m.

  The reporter first noticed four people. A man in grey short sleeves, jeans and khaki sandals. At 13: 59, he appeared in the queue, holding a paper bag in his right hand. In front of him, a trio of women appeared together, in which a tall woman wore a flowered skirt, a short-haired woman wore denim shorts and white short sleeves, and another middle-aged woman wore green short sleeves, which was very conspicuous.

  About 20 minutes later, each of the three young women left with a beef oil, passed by the door of a large shopping mall nearby, and then entered the first city, passing through a 1-meter-wide passage next to the entrance of the parking lot of Kejia Building at No.48 Zhengkejia Lane, and then entered a small door. In less than 10 minutes, three people came out of this door empty-handed. Subsequently, the gray short-sleeved man also entered this small door. After more than 10 minutes, they appeared in the queue again.

  From 12 noon to 5: 20 pm, the reporter found that there were at least seven people who participated in the queue for three times, most of them were gray short-sleeved men and trio, and they went back and forth at least four or five times. When the queue was the largest, there were 20 people in the queue, 7 of whom were "old faces".

  Time: 1: 00 noon on July 11th — 4 p.m.

  At 1 pm on July 11, the reporter went to the scene for investigation again. As the day before, there was still a long queue here. The clerk in white short sleeves who is in charge of collecting money and directing the queue is still the same shouting words.

  Soon, the reporter found that several people who appeared the day before appeared again. In the women’s trio, the flowered skirt was replaced by a yellow striped skirt, the short-haired woman with denim shorts, and the white short sleeves were replaced by blue short sleeves, while the middle-aged woman with green short sleeves wore white short sleeves. A men’s gray short sleeves turned into dark shirts. Since 2 o’clock, these four people have walked back and forth three or four times along the route of the previous day.

  Different from the day before, the reporter noticed that several new faces appeared. After combing the two-day investigation, nearly 10 "customers" in this store are suspected of being childcare.

  Starting from the bottom

  A special company organizes fake queues for 10 times a day with a monthly salary of 1,500 yuan.

  What is the identity of these childcare, and where did they come from? In order to solve these puzzles, the reporter immediately contacted the clerk in charge of collecting money and directing the queue on the grounds of part-time job. At the scene, the clerk refused at first, saying that they didn’t need to recruit part-time jobs. It may be considered that there are too many people on the scene, and then he asked reporters to add WeChat communication first.

  Looking through his circle of friends, in the past year, almost all of them have shown off small videos and photos of long queues in the store. For example, on July 5, he proudly said in the video: More than 30 people lined up in the rain on rainy days, too many people! For example, on May 5, there was a long queue of nearly forty or fifty people in the video. He said, "The queue is too long, and the road can’t be lined up!"

  The reporter repeatedly asked the clerk to directly recruit himself for a part-time job, but he was rejected.

  He said that all the people in the queue are sent by intermediary companies every day, and the store can’t directly recruit people. He added that there is a group of intermediary companies with more than 200 people who signed up at 6 o’clock the day before and only recruited the top 20 people.

  He further explained that if he really wants to do it, he can take the reporter to see the boss of a part-time company and then enter his group. "You can ask him to arrange it for you every day."

  In fact, it’s not just queuing that involves fraud. At first, the shop assistant asked the reporter about his height, and said that if the height and other conditions were good, singers who participated in some activities could "lip-synch".

  The survey found that these intermediary companies are very mature. On the one hand, by recruiting a large number of part-time staff, and then "selling" in batches. Some stores that need "child care", the intermediary company is responsible for sending a batch of "child care" every day, and the price ranges from tens to hundreds of yuan. After the role "playing" is completed, we can pay the fee quickly by means of WeChat transfer, and the intermediary earns the difference for a living.

  Vertical depth

  Consumers Association, lawyers say: This is consumer fraud!

  Lawyer Chen Fengfeng of Sichuan Yingji Law Firm believes that operators hire people to queue up, which means that operators use asymmetric transaction information to artificially create the phenomenon of people queuing, create an illusion that products are popular with the public and business is prosperous, and use people’s curiosity and conformity psychology to gain good reputation and benefits. Legally speaking, this is a kind of consumer fraud, that is, by covering up the real situation of commodity sales, the operator deceives consumers to mistakenly trust the quality of the commodity and consume it.

  The reporter called the industrial and commercial complaint 12315 consumer hotline to reflect, and the staff said: it is fraudulent for snack bars to hire people to queue up to induce consumers to consume. The public should actively report such things, and whether the snack bar behavior involves illegality needs further verification.

The 48-hour three-time swimming world record genius Ziegler terrorizes the world.

    Titan sports News Ten months ahead of schedule, American female long-distance swimmer kate ziegler began to build momentum for her trip to the Beijing Olympic Games next year. On October 14th, in a short-course competition in Essen, Germany, Ziegler set a new world record for the 800m freestyle just two days ago-it was the third time in a row that she broke the world record within 48 hours!

    [Breaking records becomes a common practice]

    The 19-year-old Ziegler swam 8 minutes and 8 seconds in the 800-meter freestyle on the 14th, but in the 12th, she had already achieved 8 minutes and 9 seconds and 68 seconds in the first 800 meters of the 1,500-meter race, breaking the previous 800-meter world record of 8 minutes and 11 seconds held by French player Manudou. It took Ziegler only 15 minutes, 32.90 seconds to swim the whole 1500 meters, which also broke Manudu’s world record of 15 minutes, 42.39 seconds. This is the second time that she has broken the world record of 1500 meters in nearly 10 seconds! In June this year, Ziegler broke the world record of 15 minutes, 52.10 seconds set by Janet Evans, the greatest female swimmer in American history, in 15 minutes, 42.54 seconds, and shortened the record by 9.56 seconds at one time.

    Evans, who retired 10 years ago, was also amazed at Ziegler’s achievements. The latter once sincerely praised Ziegler when he broke his world record for the first time in June this year: "1500 meters has always been my favorite. Kate broke my record at the same age as I was. It was terrible. This record often advances by 1/100th of a second, so you have to admit that she is one of the greatest athletes in the 1500m event. "

    Kate ziegler was born in Virginia, USA on June 27th, 1988, and won the 800m and 1500m gold medals in two consecutive swimming world championships in 2005 and 2007. She is also the second female swimmer to swim 16 points in the 1500m after Evans.

    Ziegler is simply a swimmer born for records-he is good at freestyle from 200 meters to 1500 meters. Since he was 15 years old, he has set new American records one after another, including American records of all ages in long-distance events, many of which are on Evans’ shoulder. What is more representative is that in February 2005, she broke the national record of 800 meters, which had been silent for 25 years, in 8 minutes 16.32 seconds, which was also the longest national record in American swimming events at that time. Now, the national records of American 500-meter freestyle, 800-meter freestyle, 1000-meter freestyle and 1500-meter freestyle have been recorded in Ziegler’s name!

    [A swimsuit makes a genius]

    In fact, kate ziegler didn’t show her talent for swimming when she was a child. Even when she was 6 years old, she started swimming training not because she was attracted by the sport, but because the uniform of a swimming team near her home was particularly beautiful, so she cried and begged her parents to buy one for herself. Ziegler recalled: "It was a blue team uniform with beautiful patterns like fireworks. I think it’s so cool. " However, her mother told her that she wouldn’t buy it for her unless she joined the swimming team. "At that time, I cried when I talked." Ziegler said with a smile, "Later, I met with the coach of the swimming team and immediately felt at home. Since then, I have been insisting on swimming down. "

    At the age of 9, Ziegler was once again stumped by swimming, because at this age, children need to change from the 25m pool to the 50m pool. "I remember crying and shouting,’ I’m not swimming! I can’t swim 50 meters.’ "Ziegler laughed and recalled," fortunately, I persisted later. Now I like swimming 1500 meters best. " She is now faster than all the female athletes in the world in this event.

    However, because there is no women’s 1500-meter swimming event in the Olympic Games, Ziegler can only lock her gold medal goal above 800 meters, which makes her feel very depressed. "I can’t understand this situation, but I can’t change it."

    In June this year, Ziegler broke the dusty record of 1500m freestyle with a time of 15 minutes 42.54 seconds, less than 10 days before her 19th birthday. Ray Benecchi, the coach who has been training Ziegler since she was 13 years old, commented on the significance of the new record: "Shortening the record by 10 seconds means shortening every 100 meters by 2/3 seconds, which is like shortening the world record of 100 meters freestyle by 0.36 seconds. Perhaps, 10 seconds is really too much! "

    However, in people’s general consciousness, including the World Championships, the champion of any competition and the world record are not as heavy as an Olympic gold medal. After the National Swimming Championships, Ziegler rested for three weeks, during which he only went into the water occasionally to keep his feeling. "My central task this year is to adjust my state for the Olympic Games. For a long time, there are many really great swimmers who swim very well in non-Olympic years, but they are not remembered because they are not achievements in the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games is a difficult challenge, and I am full of expectations for it. "

    [Homesick girls drop out of school to prepare for war]

    Ziegler defines herself as a homesick girl. "Even if our whole family is going on vacation together, I will say, I want to stay at home and sleep."

    Even though she has become one of the best swimmers in the world, before she graduated from high school in June 2006, Ziegler will still compete on behalf of her O’Connell high school swimming team. Her contract with Speedo, a swimming costume sponsor, was signed in 2013, and her salary was as high as seven figures. However, Ziegler believes that money is not what he values most. "Teammates are more important than making money. I love my alma mater and I feel very comfortable in O’Connell High School. "

    When she gave up her university scholarship to become a professional athlete in 2006, she made a homesick choice again. After visiting Georgia and Florida, she chose to stay in George Mei Sen, where she grew up. "So I can take my clothes home to wash and eat a great home-cooked meal every day. Great, I am close to home, and I can see my mother whenever I want to hug her. "

    Not only that, in George Mei Sen’s men’s and women’s swimming team, Ziegler volunteered to be an assistant coach, and sometimes he trained with the men’s 1500m swimmers.

    The reason why Ziegler temporarily gave up the university scholarship is that she had to concentrate on training one year before the Olympic Games. After the Olympic Games, she will return to school to study for a degree in psychology. "I think if I just swim every day, I will go crazy. I need to find a balance in my life. " Mother revealed that Ziegler has an innate fear of new things, which is why her mother tried every means to coax her daughter into joining the swimming team. "But Kate knows that she has enough good things, and she has enough motivation to do better!"

    [National Team: Second Home]

    Even though it is almost certain that he can represent the United States in next year’s Olympic Games, Ziegler still can’t believe this sudden happiness. "In the past, I have paid attention to the reports of great swimmers like Natalie Coughlin and Phelps. Then I found myself on their team. This is me? Why am I here?’ These people are all heroes in my mind. When someone asks me for photos, I will ask,’ What do you want my photos for? Do you know me?’ When I first joined the national team, I dare say that people didn’t know me at that time. They just saw me wearing the training uniform of the American team. "

    Usually, the famous swimming stars are concentrated in short-distance events, so Ziegler decided to take a high-profile attitude for the sake of the popularity of his long-distance events. As a long-distance runner, she often feels lonely, which is an important reason why she wants to stay with her high school teammates, and then work with her college teammates who can’t compete with her at all and train with her club teammates. She said: "The national team is like another home, just like high school in O’Connell or George Mei Sen. Everywhere I go, I try to build a small circle as warm as home."

    The uniforms of the American team are red, white and blue, and there are no fireworks-like patterns, but it doesn’t matter. Ziegler will add brilliant fireworks himself.

Editor: Lu Fangfei

Lonely Wuhan’s self-admiration: the national people’s smell of "Wu" turns pale vs Wuhan’s 40,000 family dinners.

On the morning of January 21st, according to the relevant provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, the National Health and Wellness Commission decided to include pneumonia infected by novel coronavirus in the Class B management of legal infectious diseases and take preventive and control measures for Class A infectious diseases. People’s governments at all levels, health administrative departments, other government departments and medical and health institutions can take a series of prevention and control measures according to law, such as patient isolation treatment and close contact isolation medical observation, to jointly prevent and control the spread of pneumonia infected in novel coronavirus.

This means that the prevention and control of novel coronavirus has entered the highest level.

As of 7: 30 on the 21st, 219 cases of novel coronavirus have been confirmed in China (198 cases in Wuhan, 5 cases in Beijing, 14 cases in Guangdong and 2 cases in Shanghai). Thailand, Japan and South Korea have also found one confirmed case of novel coronavirus’s pneumonia.

Except for Wuhan, the first confirmed patient found in other areas all had "Wuhan experience".

To be sure, Wuhan is the pathogen of pneumonia in novel coronavirus.

Academician Zhong Nanshan, the leader of the high-level expert group in National Health Commission, said in an interview with CCTV that "the pneumonia infected by novel coronavirus is definitely from person to person". When talking about how to prevent it, Zhong Nanshan said: "The key points are prevention. It is very important not to go to Wuhan without special circumstances."


▲ Academician Zhong Nanshan was interviewed by CCTV.

Ceng Guang, a member of National Health Commission’s high-level expert group, also made the same suggestion. In an interview with a CCTV reporter, he said: "We hope that … we can not go to Wuhan now, and Wuhan people can not come out. This is our contribution. This is not an official call, it is the suggestion of our expert group. "

The eyes of the whole world are focused on Wuhan, paying attention to the epidemic prevention and control in Wuhan. In the circle of friends, it has reached the point where the smell of "Wu" has changed color.


But in the early days of the epidemic, Wuhan people themselves did not realize the seriousness of the epidemic.

Li Gang, director and chief physician of Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an interview with the media that, combined with the clinical manifestations of known patients, the medical observation reports of close contacts, and the results of previous epidemiological investigations, "the current comprehensive judgment is that the epidemic situation is not contagious in novel coronavirus, and the possibility of limited human-to-human transmission is not ruled out, but the risk of continuous human-to-human transmission is low."

Perhaps it is such optimistic remarks that have influenced the judgment of Wuhan people. The people of Wuhan should eat and drink, and buy new year’s dinner as usual. Novel coronavirus, as if it didn’t affect the mood of Chinese New Year.


The Wuhan community is still organizing large-scale dinner activities involving 40,000 families.

Wuhan Cultural Tourism Commission is still distributing 200,000 free scenic spot travel vouchers.


It can only be said that the people of Wuhan are really big-hearted!

As Academician Zhong Nanshan said, the virus is not terrible, but the most terrible thing is that you don’t take precautions against the virus at all, and you are proud of your attitude of not taking precautions.


However, with the severity of the epidemic situation and the popularization of relevant knowledge in novel coronavirus, we can see that people’s awareness of disease prevention is increasing, and the prevention and control measures of relevant departments are also improving.

On January 20th, Wuhan established the novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia epidemic prevention and control headquarters to lead and direct the city’s epidemic prevention and control work. The list of 61 fever clinic medical institutions and 9 designated medical institutions was published; The activities of benefiting the people through tourism originally planned for the Spring Festival have also been postponed.


On the afternoon of January 21st, Wuhan upgraded its disease control measures again. The reporter learned from the Wuhan Municipal Health and Health Commission that in order to resolutely curb the spread of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus infection, Wuhan has strengthened control over people entering and leaving Wuhan.

The Wuhan tourism team does not go out in groups, and the public security traffic control department conducts spot checks on private vehicles entering and leaving Wuhan to check whether the trunk carries live birds and wild animals. Strengthen the temperature detection of passengers leaving Han; Register passengers with fever, distribute brochures and masks, go through the formalities of refund or change of visa free of charge, guide referral to medical institutions in the jurisdiction, and make registration reports.



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