Should the taxi concession system be broken?

  Should the taxi concession system be broken?

  – Implications from the development of the US taxi control system

  Authors: Xu Kangming, Su Kui

  In the early 1970s, an anti-government control ideology arose in the United States, which is very similar to some domestic ideological trends today. It believes that government control "rarely does the right thing" and relying on market mechanisms "rarely does the wrong thing". As a model of a free economy, the government restricts the freedom of access to certain industries and does not allow market competition mechanisms to determine prices. The core guiding ideology of deregulation holds that government pricing and industry access systems will inevitably lead to waste of resources and inefficient services, and even belong to administrative monopolies. At the same time, it restricts the choice of service types and price systems for transportation service recipients. Even though some scholars originally suggested that it was the late 19th and early 20th centuries that market failures gave rise to government access and price controls on the transportation service industry, under the strong impetus of this trend of thought, the United States began to partially or fully deregulate many transportation service industries, involving most transportation modes such as aviation, road passenger and freight, rail transportation, and intercity passenger transportation. The taxi deregulation movement experiment was also launched in this wave of free economy.

  First, the North American taxi deregulation test failed to meet expectations

  The confluence of political forces out of dissatisfaction with traditional taxi services and "theorists" out of their adherence to the fundamentals of market economy forcibly promoted this deregulation action. In the urban taxi industry, a cycle from regulation to deregulation and back to regulation was dramatically performed. American cities have imposed access and price controls on the taxi industry since the 1920s. Half a century later, more than 20 cities, most of which are in the so-called sunshine zone, that is, cities with rapid economic development, have completely or partially lifted such controls. However, due to the unsatisfactory effect of deregulation, almost all of these cities have resumed access and price controls for the taxi industry.

  Opponents of taxi regulation argue that the free market allocates resources most efficiently and offers taxi passengers the best mix of prices and services. Therefore, encouraging competition and innovative services is the main purpose of liberalizing taxi market access. Proponents argue that free market access promotes higher service quality and lower prices, and facilitates innovative services. This view was crucial to deregulating the taxi industry. In 1965-1983, 18 cities in the United States and Canada scrapped taxi access mechanisms in order to encourage competition and encourage innovation.

  At that time, some scholars and experts did not agree that the taxi industry could adopt the principle of free market, believing that the many advantages of the taxi industry brought by relying on market forces would fail in an imperfect market environment, and regulation was a necessary means to correct the market failure. The main views of these scholars are: (1) Taxi is not a general commodity, taxi is a supplement to public transportation, and it is an important public service, especially for some cities with underdeveloped public transportation, and for some special groups (such as the elderly, the disabled, and outsiders) It is an irreplaceable basic service. ( 2) Passenger transportation is an extremely sensitive industry to safety, and regulation is conducive to the implementation of many measures to provide safe travel for passengers; (3) Regulation is conducive to fair and legal competition, such as some urban taxi markets are controlled by evil forces; (4) Regulation is conducive to the implementation of the cross-subsidy mechanism, and taxis under the control mechanism implement the same rate in the entire region to form a cross-subsidy mechanism, that is, peak income subsidizes flat peak, and high-density area income subsidizes low-density areas. If there is no such regulation, the service level of flat peak and low-density areas will decrease significantly, or even not be effectively served; (5) Asymmetric information leads to market failure, and regulation is to solve the information asymmetry existing in the taxi industry, which causes consumers to be disadvantaged; (6) Taxi is a random consumption It is difficult to survive the fittest through market forces. Regulation can reduce vicious competition. Free access will attract a large number of operators and individual operators to enter the market, ultimately leading to excessive supply of transportation capacity and affecting service quality.

  When the rental control system was relaxed, the number of taxis in these cities in the United States and Canada was oversupplied, and the revenue per driver was greatly reduced after the oversupply. Some cities were unable to maintain minimum income requirements and updated vehicle requirements. Those cities with a relatively large proportion of roadside tenancy quickly resumed the control system in the mid-to-late 1980s. Some cities had more roadside tenancy stations. Due to the oversupply of taxis, the waiting time for taxis was too long, which not only reduced their income, but also affected the efficiency of taxi turnover. Another layer of pressure on the taxi surplus is the price. Drivers constantly demand price increases, pick passengers, refuse to take short trips, "detour", and reduce the quality of taxis. All kinds of bad habits are even more and more serious.

  Fourteen cities, including Boston, Baltimore, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Seattle, regained their taxi number control systems, which basically ended the original 18 cities’ attempts to abandon the taxi number control system. Facts and actions once again confirmed the necessity of reasonable taxi control. The remaining cities that persisted for a period of time also partially reapplied the taxi control idea. And even though Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, which claims not to carry out quantity control, has suffered from excessive quantity, although many attempts to refer to New York’s management of operating rights have failed to control the quantity, Washington has in fact not issued new cards since 2010. In 2014, it was once again proposed to control the current number by 2016, so as to actually implement the management of the number of taxis, but it is a more flexible control mechanism than New York.

  The problem with taxi services is that they are not well regulated

  The taxi quantity control system is an important measure to ensure the stable development of taxis based on the characteristics of taxi services. However, if the establishment of a dynamic coordination mechanism for quantity, service quality, price, and driver income is ignored in the implementation process, the taxi market is also prone to various criticisms. The specific manifestations are: (1) quantity shortage, if the adjustment time interval in the quantity adjustment mechanism is too long, taxis are prone to form a shortage of supply and eventually form a regional or peak period taxi hailing difficulties; (2) hindering adjustment, if the market price of taxi operating licenses is too high, it is easy to form interest groups, and interest groups often try to prevent or delay the adjustment of quantity, or try to reduce the number of new taxis; (3) regional differences, quantity control can easily cause taxi services to be concentrated in areas with high demand for taxis, such as downtown commercial Areas with high demand for taxi travel, such as districts, cultural and entertainment areas, and hotels, will have insufficient taxi supply to low-income areas and suburban areas; (4) It is not easy to adjust prices, and the control mechanism often makes it difficult to adjust taxi prices. The taxi price adjustment mechanism requires a hearing to adjust prices. City governments often postpone taxi price adjustments as much as possible. Cities often do not adjust taxi prices for a long time until the price contradiction intensifies before starting to adjust prices. (5) Labor conflicts. Taxi control mechanisms can cause labor conflicts between some drivers without taxi operating licenses and the owners of operating licenses, because these drivers must pay the fee for using the license. When the overall economic situation or taxi market demand is not ideal, economic disputes are prone to occur.

  The current concession system implemented by "cruise taxis" in China. In 2002, the Ministry of Construction’s "Opinions on Accelerating the Market Process of Municipal Public Utilities" defined the municipal public utilities concession system as "in the municipal public utilities industry, the government grants enterprises the right to operate a certain municipal public product or service within a certain period of time and scope, that is, the concession right." Under what circumstances can the government implement concessions to a municipal public utilities industry? The answer is simple. It must be conducive to the realization of public interests and prevent operators from obtaining the privilege of monopolizing profits. The characteristics of taxi services are that individual citizens and outsiders have very weak service quality monitoring and bargaining power, while taxis are necessary and encouraged to develop travel tools. At the same time, by setting prices, the characteristics of weak bargaining power of individual consumers can be avoided. Whether the service characteristics of taxis are corporate operations or individual carriers, in the end, each rental service demand needs to be completed independently by a practitioner, and the demand is 24/7, regardless of frost, rain, day and night, the demand will exist, and the income of taxi practitioners must be guaranteed before someone is willing to provide services around the clock. Under the premise of taxi price limitation, in order to ensure that taxi practitioners and taxi operators have reasonable income and profits, a reasonable total control must be implemented on the number of taxis in a designated service area.

  As mentioned above, after the taxi market adopts concessions, if the lack of dynamic quantity control mechanism will cause the contradiction of taxi difficulty, if the lack of dynamic price control mechanism, it will cause the contradiction between taxi driver income and labor, if the lack of service quality control will cause the taxi service level is low. The current domestic taxi market has many problems and needs to be improved and improved, but it is undeniable that in the context of inflation in the past ten years, taxi prices have remained low for a long time (some cities have not even adjusted prices for 18 years), and many governments have hardly dared to get involved in taxi price adjustment. In recent years, due to factors such as oil prices, labor costs, traffic congestion, and labor conflicts, taxi prices have had to be adjusted in small strides. Taxi as a public service has basically maintained a stable, low-cost, and reliable transportation service. This is due to the hard work of employees and the government’s price control. Some current reports and commentaries demonize the taxi industry, arguing that it is unfair and rational to break the taxi concession system, and ignoring the valuable experience gained from international reform practices.

  III. The Internet promotes the further improvement of taxi control

  Finally, looking at the current regulatory status of taxi concessions in the United States, after the Internet companies Uber and Lyft launched Internet rental services and profitable ride-sharing platforms, has the United States called for and is breaking the taxi concession mechanism? The answer is no! Although all parts of the United States are setting various conditions through legislation to regulate Internet taxi-hailing software companies to engage in Internet rental services for cruise taxis and rental taxis, as well as gradually standardizing profitable ride-sharing platforms that are in conflict with traditional taxi operations, the United States has not called for breaking the taxi concession mechanism. Of course, many cities have also reviewed the impact of the Internet on traditional taxis when formulating Internet rental control regulations, and optimized the control system (such as requiring drivers to use taxi-hailing software compulsively, improving the price mechanism, reducing license fees, etc.). Uber Uber has expanded to more than 250 cities around the world under the impetus of capital forces, and these cities have not proposed to break the taxi concession mechanism. And some cities that were not regulated in the past are still joining the ranks of regulation.

  At the moment when the characteristics of taxi services have not fundamentally changed, a taxi concession mechanism is necessary. In the Internet age, especially when taxi-hailing software companies have absolutely occupied the online leasing market under the impetus of capital power, whether a taxi concession mechanism is still necessary, the answer is necessary. This is the guarantee mechanism to maintain that citizens can continue to enjoy low-priced, stable and fair passenger transportation services. However, the right to operate a taxi under the concession mechanism should not become a hotbed of rights and capital rent-seeking, and the right to operate a taxi should not be alienated into an investment asset and usurp monopoly income. This needs to be reformed and improved. In addition, to alleviate the problems of difficulty in taxi hailing, poor service, and single form, it is necessary to improve the control mechanism, rationally locate the function of taxis, dynamically evaluate the number and price of taxis, increase the number of cruising taxis in a timely manner, and vigorously develop legal rental and ride-sharing. The impact on the Internet should also be continuously observed. Only changes in the service characteristics of taxis can determine the reform of the control method. The sticks of the media, experts, and misguided citizens are in the wrong place. (Xu Kangming, Su Kui)

Omdia: It is estimated that the global robot artificial intelligence chipset market will reach 866 million US dollars in 2028.


According to Omdia’s prediction, the global market size of robot artificial intelligence chipset will reach 866 million US dollars, which will contribute to the popularization of GenAI in the robot field.


Omdia pointed out that since Google introduced the transformer RT-1 for robot applications in 2022, many companies have been vigorously promoting the wide application of GenAI in robots. In addition to Google, companies such as Meta, OpenAI and Toyota are trying out or testing various basic models in their robot applications. China service robot suppliers such as CloudMinds and OrionStar have successfully developed their own basic models, and plan to integrate these models with client software systems.


However, GenAI is a resource-intensive technology. In most industries, GenAI is usually deployed in the cloud because the model needs large-scale GPU clusters for training and reasoning. On the contrary, robots prefer local processing, because the tasks and business-critical applications they participate in usually give priority to real-time control and ultra-low delay response.


Su Lianjie, chief analyst of Omdia application intelligence, commented: "Although NVIDIA’s GPU is still the preferred artificial intelligence chipset architecture for cloud infrastructure and robots, non-GPU vendors such as Qualcomm, Intel and AMD have launched artificial intelligence system on a chip (SoC) or dedicated artificial intelligence chipsets for device-side robot applications such as machine vision, navigation and mapping, and functional safety."


Encouragingly, the wide application of GenAI has also promoted the popularity of humanoid robots. Humanoid robot is the closest robot to human form, so many robotics experts believe that its combination with humanoid GenAI will be a natural fit. In this upsurge, companies such as Agility Robotics, Boston Dynamics, Figure, Tesla, Fourier Intelligent, Tatsu and Ubisoft have launched various humanoid robots for industrial and service fields. However, the technology is still in its infancy, and it is impossible to popularize it on a large scale in the next five years. Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) and Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) are still mature application forms of GenAI.


Su Lianjie concluded: "The industry should not focus on hype, but should concentrate on consolidating the data and technical foundation. For robot suppliers, they need to expand the function of low-power GenAI in robots through various model optimization techniques, emphasize real-time control and performance, and be better at taking advantage of the integration of computing and connection. For robot users, the development of GenAI models in specific fields and strict examination of ethics, security, safety and performance will greatly promote the popularization of robots adopting GenAI. "

  (Editor: Song Zheng HN002)

The national lottery abandoned more than 2.5 billion prizes, and Hunan, Guangdong and Jiangsu took the top three! Where did the money go?

  Zhongxin Jingwei Client September 5 th (Dong Xiangyi) The lottery fund account book is related to the rights and interests of lottery players and public welfare undertakings, so the annual lottery sales situation has attracted everyone’s attention. According to data released by the Ministry of Finance a few days ago, in 2018, 51,147,173 yuan of lottery tickets were issued and sold nationwide. The overdue prize money was 2,512.77 million yuan, among which, Hunan, Guangdong and Jiangsu ranked the top three in the country. The topic of "more than 2.5 billion bonuses overdue in 2018" has also sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Netizens are also very curious about how this huge bonus will be disposed of.

  Data Map: Photo by Xin Jingwei Dong Xiangyi in the website of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center

  The national lottery abandoned more than 2.5 billion, and Hunan, Guangdong and Jiangsu were among the top three.

  Lottery refers to the certificate issued by the state in order to raise social welfare funds and promote the development of social welfare undertakings, sold according to law, purchased by natural persons voluntarily, and obtained the chance of winning the prize according to specific rules.

  Lottery funds are divided into three categories: lottery bonus, lottery issuance fee and lottery public welfare fund. Lottery bonuses are used to pay lottery winners; Lottery issuance expenses are used to pay the business expenses of lottery institutions and the sales expenses of consignment agents; The lottery public welfare fund shall be turned over to the state for social welfare undertakings.

  According to data from the Ministry of Finance, in 2018, 511,471.73 million yuan of lottery tickets were issued and sold nationwide. The overdue prize money was 2,512.77 million yuan, and in 2018, a total of 133,874.98 million yuan of lottery public welfare funds were raised.

  The Zhongxin Jingwei client combed and found that from the ranking of abandonment prizes in 31 provinces in 2018, Hunan was the region with the most abandonment prizes, reaching 760 million yuan; Guangdong and Jiangsu ranked second and third, with 175 million yuan and 142 million yuan respectively. In addition, there are six provinces, including Shandong, that give up prizes of more than 100 million yuan, including 135 million yuan in Shandong, 129 million yuan in Zhejiang and 125 million yuan in Yunnan.

  Source: Announcement of the Ministry of Finance

  In 2018, the province with the least lottery abandonment prize was Qinghai, which was 8.01 million yuan. Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing gave up prizes of 70.56 million yuan, 25.2 million yuan, 43.68 million yuan and 32.57 million yuan respectively last year.

  It is worth noting that according to the data previously disclosed by the Ministry of Finance, in 2017, the national overdue prize money was 1,700.17 million yuan. In 2018, this figure increased by 47.8% year-on-year.

  Netizen: No, you can give it to me.

  There is also a lot of discussion on the Internet about the abandonment of the lottery in 2018. Some netizens ridiculed: "Why do you want to give up and send it to me?" Others said, "I was so scared that I quickly looked at the only lottery ticket I bought."

  A netizen recalled, "In June this year, there was an acquaintance here who lost more than 8 million people. Now everyone we know knows about it. We bought a villa and changed cars. In recent days, someone has always mentioned him from time to time. I am also sour, so I don’t have to drink water every day, and I have enough saliva."

  User comments screenshot

  @l Riding a pig for a ride L: Why did you win the lottery ticket? You can give it to me if you don’t want it.

  @ Huiwenhuang and Li Kele: Hunan Spicy Moduo abandoned the prize, which may be related to the lottery ticket I lost.

  @ A box of scented tea: 2.5 billion, enough for me to spend several lifetimes.

  @ Qikelu: Trying to trick me into buying lottery tickets again.

  @ 京京京京: Yes … … Still not? I bought it once last year, but I don’t know if it won, and I forgot to look at it … … … … Gee, I may be one step away from the rich.

  @ 京京京京: Pay attention to vertigo. Tick "five times" and vertigo becomes "five periods". If you don’t win in the current period, the lottery ticket will be lost.

  User comments screenshot

  Some netizens believe that "it is normal to abandon the prize. Some lottery players are too casual when buying lottery tickets. They don’t remember to check the lottery number. Some people don’t know where to throw the lottery ticket after buying it. Many grand prizes have missed the effective time to receive the prize. People like me who dream of winning the prize will not abandon the prize. "

  In fact, everyone is generally concerned about how this huge abandonment bonus of 2.5 billion yuan will be "digested". It is understood that Article 57 of the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Lottery Management Regulations stipulates that the bonuses that have not been redeemed within the time limit shall be included in the lottery public welfare fund, and shall be settled and collected by the lottery sales organization and turned over to the provincial finance, all of which shall be reserved for local use. In other words, the 2.5 billion yuan lottery discard bonus will be disposed of and distributed by local financial departments.

  What are the rules for lottery redemption?

  I believe that many lottery players don’t want to regret giving up the prize because they missed the redemption period. What should we pay attention to about lottery redemption? According to the regulations of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center, after the implementation of the Regulations on Lottery Management, the deadline for redemption will be extended to 60 natural days after the lottery.

  Redemption period

  Lottery winners should redeem their prizes within 60 natural days from the date of drawing. On the last day of the redemption period, if there is a national legal holiday or the lottery market is closed, it will be postponed to the first working day after the legal holiday or the lottery market is closed. Such regulations protect the interests of lottery players and winners, and are more humane.

  Redemption place

  The regulations of lottery agencies around the country on the redemption location are not completely consistent. The specific redemption location can be found in local lottery agencies or lottery sales outlets.

  Protection of winners

  In the impression of ordinary people, lottery winners are generally armed to the teeth, with no shortage of hats, glasses and masks, and some even wear wigs. After the promulgation of the Regulations on Lottery Management, it is clear that lottery issuers, lottery sales organizations, lottery agents and other personnel who know the personal information of lottery winners because of their positions or business convenience will protect the personal information of lottery winners. In the face of media interviews, winners who refuse to be interviewed or ask for makeup before being interviewed should follow the winners’ personal wishes. At the same time, lottery agencies also take the initiative to protect the personal information of the winners during publicity or interviews. Without the consent of the winners themselves, the personal information of the winners may not be released.

  Donations should be voluntary.

  Many grand prize winners, in order to express their feelings of "benefiting from public welfare and giving back to public welfare", can donate some winning prizes to repay the society and continue to support social welfare undertakings. However, this donation behavior should be based on the personal wishes of the winners. The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations on Lottery Management clearly stipulates that lottery issuers, lottery sales organizations, lottery agents and other staff members shall not ask lottery winners to donate winning prizes for any reason and in any way against their own wishes.

  It must be paid in RMB.

  The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations on Lottery Management stipulates that the winning prize of lottery tickets shall not be paid in currencies other than RMB, in kind or in multiple installments. In the consignment contract signed with the consignment agent, it is also required not to sell lottery tickets or win prizes to minors.

  On the morning of October 13th, 2014, in Shanxi Welfare Lottery Distribution Center, the third prize winner in the history of China lottery mysteriously appeared in cartoon costume to win the prize, which attracted many media to interview. The prize money is as high as 520 million, which is the third prize in China lottery history. China News Agency issued Wei Liang photo

  The lottery market grew steadily.

  Since the welfare lottery was first issued in 1987, China’s lottery market has maintained steady growth. Statistics show that in 1987, China’s welfare lottery sold 17 million yuan in the first year, and by 2018, the national lottery sales exceeded 500 billion yuan.

  According to data from the Ministry of Finance, in 2018, a total of 511.472 billion yuan of lottery tickets were sold nationwide, a year-on-year increase of 19.9%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 224.556 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.5%; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 286.916 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 36.8%. According to the statistics of Chuancai Securities, from 1987 to 2018, the annual growth rate of national lottery sales reached 39.4%.

  Source: Chuancai Securities Research Report

  In addition, in the past decade, despite the negative growth of lottery sales in 2015 due to the influence of Internet issuance supervision, the annual growth rate of national lottery sales still reached 17.0%.

  In terms of lottery types, the sales of welfare lottery in China’s lottery market has been relatively high for a long time, but in recent years, with the good performance of sports lottery, the proportion of the two is gradually approaching. Especially in the past three years (2016-2018), the growth rate of sports lottery was significantly higher than that of welfare lottery, which made the proportion of sports lottery in total lottery sales increase from 48% to 56%.

  In terms of specific color types, lottery digital lottery is the most important lottery variety in China’s lottery market, and its proportion in total sales remains at 50%-65%; At the same time, quiz lottery has continued to grow in recent years.

  According to the insiders, the contribution of China lottery industry to society is not only reflected in the public welfare fund, but also plays an important role in fiscal revenue, labor employment, and promoting the development of related industries.

  However, some experts believe that there are still some problems in the lottery industry, such as the market development can not fully meet the demand, the management level and standardization need to be improved, and the research ability and personnel training are lacking. It is suggested that the demand of the public should be better met from the perspective of supply, and new technologies and channels should be paid attention to and considered for application in order to promote the healthy development of the industry.

  In the future, as China’s lottery industry further clarifies government management functions, improves market operation norms, and strengthens the supervision of industry access qualifications, the lottery industry is expected to achieve sustainable development. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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