Changan Automobile in the first half of the incremental difficult to increase profits, independent new energy brand sales accounted for only 20%, Avita half a year to sell less than 30,000

Recently, Changan Automobile (000625.SZ) has been moving frequently. After the dark blue G318 was launched in June, it has launched new products non-stop. The official account of Deep Blue Automobile said that the dark blue S07 was officially launched on July 25. Recently, Changan Qiyuan E07 has also been officially launched. It has opened blind ordering and plans to be officially launched within the year.

Securities Star noticed that the cumulative sales of Changan Automobile hit a new high in the first half of this year, of which the independent brand new energy increased by nearly 70% to 299,100 units year-on-year. But this is not without hidden worries. Since the "Shangri-La" plan was announced in 2017, Changan Automobile has been accelerating the pace of new energy transformation, planning to bid farewell to traditional fuel vehicles in 2025. But at present, fuel vehicles are still the keynote of Changan Automobile to maintain the market, and the sales of independent brand new energy only account for 20% of the total sales. Among the three independent new energy brands, Avita ranked last, with sales of only 29,000 units in half a year. In the face of the slow transformation, Changan Automobile has stepped up its offensive of new energy products.

Although the total sales are good, but the performance of Changan Automobile is disappointed. The company expects that the net profit attributable to the parent in the first half of this year will drop by 67.33%. What is puzzling is that the net profit after deducting non-profit in the same period last year in the performance forecast shows that it is 1.242 billion yuan, which is 267 million yuan less than the data reported in last year’s interim report. According to the data reported in last year’s interim report, the net profit of Changan Automobile after deducting non-profit in the first half of this year has declined properly.

The pace of transformation is slow

According to the data, Changan Automobile’s main business covers the R & D, manufacturing and sales of complete vehicles, as well as the R & D and production of engines. The company actively develops intelligent networked new energy vehicles, and builds five independent automobile brands: Avita, Deep Blue Automobile, Changan Qiyuan, Changan Attractive Force, and Changan Kacheng to promote the electrification transformation of independent brands. At the same time, it produces and sells joint venture brand models through joint ventures Changan Ford and Changan Mazda.

In order to better adapt to the wave of new energy, Changan Automobile announced the launch of the "Shangri-La" plan in October 2017, that is, to complete the creation of three new energy special platforms in 2020; to completely stop the sale of traditional fuel vehicles in 2025, to achieve the electrification of the whole spectrum of products, and to invest 100 billion yuan in the entire new energy vehicle field. With the acceleration of transformation, Changan Automobile has now deployed three smart electric brands: Avita, Deep Blue Automobile, and Changan Qiyuan.

In the first half of this year, Changan Automobile handed over a bright sales report card. The company’s cumulative sales in the first half of the year were 1.3341 million vehicles, an increase of 9.74% year-on-year, a new high in seven years. Among them, the cumulative sales of self-owned brand new energy in the first half of the year were 299,100 vehicles, an increase of 69.87% year-on-year.

Securities Star noticed that Changan Automobile has been developing in the field of fuel vehicles for many years, and its models are mainly fuel vehicles, and new energy vehicles have not yet formed a strong influence. According to the plan, Changan Automobile will stop selling traditional fuel vehicles next year, but the current sales of its own brand new energy account for only 22%. It can be seen that in the nearly 7 years since the "Shangri-La" plan was proposed, the development of new energy of Changan Automobile has been rather slow.

In terms of sub-brands, Changan Qiyuan delivered 73,000 vehicles in the first half of this year, Avita delivered 29,000 vehicles, and the delivery volume of dark blue vehicles increased by 96% year-on-year to 83,900 vehicles.

Avita and dark blue cars are brands built to cater to the mid-to-high-end market, but they are not as good as expected in terms of sales. In 2023, dark blue car sales will be 137,000. This year’s sales target is 280,000 domestic sales, and the global sword is 450,000. Looking at China alone, dark blue cars will double sales this year. But it has only completed about 30%, and about 33,000 cars will be sold every month in the second half of the year to complete the task.

Securities Star noticed that there were three products on sale before the dark blue car, namely the dark blue G318, the dark blue SL03 and the dark blue S7, of which the dark blue G318 was just listed in June this year. This also means that the sales responsibility for the first five months of this year is the dark blue SL03 and the dark blue S7. It is not easy to hit the annual target with only two products.

On the other hand, Avita’s sales performance has not been very good since it was delivered in December 2022. Although the sales volume in the first half of the year exceeded that of the whole of last year, the half-year completion rate was about one-third of the annual sales target, and it was also at the end of a number of new power brands.

Faced with the slow pace of transformation, Changan Automobile has started a new round of product offensive. Earlier this year, Changan Automobile declared a number of new models to MIIT in one go, of which Changan exclusive 6 models. Judging from the product launch in the second half of the year, in addition to the dark blue S07, which was officially launched on July 25, the dark blue car will launch L07 in September, and the S05 will also be launched this year. In addition, Changan Qiyuan will launch Changan Qiyuan E07 in addition to the current A05, A07, and Q05; in the second half of the year, Avita will fully enter the range extension field, and then Avita 07 will be launched, as well as a new sedan product.

Past data has changed, and sales in other sectors account for nearly 30%

2024 semi-annual performance forecast shows that Changan Automobile is expected to achieve a net profit of 2.50 billion yuan – 3.20 billion yuan in the first half of the year, a decrease of 58.19% – 67.33%; the corresponding net profit after deduction 800 million yuan – 1.50 billion yuan, an increase of -35.58% to 20.79%.

For the sharp decline in performance, Changan Automobile said that the main reason is that in 2023 Quarter 1 acquired Deep Blue Automotive Technology Co., Ltd., the original holding of its equity was re-measured at fair value to confirm non-recurring profit and loss of 5.02 billion yuan. It is reported that in 2023 Quarter 1, Changan Automobile spent 1.332 billion yuan to acquire a total of 10.34% equity of Deep Blue Automobile from Changxin Fund and Undertaking Fund, and the shareholding ratio of Deep Blue Automobile became 51%, thus forming a controlling stake.

Securities Star noted that in the first half of last year, Changan Automobile’s net profit and net profit after deducting non-profit were 7.653 billion yuan and 1.509 billion yuan respectively. The net profit after deducting non-profit shown in the performance forecast was 1.242 billion yuan, with a difference of 267 million yuan in the middle. Changan Automobile did not explain the reasons for the change in the data in the performance forecast, nor did it correct it in the previous announcement. If the data is reported in the first half of last year, Changan Automobile’s net profit after deducting non-profit in the first half of this year fell by 0.6% -46.99% year-on-year.

Due to the increase in income and decrease in profits of Changan Automobile in the first quarter of this year, the overall profit performance in the first half of the year was dragged down. The current revenue was 37.02 billion yuan, an increase of 7.14% year-on-year; the corresponding net profit attributable to the parent was 1.158 billion yuan, a decrease of 83.39%.

Fortunately, the performance has improved in the second quarter. The net profit of the parent is expected to be 13.4 to 2.04 billion yuan, an increase from the same month; the net profit after deducting non-profit is expected to be 6.9 to 1.39 billion yuan, an increase from the same month. Changan Automobile said that it is mainly due to the upward trend of the company’s brand, the optimization of product structure, and the stability of its own brand profitability; The profitability of the joint venture business has gradually improved.

In the field of joint venture brands, Changan Ford and Changan Mazda sold 19,500 and 5,500 vehicles respectively in June, both of which decreased year-on-year. However, the cumulative sales in the first half of the year still achieved growth, of which Changan Ford sold 111,600 vehicles and Changan Mazda 36,800 vehicles, an increase of 13.36% and 14.44% year-on-year respectively. During the same period, the sales of independent brands 1.1213 million vehicles, an increase of 9.88% year-on-year.

Securities Star noticed that the current support for the overall sales volume of Changan Automobile, in addition to Chongqing Changan, which accounts for the largest proportion, is the second largest other sector.

The June production and sales express shows that 375,000 of the cumulative sales of over 1.30 million vehicles in Changan Automobile came from other sectors, accounting for 28.11%, an increase of 0.48 percentage points from 27.63% in the same period last year.

It is reported that other segments of Changan Automobile include sub-segments of joint ventures such as Changan Leapfrog and Jiangling Investment. The main products of Changan Leapfrog are light trucks, minibuses, special vehicles and new energy vehicles. In addition to a few minibuses, more are freight vehicles.

In contrast, SAIC Motor Group (600104.SH), its cumulative sales volume in the first half of the year was 1.827 million, and the sales volume of other sectors was 16,800, accounting for 0.92%; GAC Group (601238.SH) sold 863,000 vehicles in the first half of the year, and other sectors recorded sales volume of 3897 vehicles, accounting for only 0.45% in the group.

Yang Chuantang: We will comprehensively deepen the reform of taxis and encourage new business models such as online car-hailing

  The Press Center of the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress held a press conference at 10:00 on Monday, March 14 in the Multifunction Hall of the Media Center. Yang Chuantang, Minister of Transport, Liu Xiaoming, Director of the Transportation Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, and Guo Jifu, Director of the Beijing Transportation Development Research Center, were invited to answer questions from Chinese and foreign reporters on "deepening the reform and development of taxis."

(Two Sessions · Rui's Perspective) (1) Transportation Minister Yang Chuantang and others answered reporters' questions on "deepening the reform and development of taxis"

  On March 14, the Press Center of the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress held a press conference and invited Yang Chuantang, Minister of Transport, Liu Xiaoming, Director of the Transport Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, and Guo Jifu, Director of the Beijing Transportation Development Research Center, to answer questions from Chinese and foreign reporters on "deepening the reform and development of taxis." This is Yang Chuantang’s briefing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin

  The first financial reporter:The recent rise of ride-hailing has greatly changed the way people get around, but we have also heard a lot of complaints from the taxi and private car industries. May I ask Minister Yang, have you taken into account and taken into account the interests of all parties when formulating these two documents? Is there any deeper background for formulating these two documents?

  Yang Chuantang:Thank you for your question. The reform and development of taxis is related to the travel of the people and the overall situation of social stability. The Ministry of Transport has always attached great importance to this work. Since 2008, the Ministry of Transport has assumed the responsibility of guiding the taxi industry, and has been working hard to promote the reform of the taxi industry. It has successively issued a number of regulations and issued a number of documents. Especially in response to the new situation and new problems brought about by the rise of online car-hailing, in accordance with the overall deployment of the country’s comprehensive deepening reform, the Ministry of Transport carried out surveys and studies in July 2014, and in November 2014 officially expressed its attitude of encouraging and inclusive innovation in the development of online car-hailing.

  In January 2015, our ministry officially established a reform working group, and together with relevant departments, we began to study the policies for deepening the reform of the taxi industry and standardizing the development of online car-hailing. We embarked on a top-level design and fully launched the reform work of the industry. We conducted special surveys in 21 different types of cities and studied the laws, regulations and management policies of taxis in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Singapore and other countries, as well as in Hong Kong and Taiwan. We also held more than 50 seminars, demonstrations and consultations of different scopes and levels. We widely listened to the opinions of all parties and repeatedly conducted research and demonstration.

  The relevant departments of the central government and the State Council have also participated in the drafting and revision of the taxi reform document throughout the process. In late June 2015, the Ministry of Transport held a special symposium on deepening the reform of the taxi industry. On July 20, a demonstration meeting on deepening the reform of the taxi industry was held, and the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Further Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" were formed. The exposure draft of these two documents has been open to the public for one month since October 10 last year. The reason why this opportunity was chosen for reform is to take into account the interests of the people, that is, to adhere to the people-oriented, that is, to take the passenger as the center. This is the starting point and the end point of this reform.

  The direction of reform has two aspects: first, to improve the service level of traditional taxis and better meet the needs of the people to travel. In the 1990s, our country’s taxis experienced rapid development and played an extremely important and positive role in alleviating travel difficulties. The majority of business operators and taxi drivers have made positive contributions and become a business card of the city, which should be fully recognized. With the passage of time, there have also been many new situations and problems. In some cities, it is difficult to take a taxi, the quality of industry services is not high, and the people’s multi-level travel needs cannot be effectively met. At the same time, the problem of industry instability is sometimes more prominent. These all urgently need to reform the taxi management system and mechanism to improve and improve the service level.

  The second is to encourage the innovation and standardized development of new business forms of online car-hailing, which is also to better meet the needs of the people. In recent years, the rise of new business forms such as online car-hailing has indeed brought new experiences to passengers, but also led to the intertwining of old and new contradictions, the collision of interests, and even caused a series of industry problems. In the process of development, outstanding problems in the safety protection of passengers and fair competition in the market need to be solved urgently. While encouraging innovation, we must seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and standardize its development. The General Secretary of the Supreme Leader pointed out that the people’s yearning for a better life is our goal. The people’s expectations and voices for improving travel needs are the direction of our work. We must make this the focus of our work and step up the reform of the taxi industry to better serve the people’s transportation.

  The comprehensive deepening of taxi reform this time involves a wide range of areas and the public is very concerned about it. In the process of promoting reform, we have earnestly implemented the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, taking innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing as the development concept, and taking the "Internet +" action plan as an opportunity, adhering to the reform principles of people-oriented, encouraging innovation, overall consideration, and legal norms, and have studied and formulated relevant specific content around this principle. At the same time, we also promote the idea of stock reform and market segmentation to improve transportation services by increments, especially through "taxi + Internet" to promote the improvement and improvement of traditional taxi services and achieve transformation and upgrading; through "Internet + taxi" to build a diverse and differentiated taxi service system, promote the classification management and dislocation of new and old business formats, and gradually integrate development.

  The main content of this reform is reflected in the two documents exposure draft. For the entire taxi industry, there are mainly six aspects: First, it is necessary to clarify the positioning. Taxi is an integral part of the urban comprehensive transportation system and a supplement to urban public transportation. It provides personalized transportation services for the public. Priority should be given to the development of public transportation and the appropriate development of taxis. Second, it is necessary to establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for the scale of transportation capacity, adjust the scale of transportation capacity in a timely manner, and solve the contradiction between supply and demand. Third, it is necessary to reform the management of operating rights, implement restrictions on the period of operation rights and free use, and shall not speculate and transfer without authorization. Fourth, it is necessary to build a diversified service system including cruise taxis and booking taxis to meet the travel needs of the people at different levels. Fifth, reform the system of molecular money, from the past government regulation to equal consultation between enterprises or industry associations and drivers or trade unions, and encourage and use the technology of the Internet to build a reasonable distribution mechanism for the interests of enterprises and drivers. Sixth, we must improve the price formation mechanism and give full play to the leverage role of freight rates in regulating market supply and demand.

  In response to the management of online car-hailing, the Interim Measures mainly clarify the core content of four aspects: First, clarify the positioning of development. In accordance with the high-quality and differentiated business principles, develop online car-hailing in an orderly manner. Second, under the current legal framework, license management is implemented for online car-hailing operators, drivers and vehicles. Third, standardize the business behavior of online car-hailing. Fourth, establish a multi-departmental joint supervision mechanism to strengthen supervision during and after the event.

"Climber" promotion song MV Wu Jing Zhang Ziyi Hu Ge Charge and encounter danger

1905 movie network news On September 18, the film released the promotional song "Like a Rainbow" MV. While showing the two young singers UNINE Xia Hanyu and Chen Xuening singing affectionately, the MV also exposed more thrilling new scenes in the film in which the mountaineers played by Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Yi, Jing Boran, Hu Ge, etc. joined forces to fight storms and avalanches during the process of reaching the summit of Mount Everest, and erected "Chinese ladders". At the end of Wu Jing’s promise of "what I promised you, I will definitely be able to do it" is also very touching. The singers UNINE Xia Hanyu and Chen Xuening also expressed that they are very honored to write the "musical afterthought" for the film through their singing, hoping to inspire more young people to inherit the spirit of their predecessors and pay tribute to the immortal glory of heroes. The film will be released on National Day on September 30 and is now available for pre-sale nationwide.

Climbing Alliance Charge Encounters Danger, Wu Jing’s promise to climb the summit touches people’s hearts

Previously, the movie "Climber" promotional song "Ruhong" was launched, and on the day of release, it reached the first place in the music peak popularity ranking of an authoritative platform, as well as the first place in the Weekly Ranking of the same period of music peak popularity ranking. At the same time, it also received many hot comments from netizens: "UNINE Xia Hanyu and Chen Xuening’s two young singers’ affectionate interpretation of" Ruhong "makes people feel the power of emotion, and sings the friendship, love and family and national feelings that support the climbers to move forward bravely and climb Mount Everest." Another fan said: "’Like a Rainbow’ shows us not only the love of making a rainbow, but also the spirit of the climbers who are not afraid of difficulties and face difficulties is the pride of the people. It also makes me look forward to the story of the climbers in the film’measuring the height of the motherland with their footsteps’."

In the "Rainbow" MV released this time, it is also exposed that the mountaineers played by Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Yi, Jing Boran, Hu Ge, etc. in the film, join hands to fight against storms and avalanches during the process of reaching the summit of Mount Everest, and jointly erect a new picture of "China Ladder". The promise of Wu Jing at the end, "What I promise you, I can definitely do it", is also extremely touching and tearful. Although the mountaineers in the film have different experiences and pasts, they gather together for the same goal of climbing Mount Everest and shoulder the national responsibility and mission of climbing Mount Everest together. The thrilling and shocking film images in the MV, together with the touching singing and lyrics of "Like a Rainbow", also make people feel as if they are in the story of the film, and feel the determination and belief of the climbing alliance to climb Mount Everest side by side.

UNINE Xia Hanyu Chen Xuening expresses her musical experience and pays tribute to every climber

For the collaboration to sing the promotional song "Rainbow" of the movie "Climber", UNINE Xia Hanyu and Chen Xuening, two excellent young singers, also expressed their great honor, and admitted that they hoped to convey the climbing spirit of the climbers in the film in the form of "music after reading" through their singing, and inspire more young people to inherit the spirit of their predecessors and continue to move forward bravely.

For the first collaboration between the two, UNINE Xia Hanyu said that this "Rainbow" is a "musical afterthought" they dedicated to the movie "Climber", and it is also a "dialogue" between them and the climbing heroes: "Even if there is a storm and blizzard on the climbing road, we will fearlessly go all out for our dreams and pay tribute to the climbing heroes." Chen Xuening also said with emotion: "I specially learned about the deeds of the climbing heroes before, and I admire them from the bottom of my heart." Rainbow "is like a soft bond that connects the present with the past, resulting in the glory of the immortal heroes."

The film "The Climber" is produced by Tsui Hark and Zeng Peishan, written and directed by Li Rengang, written by Alai, written by Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Yi, Jing Boran, Hu Ge, Wang Jingchun, He Lin, Chen Long, Liu Xiaofeng, Quni Tsering, Lavan Rob, and Dobj. Jackie Chan starred in a friendship. The film will be released on the National Day file on September 30, and is now available for pre-sale nationwide.

Eight typical cases involving "pornography" and "non-pornography" were reported: the live broadcast platform tricked hundreds of female anchors to perform obscene performances.

CCTV News:Today (April 14th), the National Office of "Combating Pornography and Illegal Publications" reported six key criminal cases and two online administrative cases, involving illegal activities such as live webcasting of obscene performances, launching obscene websites and apps, and deleting posts for profit by the online water army.

The six criminal cases reported this time are:

1. Tianjin "4 26" cross-border webcast platform organized obscene performances.

2. Jiangsu Suqian "1 06" Wang Motao and others spread obscene articles for profit.

3. Jiangsu Nantong Lin Moumou and others used the "Magic Cat" APP to spread obscene articles.

4. Zhang Moumou and others in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province spread obscene articles for profit.

5. Yunnan Huize Wang Moumou spread obscene articles for profit.

6. Anhui Anqing "network water army" series deleted posts for profit.

The two cases of administrative punishment are:

1. A network technology company in Shanghai engages in publishing online games without authorization.

2. The case of "Peach Live" spreading vulgar content in Jinan, Shandong Province.

Among them, Tianjin "4 26" organized an obscene performance case, criminal gangs built a cross-border live broadcast platform, and recruited more than 500 female anchors to perform obscene performances online. At present, 23 criminal gang backbones have been transferred for review and prosecution. In the case of "1 06" spreading obscene articles for profit in Suqian, Jiangsu Province, 14 criminal gangs have recently been sentenced to penalties, ranging from one year and seven months to ten years and six months. In the case of "Peach Live Broadcasting" spreading vulgar content in Jinan, Shandong Province, its actual operating unit was ordered to rectify, and the relevant anchor was banned according to law.

The relevant person in charge of the national office of "eliminating pornography and illegal publications" said that it will continue to maintain a high-pressure crackdown on Internet pornography and illegal publications, and severely investigate and deal with Internet enterprises and individuals that have serious problems in producing and disseminating obscene pornographic information in the "new wind" concentrated action, and crack down on criminals in the whole chain, and will increase the exposure of typical cases.

Interview: Traditional science fiction is hard to find a way out —— Interview with China science fiction writer Liu Cixin

  Xinhua News Agency, Helsinki, August 15thInterview: Traditional science fiction is hard to find a way out — — Interview with China science fiction writer Liu Cixin

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Yuzhi Natalie

  Liu Cixin, a China science fiction writer, was twice nominated for Hugo Award, the highest honor of science fiction in the world, and won the Hugo Award for Best Novel once for his series of three-body works. However, he thinks that his style is out of date and the world sci-fi trend is taking on another look.

  Different from the traditional science fiction represented by Liu Cixin, the series of American fantasy novel fire and ice, which has been selling well in recent years, has adopted the creative technique of "weak fantasy". "It is called ‘ Weak fantasy ’ It is because the fantasy factors in the works are not obvious, and the use of supernatural forces is very restrained. " Liu Cixin said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency in Helsinki, Finland.

  Judging from the Hugo Award finalists in recent years, many sci-fi and fantasy novels in the United States are now more concerned about practical issues, such as racial discrimination, gender discrimination, the impact of artificial intelligence on society, the impact of biology on social ethics, etc., and have adopted different narrative structures and writing styles around these themes.

  Of course, there are still some sci-fi novels that adhere to the traditional style, such as the American series "The Vast Sky: Leviathan Awakening". "Unfortunately, this work has neither won the nebula award nor the Hugo award. This year, it won the Hugo award for best short play, but it was not the original novel, but the adapted TV series." Liu Cixin told reporters.

  Liu Cixin believes that the reason for this situation is that today, with the high development of science, science and technology have penetrated into all aspects of people’s daily life, and science is increasingly lacking in mystery in readers’ minds. "This is the most fatal blow to science fiction literature creation today, and there is almost no way out."

  In order to save science fiction, Americans tried various efforts as early as the 1970s, hoping to make science fiction works far away from science and make them more literary, from describing outer space to describing people’s hearts, from describing aliens to describing the relationship between different races and sexes. For example, The Obelisk Gate won the Hugo Award for Best Novel on August 11th. Although the work is set on a mysterious planet, much of it is actually about class oppression on the earth.

  "They are working hard in this direction, trying to increase the audience and influence of science fiction, but now it seems that they have not succeeded." Liu Cixin said. In his memory, the golden age of science fiction is full of vigor. Writers are all young people in their twenties, and readers are also young people. "You look at how old are the sci-fi fans at the sci-fi conference now? What hope does a literature have when all it attracts are elderly people with big bellies? "

  Liu Cixin seems to be somewhat helpless about the fact that all kinds of fantasy novels at home and abroad have been adapted into movies and TV series, while traditional science fiction works are almost neglected. He said that the law of film communication is much more complicated than literature and novels, and it is more difficult to make a film than to write a novel.

  At present, several works of Liu Cixin, including Three-body, have been authorized to make films, but he has not shown strong confidence in the final effect of these films. He said: "American science fiction movies and science fiction novels have developed for almost a century. We have only been three or four years, and it is not realistic to make such a good movie. Movies and novels are two different ways of expression. When shooting, there are trade-offs. It is normal for readers to be less satisfied with the film than with the original. "

This Italian children’s choir is hard to get a ticket every year. How will they appear in Shanghai this year?

The Italian Antoniano Chorus ("An Tuan" for short) is no stranger to many audiences in China. Every New Year, the choir’s New Year concert in Shanghai has become a regular program for many parent-child families, and it is not difficult for parents of all walks of life to "grab tickets". Because every time, the tickets for the New Year concert will be sold out within 1 minute. This record has been maintained for many years.
Since its first performance in China in 2016, the troupe has held a New Year Chorus Concert at Shanghai Children’s Art Theater (SAIC Roewe Children’s Cultural Center) for five consecutive years. When the epidemic struck this year, foreign performing groups could not come to China. The organizer, Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, made a decision to continue to hold the Anzhuan New Year Concert in 2021 and put it on in a "cross-time" way.
This concert tried a brand-new stage technology, using high-definition video and holographic technology to realize the interaction between Italy and China. An Tuan will sing in Italy and interact with the China Sisters from a distance. There will be six concerts from December 31st to January 3rd. The concert on New Year’s Day will be broadcast live through Youku platform.
Liang Xiaoxia, general manager of Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, revealed that this New Year concert "through time and space" is the most difficult concert they have had in the five years since they introduced the troupe. In addition to the great technical difficulties, including the time difference and different ideas between China and Italy. However, because the Italian security corps is located in a high-risk area, it has also overcome various difficulties in rehearsal and filming. Mr. Cavalli Giampaolo, artistic director of ANTuan, said that it was the most difficult but also the warmest New Year concert that ANTuan had completed in the past 57 years.
Liang Xiaoxia said that the reason why we insisted on presenting the New Year’s Concert in this way this year was that we hoped to satisfy the thoughts of the Shanghai audience; Second, I hope that through this concert that spans time and space, there will be a warm connection between China and the international children. Just like the theme of this year’s New Year concert: "2021, More Love".
Affected by the epidemic, the real person did not come to the New Year concert to be put on hold.Every year, New Year’s Eve is celebrated with the songs of the troupe, which has become a fixed project for many China audiences to welcome the new year. This year, an Tuan can’t come to China, and there is no live concert. What should we do?
Finally, after consulting with Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, the troupe decided to present the New Year concert in this special period with high-definition video.
However, can the audience’s expectations be met by playing HD video alone, and how can the audience who go into the theater to listen to the concert have a unique live experience? After discussion, the Chinese and Italian teams finally decided to use holographic technology.
Holographic technology used to be used in concerts and other large-scale activities, but it is the first time in the world to be used in concerts, especially children’s chorus concerts. For this reason, the organizer invited the best professional technical team in China, used the world’s most advanced cable-stayed film projection technology, and equipped the top dance equipment in the industry to achieve the best imaging effect in the industry at present.
It is envisaged that the three tracks of the concert will be presented by holographic projection technology. On the stage, the pre-recorded singing video of the troupe will be presented by holographic technology, while the China Sisters Hydrangea Choir of the troupe will perform live, so the two choirs will present the effect of "singing on the same stage", and there will be an interactive experience of live performance and virtual imaging.
In the past, holographic film technology was mostly in the form of "single person and single film", but this time, the Chinese and Italian teams must solve the problem of presenting dozens of choir children on the same film at the same time. Not only that, but also will interact with the security group at the scene. The number of people, the complexity of design, the difficulty of shooting and the difficulty of the later stage are unprecedented for the technical team.
In order to solve this series of problems, the domestic technical team has produced a shooting guide with dozens of pages for ANTuan, explaining each shot, each angle and each group of protagonists in detail.
Because this is the first time that an Tuan has challenged holographic technology, the effect of the first shooting is not satisfactory. The teams in China and Italy overcame the time difference and communicated remotely all night. Finally, gather all the children in the choir again and shoot again.
Although there are great challenges and difficulties, Liang Xiaoxia said, "The impact of the epidemic has prevented the troupe from coming to the scene to perform, but at the same time, this situation has also made us think, open up more imagination and see if we can use scientific and technological means to make the performance team who can’t come to the scene personally bring a good stage experience to the audience."
Liang Xiaoxia said that the application of holographic technology in the New Year concert is also an attempt by Shanghai Children’s Art Theater to perform on the stage at present and in the post-epidemic era, which can provide reference and inspiration for the future.
Serious risk escalation of epidemic situation, bumpy recording and difficult transmissionFor the Italian Chorus Antoniano, the experience of this New Year concert is unprecedented.
Lombardia, where the choir is located, is listed as a high-risk area of red epidemic by the Italian government, and Italy is one of the countries with the worst epidemic in Europe. This year, almost all performances of the choir were suspended, including the children’s chorus gold medal competition that the choir participates in every year, which was also announced to be postponed until next year.
At the same time, due to the epidemic situation, the Italian national television team, which recorded the concert for ANTuan in previous years, was unable to assist in the filming this year, and the staff of the technical department of ANTuan made up the seats one by one at the first time, which solved the shooting problem.
However, the local government does not allow many people to enter the studio for recording. To this end, the security group specially applied to the Italian government, and after more than two months of examination and approval, it finally obtained special approval. Therefore, during the Italian epidemic, ANTuan became the only organization that was able to carry out multi-person shed recording.
During each rehearsal and recording, the local government will also appoint two health supervisors to be full-time inspectors at the scene.
The problems encountered in shooting are also continuous. Because there are 40 members in the official performance, according to the requirements of Italian epidemic prevention and control, only half of them can now enter the studio for recording. At the same time, when rehearsing and recording, each child should be separated by a safe distance of at least 1 meter. As a result, during the video recording in the studio, the children no longer stood on the chorus table, but stood on 23 little red dot landmarks which had been strictly measured.
In order to present the best visual effect, the troupe shot every song in the concert from multiple positions and angles, and it took a long time to shoot the material of 18 songs. But at the same time, how to "send" the massive materials of the whole New Year concert to China at the fastest speed has become another difficult problem under special conditions this year.
After numerous international discussions and various schemes, there are only one or two days left before the concert starts. Liang Xiaoxia and her team are still making various adjustments across the time difference every day, striving to make the concert present the best effect. In Italy, all the children and the conductor of the troupe are full of expectations for this unprecedented concert.
"So many times, the children didn’t complain, because the children themselves are very curious and looking forward to it. They will ask, can holographic technology really send us to China? What will we look like on China’s screen? "
Liang Xiaoxia said that since she introduced AnTuan five years ago, this children’s choir has been regarded as the most healing and joyful choir. Therefore, I hope that in this special New Year, more audiences can enjoy and share the warmth and healing brought by the concert.
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

Classmate, your Huashi brand exclusive reunion dinner has arrived!

On the occasion of the Spring Festival

The whole country is filled with jubilant flavor of the year.

China Normal University is no exception.

In order to let the students stay in school experience the warmth of the New Year.

The school held a special annual banquet for everyone.

Send New Year greetings from Chinese teachers.

"I wish the students a prosperous and prosperous Year of the Tiger, and learn something!"

On January 30th, our school held.

Stay in school during the winter vacation for the New Year’s Eve student group annual banquet.

Chen Diming, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the school, and heads of relevant functional departments.

Train the person in charge of student work and counselors in the unit.

Have a reunion dinner with the student representatives who stayed in our school during the winter vacation.

Send new year gift packages and new year wishes to the students.

Count the spree one by one

Carefully prepare exquisite dishes

Behind the full sense of ceremony

It is the school’s deep concern for the students.

Spilled from a delicious meal

It is the warmth and happiness of teachers and students.

In Nanhu campus

Teachers and students talk together at the annual banquet.

Chen Diming conveyed

Zhao Lingyun, secretary of the Party Committee of the school, and Hao Fanghua, president.

New Year’s greetings to students staying in school

I cordially greeted their study and life.

And told everyone to pay attention to safety precautions.

Strengthen physical exercise and communicate with family and friends.

"The school is ready to help everyone.

Solve the life difficulties during the stay in school. "

From artificial intelligence education department, psychology college and computer college.

Student representatives of training units, etc.

In this special group annual banquet,

I feel the strong flavor of the year with the unique characteristics of Chinese teachers.

Grade 2020 from the School of Psychology, Hongkong, China.

Undergraduate Yun Tianrun said

"Although I haven’t seen my family,

But this special experience of staying in school for the New Year

It’s also a growth opportunity. "

Affected by the epidemic

A total of 161 students stayed in our school for the New Year this year.

The school pays tribute to the student representatives who can’t attend the annual banquet.

We also prepared a New Year’s dinner box, a Chinese New Year red envelope and a big gift package.

By the leaders and teachers of various training units

Incarnate "special courier"

One by one, delivered to students

The leading teachers of various training units also

Delivered New Year greetings to students staying in school.


Ren Menglu, counselor of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Education, sent New Year condolences to students.

Guo Yuanxiang, PhD supervisor of Education College, Huang Yuxin, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, and Tian Youyi, Vice President.

Send New Year condolences to students.

Qin Wei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Liberal Arts, sent New Year greetings to students.

Ji Hong, Party Secretary of the School of History and Culture, and Kang Wei, Deputy Secretary

Send New Year’s greetings to students.

Dong Junmin, the organizer of the Marxism College, sent a New Year gift package to students.

Ceng Yan, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of School of Public Administration, and Wei Yin, Counselor.

Send New Year’s greetings to students.

Yang Chen, Party Secretary of Law School, Ding Wen, Dean, Wan Zong, Deputy Secretary.

Send New Year greetings to students.

Kouna, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Social College, Zhai Juan, Counselor

Send New Year’s greetings to students.

Li Yun, Party Secretary of Foreign Languages Institute, Yang Lingzhen, Deputy Secretary, etc.

Send New Year’s greetings to students.

Wang Lu, counselor of the Academy of Fine Arts, sent New Year greetings to students.

Liu Chengzhu, secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Mathematics and Statistics, sent New Year greetings to students.

Cao Yang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Physical Science and Technology, sent a red envelope for the students in the Spring Festival.

Chen Dejun and Fen Xu, deputy secretaries of the Party Committee of the School of Chemistry, sent new year’s warmth to the students.

Zheng Ning, secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Life Sciences, sent a dinner box for the students.

Spring Festival gift package and chatting with students

Qin Heng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of School of Politics and International Relations, sent New Year greetings to students.

Xu Gang, Party Secretary of China Rural Research Institute, sent New Year condolences to students.

Wang Guosheng, Director of Language and Language Education Research Center, and Yun Zhu, Counselor.

Send new year gift packages to students.

Zhan Yihong, executive deputy director of the National Cultural Industry Research Center, sent new year greetings to students.

This peace of mind is my hometown.

Being a Chinese teacher in Wuhan.

Guizishan is the warmest home this year.

Listen to it with the poem now.

Let’s stay in the heart of the students.

Due to the epidemic, I stayed at school during the winter vacation. The department has specially set up QQ group to help the students staying in school solve their difficulties in life, and make daily health punch cards, which is very intimate. Before the Spring Festival, my teacher gave me a big food package, and I was very happy. On the 29th of New Year’s Day, school leaders, teachers and students staying in school got together for a reunion dinner, which was delicious and warm. I want to express my gratitude to the leaders, teachers and logistics staff of the school: thank you, you have worked hard, and I wish you a happy Spring Festival!

-Wu Lungong Joint Research Institute, Department of Artificial Intelligence Education

Wang Tongbang, Master of Computer Science in 2021.

The second Spring Festival in Wuhan, the cold outside the window can’t disturb the warmth in my heart. At the invitation of the school teacher, I was lucky enough to spend a pleasant lunch time in Nanhu Comprehensive Building with other students who could not go home to reunite with their families for various reasons, and the leading teachers who were concerned about their classmates.

—— Zhong Yating, a 2020 undergraduate majoring in psychology at the School of Psychology.

This is my first time to stay at school for the New Year. Although I can’t reunite with my family, I really feel the care of the school. The teachers and cadres of the school arranged a warm, pleasant and relaxed reunion dinner for the students staying in school in Nanhu Comprehensive Building. The warm greetings from the teachers and the harmonious and pleasant chat atmosphere made me experience the happy atmosphere of the Spring Festival without the company of family and friends, and also felt the most sincere care from the school. The school canteen also prepared quite a rich reunion dinner for us, and the dishes were first-class in appearance and taste. The canteen also takes care of the different customs and preferences of various ethnic groups and some students, which makes me very moved.

Here, I also wish you a happy new year and prosperity!

—— Yun Tianrun, a 2020 undergraduate majoring in psychology at the School of Psychology.

During the Spring Festival when I couldn’t go home because of the epidemic, I felt the warmth of the school, the concern of the college and the kindness of my uncles and aunts in the canteen through the Spring Festival gift package and the rich New Year’s Eve dinner. You have melted the flying snow in Wuhan and welcomed the breath of the New Year to my heart. Thank you!

—— Chen Guanzhen, an undergraduate majoring in language and literature in China, College of Liberal Arts, Grade 21.

I thought I would spend the first lonely and cold Spring Festival in my life, but I didn’t expect Chinese teachers to be so warm. The steaming food in the canteen, the daily cordial smiling face of my aunt, and the warm condolences from the school leaders are like spring breeze, which makes me feel warm every day. The epidemic situation is ruthless and affectionate, and the wind is not cold in severe winter and December. I am grateful to every school logistics staff who stick to their posts, and to every leader who is concerned about staying in school. Because of you, although I can’t reunite with my family, I feel as warm as my family.

—— Wang Lu, a master’s degree student majoring in Chinese in the 2020 subject of the College of Liberal Arts.

During my stay in school, I will talk to my uncle in the boarding house every time I go out, and the counselor and teacher will also chat with me from time to time to care about my life and study. As the Spring Festival approached, I began to express my condolences to the students who stayed in school, gave them living allowances, and even had a free holiday lunch every day. Although people were not at home, the concern of the school in the cold made me feel as happy and happy as spending the Spring Festival at home, and I was touched beyond words. I thank the school leaders and teachers for their concern and the aunts and uncles in the boarding school for their patience.

—— Nurmaimaiti Abulimiti, a 2021 undergraduate of the College of Physical Science and Technology

The leading teachers of schools and colleges knocked on the door of our dormitory with care, bringing us the warmth that people will remember in this cold winter. The leaders not only prepared small snacks for us intimately, but also prepared the word "Fu" as a red envelope warmly. The most important thing is warm blessings and greetings, which made us feel the taste and warmth of the New Year when we were far away from home, and felt the sincere friendship between teachers and students in the school.

—— Lin Rong, an undergraduate majoring in chemistry in Grade 2018, School of Chemistry

With the approaching of the Spring Festival, the vast campus of China Normal University is also welcoming the arrival of the Year with peace. As a student from other provinces, it is inevitable that I miss my family more often during the festive season, when the taste is getting stronger and stronger. Hearing that the school is going to prepare the annual dinner for the students staying in school, I feel warm in my heart. I thank the school for letting us not be cold in this winter. Yes, this peace of mind is my hometown, and I am not lonely when I stay in school for the New Year.

—— Ling Cancan, a Ph.D. student in physical chemistry of the School of Chemistry in 2018.

This Spring Festival means a lot to me! Because of the epidemic and academic reasons, I chose to stay in school during the Spring Festival, which is the first time in my life experience to stay in school for the New Year. The concern and sympathy from the school, hospital leaders and teachers made me deeply feel the temperature of China Normal University. Although it is very cold in Wuhan after the snow, my heart is extremely warm. Guizishan is my home in Wuhan!

—— China Rural Research Institute 2018

Xing Xu, Ph.D. candidate in political science

In order to ensure that students stay in school

Have a warm and happy New Year.

In addition to ensuring normal meals during the winter vacation

The school will provide free meals for students staying in school from New Year’s Eve to the second day of the first month.

During the Spring Festival of 2022, students staying in school during the winter vacation

Tips for free meals

Relevant students of various colleges (departments): In order to make the students staying in school spend a warm, loving, peaceful and happy Spring Festival, the Food Service Center of the Logistics Department provides free meals for the students staying in school during the Spring Festival. The relevant work tips are as follows:

1. Free dining time: from January 31st to February 2nd, 2022 (lunch and dinner are provided for three days from New Year’s Eve to the second day of the first month).

2. During the winter vacation, free meals will be provided in the dining hall, student dining hall and the first floor of Gui Xiang Garden.

3. Dining method: During this period, students staying in school will register for free meals in the canteen that provides free meals with their student ID card or one-card card. The students staying in Nanhu Campus are delivered from the first floor of Gui Xiang Garden to the first floor of Nanhu Dining Hall.

Logistics support department

January 27, 2022

New Year’s Eve has arrived.

We bid farewell to the old year with the hand of time.

Get together to celebrate the New Year.

Adding new years to the calendar is full of mountains and rivers.

Xiao Shi wishes everyone here.

Happy New Year! Lucky Year of the Tiger!

Highly recommended

▼ red fire! Chinese teacher’s exclusive window grilles accompany you for the New Year! ▼

Original title: "Classmate, your Huashi brand exclusive reunion dinner has arrived! 》